Supreme Demon

Chapter 3187: Why are they angry?

"Supreme God and Demon"

Jingfeng Garden.

Lying in the bushes, Ling Feng closed his eyes slightly, letting the breeze comb his hair, snoring in his breath, he really fell asleep.

It was the bird on his shoulder that was lying on Ling Feng's chest, sleeping with his eyes closed, and his saliva flowed down Ling Feng's chest.

Standing in front of the grass, Han Qing didn't know how to speak.

This character is indeed some of the best.

He pondered for a moment, and still said, "God of War, there is someone outside the door who wants you to come and meet."

The snoring remained the same.

Ling Feng was still sleeping, and didn't mean to pay attention to Han Qing at all. Instead, the bird on Ling Feng's chest turned over and wiped his saliva with his wings, but he did not look at Han Qing.

"That is the elder of the Kingdom of Glory. Even if the king sees it, he has to get up." Han Qing explained: "If it is someone else, I can explain it, but when the old man is here, I don't even know how to solve it."

"The old man's name is Xu Tiantian, and he is a supreme powerhouse."

"not see!"

Ling Feng's snoring paused, and he said uncomfortably, "When I'm an idiot, if this is a meeting, maybe I will be beaten?"

"But..." Han Qing said something else.

"Just say I'm sleeping, wait until I wake up." Ling Feng grinned, completely unhappy.


If someone wants to beat you, you still need to deliver it to the door in person. Are you happy?

Isn't this an idiot?

He is not a figure in the Kingdom of Glory, and he doesn't care about some rumors. He knows that the man behind the scenes of the King of Glory wants to see his strength, those veterans and heroes, who is not a human spirit?

Doesn't it mean that they are so active?

Try it out!

But have they considered Ling Feng's feelings?

Have the ability to suppress the strength in the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, see if he dares to go out?

Not to mention the veteran hero, even if the King of Glory really dared to do this, Ling Feng would still suppress it.

"I am so angry!"

When Han Qing spread the original words, the old man's face suddenly stiffened. Although the old man had long since stopped leading the army, his prestige still remained. Even the king would be courteous for three points, but what did this glorious war **** do?

not see?


Is the feelings of these characters not as important as the glory of God of War?

"Enough kind!"

"Our glorious God of War is really majestic. He knows what identity Xu Ge is?"

"I said that."

Han Qing said dullly, what he said was me, not me, or Ling Feng knew.

This is very particular.

He said it, but it doesn't mean that the other party knew it.

"How can these characters become the glorious God of War in our country?" Old Xu Ge said furiously: "If you don't know how to be humble, don't know how to respect the elder, and set yourself up as a glorious God of War, do you really want to be equal to the king?"

The eyes of everyone around him suddenly shuddered.

Xu Tiantian's words are extremely condemning, and he regards the glory of the God of War as if he wants to sit on an equal footing with the king. It is a terrible thing for anyone to hear it.

"Xiao Qingzi, if you take a trip, you tell me Wu Yu wants to see him."

Another person spoke, although he was not as old as Xu Tiantian, but when this person spoke, the whole scene became cold, because this person's origin is not weaker than Xu Tiantian.


Han Qing had to forehead, because this person is too strong, even the Son of Glory must be respectful here.


Soon, Han Qing came back, but his face was somewhat ugly, and everyone knew that the result was not as smooth as they thought.

Sure enough, what Han Qing brought was still missing.

Today, Ling Feng wants to sleep!

See no one!

Even if the Son of Glory came, he had to stand in front of the door and couldn't enter.


"Our Glory God of War is really crazy."

"I just don't know if he has this strength!"

People were irritated by Ling Feng's behavior, glorifying the God of War, and turned everyone out, completely indifferent, almost piercing the sky.

To know.

These characters coming today are extraordinary, they are all military commanders, and they are all supreme, not one or two, but more than a dozen characters.

Time hurried, and more people appeared at the gate of Jingfeng Garden, from more than a dozen to dozens of people, like Wang Yuan who came first, and waited until the evening.

The next day.

This storm is even more crazier, the scope of detonation is larger, and the entire ancient country feels like it is about to explode.

As a result, more people came over, so many that Han Qing felt like a blow.

More than a hundred characters!

This represents more than a hundred forces.

Moreover, they are all the heroes of the ancient country, so many people, even the king, will change their color when they see it, but Ling Feng is still sleeping soundly, not taking these characters seriously.

"It's rascal!"

"How can this kind of virtue support my glory in the ancient country?"

"If foreign enemies come, would my ancient **** of war just hide like this?"

"If I let other countries know that the God of War of the Ancient Kingdom is such a person, I guess I would die of laughter."

People's faces are all embarrassing, but even more resentful.

Ling Feng's indifference was indeed an insult, they couldn't bear it.

When this turmoil lasted for three days, the entire ancient country was a sensation, and many people were dumbfounded and could not imagine.

Gu Guo Shangqing was ruthlessly ignored.

The veteran Xu Tiantian couldn't sleep like the **** of war.

Wu Yu was even more blue with anger.

Is this a human thing?

To be honest, Han Qing couldn’t stand it anymore. Ling Feng played too much this time. In three days, he offended the entire ancient country character once and again. After that, he wanted to use his wings in the ancient country of Glory. Is it difficult?

I really don't know if the character is a real idiot or if he wants to die.

In fact, in Han Qing's view, when the Shangqing of the ancient country appeared, Ling Feng had no room to dodge, and only went out to meet, even if the opponent was forced to fight, Ling Feng could only respond.

But Ling Feng is not Han Qing.

He can ignore everyone!

But this is not his real intention. Is it good for him to offend so many people?


What Ling Feng wanted was the anger of these people!


What made him interesting was that the Son of Glory didn't even show up. It was a bit like sitting and watching the development of the situation. The position of the Son of Glory was obvious, but what about Ling Feng's position?

"They all want to see it."

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and smiled. He knew that this matter would not irritate me, and that we were the fish on their swords. If we left at this time, we would be infamy.

It's just a mere challenge, and Ling Feng should not blush.

Of course, the Son of Glory did not want to overdo things. Therefore, when the situation evolved to the fifth day, the Son of Glory came forward. He did not go through the front door, but entered directly through the back door.

But Ling Feng was still asleep, as if he didn't know he was coming.

"Brother Ling, I know you are angry."

The emperor of glory explained with a wry smile: "But there are some things beyond my control. The title of God of Honor is indeed too sensitive in ancient China. Someone wants to test you."

"I invited you back, but the person who came to challenge was not the person under my command, but the person under my emperor's brother."

He sighed and said, "Although I am the emperor, some people don't want to see this situation."

"In the past few days, I am not unwilling to come forward, but I am taboo to come forward. The interference is too great and the cause and effect are too heavy."

"So, I deserve to be bullied?"

Ling Feng suddenly jumped up, his eyes glaring at Son of Honor, and said, "Those are all supreme figures. Are you asking me to meet?"

"That was trying to slap me in the face!"

The Son of Glory was silent, and these things were indeed beyond his control.

"Is there no way?"

Ling Feng asked.

He didn't ask sin to glorify the emperor, more he wanted to find a solution.


The Prince of Glory sighed and said, "There have been many Gods of War in the history of the Kingdom of Glory. There is indeed such a challenge to rule. It is a good talk to defeat an opponent and promote his reputation."

"Brother Emperor, using such a nice talk, even if I have opinions, it is useless."

"Even the father is very difficult to change."

"So, I can only be bullied?" Ling Feng's brows flashed black lines.

"Why don't Ling brother hold on for some more time, when they can't hold on, they will naturally disperse." said the emperor of glory.

He talked with Ling Feng for a while, and then left in a hurry on the excuse that he still had important matters.

"The situation has taken shape, will you let me stick?"

Ling Feng looked at the direction of the emperor's departure, and the corners of his mouth raised a sneer. If he really did this, then don't think of this door.

Therefore, some things must be resolved.

"Are they still shouting at the door?"

Ling Feng looked at Han Qing who was standing by and asked.

"Yes." Han Qing blinked and nodded slightly.

"They want to meet, so let's meet."

A chill appeared in Ling Feng's heart, and the emperor of glory appeared at this time. Doesn't that mean that?

Obviously, the pressure on the side of the emperor of glory was not small, and some people wanted to force Lingfeng to show up.


Han Qing said, and then led Ling Feng to the door.

"They are really not kind!" Ling Feng muttered softly.

Jingfeng Garden is very wide. Ling Feng and Han Qing walked, but they walked for two quarters of an hour before they appeared in front of the door.

At this moment, there was already a crowd of people in front of the door. Many people had been waiting for five days, and their faces were very ugly. If Ling Feng had the title of "Glory of War God", it would make Jingfeng Garden different, they would have known Jingfeng Garden long ago. This door kicked through.

All kinds of cats and dogs dare to be called God of War these days!

When Ling Feng came over, he saw the crowds of Wuyang Wuyang, crowded with blackness, like a dark cloud, the doorway was crowded and the water was impenetrable.

Moreover, he also sensed the terrible anger and murderous intent in front of the door, as if to pierce the sky.

"Are they angry?"

Ling Feng asked very puzzled: "They want to hit me, but I'm not angry yet, why are they angry?"

Han Qing almost fell to the ground.

Can you say that?

Now he is even more sure that the person behind him is the best, and he can't judge it with common sense at all.


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