Supreme Demon

Chapter 3159: Whose flames?

"Supreme God and Demon"

The three ancient chariots gave off a faint ancient charm, filled with the breath of the years, and exuded fierce energy, like three ancient heavenly beasts galloping in, breaking through the space of 50,000 seats, and siding in front.

The shocking Tianwei came out, causing many characters to face drastic changes and could not help flying backwards.

Although Xu Yue Tiannv heard the story of the ruthless man fighting the three spirit gods, suppressing the prestige of the heavens, but it was just an empty "record", far less shocking at this moment.

Three ancient chariots came out side by side, with different auras, but they were all terrifying, such as the three terrifying Heavenly Lords, which were all sacrificed by Ling Feng to sweep the Tianxu Spiritual God.

In fact, there were many latecomers in the field. They hadn't seen Ling Feng's "record", but as can be imagined from the three ancient chariots, it must be a terrible suppression.

Just because the three ancient chariots are so shocking, with the might of the spirit gods, they can only bow their heads when driving these ancient chariots. One can imagine how powerful Ruthless People are.

"The ancient chariot belongs to the three ancient forces. How is it different from the robber if you are so robbed?"

The Tianxu Spirit God flew over the ancient chariot, confronting Ling Feng, and the voice came out through the curtain.


Ling Feng sneered: "They are the defeated side, and the three ancient chariots are just my spoils."

"Of course, if you lose the battle, this ancient chariot will be my trophy."



It's that simple.

I don't know how many people in the field changed color. The ruthless people made it clear that the ancient chariot that was going to take the Tianxu Dao was completely ignored. They wanted to completely suppress and slaughter the Tianxu Dao.

"This is the ruthless style!"

"My role model!"

Both the Little Spirit King and the Glory Son laughed, making up the knife, and they must support Ling Feng, otherwise if Ling Feng is defeated, they will all be tragedy today.

"Well, if you defeat me today, you can take away the ancient chariot."

Tianxu Lingshen smiled and said, "But if you lose, then you will become my trophy!"

"Accept you as a servant!"

"I seem to be at a disadvantage when you say that."

Ling Feng's smile disappeared in an instant, becoming very gloomy, and said, "But I accept your wishes, because I take slaves and never need his consent!"

"Then see if you have such ability!"

After speaking, the Tianxu Spirit God flew towards Ling Feng, his aura collapsed, the ancient chariot burst into flames, the flaming bird sang softly, the waves burst into the air, and the flames emitted a faint blue light as if from hell.


The spirit **** of Tianxu yelled, smashing the mountains and rivers, and did not use his strength, only fighting with ancient chariots, and using flaming birds as soldiers to slaughter.

The sky and the earth are clear, and all paths tremble.

Flames spewed in the void, the flaming bird set off a monstrous flame, and the blue light rain covered the sky, exuding the power that made Tianzun tremble and horrify.

After the word Lingshen fell on the day, the blazing bird carried the sky full of blue flames, and blasted towards Ling Feng, like a phoenix singing, and there was black lightning in the bird's beak, all transformed by the flames.

This kind of flames can burn the heavenly deity, its might to break the world and purify everything.

The flames are swift, like lightning and thunder piercing the void, wherever it passes, the ground is turned into ashes, and the space is torn and burned, turning to ashes together.

People flew upside down with lightning, and the scorching flames, even if they were far apart, were still suffocating. The heavenly figures were all chapped and their faces changed drastically, just because they hesitated for a while, they belonged to close contact.

One can imagine how terrifying such flames are.

at the same time.

The flame bird pulled the ancient chariot towards Ling Feng, blended into the flame, and was not affected by any influence. The ancient chariot was actually close to the flame, as if it were cast from the flame.

The flames are terrible, but the Tianxu Spirit God still feels that it is not enough, so they use the ancient chariot together to suppress it at the fastest speed.

"Chariot of Flames?"

Ling Feng smiled, his squinted eyes released a little bit of aura, which was a bit ridiculous.

He knew that Tianxu spirit gods should be different. Although the eight spirit gods are the same in the world, it does not mean that the strength of the eight spirit gods is equivalent. The Tianxu spirit gods are obviously stronger than the three spirit gods such as Dongtian spirit gods.

But he never thought that the Tianxu Spirit God would be proud of the world with blazing flames, and that the flames astounded the world and the sky. If the general Tianzun is on top, it is estimated that it will become coke in an instant, and it is not his hand.

Why is it a flame?

Ling Feng smiled, grinning coldly and calmly.

If it were other forces, it might make him take it seriously, such as Dongtian Spirit God. Although his strength was weaker, Ling Feng still had to seriously suppress it.

But Tianxu Spirit God uses flames!

The flames burned through the sky, forming a blazing space, where you can hit the nine gods on the top and the nine ghosts and demons on the bottom. It is indeed terrifying, and there should be no such heavenly powers like the Tianchi spirit gods.

Even if there is a treacherous Dao Soul power in the flame space, even if it can block the flame space in a fierce battle, it will still be hurt by the Dao soul power.

This is the horror of Tianxu Lingshen.

However, Ling Feng was just laughing, and did not dodge, and did not use spatial power to suppress and defend. That appearance is described in an idiom, which is "Nine Springs with a Smile".

"Hurry up and defend!"

"Be careful!"

The Glory Emperor, the Little Spirit King, and the Xu Yue Heavenly Daughter were all shocked. They had to do their best to the Spirit God of the Heaven Ruins. Although the Ruthless Man was very strong, he dared to use his flesh and blood to shake him was purely seeking death.

They watched Ling Feng being swallowed by the flames, and the whole body was integrated into it, and it was in the case that Ling Feng did not have any defense.

They closed their eyes slightly and couldn't bear to look at them, feeling that when Ling Feng reappeared, most of them would become coke.

"Idiot, do you really think that the power of flesh and blood can hold the Nine Nether Flames?"

Tianxu Lingshen sneered coldly, fighting against each other. He could see through Ling Feng's intentions. The opponent was not only a ruthless man, but also a madman, who dared to use flesh and bones to harden his flame space, unprecedented.

"You are the **** emperor, and you will be burned to ashes today!"

The Tianxu Spirit God blasted the space with the Nine Nether flames, and suppressed Ling Feng with the flame bird.

Burning flames burned his body.


Suddenly, the eyes of the Tianxu Spirit God drenched, and the flame space didn't even burn out Ling Feng, and even the other party's clothes remained intact. They were not burned by the flames to become yellow and scorched, and they never turned to ashes.

At the same time, he found that Ling Feng's smile remained the same, and he had never been broken or torn by flames.

"The flesh and blood is indeed extraordinary, but how long can you last?"

Tianxu Lingshen sneered, but he didn't panic too much. He had full confidence in the flame space and knew how terrifying it was, that is, the immortal gold would be scrapped.

He has no confidence in Ling Feng's flesh and blood.

Because the flames are the nemesis of many treasures, the supreme will be tragedy.

"Have you eaten?"

Ling Feng smiled and looked at the spirit **** of Tianxu, still did not use space for defense, but the flames were hard to hurt, and there was still time to ridicule the spirit **** of Tianxu.

Undoubtedly, this is the greater irony.

Have you eaten?

You have no energy!

The people watching the battle all around were shocked, and their expressions changed drastically and thought deeply. The Ruthless Treasure Body was so strong that it was harmless in the flames and completely ignored the Tianxu Spirit God.

The goddess Xu Yue, the son of glory, etc. naturally opened their eyes, each one was dumbfounded. Ruthless people are far more unpredictable than they thought. The flames reflect true gold, and the ruthless treasures will go against the sky and counter the flame space. .

"He makes him strong, so I won't hurt him."

The emperor of glory said with a smile, "Nine Nether Flames is nothing but that."


This is from the contempt of the three Tianjiao!

They bluntly said that Nine Nether Flames was totally lost in seeing the Spirit God of Tianxu.

"good very good!"

Tianxu Lingshen's expression was extremely gloomy, these three characters were too hateful, not only insulted him, but also looked down upon Jiuyou Flames.

This is a double insult!

"Your treasure is indeed very strong, but Jiuyou Flame is just the most basic flame."

Tianxu Lingshen’s face is cold and terrible, but he is not angry. Ruthless people are very strong, and flames are hard to hurt, so they give those people confidence and madness, but as long as Ruthless people are burned by flames and completely disintegrated, he believes that someone will last forever. Shut your mouth.

He is calm and indifferent. If the opponent is not strong, how can he show his strength?

"Have you ever heard of Netherworld?"

Tianxu Lingshen squinted his eyes and said, there was light and rain flickering in his eyes. That was the power he didn't want to use, and it represented the ultimate. He would only sacrifice when he encountered the enemy of life and death.

Now, although he has not been forced to the point where the mountains are exhausted, he is angry and wants to use this most enchanting flame to turn Ling Feng into ashes.


Represents death!

However, the **** of death is taboo against the netherworld, because it is the most enchanting flame in hell, and it is called "the highest".

The breeze slowly, a wisp of dark magic flame appeared in the breeze, shining a terrible aura, making all the paths collapse, the flames were not strong, but the Jiuyou Flames automatically retreated wherever they passed, and did not dare to approach.

It is like a king, overlooking all kinds of flames.

It is more like a demon king, despising all beings of heaven.

As soon as the Netherworld appeared, the eyelids of the people present jumped, even the goddess Xu Yue, the emperor of glory and others felt their hearts tremble, their complexions changed drastically, and they regressed in great strides.

"Cruel, don't be careless, withdraw quickly."

Several people shouted, the Nether Flame restrains the world, and the heavenly Lord will die if he touches it.


Ling Feng was stunned, smiled faintly, not much worried.

The fire of the eighth stage of Nirvana did not annihilate it. Is there any flame to stop in this world?

If it is the supreme-level nether, he will also be afraid of three points, but Tianzun-level, haha.

You know, there was a fairy flame in his body, surpassing the power of immortality.

However, the fairy flames only returned to nothingness in the end, turned into fairy caves, and achieved the charm of martial arts.


Ling Feng smiled indifferently, and was instantly enveloped by the Nether Demon Flame, becoming a sacrifice. The Ruins Spirit God was worried that Ling Feng would dodge that day, but in the end there was none.

Everything went well, some people overestimated themselves.

Within the nether world, everything is mortal, ruthless people are dead.


In the magic flame there, a ray of white light was shining and bright, as thin as a cicada's wings, covering only the surface of the Lingfeng treasure body, the momentum was not obvious, but all the magic flames trembled.

next moment.

Ling Feng looked down at the sky and looked down at the Nether Demon Flame. The white light suppressed everything. With a sudden swing, he pushed Nether out and rushed towards the Tianxu Spirit God.

"what's going on?"

"Whose flame is this?"


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