Supreme Demon

Chapter 3033: Violence!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Sky dome!

This is not the real sky, but the sky sack!

This is the forbidden device that Ling Feng obtained from the blue sky. It was supposed to belong to the forbidden device of the starry sky. Now it is back to the starry sky. Needless to say, its strength is needless to say, but the real power of the sky is its imprisonment and weakening.

Once packed in sack, that power will be weakened and imprisoned, and it is not so easy to get rid of it.

of course.

The real role of the sky sack is a surprise attack. Once the opponent knows that, with prevention, it will not be so easy for the sky sack to be effective that day.

How could Ling Feng not know?


He had previously endured it for a long time, and worked hard to create an opportunity to lure the enemy into it. When the fairy giant python finally couldn't help it, and wanted to make a black mouth on the two wills, the sky sack started with lightning.

The intention is obvious!

call out!

In the early days, the fairy python really didn't notice it, because the sky sack was too small and its power was not obvious, and it was suppressed by the power of candlelight. Even the gods of creatures such as the fairy python would not even want to discover it.

Because of this, Ling Feng dared to do this.

When the fairy python finds something wrong, it has no possibility of regretting it. The butcher knife has already split the two wills, and even slaughtered the two virtual bodies of the Fentian Supreme. With its powerful pride, how can it be at this time Retreat?

not to mention.

It is unrealistic for it to retreat, it can only be forced down.

Ling Feng got his wish.

Using the fall of the two wills, the sky sack of lightning grew larger, breaking through the wind and rain, falling on the tail of the fairy python, and becoming more vast, coming directly toward the head of the fairy python.

Make a full set of play.

Ling Feng felt that "packing" this kind of thing must be done even more without leaking.

In the lightning, the sky sack enveloped most of the fairy python's body. With Ling Feng's current strength, its speed is even more different than before, and the power of the sky sack is also different, even the fairy python. When the creatures really fall into the sack of the sky, I'm afraid they will peel off.


He still underestimated the fairy python. When he found the sky sack, he struggled fiercely, using the giant tail to get rid of the sky sack, forcing Ling Feng to close his mouth with lightning, making the sky sack tightly bound the fairy python. Don't let it get rid of it.


After the Skydome sack was completely closed, although it did not completely cover the fairy python, more than half of the body, especially the giant tail, was completely suppressed, and the power inside was being weakened and imprisoned, making the fairy python painful. Severely distorted, can't wait to tear the sky sack to pieces.

It is not just giant tails that are affected, but also fairy pythons.

after all.

The giant tail is also part of the power of the fairy python.

"it's time!"

Fen Tian Supreme looked at Ling Feng. Although he was saddened by the fall of those two wills, this was something he had to do, because if Ling Feng didn't take this opportunity, he was afraid that none of the Eight Dao Wills would survive.


The Eight Dao Wills have awakened, but the time to survive is very short. If they cannot solve this situation as soon as possible, the situation will be more difficult when the Eight Dao Wills disperse naturally.


Ling Feng forcefully used his forehead, and his purpose of using the sky sack was to slaughter the fairy python. Once he succeeded, it would be a slaughter waiting for the fairy python.


Ling Feng was not completely successful, he only restrained most of his body, but the strength of the fairy python was greatly reduced as a result, which was extremely beneficial to them.


He didn't know how long the sky sack could restrain and imprison the fairy python, so when he sacrificed the sky sack, he thought of a quick fight.

"let's start!"

Ling Feng Baoxiang is solemn and powerful like a knife, sweeping out one by one, and the 30,000 stars are truly lit, which is different from the previous lighting, because the 30,000 stars are burning, and the charm of Wu Wu is also burning, just with the burning sky. The origin of combustion is essentially different.

Wu Zhiyun can burn into ashes, but Ling Feng will not fall, and Wu Zhiyun can be born again.

Endless power urges!

Endless strength blessing!

Everything pointed to Ling Feng's eyebrows, because there was the strongest restriction in the world.


When the void is low!

When everything is exhausted!

When time is eternal!

A prohibition flew out, carrying the will of sentient beings, carrying the hopes of the sky, it flashed out, and the endless ancient patterns on it were awakened, releasing the world's top restraint power.

Thousands of things become haze!


A prohibition obscures the sky and forms the most magnificent picture, and when it is integrated into the fairy blade, the terrifying power makes the fairy light rain on the fairy blade completely burn and burn, which is the fairy blade city. Peel off the next layer of material.

This kind of strength is completely detached, even Ling Feng himself feels that his strength is out of control. When he wields the fairy blade, the sky is endless and the universe becomes empty.

What field!

What substance!

What Wuzhiyun!

At this moment they are all just foils, all just sadness.


"Damn it!"

The fairy python was shocked, how come the most magical forbidden weapon in the world appeared on this character?


This is an extremely forbearing character, and he waited until this time to be sacrificed. Now it is bound and imprisoned by the sky sack, it is difficult to get rid of it in a short time, its strength is greatly reduced, and the situation is extremely dangerous.

But this kind of eternal ban has appeared.

To know.

This kind of sharp weapon once made the entire starry sky gloomy, and the entire sky was blue and gray. I don't know how many supreme-level creatures fell under eternal restraint.

For Biluo creatures, eternal prohibition is a nightmare-level prohibition.

"Stick me!"

The fairy giant python was not vague, but mobilized the strongest power in a short time, especially the "Xianyu" and various forbidden devices to suppress Ling Feng's eternal prohibition, trying to completely withstand it, without wanting to be hurt.


It also underestimates the horror of eternal prohibition. It is only strong in itself, but after blending with the fairy blade, it adds a kind of immortal sharpness, and when the power in Ling Feng's heart is awakened and integrated into it, it will have a kind of slaughter Day's ability.

Because it's a cut fairy!


Numerous forbidden devices have become dirt scum at this time. After all, those forbidden devices are only at the supreme level, far from reaching the category of immortality, and the gap is quite large, and they are not the opponent of the fairy blade.


The "Xianyu" is damaged, whether it is the charm of Wuzhi, the fairy blade or the eternal prohibition, it is against the road. The magic born from decay can completely ignore the field of view, even the "Xianyu" field.

of course.

If he wanted to completely destroy the "Xianyu", he was afraid of being weakened and obliterated with the ability of eternal restraint, so Ling Feng did not think of completely destroying it. He only had to split one piece from the middle, and that was enough.


When the third voice sounded, the body of the fairy python became stiffer, because the eternal restraint carried the fairy blade and split the scales on its forehead, slashing into the flesh and blood.

The pain struck.

The faerie giant contorted violently, but to no avail.

The fairy blade is still in the blue sky, and the candlelight power inside is swooping unscrupulously, trying to destroy the soul and flesh and blood of the fairy python, so the fairy python has to allocate more energy to deal with the fairy blade and eternal prohibition .

"Do it!"

Ling Feng yelled. At this time, the fairy giant python giant tail was suppressed by the sky sack, and the head was suppressed by the fairy blade and eternal restraint. It was almost immobile.


The real ultimate move is not these, but them!

"Madan, I've been waiting for this moment!"

The six wills were speaking, becoming extremely cold and awe-inspiring. The two wills fell, and their hearts were sad, but as far as they were concerned, what Ling Feng showed was not cold blood, but real great wisdom.

With the fall of two wills, to slaughter the fairy giant python, they are also willing to do such a thing.


Faerie pythons are imprisoned, at least for a short time to distract him, this is their chance.

Butcher knife plan!

"I'm going to tear it up!"

All the wills are crazy, and they can't wait to eat the fairy python raw, and they also know that time is important. Once they are freed by the fairy python, then they have no such opportunity.



Fentian Supreme, Liudao Will, and Guanghan Supreme all rushed over, and everyone had to give birth to a fairy python.

"Borrow the tower for a use!"

A Will spoke to Ling Feng.

"it is good!"

The Jade Pagoda flew towards that will, and flooded its hands with an incomparably gorgeous rain of light. This was originally the forbidden device of that will, but it became Lingfeng's forbidden device in the current world.

When the jade pagoda was in full bloom and blasted towards the fairy python, the heavy force ripped off the scales of the fairy python on the spot.

Its flesh and blood are completely exposed.

This is the living target!


Fen Tian Supreme rushed directly to the wound with terrible flames, and with extremely terrifying power, he tore open the wound, and slashed toward the inside, making the wound bigger and deeper.


Afterwards, Fentian Supreme's sharp knife chopped and fell, and directly pierced into the wound. The most terrifying thing was the flames. When it rushed into the body of the fairy python, it burned alive and burned it.

And the will carrying the jade tower flew to the next place, and once again opened a wound, this time it was the turn of other wills and characters.

The jade tower is extraordinary and sharp.

Within a short period of time, several wounds were opened on the body of the fairy giant python, causing its blood to drip and the injury became serious.

Every wound has a will and a character!

after all.

Not everyone can split the scale armor, but as long as the scale armor is split, the flesh and blood of the fairy python is not so strong, at most it is the flesh and blood of the supreme level.


As long as they find the weakness of the fairy python, even the top supreme and even the Mengpo-level figures will be torn into pieces.

They lightning forward!

They burned their strength and rushed into the body of the fairy python, their forbidden device could tear through a lot of space, and even the field, they could tear apart layers of flesh and blood.


The fairy python was in grief and his complexion was distorted. It wanted to get rid of it, but it was imprisoned by the eternal restraint and the sack of the sky. Although it tried its best, it took at least a quarter of an hour to get rid of it.


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