Supreme Demon

Chapter 2864: The sky blade has changed dramatically!

The void is dull.

A low-level Tianwei is coming from all directions, and the entire Tianzhu is ignited by this kind of power, sending out the light of the sky.

The light rain rushed to the burning blade, and the nine stones were lit up. Every nine stones were extremely hot, like the burning of the burning blade.

If you look closely, you will find that the Nine Stones are fiercely trembled and collapsed into all kinds of terrible Tianwei, but they all dissipated in the Burning Path.

The gods of the heavens lighted the Lingfeng Dantian, causing them to spurt all kinds of Tianwei, and all of them flocked to the Burning Path.


Ling Feng’s hand holding the Burning Blade’s blade was smashing, and it was even more pale. The blood of Yin Hong was oozing out of his hand and dyed the red blade to make it brighter.

at the same time.

Thunder yin and yang fish, starry sky and old trees are doing their best, providing a lot of energy for Lingfeng, and flocking to the burning blade. It is a huge amount of energy that can be used to blast the wind. You can see the flesh and blood of Lingfeng. The bones are cracking. Although he can stand it, he has to pay a terrible price.


Now it is not just Lingfeng who is dealing with Xinghai alone, but the Thunder and Yinyang fish and the starry sky and old trees are suppressed together, and it is necessary to open a sky.

of course.

If only the various forces are noisy and not completely compatible, such a **** can want to open a sky, it is still an idiot to say a dream.

To open the Xinghai, you need a kind of heavenly power.

This kind of heavenly power is extremely rare, but Lingfeng has this heavenly power.

Or it is a skill! It is a cut-off! After entering Tianzun, Ling Feng rarely used this Tiangong, but because it was not needed, Xianyu was completely enough to cope with the situation, but it was always in an extraordinary period. .

That is a heavenly merit from the ancient times.

That is the invincible heavenly power of the sinister.

At this moment, it is this Tiangong that Lingfeng wants to play.


When the word sounded, the divine power that appeared on the blade of the Burning Path suddenly dissipated and merged into the blade of the Burning Path, causing it to make a tragic trembling sound, and the blade seemed to have rust and rust. However, the entire shank has become much smaller, but the whole is not strong.

next moment.

Ling Feng’s heart flew out of the Wandao Rainbow, like a mist, and integrated into the Burning Path.

choke! The burning blade of the burning blade emits a cracking sound, and the "rust" on the blade is more and more fading, like falling rain, and shining on Mars, extremely magnificent.


Even so, Ling Feng still did not leave the burning blade, and the masses of the body and the surrounding masses could still flock to the Burning Path, making it brighter and the whole would collapse.

Hey! The space around the Burning Path is collapsing, and the scene is extremely shocking. Even though the six creatures feel the heart leaping, although they have not had a positive contact with the Tianwei, they are full from their gas field. The pressure.

when! The burning blade was in a collapse, and it could not stand such a Tianwei. A piece of metal was dying, and the scene was even more ridiculous.

“Is this self-defeating?”

Six can't help but laugh, the top Tianwei is not the same as the small one, the general Tianjian really can't stand it, and the situation that Lingfeng is facing now is like this.

The burning blade is going to be destroyed.

How can Lingfeng shake them without the ban?


Ling Feng appeared very indifferent, and did not panic, but was conspicuously eye-catching, always paying attention to the drastic changes of the Burning Path, although the Burning Path Blade collapsed and withered, it must be completely disintegrated.


He was not surprised, not even flustered. He had already had a connection with the Burning Path, and naturally knew the drastic changes in the Burning Path.


It is in disintegration.

Yes, it is even more dramatic! The Burning Path Heavenly Blade is an extraordinary ban. After being moisturized by Xianli, it becomes tough and extraordinary. In the past, the Burning Blade may actually fall apart, but this is not the case at the moment.

It was ignited by various forces, and the Burning Path is undergoing a dramatic change.

Xianli can cast the potential of Lingfeng, and it can give the burning blade a more extraordinary texture.

boom! Finally, after insisting for a while, the Burning Path Blade completely collapsed, the metal became a fragment, and it was completely shattered in the void, dissipating as smoke.


Just as the six creatures were ecstatic and eager to see the wind, the place where the burning blade was disintegrated suddenly ignited a shining rainbow with a clear nine-stone. In the multiple forces, the boulder stone happened. The upheaval, completely blended with the rainbow, became a unique force.

Shining rainbow! It is not a clear, but a void color that is the same as a hollow. It is surrounded by a flame of flame, and there are light ice crystals in the center, but the ice crystals are burning.


Ling Feng can also see that there are all the gods and buddhas around the ice crystal, all kinds of fairy spirits, and soaring out the distinctive trajectory.

It’s not a cold day.

It is more suitable for use on the blade of the burning tunnel.

The reason why it has today's qualitative change is completely the moisturization of Lingfeng's Xianli, the infiltration of many years, and the igniting of various forces at the moment, which has caused the nature of the Burning Path to change.

It is no longer limited to entities.

It turned into a fluid.

Or it is an aerosol! Simultaneously.

The Burning Path Heavenblade was born in various forces, and it is a kind of anti-day power.

When it shines, Hao Tianwei mobilizes all the way, only a stream of rainbows, but let the gods of the gods dagger, even if the six creatures are in the embarrassment, it is very taboo for that stream.

"it's time!"

Ling Feng’s face was filled with a smile, and the burning blade went further. It’s not so much a burning blade, it’s better to call it a fairy blade.

It is filled with Xianli and restrains the power of Huangquan.

This is the absolute ban that Ling Feng needs.

Fairy Blade! This is the name that Ling Feng gave it, and the world can not find the second handle.

choke! When the wind is sharp and the eyes are lifted, the nine days are sinking, and the power of more than one thing is stirring up an unparalleled embarrassment.

"Take the fairy!"

When the two words popped open, the fairy blade was carried with a fairy and many gods, and it turned to six heavenly creatures.

"Be careful!"

The six celestial creatures lost their colors, their faces were gray and white, and it was only that stream that made them shudder, let alone other forces.

This is simply an invulnerable force.

One hit! "Play the omnipotent and fight the enemy!"

Six Tianzun creatures sang aloud, and the Xinghai rolled out of the Bohai Tianwei, all of them flocked to them and pushed them together.

They must do their best to curb the power of the wind.


There is a kind of power that they can never contain, not just the fairy blade, but also not limited to the fairy, but the immortal.

Sting! A glare passed by, and the momentum was violent, and the head of Tianzun wanted to block the power of the immortal, but it made the ordinary thinking of the immortal.

That is an unstoppable wild frenzy.

When the crisp flesh and blood shattered, the head of the Tianzun creature had only one sorrow, and it did its best, but it still could not stop such power.

at the same time.

Behind it, five heavenly creatures lightning forward, trying to suppress the power of Lingfeng.


Ling Feng can only be sorry with them because the strength is not allowed.

Hey! The interception of the immortal has been plowed in the past, there is no trace of stalemate, such as electricity is more foggy, and the unstoppable force has also slammed into the endless sea of ​​stars, stirring the endless wind and rain inside, do not know how many creatures are screaming and screaming, lying in the sea of ​​stars.

Rumble... The singer was in a hurry, but the momentum he had cast was really terrifying, and it blew out a day and alerted the nine heavens.

The whole world is in turmoil.

The endless Xinghai was plowed out of a big hole, and it was not at the bottom, but the inside was scattered and covered with the body of Huang Quan.

Some flesh and blood are blurred.

Some gray smoke is gone... This is a process! When the sound subsided, the Xinghai had already dried up, and the atmosphere was dull. The six creatures that could not be seen were gray at this moment. They wanted to stand, but they could not stand.


They stumbled in front of Ling Feng and it was unrealistic to carry the capital.

There were terrible wounds in their chests, and they almost smashed their bodies, and they were so miserable.

"This strength, perhaps enough to qualify for a battle with your king?"

Ling Feng is somewhat prostration, his physical strength is completely overdraft, but he can only persist.

Not only that.

Thunder yin and yang fish and starry sky trees are all in a deep sleep, and the consumption is too big.


Ling Feng won, defeated the six heavenly creatures, and even the entire Xinghai, the greatest victory in history.

"You..." plopped.

The six heavenly creatures were unwilling and regretful, and the tragedy ended.

They want to finish the words, but they can never do it.

Ling Feng has some regrets. These six loyalty loyalties are there, but unfortunately it is not for him.

"The next one is you!"

Ling Feng gasped and said, his face was filled with Mori's cold smile. He knew that the king in Shura's sea was staring at it at this moment.

Penetrating endless seas.

In the magnificent palace of Shurahai, a king in a golden war suit slowly rose up and looked at the wind and the wind across the endless star.

"The first layer of Huang Quan has finally produced an extraordinary person!"

He smiled and said that he could not see the anger.

"It's worth fighting, then fight for one."

He said slowly, the clouds are light and windy, without taking a cloud.


His body gradually blurred and disappeared into the palace.

Ling Feng was breathing heavily, just too tired, and even the starry sky trees and Thunder yin and yang fish can not afford to eat, directly fell into a deep sleep, I can imagine how terrible he is.

of course.

This consumption is mainly a drastic change given to the Burning Path.

Its gorgeous upheaval has the end of such a comedy.

Ling Feng didn't think of it himself, but he had expected this day, and the Burning Path Blade was moistened for so many years. Sooner or later, he will take a more extraordinary qualitative change, but today's drastic changes made him a little unprepared.

Fortunately, the six creatures dare not go forward, otherwise it is really a disaster.


Just as he wanted to fly forward and pass through the endless sea of ​​stars, the surroundings suddenly became turbulent.

Hey! The two figures were like lightning, and they quickly fell in front of him. Every figure was covered with scars and shocking.

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