Supreme Demon

Chapter 3117: Who is an idiot?

"Supreme God and Demon"

The air is transpired, and the Xia Guang is dazzling.

Ling Feng coming out of the bath has an extraordinary temperament. There is golden blood flowing in his body, and the flames are burning, like a **** and dust, which is not to be looked at directly.

He flipped out, a creature with the big fist emerged from the palm of his palm, dimly with a colorful rainbow, the great aura of heaven, exuding ten thousand auras, although fierce, it did not have much influence on characters like Ling Feng.

This is a baby elephant.

The whole body is crystal clear, like beautiful jade and amber, the limbs are very small, cute and smart, and the trunk is like a crescent moon, and there is a great way of breath between the breath, like a volcanic eruption, gurgling out.

The spirit of the heaven and the earth came slowly, even though the wasteland was exhausted, there was still a vision of heaven and earth, which made this little elephant as a backdrop.

"This is a baby elephant?"

Ling Feng was surprised that this creature was too extraordinary, with lightning symbols in his body, engraved with great roads, extremely magnificent.


The little elephant shot out lightning in his eyes, intertwined with Taoist rhyme, and tried hard to break free from Ling Feng's palm, unwilling to be detained.

"Not a real creature, without flesh and blood."

Ling Feng frowned and thought, this little elephant is extraordinary and has no entity, but the great aura has formed flesh and blood, lifelike, with a sense of fantasy and unreality.

Just a little creature, but like a heavenly way, the great energy and rhyme are natural, merge and return to the original, and there is surging vitality in the body, eternal.

It is not like a baby elephant, but more like a great road condensed, becoming an ancient heavenly Dao.

"Evolved Dao Qiyun?"

Ling Feng was surprised. Although he was seriously injured, there were endless scars on the Dao Dao in his body, and he wanted to show through and disintegrate it. But because of this, he had a deeper understanding of Dao Qiyun.

Although this little elephant is small, its body is full of Taoist rhyme and its aura is extraordinary, but this is a single Tao. If it is planted in its body, there will be astonishing changes and set foot on a limit.

"What the **** are you?"

Ling Feng said with a smile, although he could see through the essence of the baby elephant, it was a problem with its title, because he didn't know how this creature should be called in God's Domain.

"The essence is the same, but the title is useless."

After a while, Ling Feng smiled, a little bit self-deprecating, people like them don't need to cling to their names, they should pay more attention to their roots.

"In the realm of Dao, ten thousand Dao can kill immortals, and one can slaughter gods."

Ling Feng detained the little elephant in front of him and watched carefully. A pair of eyes were like lightning, coming out through the body, trying to pierce the little elephant's surface to see the truth.

"An extraordinary way, but after all, it is not a kingly heaven!"

Ling Feng faintly said that this kind of Taoism once appeared in the extremes of the sky, only in the early stage and not in the later stage, proving that this kind of Taoism is not the strongest ancient Taoist rhyme and cannot reach the level of kingly Taoism.

However, this is indeed a rare Dao Qiyun, especially when it appears in a creature's body, it seems like a natural phenomenon, and the magical function of the sky is indeed different.

"Unfortunately, you are not for me!"

Ling Feng sighed, his way is different, serving the way with his body means not borrowing any heavenly way, he can learn from and imitate, but in the end he needs to step out of his own way.

He wants to integrate all the ways into himself, and then Nirvana, break away from the all ways and become a god.

Go to the top, fish over the dragon gate.

This is to serve the Tao.

The little elephant, who was still struggling fiercely, immediately calmed down, because Ling Feng bluntly said that this kind of grandeur was not suitable for him.

Obviously, this is meant to be released.

"Although it is exhausted, it is difficult to reach the pinnacle of ten thousand ways."

Ling Feng didn't release his life, but instead detained the little elephant, placed it in front of him, and carefully looked at it, and wanted to penetrate the grandeur of it.

"Not a big medicine, it's useless to me."

Shen Lie rarely opened his eyes, glanced at the little celestial elephant, and then closed his eyes again.

If he hadn't been seriously injured, he would have been tempted, but he doesn't need it now, and he wants to recover sooner.


This kind of little celestial phenomenon belongs to living beings. It is not the ancient rhyme of real dragons and phoenixes. It is of no use to him. What he really desires is the ancient way of cutting real dragons and slaying the phoenix, and slaying the avenue of gods in the endless blood.

With their current realm, they are no longer limited to one kind of road, but want to cross ten thousand roads.

This is detachment in the mood.

Suddenly, Ling Feng's expression changed, looking towards the ground, he felt fluctuations spreading from there, like a terrifying beast breaking through the soil, trying to reappear in the world.


Ling Feng stood up, took out a new robe from the Autophagy Spirit Orb and put it on his body, covering the body that was flowing with flames and the scars that were overflowing with blood.

He opened his mouth and overflowed with golden blood, spreading in the void, like a giant golden net, burning instantly, extremely gorgeous.

"Leave here first."

Ling Feng squinted his eyes, and the lightning stayed away, because he had already felt a different breath.

"It should be the trouble caused by this little thing."

Today, Lingfeng Daomu is already extraordinary, able to see the truth through the body.

Although this big river is dry, it has an extraordinary origin. There is a dark river below, communicating with the ancient river in the distance, and the momentum is extraordinary. The little celestial elephant was afraid that it was through the dark river to escape, and now it fell into the hands of Ling Feng.

However, in the end, the dark river was extremely small and imprisoned by laws. The small celestial elephants could pass in a short time, but those hunters were not so fast.

They need to break the law of imprisonment before they can appear here.


The cracks behind the underground river were small, only a foot wide, and they had to break through the soil to pass.

"I think the big medicine can be gathered."

Ling Feng squinted and said with a smile, Tianxiang Mountain used to be an extraordinary mountain, with great medicines flourishing, and old trees forming forests, but now the great medicines are almost picked, especially in the surrounding areas. If you want to pick great medicines, you need to go deeper.

Tianxiang Mountain has been around since ancient times. I don't know how many strong people have been in and out of it. I am afraid that the top drugs have been picked. Now the Tianxiang Mountain is fading, so it has something to do with it.

How difficult is it for Ling Feng to get a big medicine?

But the appearance of small celestial phenomena has attracted all kinds of humanoid "magic drugs", all of which are moving treasures.

Ling Feng's injury was too serious, and there was a fire in his body, which made him describe it as withered, not vigorous, and normal fighting is acceptable. He was afraid of encountering an unprecedented catastrophe and confronting people of the same level.

That is quite troublesome.

He didn't want to have conflicts at the first time, so he had to wait and see the changes.

He rushed out of the creek and landed on the ground. His hair was naturally dry. He didn’t need to borrow power. The flames in his body were enough to make the hair dry. In fact, just now when Ling Feng was in the creek, the water was almost dry. , And now it's still boiling.

Ling Feng rose into the air, far away from here.

Shortly after.

The small river blasted and burst, and beams of light pierced the sky, forming lightning symbols, such as earth and big medicines, which caused the wasteland to crack, the small river completely collapsed, the dark river emerged, and the water gurgled out.

The three characters rushed out at the same time with gray heads and faces. Although they resisted the prohibition of the Dark River Law, they were still contaminated with mud, making their image embarrassed and mourning.

They have no time to care about the image, and they sweep all over the place to find out the whereabouts of the little celestial phenomena. The avenue is too amazing, how can they let it go?

"Don't let it really escape."

The Son of Glory no longer had his previous image, his face was very heavy, and the influence of a Dao seed was too heavy. This kind of thing cannot be hidden, and there must be a powerful person coming.

He has already notified the kingdom, and the strong will come soon.

Xiaolingtu and the ancient Xuyue clan had also been notified, and they should have flown here at this moment.

This will be a great battle, and he must get the little celestial phenomenon as soon as possible before the strong come, otherwise he does not know how many strong will give their lives for this.

And the glory kingdom may not be able to get the celestial phenomena and Dao seeds.

"The breath is very scattered, and I can't find the direction for a while." The little spirit king frowned. He used his Taoist eyes and spiritual senses. There is indeed a small celestial aura between the sky and the earth, but it is extremely scattered and it is difficult to distinguish for a while.

Suddenly, a Taoist picture unfolds, bathing in the spring breeze, and nine kinds of gods appear on it, all of which are different.

The top-level aura appears, imprinting the celestial aura.

The nine gods turned to guard the celestial aura together, as if to respect them, but in fact this was a kind of encirclement and suppression.

In the end, the nine gods swallowed the celestial aura and pointed a direction.

"Just south!"

Xu Yuetian said coldly.

"Bring this kind of treasure with you?"

The little spirit king and the emperor of glory have changed colors one after another. The Nine Spirits Searching for the Source is one of the treasures of the ancient Xuyue towns. It has extraordinary powers and can be traced thousands of miles away. As long as the spirit and rhyme are mastered by him, you can never escape to heaven .

"It's just an imitation."

Xu Yuetian said calmly: "A genuine product is like a great road. There is no such deliberateness. It can be traced back to the years and has endless magical effects. Although this imitation product is not as good as the original product, it is effective for the Supreme."

The emperor of glory and the king of little spirit can't help but get cold. This kind of thing is a bit against the sky, especially the authentic product. Even if you open the long river of time and space, you may be found hiding in it. How enchanting is this?

"If you want to, it can't escape."

There are precious treasures to understand his whereabouts, and the little celestial elephants will eventually be unable to escape.


The next moment, the Little Spirit King rushed straight to the south, and the Emperor of Glory and the Heavenly Daughter Xu Yue rushed to the south.


Not long after, the Little Spirit King reappeared, staring at the dark river, and a gossip disc appeared in his hand.

"Beautiful women can deceive, it's true."

Little Spirit King sneered, if he really believed Xu Yue Tiannv's nonsense, he would really be deceived.

"True East!"

The Little Spirit King sneered, saying that the most poisonous woman's heart is very reasonable, because Xu Yue Tiannv used the treasure to deceive the secret and pointed in another direction.

It's not right.

Afterwards, the Little Spirit King rushed to the east to be the first to imprison the peerless Taoist species.

Soon after, Xu Yue Tiannv reappeared, and also rushed to the east. She had struggled to get rid of the entanglement of the Glory Emperor, but she soon discovered the breath of the Little Spirit King.

"It's really not easy to be deceived as a great person."

Xu Yuetian sighed, and finally rushed into the distance with lightning.

"It's still not sincere, boring and boring."

After a while, the Son of Glory appeared next to Xiaohe with a helpless look. Both of them were too fake. Isn't it good for everyone to be sincere?

They really can't calculate this kind of calculation?

Who is an idiot?

"Peerless Taoism is not so easy to succeed, I think most of the big things will happen."

The Heavenly Elephant Dao-seed escaped, and although he has found his whereabouts now, he finds it difficult to catch it again unless the Supreme Person is born.


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