Supreme Demon

Chapter 3007: Butcher again!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The battlefield is changing!

Several Supremes including Fentian Supreme and Guanghan Supreme blocked the six Supreme Creatures, and the other Supreme Creatures all flew towards Ling Feng, and the Supreme Creature that wanted to slaughter Dongfang Yuluo flew over.

A severely wounded supreme is really not seen by the purgatory supreme creature, and Ling Feng is the strongest threat.

Seven supreme creatures have fallen!

But there are still nineteen supreme creatures surrounding Lingfeng, and several of the strongest supreme creatures have also appeared. If you want to kill Lingfeng yourself, the entire sky has been damaged just because they appeared, and the space of each block has collapsed. The picture is too thrilling.

Not to mention the god-destroying people, even the Fentian Supreme, Guanghan Supreme, etc. are trembling, they only deal with a Supreme creature, it is so difficult, but Ling Feng is a total of nineteen.

This is a crazy slaughter!


After Ling Feng returned, his strength became unique, with Tu Zun's strength, but it was very difficult to deal with six supreme creatures before, and now he has to deal with so many supreme creatures, the pressure in his heart can be imagined.

It's a pity that the few supreme can't separate energy at all, and there is no way to share the pressure for Ling Feng.

They could only watch, begging Ling Feng not to fall in tragedy.

Fen Tian Zhizun felt grief in his heart. He had thought that he was the most stressed in this **** battle, but he didn't expect Ling Feng to end up.

He is an elder!

Ling Feng is a junior!

He couldn't bear it, how could he not hurt in his heart?

If he can, he really doesn't want the younger generations like Ling Feng and Ye Witch to challenge Purgatory and bear the strongest pressure in history.

"The Devil!"

The Ye Witch had cold eyes and said proudly: "I don't know how long you will endure, but now I give you the creatures of Purgatory Heavenly Sovereign. If the gods suffer heavy losses, I will only ask you after the war!"


She flew to Ling Feng with lightning, and her power gushed out further, to face the supreme creature.

If there is no one in this world who can share the wind and rain for him, let her carry it!

"Devil Lord, if you are not doing your best at this time, then rebelliousness will be your enemy afterwards!"

Ling Qing flew out and flew to the nineteen supreme creatures together with Ye Witch. If the Fentian supreme couldn't hold it, they had to use the bar.

Even if he held a supreme creature, the pressure on Ling Feng's side would be much reduced.

"Coming to fight!"

Dugu Yuyue flew out, embraced Daoqin, and killed a supreme creature. She said very little, but she had a lot of feelings for Ling Feng.

Even if it is dead, Ling Feng is currently out of turn.


Han Ruyue and Liu Shushu both flew out, full of killing intent.

Although there are many creatures in the Purgatory Heavenly Sovereign, more than four hundred have fallen so far. Most of the real threatening Heavenly Sovereign creatures have died, and the power of the Demon Lord is enough to deal with the situation, unless the Demon Lord does not do his best.

"Hey, confronting the supreme creature of purgatory, how can this kind of thing miss me?"

The turtle is here.

It is extremely eye-catching among the gods, especially now that the characters of the gods have fully grown, but any person or creature who dares to underestimate it will have to pay a heavy price, because the tortoise is also a first-class demon, its strength is not Not weaker than the Celestial Sparrow.


It is really thick!

"Today I want to Tu Zun!"

The poisonous worm flew out. It had been forbearing and did not burst out before, but now it has no scruples. After stepping into the first-class demon, its strength is the most terrible, because the poison can hurt the supreme creature, although it will not fall. , But its power is extremely fierce.

"Brothers, I am here too!"

The 10,000-year-old Jiao flew out to fight together.

There were several other Supremes of the God of Inverse who flew out together. There were characters and monsters. The top ranks all flew out, all of them could fight the Supreme creatures, and all of them were not weak. Among them, the leaf witch was the strongest.


Zhulong, Qingyi, Bi Fang, etc. also left the battlefield and flew over.

Just relying on Ye Witch and others can't contain many supreme creatures, but they are different when they fly. They can contain more supreme creatures, so Ling Feng has more energy to deal with other supreme creatures.


After Purgatory, they are about to decide on the third floor!


A masterpiece battle began at this moment, Ye Witch and Ling Qing jointly suppressed a supreme creature, although a little bit hard, but Dugu Yuyue and Han Ruyue restrained the second supreme creature.

Zhulong and Bi Fang restrained a supreme creature.

The poisonous insect and the demon tree king restrained a supreme creature.

The god-chewing grass king, the **** tortoise, and the six-armed **** ape restrained a supreme creature.

Wannian Lao Jiao, evil emperor, etc. pinned a supreme creature.


When several supreme creatures were suppressed by the top ranks of the gods, only a dozen supreme creatures remained.

Ling Feng's pressure plummeted.

Even the demon master was shocked, these demon lords and characters were so powerful that they were so powerful that only two or three heavenly lords could suppress the supreme creatures. How enchanting would it be?

of course.

Even Ye Witch and Ling Qing felt a lot of pressure, and could only try to suppress it. After a long time, the decline would show up.


A short period of containment is sufficient.

Because, Ling Feng's side was smashing through thorns, when the nineteen supreme creatures were scattered and the lethality suddenly reduced. After he started desperately dying, the explosive power was unprecedented. Although this slaughter battle was miserable, it was not impossible.

next moment.

Ling Feng broke out completely. Not only did the fairy blade emit light and rain, but also the ancient martial arts tower and the heavenly disk of the gods also flew out. When it was ignited by the fairy cave of life and death, Ge Shihaomang pierced nine days.


The fairy blade carried a beam of light rain, pierced the gap of darkness, and appeared in front of a supreme creature. Even though that supreme creature had tried its best to use the space-time field, it was still too weak in front of Ling Feng.

30,000 stars make life and death!

That is an overwhelming edge!

Break the field with one blade!

After the fairy blade fell, the eighth supreme creature died.

Even if it was besieged by more than a dozen supreme creatures, Ling Feng was still able to explode such combat power, which indeed made the supreme creatures present tremble.


Because the power consumption was too serious, even the 30,000 stars became a lot darker, which made Ling Feng frowned. With the current momentum, he could not hold on for long.

"Quick battle!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes tightly and felt the deep pressure. If he asked the sky, it would not be Wentian, maybe not as the supreme creature of purgatory, but with the power of immortality, he was completely comparable, and even crushed. .

But the 30,000 stars came from Po Meng, who did not belong to his true power, and could only be borrowed, and once this power was consumed, it was completely dissipated.

This is fundamentally different from the power that can return after taking pills.


At this moment, a light hit Ling Feng's back, disintegrating his flesh and blood, leaving a blood hole in his back, and the red blood was surging out, creating an extremely **** picture.

Ling Feng snorted and couldn't help but rush forward to weaken the terrifying impact.


He took the pill, on the one hand to make his strength return as soon as possible, on the other hand, to contain the injury, so that he can become more durable.

Otherwise, once the injury breaks out, he will also be unlucky.


He sacrificed the celestial celestial disc, made it hit the back, suppressing the supreme creature attacking behind, and the fairy blade hit the front together with the ancient martial arts tower.

Guwu Tower was the first to confront the supreme creature, weakening its power, especially the time and space field, and then the fairy blade fell down.

His strength has been weakened a bit, but there are two kinds of forbidden devices to suppress him, but he can turn the tide.


Another supreme creature screamed, although he tried his best, he still didn't stop the rain of the fairy blade.

At last.

It disintegrated in the endless light and rain, and died violently.

The ninth supreme has fallen!

This made the eyes of the supreme creatures present blood red. They had never experienced such a **** battle before, and Purgatory had not been beaten so tragically and slaughtered by a heavenly figure.

Ling Feng gasped and breathed, with cold sweat, because at some unknown time, a supreme creature flew over, slashed his arm and tore it off.

Blood dripping!

Ling Feng was seriously injured!


Ling Feng's expression was cold, the fairy blade flew back, and fell down with the ancient martial tower, breaking the enemy forcefully!


In the loud noise, the supreme creature that succeeded in the sneak attack did not retreat and was slaughtered.

The tenth supreme creature!

This is Ling Feng's record!


The situation is not optimistic, because two supreme creatures came together. When Ling Feng slaughtered the supreme creature, a hammer hit the top of Ling Feng's head. Even though the space of the fairy cave of life and death was suppressed, the top of Ling Feng's head collapsed. My eyes turned black, dizzy and almost fainted on the spot.


Ling Feng used Nirvana Fire to make it glow, dispelling most of the mighty powers and restraining forces, and keeping himself awake.


The eternal restraint was separated from the fairy blade, carrying the terrifying heavenly power, and hit the two supreme creatures, and then the ancient martial arts tower flew out and suppressed together.

"Cut the fairy!"

Fighting Jiexian with the power of the supreme level, it is the strongest that destroys the world.



The two supreme creatures have fallen, and the sky is full of blood.

Ling Feng slaughtered twelve supreme creatures!

But before he gasped and breathed, his legs were cut off, and the two supreme creatures reappeared, and the sneak attack succeeded. Even if Ling Feng was extraordinary, it would be unrealistic to suppress it completely at this time.


Ling Feng's eyes were completely red, some were angry, some were stimulated by blood and severe pain.

He is crazy!

Ancient Wu Pagoda, Shenxiang Tianpan, Immortal Blade, etc. were knocked down together, and even the two supreme creatures were killed.

Fourteen supreme creatures!

It means that the supreme creature that encircled him is half dead, but this is still not the limit, because there are as many as eighteen supreme creatures on the scene, like the burning sky supreme has the ability to slaughter, the other supreme, and even the Ye Witch, etc. People are weak.

Those supreme creatures still need him to kill.

Ling Feng knows the current situation well, the pressure in his heart can be imagined, but he can only persist.

"Butcher again!"

Ling Feng rushed to the other two supreme creatures with a badly wounded body.


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