Supreme Demon

Chapter 2876: The killing game!

Ling Feng is deeply immersed in Huang Quan.

The characters of Ye Witch and Ling Qing are full of anger. On the one hand, they urgently want to enter Huangquan, on the other hand, they are worried about rebelling against God.

They are very depressed in their hearts.

They are eager to calm down the situation as soon as possible, and they can brave the Huangquan without being trapped by the Mozu and the starry forces. Some forces always have to toss, and the Mozu is one of them.

At this moment.

The words of the Lord of the Lord are like flames, and instantly ignite the anger in the hearts of the characters such as Ye Witch, forming a terrible anger.

Do your best!

This is the voice of Ye Witch.

For the devil!

This is the voice of Ye Witch.

The main man Ling Feng is now in the **** battle of Huang Quan, there is no time to ask the things against the gods, these characters are the most authoritative figures of the devil, and these years are too low-key, some characters have long been gearing up.

To know.

At the beginning, the anti-God was the object of being oppressed, and after getting the command of the lord of the Lord, it had to be low-key, but this does not mean that they want to keep a low profile.

The tone they are holding is always coming out.


The Witch of the Leaf is to vent their anger in their hearts. Others don't know, but they know that at this moment, the people are eager to win the yellow spring, that is, to find a way for them to find an eternal way different from Xiangu Wangu.


What is the Mozu doing?

In today’s world, is it necessary to oppress the gods?

Is it because the Lord is not in the stars?

Against the strong position of the Lord, telling the Mozu in a strong position, not only the human being, but also the anti-God!


Today's anti-God does not allow any oppression and insult, and it should not be underestimated and despised.

Dare to swear to them, then fight to the end.

Dare to despise them, then die forever.

"Only fighting!"

The northern starry sky, the first statement, like his very jumping personality, how can it always be forbearing?

"I have already waited for it. Today, let the Mozu teach me to rebel against the gods!"

The second statement of the tortoise, which was previously low-key, had to be low-key, but since it was asked, the strong wild vision broke out.

"Butterfly is the first!"

The cold is born like a moon, and the strength of the fourth-class peak level is proud of the air. Although she is only a fourth-class god, it is not weaker than any third-class god.

not to mention.

It has been a terrible fact that the butterfly has developed to such a degree in the past few years.

She said that when it comes first, there is no power to contain it.

There is no news that the butterfly can't find it, even if it is the position of the devil, as long as the butterfly wants to check it thoroughly, even the devil can't escape the French net.

This is the scary butterfly!

"The old tree is going to kill the devil!"

The demon tree king said with a smile, and now it has been different. After asking for respect, the strength is extraordinary.

"The Mozu? It’s really jumping!"

King God of Grasses sneered and said, "I want to polish myself!"

"I am hungry!"

The poisonous **** king should be the most different one. It is really horrifying to ask the deity. It is not the poison that other creatures can bear, let alone the terrible strength.


Over the years, the poisonous gods have also progressed and flourished. It is no longer a few hundred in the past. It is definitely a force that makes any force chill.

The butterfly and the hidden **** responded first.

"Reverse God will do!"

At this time, against the voices of the gods, as the greatest power against God, they appear behind the butterfly and hidden gods, but they are the most determined main force.

"Ask the fairy full help!"

Yunmeng opened his mouth and showed a strong attitude. Although he did not ask for respect, no one dared to marry such a fairy.


Asking the fairy is developing towards the Mozu, the financial resources are unfolding, and the Mozu may not be able to eat it.

"The casting fairy is fully assisted!"

Wang Xiaoyu said with a smile: "In addition to the Tianzun ban, other weapons can be chosen to reverse the gods!"

Although the founding of the fairy is more than the evening of the immortal, but Wang Shuo is indeed a genius, Castan really became a climate, countless weapons, countless quality, extraordinary, placed in Xiangu Wangu is not to be underestimated. .


This is just a force against God.

In the end, Yixian was vocalized, saying that he would completely suppress the Mozu.

There are sounds in all directions in the starry sky, and people are flying out in every corner of the starry sky. Is that more than a billions of creatures?

How many years have passed.

Since that tragedy, the anti-God has not shown its full strength. Now the whole starry sky is eye-catching, just because the anti-God is really doing its best, this is not just to suppress the Mozu, it is to abolish the devil. Family.

"Get ready!"

The devil has changed color, although he is only afraid of the wind, but the anti-God is really unbelievable, really want to fight against the demon is afraid of not taking any cheap.

of course.

This is just his original thoughts, but now he is really shocked, and he is so horrified that he is chilling.

That is an endless heavenly soldier!

That is the Patriarchate who can provoke the Mozu.


Just two hours after the fall of the main voice, the butterfly flew all over the Mozu. At this time, there is nothing to be afraid of against God, because there is no force that can make them jealous, and no character or power can make them fall back. .

Even the devil!

What's more, at this moment, it is the cold as the month to lead the army, and the strength that the butterfly can play out is beyond doubt.


Hidden, Qin Ao, and Lin Biao three gods with the hidden gods flying past, can only see these three characters in the sky, hidden people are not seen, but the major forces can not be idiot to feel that only the three heavenly gods.

If you can't see it, it means that the hidden people are really terrible.


The hidden gods are flying, but only others can't see them.

"Go against the blood!"

The Anti-Blood Legion set off, all major forces were discolored, time flies, and the Anti-Blood Corps finally became a legion that made all major forces jealous.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first leg of the Starry Sky.

Because they all ask for success, because they are all kings!

"The Devil's Day Mission!"

Another army of the anti-God flew out and stabbed the Mozu, causing many of the Mozu countries to tremble, because these years of the Devil's Day group are polished in the Mozu.

They don't show up in the stars, but the power of the Mozu should be even bigger than the Legion.

It’s just that the Mozu’s brows are jumping straight, and this is really going to do everything.

These women are really crazy.

If you want to get rid of the Mozu, you have to be badly hurt against the gods. Can you use such a spell?

The leaf witch uses a powerful voice to tell the Mozu, there is!

People don't know how many regiments the anti-God flies out, only to see the denseness of the sky, to cover the sky, and to burn the Supreme to be born in person.

The rain in the east is flying, standing side by side with the burning of the Supreme.

"Oriental clan is willing to go against the gods!"

Oriental Yingyu, the oriental poetry and poetry both fly and express a strong sense of war.

"The mind of the Eastern clan, we have received it!"

Ye Witch shook her head and refused. If it is to deal with the Mozu, it still needs to borrow strength. That is really disappointing.

She is going to use the power of the anti-God to fight the Devils to find their teeth!

"let's start!"

The Leaf Witch flies into the sky and begins to move toward the Mozu, and the characters accompanying him are the focus.

Lingqing, Yunxi, Liu Shushu, Dugu Yuyue, Candle Dragon, Bifang, Mingtian Beast, Wannian Laojiao, Qingyi, Chaos, Jiujiu...

Although they have not fully reached the height level of the Lord, this is a whole that incites the entire starry sky.

Faced with so many Tianzun, I am afraid that the Lord can only run the road?


Ye Witch is not an idiot, she is worried that she will be singled out by the demon, so she is fully born, using so many Tianzun to do the devil.

at the same time.

The king of the gods, the king of the devil, the king of the poisonous gods, etc. also carry hundreds of millions of souls to the devil, and the gods of the gods are fully developed, which is the most magnificent chapter of the starry sky.

Dozens of Heavenly!

Everyone is extremely extraordinary and extremely powerful.

"Oh, the Mozu has long seen that you are not pleasing to the eye!"

The leaves were open, and the cold said to the Mozu, "My Lord will personally go to the Mozu!"

This scene is amazing, against God to deal with the Mozu, the forces behind Ye Kong are echoing?

What does it mean?

Are they holding thighs? Or... are they against the gods?

After the four forces, is there a more hidden power?


People only heard the sound of Ye Kong, and did not see the Lord in his mouth.

The leaf witch statue did not hear the general, and automatically ignored the words of Ye Kong.

This is even more elusive.

"Hey, why bother?"

Burning the sky to the sigh, the leaf witch is to be flat for Ling Feng.

The woman's mind is really unpredictable.

However, it is really too big for the anti-God to be fully born. I am afraid that the Mozu really wants to hang. The Burning Supreme is more than other forces. Yang, the singer, the line, etc. have already been born. The ridiculous master is born again.

The Leaf Witch has no authority to mobilize the power of the heavens, thus casting such an imposing manner.

It will have to be shot in the wild.

On the one hand, Ye Witch is dissatisfied with the wild, because even without the power of butterflies, there is no shortage of days to follow, but the Lord is so gone.

Do you say that it is time to beat?

On the other hand, she also wants to see that today's wilderness is worthless to gamble on life and death.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Ling Feng is pressing the treasure on the sky, because the **** of death has set off, and the heavens and the gods are inextricably linked. If there is a problem inside the sky, then Ling Feng is really There is no way to live.


She believes that Ling Feng should do this, not only to see it, but also the back hand.

"There is no wind, the Lord is not easy to deal with!"

The Eastern Rain fell a little worried and asked questions.


Burning the Supreme God did not respond to his questioning, but said "the killing of the bureau, what to deal with?"

Before Ling Feng left, he left some means of prohibition, which was specially used to deal with the devil. Now the Witch has directly opened the ban, carrying it into the Mozu, and even using so many gods, it is clearly directed at the devil. Once the demon Lord reveals his whereabouts, he will be peeled off without death.

The eastern rain fell and flashed, and after all, there was no more opening.


He knows that this anger against the gods is really going to break through the sky. After the ancient kingdom of heaven, the Mozu is only afraid of being really embarrassed.


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