Supreme Demon

Chapter 3121: Detached!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The mountains and rivers are undulating like dragons, surrounded by rivers, and lush greenery.

The little spirit king was full of depression. The Son of Glory was knocked over by a pan and passed out until now. The whereabouts of the goddess Xu Yue is unknown and his life or death is unknown. But according to the six horses, the goddess Xu Yue took a mouthful before being taken away. The pan once appeared.

They are wise and martial, and they are as rich as jade.

But now, they lost to a pan.

The Little Spirit King is powerful and powerful, and can be tied with the Emperor of Glory and the Heavenly Daughter of Xu Yue. He belongs to the Tianjiao figures of the same generation, and his strength is unfathomable. In Tianxiang Mountain, he is the only one who can defeat the Emperor of Glory and Xu Yue.

If there is such a strength, the Little Spirit King will recognize it. Although the ancient Xu Yue clan is strong, but as long as Xu Yue Tiannv is not damaged, with the strength of the Little Spirit Earth, he can't speak.

But he didn't!

Sneak attack with a pan, this kind of strength is really heartbreaking, and it is impossible for non-strong characters to do it. The little spirit king has a high self-esteem and disdains to do this kind of thing, not to mention that even if he does it, he may not To this extent.

In the same realm, how easy is it to take photos of the two characters unconsciously?

Unless the top secret treasure is used.

With the intelligence of the Little Spirit King and the Glory Son, it is not difficult to see the problem.

At this moment, the emperor of glory calmed down, listened carefully to the analysis of the little spirit king, and headed forehead.

"We are careless. I am afraid that there will be a fourth person in Xiangshan Mountain!"

The Lingshen universe is extremely vast. It is not surprising that there are three dragons and two phoenixes, and there are many ancient tribes, and there are hidden world masters who have never appeared until now. Today, as the Taoist species comes out, these hidden world masters are afraid they can’t sit still. .

It's just that, what kind of outstanding people would do such shameless things?

People like them are very sorry for their faces and disdain to do such things.

"If you can't find the fourth person, I'm afraid you still can't hide it!"

The Son of Glory threw a word and floated into the distance.

"I will find him!"

The Little Spirit King had a sullen face, extremely terrifying, and an ancient aura escaped from his body, breaking the surrounding mountains to pieces.

The fourth person who may exist is trying to blame him, and let him take the blame, his heart is shameful.



Within a mountain, Ling Feng spouted a mouthful of blood, his face flushed instantly, and the blood in his body exuded a coquettish scarlet red, which was not the same as the red of the blood.

"Sky Fire!"

Shen Lie sighed, Ling Feng's injury worsened, the eighth Nirvana was not so easy to pass, and the impact was too serious.

Ling Feng has been training for five years, but the sky fire is still burning, like a road wound, and will never die with Ling Feng.

In the past, Ling Feng could pass the exercises calmly, but now he has the feeling of throwing a rodent.

It is not easy to refine the past.

"The hunting plan is going to be stranded."

Ling Feng sighed and said, the mountains and rivers have been turbulent these few days, and the charm has come from afar. It is clear that there are strong figures flying here to come down to the Tianxiang Mountain and capture the Tianxiang Taoist species alive.

They plan to hunt, this is a rare opportunity.

But they just flew not far, and then fell down quickly, Ling Feng vomited blood, the injury worsened, the sky fire in the body tended to be uncontrollable, and the impact was extremely serious.


In Ling Feng's current state, once hunting begins, it will explode midway, fearing that he will die.

This is not about hunting, but about suicide.

"First contain the injury, refine it, at least it must be controlled, otherwise hunting will not be talked about!"

Shen Lie said.

"I'm afraid it can only be so."

Ling Feng's forehead, his face was heavy, he couldn't find a solution, it was the same for five years, once there was no way to restrain, the sky fire would last forever until he was refined to death.

This is a great tragedy.

"Don't worry, we still have time now." Shen Lie comforted, not wanting Ling Feng to be anxious because of them.

Because he knew that Ling Feng came out like this because the time between him and Qiu Shuyi was too short, and Ling Feng was afraid that they could not stand it.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng nodded, the situation became more complicated, and the people who came were not weak, not only were outstanding people, but also had a celestial spirit, and wanted to be extraordinary.

He wandered between the mountains and rivers, did not immediately sit down, the aura of Tianxiang Mountain has changed too much, and the strong are there, so he must hide.

He fell in front of a mountain, where the charm is thin and unattractive.


Ling Feng dug a cave and sat cross-legged ever since.

The astronomical change has nothing to do with him, and the hunting ends here unless he can take that step in a short time.

"Refine and refine, but what exactly is the eighth level of Nirvana?"

Ling Feng calmed his mind, calming his impetuous heart, and pondered this issue seriously.

The sky fire slowly burns in the flesh and blood of Lingfeng, cast like golden water, like a rushing river, appearing in the blood of Lingfeng, it is very spectacular and gorgeous.

It is like a dragon and a snake, like the sky forever.

They walked in the shin bones, combed the flesh and blood, and refined the bones and bones. But now that five years have passed, there is nothing left to be refined. Ling Feng's flesh, bones, and bones have become extremely strong, even Tianhuo has not treated them. Turned to ashes.

This kind of firmness is unimaginable, Ling Feng feels that he can fight the celestial pole with only flesh and blood!


The sky fire was like a big day, spreading among Lingfeng's flesh and blood, reflecting Lingfeng's endless divine acupoints, making them shine like stars, but some dead spots were not let go or overlooked.

The muscles and bones are shiny, like a strange mountain.

The flesh and blood roared like thunder.

This is a marvelous scene, magnificent as mountains and rivers.

On this day, Ling Feng closed his eyes and seriously thought about how to take the next road. If he keeps on training like this, even if there are many drugs and blood, he is afraid that he will be exhausted.

Ling Feng closed for a month.

The atmosphere was boiling outside, and an ancient family came in a chariot, rumblingly swooping over this low mountain, making thousands of ripples and shaking the world.

But this short mountain is not surprising and not eye-catching. There are strange door restrictions in the cave, and everything is closed. It is extremely difficult for even the celestial character to discover its magic.

It was also the reason why Ling Feng was relieved.

He sits in the cave and doesn't want to be disturbed, because the sky fire refines, every moment is important and critical.

Two months later.

There was a big battle in Tianxiang Mountain, with terrible characters competing, and even more crazy.

Xu Yuetiannv is missing, her whereabouts are unknown, and the emperor of glory was photographed. Although the injuries were not serious, the impact was too great.

Obviously, someone is going to get angry.

Many people suspect that there is a fourth person, at least Xiaolingwang has such words.

The instigator, calm and indifferent, is going through the catastrophe.


This is indeed an unprecedented catastrophe. If Ling Feng can't solve the problem, there is no way to get out of the sky and refine this life, afraid that he will die here.

"It's different from before, this kind of training is like a soft knife, it's very life-threatening!"

Even Shen Lie had to sigh. The first seven levels of Nirvana are very intense, but as long as you hold on, you can always see hope, but now?

They don't know how to refine it.

When is the end?

Powerful as Ling Feng, and clever as Ling Feng are helpless.

On this day, Ling Feng calmed down and carefully felt the changes in the Nirvana of the Heavenly Fire in his body, bit by bit inscribed in his heart, experiencing the various ways of the world, and even the transformation that he has taken along the way.

His expression remained unchanged, as if he would sleep forever.

The sky fire slowly, rushing from the limbs to the hundred skeletons, the internal organs are trembling, there are rivers rushing, there is an eternal charm, each qi rhyme is exerting force, all kinds of heavenly powers are turbulent.

at last.

After a few months, Ling Feng opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he saw some essential problems.

"Did you find the problem?"

Shen Lie asked anxiously, Ling Feng's smile hadn't appeared for a long time.

"I saw a little problem, but I don't know if it's the truth, it still needs to be tested!"

Ling Feng nodded, did not explain too much, and now he is deeply involved, in the rush of the river, and the surging blood, he carefully realizes this kind of nirvana.

His heart sank, as if he had entered a magical dream, wandering in it, and experiencing thousands of ancient ways.

Two months later, Ling Feng opened his eyes.

"Have you found it?" Shen Lie asked. He had been unable to figure it out, but he wanted to know if Ling Feng had figured out the key issue.

"found it!"

Ling Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, very sincere, without deception or concealment, the most difficult problem finally has a solution.

"What's the problem?" Shen Lie asked, he wanted to know too much, because his injury might also be able to go this way.


Ling Feng said with a smile: "This kind of Nirvana is a transformation and refinement from the outside to the inside. It is not persistence, but a passive change to the initiative. This refinement is even more of a great fortune."

"What do you mean?"

Shen Lie was puzzled, and wanted to know more, because Ling Feng hadn't explained it clearly before.

"From the outside to the inside, we must first refine the bones, bones, skin, flesh and blood, etc., to make it crystal clear, make it solid and immortal, and then have internal drastic changes."

"What is the inner upheaval?" Shen Lie asked, his eyes lit up, and there was a lot of confusion.

"What is Great Fortune?" This is Shen Lie's second question.

"This is a great fortune. It's also a catastrophe, too dangerous."

Shen Lieyu frowned, and when he discovered the problem, he also became hesitant, because it was too horrible, not everyone can do it, even if he was careless, he might refine himself.

"What do you mean?" Shen Lie asked.

"We must break the limit, break through ourselves, and truly serve the Tao with our own body!"

Ling Feng explained: "I used to serve the Tao with my body halfway through. There are many realms that are not perfect, or complete, and I need to break them one by one, move to the limit, and be born through transformation."

"The transformation of each realm, the ultimate breaking!"

"Only detachment, true detachment, can serve the Tao with the body, and it is the eighth level of Nirvana!"


Shen Lie's face changed drastically, and he explained with a stunned look, this is too enchanting, is it going to kill everyone?

To the extreme, this is not the end, but to break the extreme is the end.

Not a realm, but the extreme of each realm.

Martial artist, martial artist, martial master...Today's supreme, how many extremes does Ling Feng need to break?

This is a detachment, or a relief!


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