Supreme Demon

Chapter 3134: I am wronged!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Jade Kylin has an extraordinary origin.

It belongs to the eternal magic medicine. It has been in the past. I don't know how many years, the outstanding people are withered, and the great world falls. Only this kind of creature can survive in the world.

However, Jade Kylin had long since left the body of medicine and became the spirit of medicine, but it had no real flesh and blood. Like a ghost, it had to be fished by Wu to become prey and food.

It wants to escape, but this is like a rebellious immortal, it needs to be horribly slaughtered, it needs immortal resources, and even chaos and ancient atmosphere, which shocks the world and is difficult to find even in the gods.

What's more, it is the body of medicine spirit. How easy is it to pick this resource?

Hundreds of years ago, the Jade Kylin was captured alive by the Sea Moon God Emperor and fostered, relying on its medicinal essence to break through the realm. He did not regard it as a creature, but as a fish on the sword.

Jade Qilin had no feelings for the Sea Moon God Emperor, so when he fell into Ling Feng's hands, there was no surprise, let alone sadness, and the ancient well had no waves, and he had long ignored the sentient beings in the world.

However, Ling Feng's words made his heart tremble and excited.

If others say that, Yu Qilin might not believe it, but Ling Feng can really do it.

Although the Beginning Qi of All Things is not as powerful and domineering as the ancient Chaos Qi, it is the most precious ancient Qi in the world, and even needs to go beyond the ancient Qi of Chaos, because the Beginning Qi of all things is the ancient Qi born from the beginning of heaven and earth, and has extraordinary effects.

Chaos ancient qi, Xuanhuang two qi, etc. are all born of the beginning qi of all things. To say magic, there is no ancient qi that is more mysterious than the beginning qi of all things.

All beings in the world are vying for chaos, ancient qi, fairy qi, etc. But who has ever looked back to see what the beginning of the qiyun was?


Yu Qilin also discovered the difference in Lingfeng Dantian. There was an ancient tree in it with only three leaves, each of which was different, but it had the power of heaven-splitting, and the ancient tree made him tremble even more and couldn't help but kowtow.

"Tree of Everything!"

At this moment, Yu Qilin was horrified and could hardly remain calm. This was the most amazing ancient tree in the world, and the ancient tree of the universe was a child in front of it.

Not to mention hanging on a tree of all things, even lying next to its roots, it can be detached and immortal.

How can it not be excited and shocked?

If it can hang on an ancient tree and become the fourth leaf, when the tree of all things grows up, it can be completely detached, flesh and blood can appear, become a real creature, or even into a human form.

"Can I hang on it?"

Jade Qilin looked at Ling Feng, his eyes full of excitement and madness. This was an important step in attaining Taoism and becoming immortal. Many martial artists had seen it, and were afraid that they would all want to hang a hang on it.

"Yes, but you need to work hard."

Ling Feng was blunt and explained that the tree of all things is too extraordinary, although it is controllable, but the requirements for the leaves are too strict. At the beginning, the celestial elephants and Taoists could only kneel, and it is difficult to become the fourth leaf.

"I want to try."

The jade unicorn is very moved, but he knows that the ancient tree Tianwei is too picky about the leaves, and ordinary species are really out of sight.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng nodded, and broke the dantian on the spot, sending the jade unicorn in, hoping it could become the fourth leaf.


Jade Qilin had just entered Lingfeng Dantian, and he kowtowed on the spot. The whole body was trembling, and he coughed out a few mouthfuls of medicine essence, like jasper jade, shining with aura.

It tried to get up and moved forward, but in a flash, its medicine body cracked and cracks appeared, and the medicine gurgled out, and the whole thing was about to be reduced to ashes.

Finally, Ling Feng caught the jade unicorn to prevent it from emerging in front of the tree of all things.

"too terrifying!"

Jade Qilin was shocked and trembling, so scared that the medicine body was green: "The majesty of the sky is endless, I feel that I am facing an immortal!"

Ling Feng was silent, he knew this was the result.

Although the jade unicorn is extraordinary, it uses medicine to transform its spirit, but the tree of all things is really harsh, and the fourth leaf must be beyond the blade, and the jade unicorn obviously can't do this.

Ling Feng grabbed the medicine essence spilled by the jade unicorn. Although it was not much, it was enough to make any creatures, and it was enough to heal Shen Lie.

"Although you cannot be the fourth leaf, I will still help you become enlightened."

Ling Feng said that he sent the jade unicorn into the Dantian and landed in the Beginning Qi Galaxy, in a different direction from the ancient trees in the universe and the yin and yang fish, fearing that it would be bullied.

"Ling Feng, you can't believe us!"

The ancient tree of the universe and the yin and yang fish said dissatisfied, and now they are already familiar with Ling Feng, without the previous sense of suppression, they are very casual.

"I'm afraid you will take it wrong."

Ling Feng smiled, and then ignored the two creatures.

He turned into a villain with his Dao power and talked with Jade Qilin for a long time, knowing what kind of territory the God's Domain is, and even more about the Heavenly Soul Immortal Medicine and the Kingdom of Glory.

It is a pity that Jade Kylin has limited knowledge, especially the Kingdom of Glory and the elixir of Heavenly Soul. If you want to get useful information, I am afraid that you have to go deep into the Kingdom of Glory.

However, such big powers as the Kingdom of Glory have extraordinary courage. Half a step of the ancient sage sits in town, and it is not realistic to want to steal treasures.

"We need to find another way."

Ling Feng sighed, he did have a plan to steal the treasure, but the Glory Kingdom had a terrible strange door control, and once it was touched, the consequences would be disastrous.

Moreover, the magical medicine of heavenly soul does not know where it is hidden. It is easy to steal the treasure for a while, but it is too difficult to steal the treasure for the whole life.

The Void Land is too terrifying and consumes the sky. Ling Feng has to maintain this state forever, even if there is a Beginning Qi Galaxy, he may not last a few days.

What's more, he doesn't know how strong Banbu Gu Xian is, whether he can see through everything, if he is like this, he will be completely passive and troublesome.

"It's not advisable to sneak into the glory kingdom."

"Then take the initiative to enter the urn!"

Ling Feng muttered in his eyes, the magical medicine for the soul of heaven, he was about to fix it, and now that he found the direction, he naturally wanted to act.

He appeared in front of Shenlie, his eyes burning, staring at Shenlie in a daze.

"Ling Feng, what's your look?"

Shen Lie was a little hairy, very uncomfortable being stared at by Ling Feng, always felt that something was going to happen to him.

"I wronged you!"

Ling Feng said quietly, a little sad.

"Hehe, Ling Feng, do you know how long I have been waiting for you?"

Shen Lie was satisfied, and said with great enjoyment: "After following you all these years, do you know how much suffering I have suffered?"

"Now do you know you wronged me?"

Shen Lie was very arrogant, although he was still injured, but he was a lot more proud.

"you misunderstood."

Ling Feng was stunned, then smiled, is Shen Lie pouring bitterness?

"Huh?" Shen Lie was taken aback for a moment.

"I mean wronged you next."


Shen Lie wanted to escape, he knew that this guy was not at ease, and he was moved just now.

Unfortunately, he was still caught by Ling Feng.

"You don't need to say, I don't want to listen!"

Shen Lie closed his eyes quite simply, not wanting to pay attention to Ling Feng, because what happened next to him was definitely not a good thing.

"I found the whereabouts of the Heavenly Soul Immortal Medicine."

Ling Feng knew that Shen Lie must be listening. Although he didn't answer, he knew that this brother would be a firm ally when he was the worst.

"Just in the kingdom of glory!"

"It's just that stealing treasures is unrealistic and easy to be discovered. There is a half-step ancient sage in that ancient house."

"So, I want to take the initiative to deliver it."

"This requires an opportunity, an excuse."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, and said, "At the beginning, we saw the Son of Glory. I want to break through from him, and you are seriously injured and dying. It should be a good opportunity."

"I will look for opportunities, make a game, and let him enter."

"Is this not enough?" Shen Lie said sarcastically, "Are you an idiot when you are the Son of Glory?"

"He is not an idiot."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "It's just that you are seriously injured and dying. He doesn't need to make a move, let alone make a move, so I will make a round."

Shen Lie sneered and said nothing.

"At the same time, I will show a different side and make it feel the difference between me. It's definitely not easy to put it here, but it's another thing to come to the glory country."

"You are crazy!" Shen Lie said affirmatively.

"I'm not crazy!"

"You are crazy, you are going to die, why are you dragging me."

"You see brothers as clothes and women as siblings!"

Shen Lie was very excited, swearing in an uncharacteristic manner. This round was too dangerous, and an accident would kill them all.

"You agree?"

"I disagree!"

God said fiercely, "I'm not clothes!"

"You are brothers!" Ling Feng said seriously.


Ling Feng flew out of the Spirit Devouring Orb and appeared in Tianxiang Mountain.

Today, the Tianxiang Mountain storm has not passed, and it is still in turmoil. The three great **** emperors are crazy and are encircling other **** emperors. After all, Ling Feng has only disappeared for more than an hour.

Ling Feng was not hunting down the **** emperor, nor did he act on figures from other forces. Instead, he flew quietly to the Kingdom of Glory and followed closely. He must find a breakthrough in these characters of the Kingdom of Glory and integrate into it as soon as possible.

Only when the Son of Glory is invited into the Kingdom of Glory, can he have a chance to find the elixir of heavenly soul and pick it up.

Since the accident of the three major power figures, after being knocked out and knocked out, the three great emperors have become vigilant.

Ling Feng became more vigilant because he wanted to protect the three great emperors.

Finally, this fierce battle came to an end. The three great **** emperors severely injured many **** emperors, but they themselves were also injured.

However, the celestial phenomena still did not appear, and Xu Yue Tiannv was not discovered, which made many characters frown, and the ancient Xu Yue tribe became even more panicked. Only then did they begin to consider the "fourth person."

Perhaps, when the Glory Son, Xuyue Goddess, and the Little Spirit King encircled and suppressed the peerless Taoist species, there was really an unfathomable "fourth person" who watched coldly, and finally acted decisively, not only picking the peerless Taoist species, but also Xu Yuetian was captured alive.

Is this to warm the bed?

Many people thought viciously.

"Calm down first and see if the world has changed."

A few days later, the various races calmed down and stopped fighting, but wanted to find the peerless Taoist species to see if there was a "fourth person" in Tianxiang Mountain.


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