Supreme Demon

Chapter 3178: Eight ancient chariots!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The wind moved the blood mist.

The fallen leaves are stained with blood.

Deep pits appeared on the surface.

Black holes exploded in the sky.

The endless light rain flows, and the momentum is tragic.

Although the Glory Son, the Xuyue Goddess, and the Little Spirit King tried their best, they were still suppressed, and the six spirit gods were weaker, but the whole was still very strong, and there were two ancient chariots. Unpredictable strength.

Although the Little Spirit King and others have successfully advanced to the ranks and completed their transformation, they are not Ling Feng. They do not have that tyrannical strength and are difficult to overlook. They are of the same rank as the spirit gods, but are far behind the ancient chariots and are suppressed. It was very miserable, and his body was full of wounds, which was extremely miserable.

The six spirit gods are quite strong. They wanted to get rid of Ling Feng before, but now they want to get rid of the three of them, such as the Son of Glory, because these three are very strong and threaten them.

The eight ancient forces are not completely harmonious, but they are even more incompatible with the glory kingdom and the small spiritual soil. Now that the situation is formed, they naturally don't want to let the small spiritual king and others go.

There is a chance to get rid of it, why not do it?

However, just as they were fighting and suppressing, the Phoenix Forbidden Land was turbulent a few times, and the two characters rushed into the distance like the wind, causing the battlefield to stop for an instant, and people were a little dazed and puzzled.

Who are those two?

Why are you so embarrassed?

The Eight Spiritual Gods are high-ranking figures, and they are all ancient chariots going in and out during the day, so there are not many people who have met each other. This is why they are astonished and puzzled at this time.

"Two spirits?"

The feathered female spirit **** was taken aback for a moment, and then her face shuddered, because she discovered that the two spirit gods did not use the ancient chariot, let alone rushed into the battlefield to slaughter the three characters, but rushed into the distance rather embarrassingly.

What does it mean?

The next moment, she understood.

The two spirit gods rushed into the Phoenix Forbidden Land forcefully, and wanted to get rid of the ruthless people, so there was only one person who could make them escape so desperately.


Ruthless people are still alive!

"not good!"

Tianxu Lingshen's face changed horribly, and he clearly felt the breath of Ling Feng, and lightning was swooping in this direction, so fast that these characters felt frightened.


He shouted, without any hesitation. Although he didn't know what happened in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, he could make the two spirit gods so hurry and dare not stay here, that proved one thing.

Ruthless people healed!

What a terrible news this is.


The female spirit **** of Yuhua didn't dare to delay, she ran away for the first time, completely disregarding the glory of the emperor and others, because she knew exactly how terrifying Ling Feng was in the heyday.

If forbidden power can be used, no one on the scene can survive.

The other spirit gods were very flexible, so there was no need to ask, and the lightning fled.

"Go, go!"

"The ruthless guy is coming out!"

Other characters also reacted at this time and fled quickly. If the Ruthless Man flies out of the Phoenix Forbidden Land, who else can leave?

This is the only opportunity, and the opportunity is fleeting.

The Glory Son, the Little Spirit King, and the Xu Yuetian Girl were stunned. They didn't expect that the situation that had just been suppressed and almost fell apart would be completely disintegrated just because that person was about to fly out.

What did Ruthless Man do before?

You know, those are the eight spiritual gods. They are as powerful as they are against the sky. They have transformed themselves and used the ancient rhyme of the phoenix to forge their roots, but they are still suppressed. They are not opponents at all, but the ruthless people have not yet appeared, so they are Fleeing like a dog in the mourning family.

This gap has also widened.

"What the **** did he do?" the emperor Glory asked, but the two people present didn't know how to answer.

They also want to know.

Soon, there were only three of them left in the entire battlefield, and the others fled. They didn't dare to face Ling Feng, worried that they would not survive another second.


At this moment, a person flew down and landed in front of the three of them, with a strong aura, like a phoenix soaring across the sky, like a heavenly dragon across the void, and suddenly fell on the battlefield.

The long hair fluttered in the void, and the eyes shot out two shocking lights.

His steps were heavy, with a cold and severe breath.

While the three of them looked at, Ling Feng also looked at the three of the emperor of glory, with a smile on their faces.

"Fortunately, it came in time, you are all fine."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, revealing a lingering look in his heart, which made the three characters secretly relieved. They were also worried about being pitted by Ling Feng.

If Ruthless took advantage of the power of the three of them, and since then fled away, it would really fall this time.

However, a ruthless person is a ruthless person, worthy of trust. He didn't go far, just borrowed the Phoenix Forbidden Land to recover, and then slammed out.

"We're all right, just got a little hurt." Xu Yuetian said with a smile.

"I want to say thank you."

Ling Feng shot a few big medicines for the three characters to take. Even though the three characters insisted that it was OK, but Ling Feng still rushed over and said, "Now, I want to slaughter some characters and give it to the three. Sorrow!"

"You take a rest first, and wait for my good news!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Feng rushed into the distance without waiting for the three of the Honorable Son to respond.


Soon after, the heavens and the earth trembled, thunderous, and miserable screams sounded, which surprised the emperor of glory and others, but the sound was annihilated in just a moment.

It took five full hours before Ling Feng flew back and landed on this battlefield.

"That is……"

The emperor of glory and the others, who had not fully recovered yet, couldn't help being shocked and shocked when they saw Ling Feng, because Ling Feng had returned with an ancient chariot.

Of course, this is not a surprising thing, after all, Ling Feng had previously regarded the ancient chariots of the four spiritual gods as trophies.

But if the number of that ancient chariot changes from four to eight, it will have to be surprising.

Eight ancient chariots!

The ancient chariot was the treasure of the eight ancient forces. It possessed extremely strong defenses, and it was incomprehensible at the same level. A treasure of this level, even the supreme, was not easy to break, but it fell into Ling Feng's hands.

It is horrible to be able to obtain an ancient chariot. If it can cause an uproar in the outside world and alarm many ancient forces, Ling Feng has actually obtained eight ancient chariots, which is almost like a dream.

The emperor of glory, the goddess of Xu Yue and others dare not imagine.

Even if they have completed their transformation and used the ancient rhyme of the Phoenix to cast their roots, it is extremely difficult to get an ancient chariot from the hands of the Eight Spirits. They really don't know what a ruthless person wants to be.

If this kind of thing happened in the Spirit God Realm, it was afraid that it would shock the sky, and no ancient force could sit still.

The eight ancient chariots were like a rainbow, piercing the sky, like a whole, their defensive power was shocking, and when they fell into Ling Feng's hands, even the Supreme would be wishful thinking to shake them.

Only by its defensive power, it can be invincible at the same level.

The Glory Son, the Little Spirit King and others looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes.

The ancient chariot disappeared in front of them in a flash.

At this time, they reacted, but they were still shocked and could not believe it.

"All the ancient chariots of the Eight Spirits have been seized..."

Xu Yuetian murmured, God knows how many layers of storms and waves will explode after such incidents are reported.

"Unfortunately, the eight characters are all extraordinary, with ancient altars and other divine objects." Ling Feng sighed, and said with some annoyance: "I didn't leave them behind."

The emperor of glory and the king of little spirit nod secretly and can become the direct disciples of the ancient forces. Their strength is terrible, and they know too much truth. Naturally, the ancient forces do not want accidents with the disciples of the ancient forces, so they will leave behind. Unless against the **** emperor character.

Ruthless people can make the Eight Spiritual Gods escape miserably, comparable to the supreme, enough to be proud of the world.

"At this time, they are afraid that they have escaped from Tianxiang Mountain?" The Little Spirit King sighed, the ancient chariot fell into the hands of ruthless people, and the ancient altars were sacrificed. If the Eight Spirits still dare to stay in Tianxiang Mountain, then Just looking for death.

"Yes, they escaped." Ling Feng frowned and said, "It's just a little bit."


The emperor of glory and others don't know what to say.

"Brother Dao, what happened in the first place? Why did they use a knife on you?" Xu Yuetian asked.

They had only just succeeded in transforming, they encountered such things, a little inexplicable, I don't know why Ruthless Man offended the gods.

"Don't you know?" Ling Feng was taken aback.

"Since that war, we felt that we were not strong enough, and we entered the Phoenix Forbidden Land, striving for a complete transformation, and when we came out, we met you." Son of Honor explained.

"No wonder."

Ling Feng's forehead, he muttered, "Since you left, something has happened to Tianxiang Mountain..."

Ling Feng made a raid on the Tianxiang Mountain and the Eight Spirits God set up a bureau to deal with the Shipi, but was cut off and stole the stone. Then the Eight Spirits set up a bureau against him... Ling Feng whispered and ordered The three characters are horrified and contemplative.

"Brother Dao meant that the Eight Spirit Gods deliberately set up a situation, wanting to bring out the real murderer behind the scenes?" Xiaolingwang asked.

"It's almost what it means."

"The Eight Spiritual Gods are really extraordinary. They were even cut off when they set up a situation. If they can achieve this level here, I'm afraid that there is only Brother Ruthless Daoist, right?"

Xu Yuetian smiled charmingly and said, "If I am afraid, I will doubt Dao brother."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Ling Feng shook his head and said, "There are many supreme figures in Tianxiang Mountain, and some forces have not participated in this encirclement and suppression."

"Of course, if I did it, I'm afraid I can't do it without leaving any traces."

Ling Feng said annoyedly: "Moreover, this is not my character. If I do it, how can I keep the Eight Spirits in front of me?"

The emperor of glory, the goddess of Xu Yue, and others frowned, and there was no sound. There was a flash of contemplation in their eyes, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Three Dao stars, thank you for today's battle."

Ling Feng arched his hands to the three of them and said, "I still have injuries in my body, and I haven't fully recovered. Now I'm going to ban soil in Advanced Phoenix. I will talk about it when I recover."

After speaking, he rushed into the Phoenix Forbidden Land.


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