Supreme Demon

Chapter 3181: God Emperor blocked!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Glory Emperor and other figures of Glory Kingdom are casting Qimen, and not many people have noticed what Ling Feng is doing at this time.

Perhaps Ling Feng was too vigilant and not reassuring enough, so he was unwilling to come out while hiding in the Phoenix Forbidden Land. However, the emperor of glory and others cast a strange gate to go straight to the glory kingdom. Naturally, they would not be placed in the Phoenix Forbidden Land. The ancient rhyme of the phoenix is ​​suppressed and will shock the phoenix's virtual body, if that half-step ancient sage-level creature comes out.

Don't say it is the Supreme Qi door restriction, even if the **** emperor comes, it will be annihilated to ashes.

The Son of Glory did not intervene, as long as Ling Feng agreed, there would be no problem.

Because of this, Ling Feng was more calm.

He quietly flew into the depths of the Phoenix Forbidden Earth, unfolded the Spirit Devouring Orb, and released the two **** emperors who had passed out. Although the power of the two **** emperors has been weakened a lot, the overall impact is not big. Healed in a few days.

And they will be the two nails Ling Feng pierced in the heart of the Kingdom of Glory.

With the strength of the **** emperor, it is easy to find the problem. Although it is still unknown who knocked them out, it will not take long to find it.

Ling Feng expected that they would not speak up. Anyone would be knocked on by his Heavenly Venerable. It was estimated that they would be suffocated. It was just because it was too damaging to face. If it spreads out, it is estimated that the face of the entire force will be damaged.

Moreover, Ling Feng still has two treasures of the **** emperor characters, especially the Qilin Eternal Medicine, etc. Even the **** emperor will be crazy, if they dare to speak, Ling Feng in the glory kingdom is on the glory kingdom knife. Fish meat.

Qilin's anti-aging medicine fell into Lingfeng's hands, and fell into the hands of Glory Nation, that were two different things.

Regardless of their intentions, the two **** emperors dared not speak up.

But they will not let Ling Feng go. At least they will find the place to regain the treasures such as Qilin Eternal Medicine. At this time, let the two characters know that Ling Feng has entered the Glory Kingdom.


Staring fiercely!

Of course, Ling Feng is not an idiot, if the two great **** emperors and the glory kingdom are old, it would be much easier to find him.

In these days, Ling Feng inquired vaguely that the relationship between the two **** emperors and the forces behind them and the kingdom of glory was very tense.

Ling Feng was not at ease, so after releasing the two **** emperors, he made some tricks.


He needs to put blame on the Kingdom of Glory, and when he borrows the wonderful door of the Kingdom of Glory to leave, this kind of blame is more realistic.

In this way, even the best friends will tear their faces.

Once they enter the Kingdom of Glory, they are the fish on the sword of the Emperor of Glory. Many things are involuntary, and Ling Feng has to leave some behind.

There are two **** emperors staring at them, which can make the Kingdom of Glory be wary, and should not dare to move him until the truth of the matter is found out.

He needs time!

Shenlie also needs time.

Then two **** emperors are needed to buy time for them.

"You must find the Heavenly Soul Immortal Medicine as soon as possible," Ling Feng said in his heart.

This alone is not enough.

It was only their intention to find the Heavenly Soul, but it didn't mean that they would be able to safely leave the Glory Realm. To leave, they would need to take a half-step from the ancient sage.

With Ling Feng's supreme strength, it is not enough to look at.

Therefore, he needs to break the limit as soon as possible and advance to the Divine Emperor.

Once he became a **** emperor, even if he was facing the ancient sage in the first half, Ling Feng had a way to retreat. Of course, if he could find Huang Jingjing and Meng Po, it would be easier to deal with.

When letting it fly out of the fifth virtual flame, Ling Feng released the geniuses such as the Sun and Moon Shuangjiao, shocking the gods, and did not expect to actually appear in another world.

Ling Feng briefly explained a few words, let the god-defying Tianjiao fly out of the Phoenix Forbidden Land as soon as possible, pay attention to concealment, and don't let other forces find out.

When the matter here is over, Tianjiao Nishen will grind here, and even find a way to find the butterfly.

This is another success!

Nishen is weak in God's Domain, just like him at this time, Ling Feng doesn't know what the situation of Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others are now, but he is not very optimistic.

They need time to accumulate strength, and only if their wings are full enough can they cover the wind and rain and prop up a piece of sky in the gods' realm.

Although Ling Feng came late, not as quick and timely as Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others, but the supreme realm is very vast, and the law of time is like an endless universe. How easy is it to see through?

Take space as the ground and time as the empty space to achieve the field.

If you don’t have enough understanding of time and space, then the established field will be very fragile. Although Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others are very impatient, on this issue, they will not overtake corners, but will proceed step by step. .

Therefore, their speed should not be too fast. Although it is a thousand years later, whether they can see through the law of time and break through the **** emperor is a problem.

Of course, Celestial Reincarnation, Huang Jingjing, and Meng Po should be stronger. They are originally Celestial figures. They can only be limited to this because of the incomplete laws of the small universe, but they will definitely change drastically when they arrive in God's Domain. Time is in a hurry. They should be called the overlord of one party, right?

At least, Ling Feng felt that Celestial Reincarnation, Meng Po and others could all fight half-step ancient sages.

It is a pity that the three characters are not against the gods. Although they have lived and died together, will the three help the gods and be willing to carry these causes and effects?

Ling Feng didn't have any expectations for the Celestial Reincarnation and others. Nishen has grown up to this day, and most of the older generations have withered, and they have become flag-bearers.

Perhaps, with the help of external forces, they can grow faster, but Ling Feng even hopes that they can refine it step by step on their own, and when the day is full of wings, they can smile proudly in the heavens.

He released Sunyue Tianjiao and other geniuses of the rebellious generation, finding butterflies is on the one hand, and on the other hand, he hopes they can grow up.

The next day.

The sky is clear and the pressure on the periphery of Tianxiang Mountain has increased significantly. The eight ancient forces should have known some things and become tempted.

Outside the Phoenix Forbidden Land, a vast strange gate ban has been established, like a strange mountain, with river-like **** patterns carved on it, and there is a sacred glow in the sky, a transpiration of a rainbow, and a scene of clouds steaming and shining.

There were waves in the space around the ancient altar, buzzing and trembling. This was a picture caused by the distortion of the space, which was very scary.


The emperor of glory and the eight heavenly figures were standing in front of the ancient altar, with a heavy touch on their faces, because there was news from Lie Baiyuan that a **** emperor figure understood the truth and wanted to target the ruthless person.

"Time does not wait for me, we have to leave here as soon as possible."

The emperor of glory said eagerly: "Although this ancient altar is extraordinary, it can block the **** emperor, but if there are so many **** emperors against you, even the ancient altar will cause problems."

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, and there was coldness in his eyes. He guessed that the truth of the matter was not so simple. The **** emperor figure targeted him on one hand, and on the other hand, it was Xiaolingtu and the ancient Xuyue clan.

The Kingdom of Glory wanted to take away Ling Feng before the two forces appeared.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng nodded. This decision did not happen overnight. Before, he was worried that the Son of Glory would not take the bait, but now he is worried about the Kingdom of Glory.

But at this moment there is no room for hesitation.

"Then let's start!"

The Son of Glory nodded, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, as long as Ling Feng appeared in the kingdom, many things would be easier to handle.

After a while, the Son of Glory took Ling Feng onto the ancient altar, and the eight supreme figures lit the gods on the ancient altar with the power of the law, causing it to emit a sky-wide flame, communicating the sun, the moon and the stars, and the great universe.


The ancient altar made a heavy trembling sound, and a ray of light distorted time and space, and instantly pierced out, forming a light path that leads straight to the distance.

"Suppress yourself with space."

The emperor of Glory reminded: "This ancient altar is not too stable. It was built too quickly. There are always problems in this regard."

Moreover, he was worried that a **** emperor would secretly take action, and the trouble would be even greater, and they had to be more careful.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng's forehead, even if the Son of Honor didn't say a word to remind him, he would do it.

The next moment, a layer of faint waves enveloped Ling Feng, that layer of matter was so special that even the supreme figure could not see through it.

In the next moment, the ancient altar was shining through the sky, breaking through the sky, and the divine veins set off endless waves, holding Ling Feng and the emperor of glory into the sky, leading to the distance along the light path.


The ancient altar collapsed in an instant, and all the gods on it were annihilated. The huge waves turned the phoenix into ruins before the forbidden soil, and the eight supreme figures were more like kites with cut lines and flew out.

"Bold, do you Glory Kingdom want to monopolize the peerless Taoism?"

A voice scolded, bluntly, and full of anger. Although people were in the sky, they could still sweep eight supreme figures, showing how terrifying it was.

Obviously, the eight ancient powers couldn't sit still anymore. The **** emperor figure discovered the truth and wanted to destroy the ancient altar, but came a step late.

"Want to run, I am afraid it will not be so easy!"

In the distant sky, several voices sounded, because the ancient altar of the Kingdom of Glory tore open the space and formed a dazzling path of light, and it was naturally impossible to escape the eyes of the **** emperor.


One word collapsed, and three **** emperors rushed to the sky on the spot, raised their hands and blasted toward the streamer, the field blasted the sky, and the dual display of space and time caused the heaven and the earth to collapse.

A war fist blasted through the sky, blasting through the stream of light, breaking the passage established by the ancient altar, and two figures were looming within it.


With a loud bang, the other two **** emperor figures were killed with all their strength, collapsed and broke the streamer. If it were not for Ling Feng and the emperor of glory to protect their bodies with space, they would be blasted down at this time.

However, at this moment, the streamer shone, and an ancient altar flew out of it. Although it was not as magnificent as the previous ancient altar, it was extremely powerful. The streamer channel was rebuilt without disintegrating it. Then, the streamer brought The emperor of glory and Ling Feng flew into the distance.


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