Supreme Demon

Chapter 2878: Anti-God not only has a wind!


This is the intention of Ye Witch.

The devil should not fight, this is very important for the Mozu, if the devil is defeated, the impact of unprecedented, the Mozu this big summer is only afraid to collapse.


The influence on the anti-God is not great. Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. are not as good as the Lord in the level. Even if they are defeated, they are not affected, because the anti-God knows that the Lord has not returned, otherwise the Lord is not opponent.

that's enough.


The real decisive victory is not the Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc., but against the gods.

Once the entire Mozu has been scrapped, how can it be done only by the devils and several characters?

The Lord is very strong, but can he face the whole God?

not to mention.

Who said that Ling Feng will not come back?


Even if the devil can defeat them, Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. can also retreat from the whole body, escape from the battlefield, and then spread out, causing more deadly damage to the Mozu, they meet the Mozambique at this time, with more intentions.

after all.

As they flew with them, the whole blood of the anti-God was ignited, and the horizontal push was even worse.

Everything is against the gods in all directions. Once the demon is trapped, only the battle of death will not be able to live.

It can be said that from the beginning, the leaf witch did not intend to single out the demon master, but used the human sea tactics to kill the devil.

The situation is quite unfavorable for the demon Lord, and even for the entire Mozu.

"I really took her down!"

The devil's main frown, the leaf witch's powerful place lies in the anti-god, the butterfly is really strong, when it fully controls the news, the entire Mozu is completely passive.

The magic wind is not enough, but their efforts are in front of the butterfly, not worth mentioning.

The magic wind and the butterfly carried out many battles of life and death. The blood stained the Mozu mountains and rivers red, but they were still not as good as the butterflies, and they were forced to come back. The news was completely passive and controlled by butterflies.

The butterfly is the first blade in the hands of the reverse god!

The magic blade is on the opposite side.


The strength of the hidden **** is too strong, the magic blade is very hard, but in the past few years, there is no magic master to control, the speed of the magic blade is not fast, and it has been suppressed by the anti-god, and there is support for the immortal behind them. The blade is more passive.

no doubt.

The magic blade did not suppress the hidden god, and it broke through.

The situation is completely out of control. This is what the Lord has never thought of. The speed of the growth of the anti-God is simply incredible. In just a few decades, the demon domain has been opened, and they really have the qualifications of the wrist of the ancient world.

"If this war is not enough to reverse the gods, then the Mozu will have to follow the footsteps of the ages."

The Lord sighs, this situation is more sigh.

Even if there is no wind, the anti-God is still unprecedented, can this be just a star map?

He wants more to benefit from the characters of Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Yang Zhu, Han Ruyue, and Xing Yan Yan?

If the demon domain also has these clever figures, it should not fall to this field, but then, is it because he was too good at the beginning and could not accommodate other outstanding figures?


He pays too much attention to strength and talent, and ignores the wisdom of the problem?

To know.

Different from the gods, like the Yang master, but only the heavenly level, this is still based on the improvement of the medicinal herbs. The talent is too mediocre, but in wisdom, the Yang master is unique. If such a character is placed in the demon, the demon Will it be in the eye?

Lost in the magic domain is not awkward!

"That should fight!"

The devil is cold and open, and for so many years, he has broken the self and took a stronger step by the power of Ling Feng.

Even if Ling Feng is here, he may not be able to defeat him, let alone Ye Witch and others.

The battlefield is divided into life and death.

He believes that the characters of Ye Witch and Ling Qing are confident enough to think about the means of withdrawal. But the battlefield is changing rapidly. Who can be sure to leave alive?

If Ye Qiu Woo and Ling Qing are all on the spot?


In terms of the overall situation, the demon domain is not as good as the devil, but at the top level, the Mozu is not afraid of any power, even if the opponent is against God.

The Witch of the Leaf carries dozens of Heavenly Respects, but the Devils also have dozens of Heavenly Respects, and here is their dojo. Even if it is consumed by power, it can be supplemented. Although the devil's charm is also thin, it is better than the stars. A lot better.

And Ye Witch and others need to rely on the drug.

How long can they last?

As long as they dragged them, the battle is still inclined to the devil.

This is their only chance.


The void is trembled, and a bright light flies from afar, and it suddenly falls here.


A voice blew, and the leaf witch flew down from the void, her face filled with indifference, not screaming, but the power and breath that filled the openness suffocated many of the present.


Ye Witch is not a general fourth-class statue, but a Tianjiao who can suppress the third-class demon, just like the original demon.

at the same time.

Lingqing, Dugu Yuyue, Liu Shushu, Yunxi, and the tortoise have all flown down, neatly, dozens of places.

Let's not talk about Ling Qing, Du Gu Yuyue, these four heavenly figures, just say that the poison god, the **** of the grass, the king of the demon tree, the three souls, they are all very sinister characters, the same level of demon, I am afraid to be Poisonous, it is very difficult to deal with.

not to mention.

Today's top level of anti-God is almost the same level of fourth-class celestial respect. There are a lot of battles that can be used for combat. If you want to completely suppress them, you need at least second-class magic.

In the Mozu.

Second-class magic can not find a few.

of course.

Among the goddess of rebellion, there are even more remarkable things that are Qingxu, Candle Dragon, Tianqi, Mingtian Beast, Evil Emperor, Chaos, and Nine Spirits. Although they are not characters, they are extremely terrible.

These creatures appear at the same time, even the Mozu have to pay attention.

"Oh, you are really confident!"

The devil is cold and grinning, and the eyes are shining with killing. If the wind is not there, he still can't rebel, then what does he mean by this demon?

Is he still useful?

Is he still the demon who can control the millions of creatures of the Mozu?

This is a battle for the Mozu, and it is a battle for the Lord.

"Kill you, what are you confident?"

The leaf witches said lightly.

"Hey, Ling Feng is not here, why do you feel that you can suppress me?"

The demon Lord is more calm. When this is the case, he is indeed a little off guard, but when it comes to the end, he does not have any chill fear, but only war.

"Let us!"

Ye Witch stepped forward, Ling Qing and so on.

Everyone has a feeling of dying.

For the Lord of the Devils, they can't be fortunate enough. Only with a mortal mentality can they exert the strongest lethality.

"Reverse God is not only someone, but us!"

This is the sound of a candle dragon.

The successful candle dragon has not been idle for a few years, and the true heritage of the dragon is squirting in her body. Her potential has become more unpredictable and her strength is stronger.

The current candle dragon is not a leisurely god.

"It makes sense!"

The evil smile of the evil emperor yin measured "a devil in the district, but also used the main man?"

Dozens of Heavenly Respects, if they can't do the Lord, are they too wasteful?

At least, the evil emperor will not think so.

Since the Taoist Emperor asked, which one feels weaker than the Lord?

However, the level is not enough.

"Oh, it’s up to you, I’m afraid it’s not enough for the Lord!"

One of the Mozu's demon statues flew out, and said coldly, "Single-handedly accompanying the end, wanting to be a group, I am afraid that you are too naive!"

When its voice falls.

More than a dozen devils fly out, not all weak.

Although the devil has neglected to create the demon domain in these years, there are many characters on the top level of the demon domain. Perhaps they are less than the anti-God, but each has great potential.

at least.

These more than ten demon statues fly out enough to counter the gods drinking a pot.

Once Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. are pinned down, the situation against the gods may not be so optimistic.


After the more than a dozen demon statues flew out, the face of the leaf witch was ugly, and the eyebrows were inextricably picked up. They did not have full control. Now that so many demon statues appear, it is necessary to distract them. If you want to deal with the Lord, you have to pay more, and even life.

"Afraid, the deity can single out a few!"

The evil emperor first flew out and rushed to the two devils, and the strong strength went against the trend.

"As I wish!"

The two devils sneered and Gu Zi greeted him.

call out!


The three figures launched a fierce life-and-death confrontation on Tianzhu, and it was difficult to distinguish them at a time.

"I will kill two!"

The Mingtian beast flew out and launched a **** battle. The momentum was like a rainbow, and the third ban was about to unfold.

"But you down!"

The other two devils are not afraid, the lightning flies out, and they are on the beast.

"I am going to fight!"

The chaos has changed into a living spirit, and it has been confronted with other demon statues.

"I want you to die!"

The old man rushed out of the air, jumping out of the void and screaming at the two devils.

The whole scorpio has become boiling because of the appearance of these demon statues and heavenly esteems. A matchup is starting, and a wave of waves will overturn the void.

The characters such as the Lord of the Lord and the Leaf Witch are all calm.

For them, these duels are not important, the important thing is that they scored and died.

They are the main battlefield.

Shortly after.

Tianqi flew out, facing the two demon statues, and played the momentum and strength that the gods and gods should have. Her heart was also violent, and the sacred ball of the gods did not inform her, and rushed into Huangquan without knowing it.

She can't be anxious in her heart, can she not be angry?

Yes, she is more worried, worried about this farewell.

At last.

Bi Fang flew out and confronted the last demon statue.

The whole scene was roaring, but the few characters in the center remained calm, not talking, not laughing.

Like, the battlefields around them have nothing to do with them.

"Come on!"

The Lord of the Lord spoke up, and his face was filled with a smile. Now there is not so many gods in the reverse, and I want to deal with him, I am afraid it is not enough.


He really wants to know what else the leaves witches have!


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