Supreme Demon

Chapter 3155: Frustrated emperor and tragic spirit king!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Shenhai forbidden soil.

It is different from the extremely high temperature of the fierce prison, and different from the spatial confinement of the Phoenix's forbidden soil. It is just a sea of ​​gods, also known as the Erhai.

There are corpses, dead bones, etc. floating on the sea. Although the sea does not have **** and rancid smells, the gloomy feeling is very blasting.

It is listed as a forbidden soil because no one can go to the end and it is full of dangers.


The Shenhai Forbidden Land has no treasures or great medicines, and it is not suitable for martial arts life. Very few people are willing to set foot, and at the same time, Shenhai's momentum is chaotic and imperceptible.

Some people suspect that there is a palace on the bottom of the gods, suppressing terrible monsters, but unfortunately no one can sink into the bottom of the ocean. There is a Wan'erqimen inside. Once it is contaminated, it will either die or be injured, and it will take many years to die.

Previously, people had not found the whereabouts of the Peerless Dao Seed and Xu Yue Tiannv, and they suspected that Xu Yue Tiann had obtained the Peerless Dao Seed and sank into the forbidden soil.

The Little Spirit King once rushed to the fierce prison, did not go deep, but it was already at the limit of strength, so it could be ruled out.

In the Phoenix Forbidden Land, people did not perceive the breath of Xu Yue Tiannv and the peerless Taoist species, but they did not expect to cause a turmoil in the sky.

Nowadays, someone broke into the forbidden land of Shenhai and finally discovered Xuyue Heavenly Girl and Peerless Dao Seed.

"walk into!"

The Eight Spiritual Gods broke into the forbidden land of Shenhai for the first time. Although there are endless dangers in it, they will die at every turn, but Xu Yuetian dared to go deep. What scruples do they have?

However, the way of entering the Eight Spiritual Gods has become different.

The once impeccable spirit gods of the cave sky, the **** of heaven and the snow mountain can only rely on walking nowadays, the ancient chariots have been seized, the ancient beasts have been slaughtered, they are not as dazzling as other spirit gods.

As if knowing what people think, the three spirit gods all cover their faces with black towels and use space to blind people's perception and spiritual perception, and they don't want to be seen.

"Even if you are defeated, you don't have to be like this, right?"

The emperor of Glory curled his lips, and the three spirit gods took their faces too seriously. Will they lose face when they are defeated?

"Hide your ears and steal the bell, just deceive yourself and others."

The Little Spirit King rolled his eyes, and was very uncomfortable with the practice of the Three Spirit Gods.

What is the use of masking?

Haven't people seen it?

Moreover, this kind of concealment is more eye-catching, and the face will be hit more painfully.

However, they didn't know that the Three Spiritual Gods were even more grieved. Why did they want to hide their faces?

If they were defeated, they were defeated. They weren't unable to lose, but they were kicked with their feet, and it lasted for a few days. Even if they used various drugs, the effect was still not obvious.

Do they dare to hide their faces?

If the footprints on the face are discovered, it is not that they were beaten in the face, but the entire force was beaten in the face.

They would rather be eye-catching and have to hide their faces when they are pointed.

"This trip is to get a peerless Dao seed, and when it is planted into the body and a great way, I want that person to die in front of me!"

With the same thoughts, the three spirit gods wished to smash Ling Feng's body into pieces, stomping their stinky feet on the opponent's face, and imprinting a few indelible footprints.

Common name: stamp!

"Let's go in!"

After the eight spirit gods stepped into the forbidden land of the sea of ​​gods, the Glory Emperor and the Little Spirit King quickly broke into it. Peerless Taoism is too important to them. Even if they don't get it, they must be destroyed. In the hands of the forces.

"It's a pity that Dao brother hasn't come yet, otherwise he will not be afraid of the Eight Spirit Gods and suppress them all." The Son of Honor said with a smile.

In the past few days, there has been news.

Ling Feng defeated the three spirits with a single force, hitting the three spirits with disgrace, a typical ruthless person.

"Hehe, if he really comes, I'm afraid you won't have the smile you have now." A character said indifferently.

"It turned out to be the character of the spirit **** of Tianquan Luoyue."

The Son of Glory blinked, but he was not too afraid, and said ironically: "Why are you dissatisfied with the death of two Supremes of Tianquan Luoyue?"

The figure of Tianquan Luoyue is a first-class Tianzun, powerful, and he can fight against the supreme.

If it weren't for this, how could the Glory Son and the Little Spirit King tolerate it?

"I just told the truth."

Tianquan Luoyue Tianzun did not answer, but said ironically: "That one is ruthless, if you really participate, do you dare to fight?"

"Hehe, if that ruthless person comes, how can we let him?"

The Son of Glory laughed heartily, not caring, anyway, Ling Feng was not here.

Speaking from the heart, even if they are completely detached from the ancient rhyme of Phoenix, they are really not sure about facing that ruthless person.

Defeated the three gods.

They have never been able to achieve such a record.

"What are the two brothers talking about?"

At this moment, Ling Feng appeared from a distance and flew towards them.

"I... Nima!"

In the hearts of the King of Glory and the King of Spirit, thousands of grass and mud horses appeared, and their faces turned blue for an instant, saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao appeared, did you say that in time?

Tianquan Luoyue's Tianzun has not left yet, are they going to slap their faces in public?

If you don’t get the peerless Dao seed later, it’s okay to say, should you really get it?

They are willing to give 10,000 Taoism.

They are also willing to give hundreds of Taoist species.

But what about one?

They might get it!

Not willing to die!

"Haha, ruthless people are here."

The Tianquan Luoyue Tianzun couldn't help laughing wildly, and said: "The two Tianjiao previously threatened to get the peerless Dao Seed, they will let you."

"Oh? There is such a thing?"

Ling Feng laughed and said, "The two brothers are really kind."

"Ha ha……"

The emperor of glory and the king of little spirit smiled, that smile was uglier than death.

Of course, they did not refute, do you want to slap your face this time?

Isn't that just let Tianquan Luoyue Tianzun see the joke?

"I just don't know if it is against my heart." Tianquan Luoyue's character made up the knife, very sharp, stabbing the two Tianjiao to breathe quickly, and want to beat them to death.

"Why did Brother Dao say this?" Ling Feng asked very puzzled.

"Some people are good at disguising and doing things that violate their hearts." Tianquan Luoyue's Tianzun said with a smile: "Not everyone is as upright as Brother Ruthless."

"Go away, Lao Tzu must do what he says. How can he go against his heart?"

The emperor of Glory had a black face on the spot, and it would not be a good thing to be hated by ruthless people in Tianxiang Mountain.

"I'm waiting for the bright and righteous, if the peerless Dao seed is available, I will give it to Brother Ruthless." The Little Spirit King had to make a statement, because the Tianquan Luoyue Tianzun had turned his eyes and forced him to make a statement.

"Good, good!"


The Tianquan Luoyue Tianzun nodded to Lingfeng, and now many forces are investigating Lingfeng’s background. This ruthless person is too extraordinary, I am afraid that he comes from other big realms, if it is not in harmony with the glory kingdom, small spiritual land, etc., He wants to befriend Ling Feng now.

what a pity.

Of course, even if you can't make good friends, it won't make the Kingdom of Glory feel better. He has dug a hole for the three major forces. If the Son of Glory and the Little Spirit King have not obtained the Peerless Dao Seed, there is no need to say more, but what if they get it?

"Not really."

Ling Feng said "moved": "I am very touched by the good intentions of the two Dao brothers, but I only came to save it. If the peerless Dao seeds are planted into the body, but they are still useless, then it is not what I need. Be sure to return it."

Ling Feng is very kind.


The Glory Son and the Little Spirit King laughed, but their skin tightened and their hearts were bleeding.

What kind of mouth?

They want to pat their mouths bad.

Peerless Taoism is planted into the body, and there is reason to spit it out?

What about a liar?

Perhaps, the injury is very serious, but with the nourishment of the peerless Dao, it will be healed sooner or later. After all, it belongs to a kind of supreme path, one life, ten thousand silences.

But they dare not slap their faces.

Now, after entering Shenhai, he can only act by chance.

During their conversation, figures from other forces had already entered Shenhai, but Ling Feng and others had fallen behind.

Shenhai doesn't have the virtual flames like the phoenix forbidden soil, and there is no strange gate of light, only a boundary monument.

The vicissitudes of life are simple and simple, just like eternity.

The two ancient characters on the boundary monument have long been filled with moss and looked vague, but the vicissitudes of ancient rhyme and terrifying aura have not diminished much, and they are still unmatched.

When Ling Feng stepped into the Shenhai, he clearly felt that there was a boundary between the heaven and the earth, which separated the Shenhai, making it a place of its own, not in the Tianxiang Mountain.

Crossing the boundary of Shenhai, Ling Feng's eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a boundless earth, the ground is withered and yellow, very ordinary, but there is a vast ocean in the distance, the monstrous waves raging into the sky, and there are terrible visions.

And they are just by the sea.

Passing through the yellow soil, Ling Feng and the others saw some low ancient trees, but the branches and leaves were strong, like fine gold, which was generally difficult for martial artists to shake.

"Shenhai is unpredictable, you have to be careful, Brother Ruthless."

The Son of Glory said: "At the same time, beware of the Eight Spiritual Gods. It is reported that the three Spiritual Gods have been actively contacting other Spiritual Gods and want to deal with you together."


Ling Feng's eyes flickered, and he said coldly: "Then let them let go. I think there are not enough ancient chariots."

"In the future, we will receive several Celestial Beasts, and each Celestial Beast will give out an ancient chariot."

"Haha...Brother Ruthless really...haha."

The emperor of Glory couldn't help but laugh, and laughed extremely gloomily. This ruthless man was insinuating that the eight spirits were inferior to the beasts.

If the Eight Spirit Gods heard this, they would probably have to roar.

"Brother Ruth, please go forward, we are going to find an old person." The smile on Xiaolingwang's face sank, becoming serious and sad.

"But Xu Yuetian girl?" Ling Feng asked, his eyes were not flashing, and he was not guilty at all.


The Glory Son and the Little Spirit King are not surprised, but today Xiangshan doesn't know that there are not many people in their relationship, right?

"Our deceased has disappeared before, and now we have found her breath here, we must first find her."

The Son of Glory said with a sad expression: "Compared to the peerless Dao, we care more about our old friends."

"Well, let's move forward together."

Ling Feng said with a faint smile on his face, teasingly.

"This... no longer necessary?"

The little spirit king and the emperor of glory stiffened, thinking about how to refuse, and said: "My old deceased now does not know where, I am afraid that it will delay the ruthless brother's search for the peerless Taoist species. If you let him fall In the hands of the Eight Spirits, I am afraid that it will be troublesome."


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