Supreme Demon

Chapter 3138: Don't force me!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Phoenix Virtual Flame is very different.

For other martial artists, they need to be slashed, space is confined, and it is difficult to exert their full strength, but for Ling Feng, the Phoenix Void Flame is like spring water, which can nourish his flesh and blood.

Inside the Phoenix Forbidden Earth, there was a thick, solid rock, soaked in the Phoenix virtual flames all the year round, and they all became different.

Ancient trees and grasses are lush, colorful, and clustered together. The ancient river flows slowly, mottled with the traces of the years, flowing over the rocks, and a few fishes are wandering.

This is not like forbidden soil, more like a piece of divine soil.

Ling Feng wandered between the mountains and rivers, feeling the aura here and experiencing the phoenix nirvana at the beginning. This may be useful for his next highest nirvana, and he needs to understand it carefully.

Soon, Ling Feng discovered some martial arts, whose strength had been weakened, and now he was just a god, and in front of Ling Feng, who had not been weakened, he could kill him with his fingers.

But he didn't approach, but avoided far away, going deeper from another direction.

"The Eight Spirits are not completely weakened!"

Ling Feng came to a mountain and river, looking at a low mountain, a little blood spilled on it, a terrifying monster beast was slaughtered, and its corpse was divided into two parts, which looked like a lion in its shape.

Beside the lion, there was the corpse of an ancient beast, which was killed alive, with a sharp wound on its neck.

At the same time, Ling Feng also found regular fluctuations in the air, proving that someone had used the spatial rules here, and had not been completely cut off, just not as strong as before.

The corpse of the ancient beast once pulled a cart for a spiritual god, but now it is **** and can barely be distinguished.

"The Eight Spirits are not simple."

Ling Feng made such a judgment. Although he did not have Nirvana, he was able to contain the Phoenix's virtual flames, and he still kept the laws of space, which showed the terrible eight spirit gods.

Of course, with Ling Feng's current strength, there is no fear of the Eight Spirit Gods at all.

Soon after, he appeared in front of the second phoenix virtual flame. This virtual flame was more obvious, releasing faint fluctuations, such as light rain of light, falling from the sky, forbidden to split a piece of space.

"The Eight Spiritual Gods should all have stepped into here."

Ling Feng didn't rush into it, but wandered around, finally making a judgment.

"The Glory Son and the Little Spirit King are indeed inside."

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, he didn't have much expectation for Phoenix Terrace, Phoenix Void Flame, etc. Instead, it was the Honor of Heaven that deserves attention.

He must first determine whether the Son of Glory is here, otherwise he is afraid that he will have to draw a basket for nothing.

"The two are in the same direction."

Ling Feng's Taoist eyes are much sharper, and he can see through the phoenix flames and see the truth. There is the aura left by the Little Spirit King and the Glory Son. Although it is very weak, it is hard to escape Ling Feng's divine consciousness.

He stepped forward and passed the second phoenix virtual flame.


The light and rain are pervasive, slowly falling.

Even the second phoenix phantom flame had no effect on Ling Feng. A phantom flame of this level was equivalent to five nirvanas of him, and it was not so powerful.

In the next few days, the Phoenix Forbidden Land was very lively, and Wu Xiu broke in from time to time, causing the Phoenix Forbidden Land to feel overcrowded.


Phoenix Forbidden Land is not only a divine land, but also a bad land.


People just entered the third phoenix virtual flame range, and there was an accident. A snake king with a thick water tank began to slaughter people. In an instant, more than a dozen people died tragically and were swallowed by the snake king.

The snake king has been in the three imaginary flames all the year round. Although it has also been cut three times and cut off the space ability, it is definitely a top god. It can be called a **** king. Its scales are strong and immortal, too for Wu Xiu. fatal.

"Naughty animal, die!"

A god-king-level figure flew out, carried a Taoist tool to suppress, and killed the snake king with the mighty power of heaven, and this disintegrated the slaughter.


Suddenly, a Tianzun suddenly disappeared, and he was swallowed by a rock without even having time to scream.

"Damn it, it's a god-devouring stone!"

People's complexion changed drastically, and they encountered such terrible things here. The God-Evering Stone is incomparable and can be rooted in huge mountains, like ordinary huge mountains, without any breath, but once they attack, they will be caught off guard.


People attacked the boulder and flooded it with endless streams of light. However, the inconspicuous gray stone disappeared, leaving a black hole in place.

"Everyone, be careful!"

People's spirits tightened in an instant, and the God-Evering Stone was so terrible that they could escape. In the Phoenix Forbidden Land where the sense of consciousness was disintegrated and the space was confined, the God-Evering Stone was a nightmare for martial artists.

The major forces' military repairs took over, each of them looked solemn and became unprecedentedly vigilant.


At this moment, a huge rock pierced the void and fell in the air, covering a heavenly deity, causing it to scream, and then it was swallowed.

"Ah, brother!"

A beautiful girl was in grief, with tears flowing in her eyes. People watched below, but did not pay attention to the sky. The ghost knew that the God-Eating Stone could fall from the void.


The God Devouring Stone was out of sight, and it hit an old man who was hidden in the tree to swallow that old man.

"court death!"

The old man's eyes condensed, and a sky sword flew out of his arm, with the sun, moon and stars intertwined on it, panicking and unable to look directly at the stone.

Although the God Devouring Stone is ghostly and strong, the power of God Devouring is the most terrifying only at close range. Long-distance is not afraid of threats to Wuxiu, and the old man is unpredictable, able to spot the movement of the God Devouring Stone in advance and strike with lightning.


The heavenly sword emitted a bright rainbow, and rushed to the God Devouring Stone with a rapid speed, and fiercely slashed down on it, making a loud noise that made the God Devouring Stone tremble.

"Today, I hacked you!"

The old man was angry, lightning flew, and the crescent moon faded in one step for nine days. He fell in the air and wanted to confine the stone and plunder it.

At the same time, the sky sword fell with lightning, and once again bombarded the god-devouring stone, causing the boulder to become dull and loud, and to disintegrate.


The old man did not imprison the God Stone, just because the God Stone was extraordinary, he broke through the confinement and disappeared into the distance.

"It's really troublesome to let it escape!"

The old man murmured, with some headaches, but now in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, the Divine Devouring Stone is a very dangerous evil thing.

It took a long time for people to relax, and the boulder should not come back.


"Fifth False Flame."

Ling Feng found more traces here, and both the Glory Emperor and the Little Spirit King came in from this place. The Eight Spirit Gods were extraordinary. He also discovered this place and had already gone deep into it.

Obviously, the Eight Spiritual Gods did not have the spirit of Lingfeng, and although they were not completely imprisoned, it was indeed surprising that they had such abilities.

There was a muddy swamp in front of it, exuding a deadly breath, and there were a few dry bones on it, and the air was disgusting with a faint smell of blood.

More than a dozen people were in front of the mud, each with solemn faces, very vigilant about the mud.

When Ling Feng appeared here, they naturally attracted their attention.

But Ling Feng didn't intend to talk with him, he wanted to detour and leave. His main purpose was to glorify the emperor, and the eight spirit gods had already entered. If the glory of the emperor and the little spirit king were slaughtered by him, then he would regret it.

However, the dozen or so characters blinked, and they didn't want Ling Feng to leave.

"Hey, brother Dao."

A middle-aged yellow robe flew over and blocked Ling Feng. His brows were like swords, exuding a little majesty, and he was quite a royal relative.

"What's the matter?" Ling Feng stopped.

"Brother Dao, meeting is fate."

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "I'm waiting to find a Taoist palace here, just below the muddy swamp, initially suspected to be an ancient phoenix treasure."

"That's really gratifying!"

Ling Feng arched his hands in joy, and was about to leave.

"Brother Dao, don't leave in a hurry."

The middle-aged man stopped Ling Feng again, and said with a smile: "That quagmire is a bit weird, so I want to ask Dao brother to conspire with me."


A cold light flashed vaguely between Ling Feng's eyes, and he asked, "How is a conspiracy?"

"Brother Dao doesn't need to do much, and it's the easiest."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "As long as Brother Dao walks into the mire, wait for me to split it."

"Walk into the mud?"

Ling Feng looked at the quagmire, and then looked at the middle-aged man for a moment: "That quagmire is too terrible, let's forget it."

After speaking, Ling Feng was about to leave.

"Brother Dao, I am waiting for a sincere invitation, and I am willing to share that Dao Palace with you. You have no sincerity like this, right?"

More than a dozen people gathered around, looking bad.

"The quagmire is very dangerous. There are floating corpses. They are not like ancient corpses. They should have just died."

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with a sneer: "Either the floating corpse is yours, or the floating corpse is just like me who was kindly invited by you to conspire with big things."

"Is this your sincerity?"

They regarded Ling Feng as an idiot, but Ling Feng felt that he was not an idiot.

"Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial."

The middle-aged man sneered and said, "You have to pay some price to get Dao Palace."

"So, I don't want to get it!"

Ling Feng spread his hands, very calmly wanting to leave, not willing to be their cannon fodder.

"I'm afraid I can't help you!"

More than a dozen characters came forward, with cold killing intent in their eyes. The mud was too weird. Only a little bit of evil aura was revealed before, which caused a deity to fall, and its strength can be imagined.

They are naturally unwilling to take risks, so they want to drive some martial artists to take risks for them, so that they can see the danger of the mud.

"Don't force me!"

Ling Feng's eyes were cold and stern, and with his previous way of doing things, these dozens of Wu Xiu had long been tragedy.

Now that he has more important things to do, he doesn't have time to take care of these cats and dogs, but it doesn't mean that Ling Feng is unwilling to use a butcher knife.

"Hehe, it's just a single martial artist. In Phoenix Forbidden Land, everyone is about the same strength. Today you are willing or unwilling to pass!"

More than a dozen martial arts are all Tianzun, Tiandao-level figures, and their strength is not trivial. They are now suppressed in the realm of Tianshen, but everyone else is similar. Unless it is the Eight Spirits and other Tianjiao wizards, who dares to be hostile to them?


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