Supreme Demon

Chapter 3183: Five Kingdoms Battle!

"Supreme God and Demon"


The sky fell into the phoenix flames, burning away thousands of paths and space, the ancient trees instantly turned into ashes, the huge mountains became haze, and the ripples swept across the sky, forming a picture of destruction.

A phoenix flew from a distance, as if straddling a galaxy. Although it was just a phantom, when its wings spread out, the virtual flames stunned the universe, and the space had already become different.

A field appeared, taking the Phoenix space as the ground and the law of time as the empty space, and instantly pressed down, causing thousands of miles of rivers to become purgatory.

Phoenix Fury, who can stun the front?


In the raging flames, the two **** emperors also discovered the rudimentary form of the universe, and to break away from that field, the rules and laws are not the most terrifying, and there is a kind of power.

That power is like a phoenix lightning, turning into a phoenix knife, splitting thousands of ways, unstoppable.

In front of it, the law, space, time, etc. are all turned into ashes, vulnerable to a blow, like a king, overlooking everything.


The two **** emperors lost their color in shock, completely horrified, so scared that their hairs were bursting, their hair stood up, their faces pale, and they did not dare to fight.

They fled with lightning, using the strength of the milk, they really wanted to touch that order force, either death or injury.


The power that only Gu Xian can comprehend, it is the power of heaven that transcends space and time, represents the highest realm, and is also the top expression of the field.

The ancient sages slaughter the gods like dogs.

In front of these creatures, they are the native dogs!

An dare to fight?

call out!

The two **** emperors used swift speed, such as flashing electric lights, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Even in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, the ancient rhyme of Phoenix suppressed, but the effect was not obvious, and their speed was not affected much.

But at this time they couldn't wait to give birth to a few pairs of wings, because the phoenix was faster and possessed half the strength of an ancient sage. It seemed to come across a galaxy and reached them in one step.


The flames of anger poured down like a pouring rain, smashing their heads and covering their faces on the bodies of the two **** emperors, making them scream and almost fall, but in the end they broke through.

"That pit!"

The two **** emperors felt even more resentful in their hearts. Feelings were the killer move of the culprit behind the scenes. The other party couldn't help them, and used this phoenix to get rid of them.


They ignited the essence and blood to burn it completely, the light and rain were completely in full bloom, their eyes released endless lightning, they even tore the void, their hands evolved, that endless essence and blood actually constructed two altars.

They jumped down on the altar with lightning, used their essence and burned, making the altar flourish, distorting time and space, and rushing to the distance with them.


After just a breath, the space behind that torn apart completely collapsed, the altar was annihilated and turned into ashes, the Phoenix was angry, and the mountains and rivers were poured out, and the ancient sages were unstoppable.

However, the two divine emperors were extraordinary figures, taking themselves as the essence of the altar, borrowing the essence of blood sacrifice, and crossing the endless mountains and rivers, although they were seriously injured, they escaped from the ancient sage and phoenix flames.


They rolled down from the void, spurting blood, and their faces became paler, and they were only one step away from the Phoenix Forbidden Land. They did not dare to hesitate, lightning rushed out, and then rushed into the distance without looking back.


The phoenix roared through the sky, tearing through the space, forming a terrible black hole. Just the sound of the phoenix roar caused many Wu Xiu to spurt blood and almost disintegrated, frightening people to fly out of Tianxiang Mountain with lightning and dare not stay.

Everyone was shocked by this scene, dumbfounded, not knowing what happened.

"The lord has left!"

Sun and Moon Shuangjiao looked into the distance with anxiety.

On this day, they had a lot of understanding of God Tianyu, what Ling Feng had done here, and even more about Ling Feng's intentions.

Correct because of this they had to be alarmed and anxious.

With Ling Feng's strength and the tyranny of the Kingdom of Glory, this is to break into the Dragon Lake and Tiger Lair, and it will be the fish on the knife of the Kingdom of Glory, and it will fall easily.

How can they not be anxious?

"We want to grow!"

"Find the butterfly as soon as possible!"

Everyone in the gods against the gods felt the pressure. In this unfamiliar heaven, even the human master would fall, let alone them?

But they are even more convinced that the owner will definitely come back alive!

They can survive the blue sky, the terrible passage, and they can survive the storm.

"God Tianyu, here we are!"

One said solemnly: "One day, you will remember this name!"

Tianxiang Mountain will be their first dojo, and they will start from here.

The scorching sun is like a fire, and the god-destroying people are walking forward in front of the sun. Their steps are so firm, their eyes are so sharp, and their backs are shining golden light...



With a loud noise, the void collapsed, disintegrating layer by layer, as if disintegrating.

The two characters rolled down from the void and rolled directly into the dirt. They were as embarrassed as they were. They had broken grass in their mouths, shaved heads, and wounds on their chests and backs, almost translucent, and their internal organs were clear. It can be seen that the blood is rolling down, making them gloomy, extremely haggard and miserable.


Ling Feng spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood and his face was bruised. Despite the defense of the first star, he was still seriously injured. He did not dare to use the primordial energy of all things, worried that he would be perceived by the emperor of glory and others, so he only relied on the first star. Defensively, this is seriously injured.

The Glory Son was obviously more severely injured. His chest was translucent, as if he had been stabbed through by a huge finger. All his internal organs were shattered, and there were still broken pieces of internal organs in the blood that rolled out.

After he landed on the ground, he didn't get up, his eyes were gloomy, and his internal injuries were too serious. He took the pill in time, but he still couldn't suppress the internal injuries.

"The emperor?"

Ling Feng flew staggeringly, landed beside the Son of Glory, and lifted him up.

"Here... Glory Kingdom, Brother Ruthless Dao, we are back alive."

The emperor Glory had a little look in his eyes, but he was still weak. During the speech, the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood and looked even more miserable.

"How far is it from Tianxiang Mountain? Will they kill it?"

Ling Feng frowned and asked, the ancient altar distorted time and space, making it unable to perceive distance.

"There are tens of billions of miles."

The emperor Glory spat out a bruise, his face improved a little: "This is already within the scope of the Glory Kingdom, but it is in a remote area, and there is still some distance from the city of God."

"They shouldn't chase, otherwise they will alarm my ancient **** emperor."


Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but watched the situation of Emperor Honor and frowned: "Brother Emperor Dao should heal his injuries first."

"it is good!"

The emperor Glory nodded, his eyes flickered, and he became vigilant looking at Ling Feng's imperceptibility.

This place is located in a wasteland. Although it is within the scope of the glory kingdom, it is still a bit remote. This is caused by the collapse of the passage, the distance has been deviated, and the glory city has not been reached.

Moreover, his injury was very serious, so if Ling Feng wanted to act on it at this time, it was easy.

But Ling Feng was calm and didn't mean to do it.

Two hours later.

Son of Glory only recovered some blood, but he was still very weak.

"Thank you to the emperor and Dao brother today, let's not pass it."

Ling Feng stood up and arched his hands, thanked the emperor of glory, and bluntly said that he was leaving.

"Brother Ruthless Dao, are you leaving now?" The emperor Glory was stunned, his eyebrows frowned, he struggled with life and death to get Ruthless into the kingdom of glory. If he is allowed to leave at this time, then he will eat a lot. Unfortunately, he didn't want to.

"Now, far from Tianxiang Mountain, I don't have any worries." Ling Feng nodded and said with a smile: "With the current strength of Brother Dao, within the scope of Glory Kingdom, there should be no problem."

"Today's kindness, I will remember it in my heart, and it will be a good return tomorrow!"

"Brother Dao, although this is the Kingdom of Glory, it is still not safe enough. Otherwise, Brother Dao will follow me back to Tiancheng first, and I will personally send Brother Dao away on the next day." The Son of Glory said euphemistically.

"Furthermore, the things I promised Brother Dao have not been done yet."

"You can't accept bribes without grace."

Ling Feng frowned, and said, "Brother Dao helped me out of the sea of ​​suffering. It is already a great grace, and now..."

"Brother Dao is too polite."

The Son of Glory smiled and said, "We are friends who live and die together."


Ling Feng shook his head with a firm expression. Although it is important to save Shen Lie, going deep into the Kingdom of Glory still made him vigilant, or the Son of Glory was too enthusiastic and made him vigilant.

What kind of person is the Son of Glory, and he has naturally seen Ling Feng's concerns.

"Brother Dao, I really don't want to conceal it, I do have a tricky thing that I want to trouble you." The Son of Honor stood up solemnly and said, "I'm afraid that only Brother Dao can help me with this matter."

"Oh?" Ling Feng said with a startled suspicion, "What's the matter?"

"Five Kingdoms Battle!"

The Son of Glory smiled bitterly and said: "My Glory Kingdom has made an agreement with several other ancient kingdoms of the heavens to determine some things. This is the five-nation war of gods once every five hundred years."

Ling Feng listened quietly and did not speak.

"It just happens to be five hundred years soon, and the Five Kingdoms God War is about to come, and this God War is too important for my glorious kingdom."

"Tianjiao God Fight?" Ling Feng asked.

The emperor Glory shook his head and said, "It's not as simple as imagined. This is a war of gods between nations, and a simple battle of gods is too one-sided."

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot be called a country.

The root of the country lies in the people!

The divine war between nations is naturally not limited to the Tianjiao divine war, but also lies in the overall divine war.

Although Ling Feng didn't know what things needed to be decided among the five nations, it must be extremely important to such forces as the glory of the ancient country, because at this moment, the emperor of glory was very sincere.

"What do I need to do?" Ling Feng did not refuse.


With a smile on his face, the emperor Glory said, "I know that Brother Dao may not have experience in this area. Therefore, I will ration Dao Dao with a team of elites from all battles in ancient China. Dao Dao only needs to convince him and be able to fully play this one. The strength of the elite of the hundred wars is enough."


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