Supreme Demon

Chapter 3166: Squatting?

"Supreme God and Demon"

a mountain.

Not tall and not beautiful, the low old trees form a forest on their own, and the grass and trees are spread out like carpets, forming a unique scenery, but the scenery does not look very beautiful in Tianxiang Mountain.

The five Tianzuns are resting on the high mountain, their faces are tired, and the soles of their feet are floating.

For half a month, they have been thoroughly investigating the whereabouts of that strange stone, but even if they exhausted their energy, they couldn't find any trace, which made them a little bit depressed.

In fact, none of the eight great spirit gods found the whereabouts of that strange stone, it seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"The eight spiritual gods have disappeared in the past few days, and it is suspected that they have found the whereabouts of that strange stone."

An old man with white eyebrows and beard frowned and couldn't help but said: "We almost turned the entire Tianxiang Mountain over but couldn't find its whereabouts, so there are only those few places."

"Well, if you want to avoid everyone, there are only those few places, and it's familiar with that place."

Although they did not find the whereabouts of the God Devouring Stone, they were more certain about the whereabouts of the God Devouring Stone.

"Phoenix forbidden soil, that is its lair!"

All five of them frowned, their expressions a little ugly, both Shenhai and Fierce Prison were easy, but the Phoenix Forbidden Land was extremely terrifying. The phoenix inside had just given off his might. If he broke into it at this time, life and death would be unpredictable.

"It's eaten up and we don't dare to enter." Someone said angrily.

The eight great spirit gods are extremely vigilant and unwilling to break in, especially the Dongtian spirit gods and the Tianchi spirit gods. Their ancient chariots have been seized, and entering at this time is a living target.

Don't say ruthless people, just like the Glory Emperor and others can deal with them.

Today's Phoenix Forbidden Land, for the Eight Spirit Gods, there are not only natural disasters, but also man-made disasters, so they can't help but be alert.


At this moment, the head of the old man's sword eyebrows condensed, and a powerful aura gushed out of his body, lightning struck his back, and a space appeared, and each space had a sharp sword.

A sharp sword can kill the sky!


The space carried a sharp sword, and suddenly slashed out, causing the hill in the distance to be ashes on the spot, and there was room in the void to collapse, ripples and waves, violent, shooting in all directions.

"Who? Get out!"

"If you want to attack my spirit sword gate, you are still a little tender."

The head of the old man's sword eyebrows turned into two sharp blades, and lightning flashed, making him extraordinary.

"Haha, is it the Spirit Sword Gate?"

A voice sounded, entering the soul sea of ​​the five heavenly veterans by means of sound transmission: "I'm here to ask you, is it squatting?"


The dignified faces of the five Lingjianmen instantly "collapsed", each one was dumbfounded, as if they had discovered the most shocking thing in the world.

The voice, the tone, the words...


Why does it make you want to hit someone?

"No, it's the stone ruffian!"

The faces of the five characters in the Spirit Sword Sect changed drastically, and all of them were blown up. Even when facing the Eight Spirit Gods, they did not panic like this.

At the beginning, even though they did it, they kept hiding behind, and didn't want to be caught by this stone ruffian. Who would want to be spotted by the stone ruffian? Now I say: Are you squatting?

When they asked, they knew they were going to be unlucky, and being stared at by Shipi, it was an extremely extravagant thing for them to squat in a pit in their entire life.

"Broken it!"

The headed old man was quite decisive. The stone ruffian was seriously injured and almost completely disintegrated. Now it has only been half a month. It is even that Wuxiu has suffered such a serious injury. It is extremely difficult to heal, let alone a stone born against the path. Where's the ruffian?

Take advantage of its illness, kill it!

"Yes, kill it, we monopolize the Taoism!"

The other four Heavenly Sovereigns responded immediately and struck with lightning, because they had already discovered the location of the stone ruffian.

"This seat is here to ask, don't you be so alarmed."

Shi Pi quickly escaped, unwilling to fight fiercely with these five characters. After dropping a few strange gates, he stayed away completely.

"Damn it, you must find it as soon as possible!"

The five figures were fierce, galloping for thousands of miles, chasing the stone ruffian, but in the end they found that everything was in vain, and the stone ruffian had really escaped.

"Phoenix ancient prohibition is extraordinary, it is too difficult to catch it."

The five characters flew down in a forest, rested by the tree, and it took too much energy to break the ancient phoenix prohibition.


At this time, a voice rang again in their soul sea: "Where is the pit of the Spirit Sword Gate?"


The five characters were frightened. They thought Shipi had already left, but they didn't expect to be here, staring at them, waiting for them to squat.

Although it is Tianzun, it can be directly refined, but it is not beautiful after all.

Of course, whether Tianzun needs to squat depends on personal thoughts.


Space appeared, one after another sharp swords pierced the sky, shot in all directions, and stunned thousands of people. When the endless ripples fell, the heaven and the earth returned to calm, and the five found that the stone ruffling had disappeared.

"Aren't you squatting?"

Not long after, Shi Pi came back again, still the words that angered one's life.

So sharp!

Arrogant to not fear life and death.

"Why don't you squat a pit?" The voice said empathetically, "Although Tianzun is extraordinary, it is always bad for your health to hold back like this.


Even the old man had changed color and it was difficult to calm down. He attacked forward, but soon discovered that the stone puff was just a distant sound transmission. When it attacked, it had already left.

"Those filth is not discharged, if it is piled in your body, don't you want to become a cesspool?"

Still considerate!

Still smiling but not smiling.

Still so arrogant!


All the five characters in the Spirit Sword Gate exploded, and all their hairs stood upside down. They knew that the stone ruffian had come to fulfill their promise. Although they did not squat in the pit, they just stared at them.

How does it feel?

It's like someone staring at you in a pit.

"Kill it!"

The five spirit swordsmen chased frantically, trying to die with the stone ruffians, but unfortunately they didn't catch them, and they didn't even cut off the stone skin.

When they rested, the stone ruffian appeared again.

Just two days.

The five spirit swordsmen were about to cry, grief and indignation, and being asked by a stone ruffian if they were squatting, it made them feel ashamed and desperate, and completely mad.

"The spirit sword gate is speechless, and you don't squat, what else can you do?"


"Squat, don't hold back any internal injuries."

"Uh ah..."

"Look at the recent bad temper, too irritable, this is the end of not squatting, holding back is really easy to internal injuries."

Shi Pi bitterly persuades.

"Get off, Shipi, I'm never finished with you!"

In the end, the five spirit swordsmen still escaped from Tianxiang Mountain, and were unwilling to face the stone ruffian, because they were afraid that they would be driven crazy by the stone ruffian if they stayed any longer.

"Hey, can the spirit sword gate dare to leave the pit location?"

Shipi shouted. Although it was a sound transmission, the five characters almost spit out blood to faint. They fled the scene without looking back, and they didn't want to see the stone.

"Who is next?"

The Divine Devouring Stone didn't fly out of Tianxiang Mountain, so I went to the Lingjianmen Maokeng. Does it have to look good?


Tianxiang Mountain was completely boiling, and the stone ruffian appeared again. First, the five Heavenly Sovereigns of the Spirit Sword Gate had to flee, and then several Taoist figures went crazy, burning essence to kill it alive.


The stone ruffian was still the stone ruffian, undamaged, and when the major forces wanted to encircle and suppress, it unexpectedly broke out first.


On this day, Shi Pi met a female nun.


"I am going to slaughter you!"

The nun was so embarrassed and angry that she was about to cry.

"Don't hold back, it's easy to radiate from flesh and blood." Shi Pi patiently persuaded: "It is said that women love beauty, if you hold back, I'm afraid..."

"Grandma and aunt fight with you!"



In just two days, the female cultivator was bullied by Shi Pi and cried. She was sad and burst into tears. She had never been so humiliated since she was a child.

Are you squatting?

Don't hold back, it is easy to get internal injuries.

These few words are like a curse, maddening and crazy.

The man is hurt, the woman is sad.

The most frustrating thing is that the stone ruffian is actually inquiring about the whereabouts of the pits of the major forces. It is really necessary to book the pits.

The Spirit Sword Gate was forced out of Tianxiang Mountain.

The little spirit girl Jiaoyue cried out of Tianxiang Mountain.

Wan Chenzong was forced out of Tianxiang Mountain.


The power of the stone ruffian is evident!

However, the stone ruffian was very restrained, and he hadn't slapped the Eight Spirit Gods, but as far as the situation was concerned, it was sooner or later.


When the ninth force was driven mad by Shipi and flew out of Tianxiang Mountain, the female spirit **** of the Emerging Tianzong was targeted by Shipi.

In just a quarter of an hour, the Tianshan Mountain where the Feathered Female Spiritual God was located completely burst, and the light rain collapsed into the void one by one, and the Feathered Female Spiritual God even drove the ancient chariot to commit suicide to kill the Devouring Stone.

"Women Benxiang, why don't you squat."

Shi Pi's voice came from a distance, completely piercing the sky, provoking the feathered female spirit to kill 50,000 miles, and this ended the farce.

"I stared at the Yuhua Female Spirit God for six days, but she didn't even squat."

However, the matter did not end this way, Shi Pi was spreading "rumors."

"It's been six days, this is to suppress internal injuries."

"I want to make a list, called the ranking list."


"Damn stone ruffian!"

Some people changed color, some vomited blood, and some died on the spot, because Shipi was actually doing it, and some people found faint writing on some boulders and were ranked.

And the female spirit **** of Yuhua Tianzong is on the list.

Tianzun has a transparent physique, flawless and undefiled. He doesn't need to squat, but he was injured by the stone ruffian.

It can be shameless, but can they be shameless?

"Slay the stone ruffian!"

"Skin it off!"

In less than a month, the entire Tianxiang Mountain was full of such voices. People wanted to crusade against the stone ruffians. This was no longer a personal honor or disgrace, but the face of the entire force was slapped on the ground by the stone ruffians.

"I want to break it, and then use it to fill the pit!"

Some people swear viciously.

"you are you."

Shi Pi's voice sounded: "Tianzun of Tianxu Dao, right? This seat remembers you!"


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