Supreme Demon

Chapter 3151: An interesting battle!

"Supreme God and Demon"

A pair of faint eyes.

An ancient chariot thickly.

On the curtain, there was a little bit of magical starlight scattered with residual blood, flying in the wind, revealing a more gloomy aura.

A man lay paralyzed on the ancient chariot with his feet soaked in the wooden barrel, grinning gloomily, and showing white teeth to several people, his eyes were piercing, like stars in the night sky.

How weird it is!

Tianchi Lingshen and other three people were caught stealing peaches and appeared, their hearts beating violently, almost bursting, the blood on their faces faded clean, and the void was quiet for a moment, which made them feel numb.



A piercing scream cut through the night sky, making the exceptionally quiet night completely boiling. The three spirit gods bounced up instantly. Although they were initially suppressed by Ling Feng, they were quite flexible at the moment, holding a sharp weapon in their hands and piercing them directly. Ling Feng's eyes fell.

That's instinct. You have to kill those ghost eyes first.

The three sharp weapons are Tao tools, without rags, jade bracelets, etc., the three spirit gods still cannot be underestimated. The three ancient powers have amazing backgrounds and countless treasures, and they have all been carried today to suppress Ling Fengxuehen.

"I'm afraid you won't find it, I've been waiting for you!"

"Sneak up, it's a clown!"

Ling Feng gave a cold shout, and did not get up. When the three handles hit, he raised his fist to meet, his powerful posture crushed the three spirit gods.


The void exploded fiercely, and ripples exploded on the low mountain, causing rocks to collapse and soil layers to be overturned.

Ling Feng resisted the three spirit gods with his double fists, his momentum was not lost at all, because the flesh and blood were strong, the beginning Qi of all things gushing out from the flesh and blood, like one body, like a phoenix hitting the air, not weaker than the might of ancient martial arts.

Moreover, the two fists form a wave of air, such as covering the sky from the sun and rain, which can simultaneously defend and attack.

Ling Feng stood still, that is, the ancient chariot never wavered, only the ripples lifted the starting point of the breeze, like sending cool summer.

The three spirit gods were shot down to the low mountain, and their hands were numb. Although it was difficult to gather all their strength in a hurry, a single blow was not trivial, and the general Tianzun couldn't prevent it at all, and would be directly destroyed.

But Ling Feng was not afraid of such an attack and ignored it.


Ling Feng's double fists attacked again and blasted towards other martial artists who were attacking him. They were all the elites of the three ancient forces. Being able to appear on the Heavenly Elephant Mountain is extraordinary, but the strength is obviously not as good as the Three Spiritual Gods, so the speed is slower. The last few, Ling Feng was just in time to meet him.


A punch exploded, the mountain fell and the ground cracked, and the ghost cried out. A martial artist broke a sharp weapon in his hand and was knocked into the air. When his body was flying in the air, it exploded into a cloud of blood.


Ling Feng slammed his fist again to meet the other Heavenly Venerable, and shook his Taoist weapon with strong flesh and blood, and then he grabbed the Taoist weapon with a big hand and blasted his punch out again.

That Taoist device formed lightning, which suddenly pierced the flesh and blood of the Tianzun and nailed it to the void.

"Come, don't even think about leaving alive!"

Ling Feng's momentum was like a rainbow, and his killing intent was full. He didn't want to show mercy to the three spirit gods at all. Although he did not show the supreme heavenly power, he could win the audience with the strength of the heavenly.


The water wave broke open, a flash of water appeared on the wooden barrel, Ling Feng lifted one foot and kicked it out with a bang. The droplets of water instantly fell away and turned into ashes in the void.

Ling Feng kicked a Tianzun in the face, and his foot just pierced his nasal cavity and kicked him away.


The Tianzun's face was pale and he vomited blood on the spot, but when he saw Ling Feng's stinky feet, his face instantly turned blue and then turned purple.


When a mouthful of blood did not come up, Zun was fainted alive that day.

He was kicked in the face by stinky feet!

For a Tianzun who wants a face, this is even more embarrassing than killing him, how to bear it?

"Reward you, I'm not satisfied yet!"

Ling Feng curled his mouth, didn't feel the smell of his feet, kicked it out again, kicked it on the face of another Tianzun, kicked him off, the bridge of his nose was broken, blood spurted wildly, and his cheeks burst.

But these were not the fatal injuries, but Ling Feng's foot left a red and swollen footprint on his face.


That day Zun went crazy in an instant, his blood surged, and he was in pain, and then he fell straight down.

Ling Feng "smoked" a Tianzun again.

At this time, the three spirit gods had already flown, directly hitting Ling Feng in the void, and the three handles issued a bright rain, illuminating the universe, forming a storm of destruction, and killing Ling Feng.

However, before the fierce blow had fallen, they saw Ling Feng kicking Tianzun, almost driving everyone crazy.

This is an interesting battle!

Before they had time to think about it, they rushed to Ling Feng. At this time, they couldn't tolerate hesitation and timidity.

Unfortunately, this is the last regret they made in this life.


With water on one foot, it pierced the sky, and the hard-shaking device made a sound of fierce metal fighting. The rock was solid and unshakable.

Soon, the other foot also joined in, kicking with both feet, as if hitting a poisonous palm from the sky, hitting the three-handed Dao device again and again.

In the end, Ling Feng collapsed and flew a Taoist weapon, kicked it down strongly, and the sole of his foot landed on the face of Dongtian Spirit God.

Dongtian Lingshen flew, and there was a clear footprint on his face, which was red and swollen. This made Dongtian Lingshen ashamed and dying, and he wanted to find a piece of Feng Shui to bury himself alive.

How will you see people from now on?

The Heavenly Lake Spiritual God and the Snow Mountain Spiritual God trembled with fright. Ling Feng was ruthlessly in this place, focusing on their fragile places. He did what the three ancient powers most tabooed.

It felt so boring and there was nowhere to vent.

At the same time, they started to retreat, and the secret attack failed. They have been discovered. Many Tianzun died and killed, and Dongtian Spirit God was printed. They didn't want to follow in the footsteps. It was too unbearable.

The three ancient forces are shameless?

"The visitor is the guest, I will stamp you!"

Ling Feng smiled wickedly. I have to say that he has a lot of experience in soaking his feet today. This will be a brand new method of tactics that can be carried forward.

Bang bang.

With two loud noises, both the Snow Mountain Spirit God and Tianchi Spirit God were kicked out, with clearer footprints on their faces.


Although the injuries are not serious, the three spiritual gods are heart-piercing. They are fully guarded, but they are still broken by Ling Feng, leaving permanent scars on their faces with a faint smell. .

Tianchi Lingshen couldn't help feeling it with his hand, and his hands were still stained with water.

"This... ugh!"

Where can a person with cleanliness like Tianchi Lingshen fit this? Have you ever been so humiliated?

He wished to chop off that finger and peel off his face.

"Everyone is a guest, you are welcome, I invite you to join us!"

Ling Feng's smile changed, his eyes shone sharply, staring at the face of the three spirit gods, and then looking at the wooden barrel, muttering to himself: "The wooden barrel is a bit small, I don't know if it can be tolerated."


The face of the three spirit gods changed suddenly, as if they had eaten a child to death, they were so scared that their hairs would shatter.

This "thing" is not a thing!

Is he asking someone to soak his feet?

This is to invite people to soak their faces!

"Who are you? Can you dare to leave your name?" Tianchi Spirit God flew upside down with lightning, and no longer had the courage to step forward. Victory or defeat is one thing. If someone soaks his face with foot washing, then he really doesn't have to live. Life is better than death.

"The name is like a cloud with me, it doesn't matter!"

Ling Feng lifted his feet and said, "You only need to remember my feet. Next time you meet, you will definitely remember them."


The faces of the three spirit gods were blue with anger. This "thing" was clearly afraid of being hated by the three ancient powers and hunted for thousands of miles, so they were unwilling to leave their names, but they wanted to mention this interesting battle.

He hits people in the face!

"Today will not be good, and within a few days, you will die!"

The three spirit gods retreated quickly, unwilling to fight.

"Hehe, I have a good relationship with the three of you, please wash your faces today!"

Ling Feng raised his foot and kicked it out instantly, forming a terrible storm, trying to keep the three spirit gods.

"Don't think about it!"

The three spirit gods were very decisive and directly sacrificed the Qimen. There was a scene within it, which instantly swept up thousands of light and rain, causing them to disappear from their place.

It was a pity that Ling Feng kicked it empty.

In fact, he had the strength to keep the three of them, but he didn't want to expose his supreme strength, he had scruples, and finally let the three spirits escape.

"I will die in a few days?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the night sky, without questioning the lives and deaths of the other Tianzun, and let them escape.

If it weren't for being forced, Ling Feng didn't want to make a killer move.

However, Ling Feng wanted to know what these people were planning.

Is it the confidence that the three supreme people gave them?

Or will the three ancient powers have supreme figures to enter?

"I'm afraid that your wish will come to nothing."

Ling Feng smiled, the battle here was basically over, and the three spirits were defeated and walked to Ashan, and he was stunned. Not many people dared to attack him.

So, will the battle between the Glory Son and the Little Spirit King also end?

The water is cold.

But Ling Feng and Shen Lie didn't want to move, so they slumped to watch the scenery. The night breeze slowly made them almost fall asleep.

Ling Feng did not search for the whereabouts of the emperor of glory, let alone help, and it was too late. They were not at that level yet, but he knew that the two people had left behind, they were not simple goods, and could survive.

At night, Ling Feng retracted his feet to wipe clean, and lay on the ancient chariot with Shen Lie to watch the scenery.

Exotic style, different sky.

But where is the homeland?

Where is the Iraqi?

"You know, we're here?" Ling Feng smiled bitterly, but it quickly turned into an agitated emotion.

Come, you can see it!

Parting, just for a better reunion.


A small stone slipped from Ling Feng's pocket, and it was about to break out in the dark and escape from the hand of the devil, but at this moment, a ray of light appeared behind it, exuding ancient aura, like the beginning of all things, the aura covering the sky.

That was the bright light bursting out of Ling Feng's fingertips, scattered little by little, like the stars in the sky, reflecting each other.

The small stone rushed not far, and then flew back with lightning. There were two depressions on the stone, showing the outline of the eye. It "stared" at the light, and the "eyes" were straight.


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