Supreme Demon

Chapter 2880: Take a whip, cool!


The void can't help but tremble.

Like a person who shuddered.

The surrounding space and the sky are all shaking.

A strong Tianwei spurted out from the flag, and a corner of the flag was extinguished in an instant, and the release of it was the power to make the nine days of the road beheaded.

诡谲, Xeon.

No reason!

It appeared around the Lord of the Devil, and the Wandao Scorpio was sinking at this moment, and a deeper Tianwei collapsed from the space, a shadow of one person.

Like Ling Qing, Du Gu Yu Yue, these characters are all seen, and the shadow is the Ling Feng.


The illusion flashed away, and all the power was poured into the invisible Tianwei.

The gods at dusk!

To be honest, few people know this power, but it is learned from the butterfly side that when Ling Feng entered the five-star map, he realized this power and then stepped into the second-class Tianzun, one completely no less than The level of the Lord at this moment.


What is the specific moment of the gods, even the news of the butterfly is not too clear, but when they come, when the Buddha Supreme heard that the taboo left by Ling Feng is the dusk of the gods, the expression on the face is very eccentric.


The face of the Lord has finally changed, and it is gray.

The feet were violently turbulent, and the soil beneath it was shattered and spread around, while its feet were deeply immersed in the soil.

His eyes trembled.

An incredible feeling emerged from the heart.

He did not think that Ling Feng actually realized this power, shameless!


Although the Lord did not know the true power of the gods at dusk, the visual performance was the dagger, and the endless days of Tianwei suppressed and flocked to his knees.



It seems like there are two hands pushing his hind legs and trying to force him to kneel.


This is the Thunder roar!


This is a strong explosion!


All kinds of Tianwei, and even Xianli, are present, and their purpose is only one, forcing him to behead.

This Nima...

The Lord of the Lord wants to marry her.

What kind of gods are dusk, is it really a beggar?


Is he the Lord of the Lord?

How to beheaded by Ling Feng? How to decapitate?

Even if he is dead, he must hold on.

He did his best and used the magic knife. He lived against the earth-shattering Qiwei, and even restrained the strength of his hind legs pushing to the knee. The endless magical power broke out at this moment and confronted the gods at dusk.


Nine days of roads are roaring, too intense.

It’s too much.

Even if the devil is ugly by this kind of whims, and the surrounding Tianwei is still aggravating, the kind of Tianwei can not only flock to the knee, but more importantly, it is surrounded by the surrounding body. .

The difference is that this suppression spreads around the body and affects the knee.

What does it mean?

It means that the devil can't be distracted, otherwise the knee is soft and he will be decapitated.

At that time.

What other faces does he have?

Does he dare to call himself the Lord?

What face does he have to face the Mozu?

No matter what!

This is the obsession of the Lord, and it is the pride of the Lord.


His heart is in awe, is Lingfeng really powerful to this point? It’s just a kind of power, so it’s helpless, and it’s still played by Ye Witch. If it’s in the real presence and shows this skill, is he still not jealous?


The unhappy in the heart of the devil.

Just now, he still wants to release the witches, and how do you feel more like asking for help?

If he really decapitated, then he will become the entire Mozu, the whole starry joke.

The Lord is asking for help!

At the thought of this, the Lord of the Lord becomes hard as iron. Today, it is impossible to die here, otherwise he would rather die.


The Lord of the Lord has done his best to fully confront the gods at dusk. He knows that this power cannot be eternal. Too much power is too terrible to consume. He believes that Ye Witch can't hold it.


The flag is burning, turning into more gray flying. If the flag is completely smouldering, the tune prohibition inside the seal must be completely dissipated.


The leaf witch's face is pale, and the Lord's guess is correct. If you want to sacrifice this banner, you need a huge amount of consumption, even if it is the leaf witch, these gods are almost unable to hold on.


This banner is very important to her. Ling Feng will leave it. In fact, it can be played three times. Every time there is a part to be wiped out, and now it is a bit more consumed in the Lord.

She doesn't want to waste.


Ling Qingfei came and Yunxi flew out.

The solitary rainy month pointed out, and the Daoqin blew out twelve piano sounds.

Liu Shushu offered a cutting edge...

The Tianzuns present at the scene rushed to the Lord of the Lord, because they can see that the Lord is being suppressed by the gods at dusk, even if they can be distracted, I am afraid there are not many.

Don't do it at this time, when will it be?

call out!

A light appeared in front of the demon Lord, carrying a violent force, slamming on the demon Lord, making a loud bang, letting the devil fly backwards for thirty miles, and his feet were cold and trembled.


The lord of the devil is dying, he does not want to defend, but the defense is too late.

The gods suppressed the sun at dusk, and it took time for him to sacrifice his defensive power. Unfortunately, the gods did not want to give him time at dusk.

At last.

The Lord of the Lord can only make a hard hit.


The main skin of the devil is thick and thick. This is the same as Lingfeng. Both characters are versatile, but Ling Qing’s full-strength blow, the strength is not the same, or the tears of the Lord’s flesh and blood, so that their bones and bones are damaged. The pain is spreading.

at the same time.

The twelve-tongue sound of the solitary rainy moon collapsed, and Liu Shushu’s cut-off blade stabbed over...



The demon Lord is tragedy. How can he beheaded by such a face? So he could only hardly pick up the power of a few Tianzun, causing his flesh and blood to be blurred, and his eyes were almost hedged by twelve piano sounds.

If it is not the defense of the treasure, the magic mirror appears in time, I am afraid that he really wants to bleed at this moment.


At this moment, the white dragonfly of the candle dragon, the night slammed over, the magic master banged in the middle, the two forces constantly intertwined, so that the magic mirror appeared to sway, there are vague cracks on it.


The devil uttered a dull scream, and had to sacrifice more treasures to suppress.


Just as he used the treasure, Ye Witch did his best to make the flag burn more intensely, and two-thirds of the flags were dying.

The Lord of the Lord was suppressed even worse, and the second treasure was not sacrificed.


Yunxi slammed a punch and broke out a very strong Tianwei, but unfortunately did not explode the magic mirror.


The Qing dynasty played a shackle and swayed on the mirror of the magic sky, causing it to split a gap. Even though the gap was closed in an instant, the power of Qing dynasty blew in, and the magic master was stunned. Sound, a spurt of blood.

He trembled on his knees and almost daggered.

"I am going to punch!"

The Mingtian beast flew from afar and directly abandoned the opponent. This is the demon Lord.

It’s too much to punch a punch.

With a bang, he squatted on the magic mirror and made it sunken. Then the fist was like a broken bamboo. It really touched the skin of the demon Lord a little bit, and the power escaped, causing the devil to tear.


Mingtian beast does not dare to fight for a long time, now he has to drag the rhythm of the demon.

"I am doing a punch!"

The chaotic nine-year-old creature also flew from afar, and slammed the magic master with a punch.


Wannian Laos, Tianqi, etc. all abandoned their opponents and flew to the Lord of the Devils. This is an unprecedented treatment. Not everyone has slammed the Lord and can retreat.

Worth showing off!


It was Bifang who couldn’t help but slap the Lord.

"Let's let the deity take a whip!"

The king of the gods flew over, and the branches and leaves became a whip, and they really took the devil.

A bang.

That whip has beaten all the beings of the demon domain. From ancient times to now, no one dared to insult the devil.

"Let's let the deity ride!"

The demon tree king flew over and was riding on the body of the demon.


At this time, the Lord was furious and his eyebrows were burning. These creatures were too deceitful. One by one was too disappointing. He used all his strength and spared no effort to remove his own life from the attack of the Demon Tree King.

"Don't fight for it, let the deity take a bite!"

The Venomous King does not know when it flies over, is rubbing his mouth, and feels guilty about the body of the Lord.

That way, the demons of the magic domain could not help but shudder.

Just now I don’t know how many creatures were poisoned by poisonous insects, and the poisonous **** king had to bite the devil at this time.

"My Lord, hide!"

Several Tianzun desperately intercepted the poisonous **** worm king, but the poisonous **** worm is much more deceitful than they thought. Even a sideways body can hide from the past, and then they will come straight to the devil, and the teeth will open and face the devil. It is a bite.


The magic mirror flew out, blocking the front of the poisonous **** king, and slammed the poisonous **** insect.


Because he was too distracted, he almost had to be embarrassed, and the other three directions of the people took the opportunity to attack and fully blasted on the Lord.

"Groups of him!"

Poisonous gods are very uncomfortable and directly call people.

One can't catch it, then a bunch.

Brother is going to take a bite today!

Of course, if you can bite, just bite a few more.


The Mingtian beast came violently. After Lingfeng and Shenlie left, it was really not much to be able to shake its position in the rough and shameless face.

"Kill him!"

The chaos has changed and the spirits are screaming, and the feeling of the master is really cool.

If the group draws, the group is stunned, it feels even better.

Yunxi, Lingqing, and solitary rainy moons, etc., do not give the opportunity to the devil, while other characters are coming out of the way, can punch a fist is a punch, as long as the dry demon master, other demon statues are secondary.


Bi Fang is yelling!

"Groups of him!"

In the distance, some people are more fierce, Lin Biao, Qin Ao, and I don’t know when they actually appeared in this position, and they rushed to the devil.

call out!

A cold light spreads over the road, and a butterfly strikes and rushes to the Lord.

Needless to ask, people will know that the cold has appeared, and the bombing of the demon is also a punch.

This is a real group, and the top characters of the anti-God are flying all over.


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