Supreme Demon

Chapter 2862: Who is even more shameless!

Ling Wang went alone.

After the gods and the dragons, Ling Wang threw away the Ling Dynasty soldiers, which was equivalent to throwing away the life and death of the soldiers.


Wu Wang and Fei Quan Wang were moved.

Just because they look very thorough, this is Ling Wang's protection of them. If they insist on moving forward, then there is only one death waiting for them.


Ling Wang walked alone, they are like living targets, but thinking about it is not the case. Xiu Luohai really does not need to target them. Even if they defeat them, Xiu Luohai will have no benefit, but will fall. The infamous end.


If the Shura Sea is strong enough and strong enough, it should be Ling Wang, not them.

Ling Wang’s trip was to bear all the blood disasters for them, and they blocked all the wind and rain.

Can they not be touched?


They are wet with both eyes, and they are very worried. The single shape of Ling Wang is only thin in front of the giant sea of ​​Shura. It seems to be a leaf in the sea, and it may be shredded by the waves at any time.

But they can only pray and only pray, they have no strength to move forward.

"Ling Wang, you have to come back alive!"

Wu Wang shouted in the back, his voice was sad, although the time to get along soon, but any creature may be conquered by the unique charm of Ling Wang.

He is such a person.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng did not look back, hurriedly returned a word, and disappeared in front of the Ling Dynasty.

This trip, he is unique!

This is difficult, he came to cross!

Without rebellion, he can only rely on himself.

I hope that Shenlie and Xiaolong can return home alive.


Ling Feng looked into the distance, his face showed a faint smile, he left, did not tell them, they want to come here at the moment they are crazy.

They will definitely try their best to break into Huangquan.

They must have tried their best.

In this state, they must have done a lot of crazy things, and their strength should have grown unprecedentedly.

He even believes that they will appear in Huangquan, but is it the end of the day?

Can they stick to that moment?


Because they left, the madness of Ye Witch will ignite the whole anti-god. When it comes to Huangquan, it is impossible to have only those Tianzun. The whole anti-God will take the most embarrassing step and attack Huangquan.

Think of the reverse god.

Think of them.

Ling Feng suddenly felt that he was not so tired.

He is very pleased to meet them.

He is more gratified to be able to create a force like the gods.

"do you know?"

Ling Feng’s faint whispered, “You have always been my pride!”


He broke the nebula and stabbed the Shura Sea.

It is like a broken bamboo.

Lingfeng broke out in a hurry, and the large-scale Shentong passed the 10,000-way Shenhong at this moment. The cave opened a heavy scorpion, and in a short time it flew hundreds of miles and crossed the river.

He is lightning near the Shura Sea.

The first layer of the entire Huangquan is in the eye, they want to know the end of Ling Wang.

But for Ling Feng, he just wants to end the battle.


When it flew for 50 billion miles and appeared in front of a piece of Xinghai, it could not help but stop. It was because the Xinghai was a strange ban, and it was the only passage to the Shura Sea. Only through the Xinghai Sea can it be reached. the other side.

That other side is the Shura Sea.


The six creatures are standing coldly in front of the Xinghai. They are cold and cold, and they have the feeling of a poisonous snake. They stare coldly at the rushing wind.

And, behind them, Xinghai blew, and more creatures have to fly out of the Xinghai.

"Oh, Master Shura, is this not going to come out?"

Ling Feng sneered and asked.

"My king, what can you challenge?" A humanoid creature headed by the cold said, "Want to challenge me, I will cross us!"

"Single pick?"

Ling Feng said with a smile, "Let's go one by one."


The six creatures pouted, and the selling was not good-looking. They were not prepared to single-handedly, but Ling Feng opened the door ahead of time, but they were stunned.

"come on!"

Ling Feng made an attack and said, "Who are you first!"

"Ling Wang Tianwei is not the same as Xiaoke. If you are too small to slap you, you can challenge my king. I must first pass this level!"

The headed creature barely smiled. "My king was able to suppress me with one hand, and now if you can do it, you can get our consent."

"And, only this strength, it is worthy to challenge my king!"


Ling Feng is stunned. "Can you be so shameless?"


Six creatures don't say anything, although they don't know the level of power that Ling Wang belongs to, but they can get rid of the first-class celestial creatures in a short period of time. These strengths are no small feats. They really dare not sing the Ling Wang.

not to mention.

They are telling the truth. If they do not even have the strength to suppress them, why should they challenge the king of Shura?

Does he match?

Is he qualified?

"Do you want to encircle me?"

"Don't be afraid of other power jokes?"

"They don't dare!"

The head of the Tianzun creature is plausible.


This time it was Lingfeng’s speechlessness. He had seen shameless, like a god, but he had never seen such a shame.

It’s invincible to be shameless, and it’s stressful for others to be shameless.


Ling Feng sighed and said, "You are not afraid of being jokes by other forces, then I will barely fight you!"

"it is good!"

Six Tianzun did not hesitate to respond on the spot.

Ling Feng always felt that he was being bullied. These six books meant to encircle him.

"However, there is something in the first place."

Ling Feng blinked and said, "This is a battle against me. If I win, I will enter Shura, but if you lose?"

"We lost..."

Six Heavenly Respects feel that IQ is insulted, so what do you want to count as a two-sided account?

He won, isn't they defeated?


The head of Tian Zun said with anger.


Ling Feng’s righteous words said, “In essence, I won. I want to enter Shura, you can’t stop it. This is what I deserve, not because you let go.”

"But are you defeated?"


The six heavenly eyes are both cold and cold, and the trick is to maximize the benefits.

Won the cast.

It is still tragic to lose.

They have to pay more.

"what do you want?"

"I want you to agree to a condition!"

"What conditions?"

"Reassured, it is not a difficult condition for you to choose, it will not make you unfavorable to the Shura King." Ling Feng said with a smile.


The more Ling Feng said, the more dangerous the six heavens are.

"What if you lose?"

That was asked for the first day.

"If you lose, you have to give your life!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, "Gambling with me, not to see what you want, but to see what I have!"


Finally, the six heavenly gods saw a legendary level of shamelessness.

However, you can't still treat him.

"Of course, I will not lose!"


Ling Feng rushed to the air and flew to the six heavenly lords. The speed exceeded the lightning, and the flash came in, and the hollow flew down from the void.


The sound of the heavens is full of sounds.

Even in Huangquan, the power of the hollow is difficult to exert all the power, and it requires a lot of technical support, but it still releases the chilling power.


The six Tianzun’s positive hard steel winds really realized how terrible this power was. They did their best and played a million Daowei, and the six Tianzun’s stations were very different, forming a strange ban, Xinghai echoes.

next moment.

Xinghai blew, from which Bohai Tianwei emerged, hard to block >>

The power of Ling Feng.

"You cheated!"

The wind is in a hurry, these six Tianzun creatures are too shameless. He previously thought that the creatures in the Xinghai were just preventing accidents and dealing with him at the crucial moment, but now it is not the case.

Those creatures in the Xinghai formed the same odd door ban and ignited the entire Xinghai.

When the six heavenly lords played their power, the entire Xinghai was blessed on them.

It can be said.

Now Ling Feng is not fighting with the six Tianzun, but against the Xinghai.

This is not cheating. What is cheating?

This is still a face, what is a shame?

"When did we say that we were going to be singled out with you?"


"We haven't said that we are six and you are singled out!"


Ling Feng felt that he was still too young. He thought that Huang Quan’s creatures were as good as the king.

Now, he finally suffered.

The power of the hollow is actually withstood, and it is difficult to crush it down. Although the power of Xianyin is extraordinary, but the whole Xinghai has to kneel down, this requires a lot of Tianwei, at least Lingfeng has to step into the supreme realm, and now he Still can't do it.

"Then fight to the end!"

Ling Feng sinks his heart, although facing the entire Xinghai, but if this step can not be taken, then if you deal with the Supreme?


What he really worried about is whether the Supreme Supreme is so shameless. If it is hidden in the Xinghai, it is really deadly.

Therefore, he had to guard against it.

after all.

Just as it was said for the first day of the sacred creatures, the remarks of the major forces of Huang Quan will be suppressed, no one will dare to offend Shura, and the history books will always be written by the victors.

And he only has one life.

Hard steel in the end.


The next moment, the ninth stone flew out and was ignited by the yin.

The burning road Tianjian flew out, carrying the Gai Shi Tianwei to the Xinghai.

The gods fly out of the sky...

In addition to the iconic weapon of the ancient Wuta, Ling Feng hit all the bans, and they all rushed to the Xinghai, playing the power of the explosion.


Six Heavenly Masters made every effort to push the Xinghai, so that it spurted out the Tianwei, which was crushed for nine days. The various banters of Lingfeng were bombarded, that is, the hollows were dark and the power was excessively consumed. .

It is strong and suffocating.

If the four prohibitions were prepared for the Supreme of Van Gogh, Ling Feng is now going to be sacrificed, and the six heavenly gods are really deceiving.

Have the power to resist the use of Xinghai.

Of course, Ling Feng can only think about it.


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