Supreme Demon

Chapter 2869: game rules


Shura is killed!

The person who disdains the scorpio of heaven and earth is so bowed and bowed, and the supreme view of Huangquan’s endless years is so degraded.

This is a tragedy!

The scorpio fluttered in the blood, like singing the works of the ancient Shura, more like a show off, the emperor's hegemony, and turned into an empty.

The whole temple was indulged, and many creatures looked at the front, completely lost, and the generation of kings ended in such a way, in a way they could not imagine.

The king is fallen!

The Shura Sea sank.

This is after the ancient times, the first layer of Huangquan has suffered from the huge pains of the Bohai Sea. The character of the supreme level, who was killed by a Tianzun figure, is simply a fantasy.

at this time.

The creatures around the Temple of Heaven are all horrified by the horror of this monk, and they are stunned and stunned on the spot. Even the three celestial creatures who are headed can’t speak, not only because Ling Wang’s performance is too strong, but also invincible. The more is due to the fall of Wangu Xiu Luo.

For them, Shura Wang is not only a king, but has become a belief and a core.


The faith collapsed, the king died, and the core collapsed.

They can't react, and they can't adapt to the feeling of not having Shura.

As if the sky had collapsed, the feeling of uneasiness and uneasiness appeared in their hearts.

"How to do?"

For a time, they were confused and did not know how to be from, and could not accept such an ending.

"How can the king die?"

"My king is destined..."

A bit of creatures have collapsed, completely dumbfounded, still in a state of paralysis, they can't figure out.

To know.

The Shura King is the Supreme of the Ages, and the strength is not the same. Tian Zun is a chicken and a dog in front of him. It is a blow, but what happened today?

Why is the king of Shura, who lives forever?

Why is the power of the supreme level not as good as the gods?



The time stopped at this moment, all the creatures held their breath, and they couldn't breathe for a long time. Their faces turned red and turned pale, and a drop of cold sweat was rolling down the cheeks, it was a little itchy, but they were Did not feel it.

The entire Tiangong is quiet around.

No sound.

Even the waves of the sea are quiet.

That feeling is like the heart is hollowed out, the sense of faintness before fainting.

The whole world has become less real.

The difference is the side of Ling Feng.

Although Ling Feng was fainted, but Shen Lie and Xiao Long did not. Although they wanted to crush the Shura Sea immediately, they did not have a wind. In the case of serious injuries, they were not the opponents of the three Tianzun creatures.

Once they are killed, the consequences are quite serious.


The two creatures are not yet idiot-adventurous. They fled the battlefield in the first place. In the Shura area, any fluctuation is fatal.

Only the returning dynasty was safe enough.

call out!

The gods took the wind and flew to the distance, and rushed out of the Shura Sea, and went to the Ling Dynasty.

Although the current Ling Dynasty is an empty shell, but the situation is different, I believe that the news of the fall of Shura Wang will soon spread throughout the first floor of Huangquan, and Ling Wang is only seriously injured.

This serious injury is very particular about it.

It can be dying, or it can be a wound that can be healed in a short time.

Those personally powerful creatures, before there is no clear news, I am afraid that no one dares to deal with the Ling Dynasty.

after all.

Shura Hai can't stop Ling Wang's sharp edge, let alone those scum-like sacred doors?

Huang Quan Yizhu!

This is not empty talk!

Shen Lie and Xiao Long broke out with all their strength, and the injury worsened. They also had to flee in a short time. After all, Ling Feng’s life and death were too important.


They really overestimated the reaction of Xiu Luohai at this moment. The Shurao king died, and Xiuluohai formed the same piece of loose sand. Only the three heavenly creatures could drive the entire Shurao Sea, so they wanted to effectively block the gods and the dragons. not realistic.

At the same time, they are still immersed in grief and unable to extricate themselves.


Shenlie and Xiaolong rushed out of the Shura Sea range, and the flesh and blood were completely blurred. The injury further deteriorated, bringing extreme pain.

But they are excited.

On the first floor of Huangquan, when I first came to Huangquan, such a dream was simply to find death.

Not achievable.

However, just under their efforts, Huang Quan fell into their hands. This step is a different world.

Taking advantage of the first layer of Huangquan, you can curb other layers.

It can be pressed and retired.


The first layer of Huangquan is the passage to the human world. As long as they have the ability to contain the news and have the power to cut off the Scorpio, even if the rebellious people come in, Huang Quan will never find out.

This is the real intention of Ling Feng.

of course.

Ling Feng’s intention is not only the first layer of Huang Quan. He knows that if he wants to understand the truth, he must break through Huang Quan. The first layer can be regarded as their foundation, and it is more advantageous to hit the Huangquan Center.

Before the end of the world, Ling Feng wanted to break through several layers of Huangquan.


When they were completely away from the Shura Sea, Shen Lie and Xiao Long were relieved, and then they rushed to see Ling Feng’s injury.

"It's heavy, we can't do anything!"

Shen Li said heavily that Ling Feng’s injury was caused by Shura Wang, and the power of the supreme level was very tricky.

"What to do?" asked Xiaolong worried.

"No problem!"

The sorrowful smile "Although it is very tricky, it is harder to die. When you wake up, there is a natural way to heal. It is time consuming."

"May I?"

Xiaolong was a bit skeptical and felt that Shenlie was a bit unreliable.

"It’s really hard to die!"

Shen Lie cried and said, "There is a fairy power in this body. Even if it is faint, it also holds the Dantian and the soul sea, and nourishes the flesh and blood. Although the progress is slow, it is a matter of time."

"That's good!"

Xiaolong’s forehead, I feel that God’s fierceness is finally reliable.

"We are back to the dynasty!"

God’s sinister test laughed. “This game is always played by someone.”

No day.

They appeared in the scope of the Ling Dynasty, and they did not step into it. They encountered Feiquanwang, Wuwang and other creatures. They did not leave, but they kept waiting for Lingwang to return at the border.

However, they did not expect to wait for a seriously injured Ling Wang.

"First return to the dynasty!"

God said indifferently.


Both Feiquan Wang and Wuwang felt that the problem was serious and they did not dare to delay. They immediately led the most elite forces to guard the gods and the dragons and the dragons to prevent accidents.


They flew to the Ling Dynasty, where hundreds of millions of soldiers guarded.

Although hundreds of millions of soldiers are not strong, even if Tianzunmu wants to come over, they will have to make a big noise, and then they will naturally be able to react.



"Ling Wang is seriously injured?"

"Stunned to the past?"

The news of Xiuluohai’s face has not yet come out. The news of Ling Wang’s face is much faster.

after all.

The three heavenly creatures of Shurahai, even if they reacted, were afraid to block the news in the first time and prevent them from being shackled by other sects. However, Lingfeng did not block the news, so they flew out and were seriously injured. Looks, shocking.

There are not many creatures to see, and it is easy to seal the news.

"Under the attack of King Shura, Ling Wang is still able to come back alive?"

Several creatures are talking, but the topic is full of turmoil.

"Ling Wang is Ling Wang, it is indeed a miracle in history." A Tianzun creature Maitreya Buddha smiles. "There is no creature in history who can come back to Luohai to live, and there is no good end to the challenge of Shurao, but Ling Wang is a special case."

"Is it the compassion of King Shura, or is it really strong for Ling Wang?"

This is a problem.

However, it is not difficult to answer.

Ling Wang challenged Shura Hai like this, to the character of Shura Wang, how to accommodate Ling Wang?


Ling Feng is really strong and strong, and can be called the first day!

Unfortunately, Tianzun is only a god, but the supreme is always supreme.

no doubt.


Ling Wang was defeated and died. He almost died. It is a miracle to escape from the death of King Luo.

"So, the Ling Dynasty is going to be scattered?"

Some people have a sinister smile. "How much do you say that Ling Wang is hurt now?"

"I am afraid that I can be lucky to return home!" a Lion King responded.

"If he didn't completely abolish it?"


It’s a tricky problem for all the people’s eyelids to tremble.

"There is no news on the surface of Xiuluohai. The challenge this year can be a bit different."

The creatures could not guess the intention of King Shura.

"But Ling Wang was defeated!"

Several creatures looked at each other and smiled coldly.


The first teaching.

Ling Feng wakes up, but his face is pale and his face is pale. The injury in his body is still deteriorating. Some strengths can be against Xian Xianli.

The last blow of King Shura was terrible.

Time and space field blasted in the flesh and blood, even if the wind is extraordinary, there is something to eat at this moment.

He took a lot of old medicines, resources and so on.

However, it still can't contain the time and space field, but it is equivalent to the curse planted in Lingfeng before the death of King Shura.

"If you consume it again, I am afraid that no one can eat it!"

Ling Feng is very distressed. Shen Lie and Xiao Long will send rare herbs from time to time. Although they are shielded, they prevent Huang Quan from discovering the truth, but Ling Feng is still unaffordable.

"That can only take the last step!"

Ling Feng sighed.

He is going to use "Regeneration", which can make him recast his body, but it consumes the same horror, and the pain is difficult. To tell the truth, if it is not forced to this extent, Ling Feng really does not want to take this step.


He needs to be stronger!

Become stronger!


The next moment, his arm broke.


His legs were broken and turned into blood.


His sternum is comminuted and he becomes a haze...

In a short time, he became a **** mud. After a while, the blood mud disappeared.

Ling Feng seems to have completely dissipated from this world.

Yes, there are still beating souls in the void, as well as turbulent fairy tales...


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