Supreme Demon

Chapter 1984: I'm afraid I can't help but hack you to death!

"Supreme God and Demon"


Action will punish God!

Ling Feng's eyes were cold, he would hesitate to try more before he did it, but when he did it, there was only cold determination, without any hesitation.

Kill decisively!

This is Ling Feng's character.

The power of the fairy hole is terrible. Although it belongs to space, it has transcended the cosmic space and possesses infinite magic power. It is really not enough for ordinary characters to deal with the power of the fairy hole, and when the fairy hole has "wings"?

The power of life and death belongs to the taboo mantra. When it blends with the power of the fairy cave, the life and death are not limited to the life and death of Wuxiu, but the life and death of the immortal.

Health is immortal!

Death is death!

When the fairy cave of life and death was fully pressed out, the entire deserted ancient road was turbulent, a stream of air blowing out, surging in the void, touching the moss with the strongest force, and whenever it touched within a hundred miles, the moss would corrode. .

Chi Chi Chi.

The snoring sound made the adversaries very comfortable and enjoyable to listen to, and the plants that made them feel weak and very troublesome became weak at this moment.

They have no compassion.

If someone took the initiative a little later, they would be the one who was unlucky.

A goddess was almost swallowed by the corrosive moss, so far, the flesh and blood is blurred, and she is afraid that it will not be healed in a short time. This deeply hurts the gods.

The moss retreated at a fast speed, and it withdrew from the Baili range within a short time, and it was still retreating at a faster speed.

However, Ling Feng advanced faster, hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye.

In terms of speed, Moss is far from being able to match Ling Feng, it is escaping at the cost of "burning" its lives.

Ling Feng is always very cold, he chose to do it, then this battle must be ended as soon as possible, otherwise God knows what else they will encounter next?

There are dangers in the deserted ancient road and unpredictable.


Ling Feng is also very vigilant, because he still doesn't know the IQ of this moss. If it is just a stupid carnivorous plant, it is much easier to handle, but what if this is a trap?

The problem is much more serious.


Ling Feng Shenjue was tight all the time, and immediately moved back after a slight change.


The flames spread rapidly, surging towards the front of the deserted road, and as long as the moss touches, it will immediately turn into ashes and disappear into the void.

Even though the moss in the deserted ancient road has changed as it goes deeper, it is stronger than before, and the amount of moss has increased sharply, but it still can't stop Ling Feng's fairy hole of life and death.

They can swallow space, but some spaces cannot be swallowed.

When the space of the fairy cave of life and death was further released and reached three hundred miles, the moss in the barren ancient road was suppressed even more miserably. What is frowning is that at the moment when the moss turns into ashes, a little bit of blood flies out and falls on the barren ancient road. Inside, no sound came out, but there was a cold air flow slowly drifting away.

Even Ling Feng had a bit of chill, which made him more vigilant.

"See how long you can hide!"

Ling Feng approached step by step, faster and faster, but he had enough patience, the more he had to stay alert at this time.

He wants to force the moss to change as quickly as possible, because every time they wait, their danger will increase a lot.

Time is rushing.

With only Tea Light Kungfu, Ling Feng and others have entered the deserted ancient road. Although they don't know how deep the deserted ancient road is and how far they need to go, they have already penetrated tens of millions of miles.

This is quite a long distance for the ancient road.

At this time.

Ling Feng's pressure has also increased dramatically. There are too many moss, which have blocked the old roads, and the moss has also mutated. There are not many leaves, but the color is azure blue, as if it is covered with poison.

Obviously, the moss here is too dangerous, and if it touches, even the heavenly figures will be recruited.

But what worries them is that in the future, as they go deeper, the Supreme is afraid that it will be miserable.

after all.

They are far from the end of the deserted road.

"Ling Feng, you have to be careful!"

Mietian Zhizun reminded that he had already felt that the moss could not last long.

If it continues to delay like this, it will only cause itself to fall.


Ling Feng understood the meaning of Mietian Supreme, just as everyone could see his intentions.

One eye contact is enough.


Soon after the voice of Mietian Supreme fell, the void suddenly sank, and a low pressure fell from the void, and a large group of moss emerged from the air, fully pressing against Ling Feng.

"Finally can't help it?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, fully let go of his sense of consciousness, and blasted around to find out the true source of the moss.

at the same time.

The Immortal Cave of Life and Death broke out in the strongest state, hitting the moss with the most terrifying frenzy.


Suddenly, the void collapsed, and a terrible frenzy swallowed everything. Even a large group of moss could not stop such a frenzy. The azure blue poison was scum in front of the fairy cave of life and death.

The moss was ignited, burning rapidly, and spreading toward the main eyelashes.

However, Ling Feng's gaze did not move half a minute. He stared at the front, and his senses were looking deep through the endless moss.


Ling Fenghanmao stood upright, and went back three hundred steps abruptly. If he hadn't let the god-destroying crowd retreat in advance, it would be the god-destroying crowd that would suffer at this moment.

call out!

The void trembled suddenly, and a low power flashed in front of Ling Feng, actually penetrating the power of the fairy hole of life and death.

This really surprised Ling Feng, and even let the god-destroying crowd take a breath.

In this world, the power that can compete with Xianli is extremely rare, let alone the evolving fairy hole of life and death.


An amazing thing happened, this kind of power, or plant, was actually born.

Is it a fairy?

Faced with such plants, who dares not be surprised?


What surprised Ling Feng even more was that just now, his spiritual consciousness hadn't noticed this kind of plant, and he felt that this kind of plant could shield people's spiritual consciousness.

"Get back quickly, everyone keep quiet and vigilant."

Ling Feng shouted, the power of the Immortal Cave of Life and Death surged out more and suppressed all around, and at the same time the fairy blade flew out. When it was ignited by the power, it issued a killing power, cruelly oppressing the surroundings.

At this moment, the sky must be broken.

At the same moment, Ling Feng's consciousness was released more, and when the power of the fairy cave was integrated, Ling Feng's consciousness became more penetrating.


At this moment, he didn't go deep into it anymore, because he felt that this kind of plant was very smart, and it did not hide in the large group of moss. It was very likely to hide outside, just in the void around Lingfeng.

"Cunning enough."

Ling Feng squinted his eyes, and there was a playful smile in those eyes.

At that moment, Ling Feng finally found a plant.


He raised his hand and slashed into the void. In an instant, lightning intertwined, and a ray of light flooded the void, and formed a cross-cut shape, slicing the space down.

When such cross-cuts criss-cross, the entire space can accommodate only three feet.


A square space fell from the void and landed in front of Ling Feng, while the fairy blade in Ling Feng's hand was cut out mercilessly, centering the square space and splitting it from it.

A flash of blood suddenly appeared, and a leaf fell from the square space.

It was a red leaf.

It was about the same size as moss, but it exuded an extremely fierce aura that made everyone present couldn't help but frown and frightened.


Ling Feng showed no mercy, and then split the square space again.

There were more red leaves falling this time, and red blood gushed out. The air was full of **** breath, but it was full of poisonous, which made people hold their breath and retreat, unwilling to be infected with poison.

Ling Feng was expressionless, and he cut out again.

The square space was chopped down more, and more red leaves fell.


The square space suddenly exploded, and a bright red moss emerged from the void, looking very round, like a very ordinary flower and grass, and it was vivid and magnificent when it swayed.

But in this world, the more beautiful and moving things, the more deadly.

This plant is!


Even Mietian Supreme is puzzled, he has never seen this kind of plant, even in the ancient books of the Kingdom of Heaven, it has never been recorded.

"Bath in the moss of the endless supreme blood!"

Ling Feng's eyes became cold, and the original moss on the Wild Road was ordinary, but one plant would be deadly if it survived.

Although Ling Feng didn't know what happened to the Wild Road, only the endless supreme blood could nurture such magical creatures, and only the creatures born in the supreme blood could penetrate the fairy hole of life and death.

of course.

Ling Feng also noticed that this was not penetration in the true sense, but the supreme aura of this creature borrowing the supreme blood to use space to penetrate.

Even this is shocking enough.

At least, Ling Feng felt that a plant should not have such wisdom.

"How do you want to die?"

Ling Feng squinted at the plant, or moss.


Moss was terrified, and didn't expect Ling Feng to be so difficult, even if he used the power of the Supreme Grade.

"If you don't answer, then I will make the decision for you."


Ling Feng raised his sharp blade and slashed at the plant, the power of the immortal Dao was awakening, even if the supreme blood blessed the supreme aura, it was not enough to see the immortal blade being lit by the fairy cave of life and death.

call out!

The plant wanted to escape and escaped into the space.

Unfortunately, it had already appeared, and Ling Feng couldn't give it another chance to leave.

The Immortal Cave of Life and Death flew out with all kinds of forbidden devices, suppressing the surrounding space together, completely banning it, and then surging over it.

next moment.

Ling Feng picked up the knife and fell, directly splitting the space, but didn't cut it down immediately, because it was the plant under the fairy blade.

The fairy blade stood on the plant.

"Don't move, I'm afraid I can't help but hack you to death."

Ling Feng kindly reminded.


The plant was blinded, but he really didn't dare to move anymore. The Immortal Cave of Life and Death was already domineering, not to mention blessing on a weapon like the fairy blade.


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