Supreme Demon

Chapter 321: The rhythm of the slaughter

The 261rd chapter of the slaughter

Heaven and earth chill!

Xia Yun and the three elders also breathed a sigh of relief. They vomited blood and fell to the ground. They had tried their best in this battle. Everyone was seriously injured and could be described as fierce.


Blood ran down from their mouths, and the red color was extremely incomparable. The clothes were wet, and the three women of Duguyue, Lingqing and Yunmeng also suffered heavy losses, just because of the appearance of Lingfeng, plus the proud bird, the horror The situation of a yang fire, their situation improved.

However, at this time, everyone's eyes are a wound.

Because all the three major forces of the military have killed Ling Feng, he alone faced more than a dozen Wuhuang, including a nine-level Wuhuang, two eight-level Wuhuang, the most terrible is that the nine-level Wu The emperor has reached the combat power of the semi-sacred.

This is not something that ordinary people can resist, unless it is the real Wu Sheng.

Although it is said that the three forces joined forces with Mo Yunzong and killed dozens of them, they were able to shake the Wu State, but as long as Ling Feng died, Lingwu College was basically extinguished.

"Don't!" Ling Qing witnessed splitting, and even she could not see the slightest hope.

"Ling Feng!"

The solitary rainy moon and the cloud dream are also yelling. They can use their life to fill in. Unfortunately, their speed is simply unable to catch up. Moreover, they have been seriously injured and their ability to act has been sharply reduced.

"Death, Ling Feng!"

The three major forces of the Emperor Wu are laughing, although the Yang Shengsheng fire is terrible, but has been entangled in the semi-san, this time simply can not catch, and as long as the killing of Ling Feng, everything will automatically collapse.

This also makes everyone very savage, Ling Feng killed too many people, they want revenge!

In the face of such a blow, Ling Feng laughed, and the war is now, he has done his best, and the half-sacred warrior can only rely on a yang holy fire to defeat.

And he...

"Hey, come on!"

He was crazy and bloodthirsty, and everyone thought he had tried his best, but until now, he still has reservations, for the moment.

The blood is killing!


The broken blades flew out, not bathed by the burning flames, because they have been swallowed up by a sacred sacred fire, and the body that shrouds the broken blade is the aura of the body, and it is also the soul of the soul.

At this moment, they are all glowing, bursting with incomparable brilliance, terrible fluctuations and vibrations, all the power of Lingfeng is gathering, and condensed on the broken edge.

Among the exercises mastered by Ling Feng, only one can do it!


"Hey, hey..."

An electric light, with the tremor of lightning, all the power condensed together, forming the most eye-catching blow, its fluctuation is not very strong, but wherever it passes, the air bursts behind, a quarter away The stone and the ancient building were all plowed, and instantly became a powder.

They swirled and formed a tail flame behind the lightning.

The strongest blow!

Whether it is the body of the aura, or the soul of the soul is blending, this is forcible, irreversible, and all the forces in the body of Ling Feng have been evacuated, leaving only one body.

When he flew out of the rebellion, he slowly fell to the ground and his face was white.

The light broke through the sky and directly greeted the two seven-level martial artists. It made a loud noise and made people’s hearts jump. Whether it was Xia Yun, the three elders, or the three women in the rainy month. They all looked at this scene nervously.

How strong is Ling Feng’s all-out blow? !


The electric mangman rushed in front of the two seven-level martial arts, and the momentum was not reduced. The power of the martial arts was broken like a paper, and it was smashed in an instant. You must know that it was thirty-one thousand jin. The great power, coupled with the peak of the spiritual master.

It’s no exaggeration to describe it with unstoppable!


The next moment, the bodies of the two seven-level Wuhuang were fixed. They grew their mouths and had a deep horror in their eyes. They couldn't think of dreams. Ling Feng could make such a blow in the case of serious injuries.

The blood was overflowing from the unstoppable chest. They lowered their proud heads, looked at them, and then hanged down completely, and could no longer lift them.

"call out!"

However, the trend of the electro-optical light kept going through the two emperors, and the body that swiftly rushed over them came to me. The pupils were all fears. At this moment, they clearly felt the breath of death. Covered them.


In the end, the electric light exploded, forming a round cymbal, which was extremely terrible in the air, surrounded by shocks, and the earth collapsed. Even the ancient buildings were like fragments. spread.

The three emperors were also shrouded in this scream, and the screams of screams were screaming. The flesh and bones of their bodies were torn in pieces and pieces, even though the power of the Emperor could not be blocked.

After all, this is a powerful force of more than 30 million pounds!


An eight-level martial artist was going backwards. His face was ugly. Although he was dodging in time, his chest was torn apart and he had a flesh and blood. He didn’t want to give birth, and his entire face was distorted.

"Ling Feng, you are going to die!" he yelled.

"What the **** is you!"

Ling Feng moved his fingers hard and pointed to the Wu Emperor. The corner of his mouth showed a smile of evil spirits.

Almost, when his voice fell, there was a soul blade in the middle of it. The light of gold and blue was not obvious under the shadow of the hustle and bustle. This is also the killer of Ling Feng.


It instantly appeared behind the head of the Eighth Emperor Wu, and when the latter discovered it, it was too late.

Broken soul!


"Hey, bang..."

A cruel voice fell, and the devour of the soul blade broke the barrier of the power of the Emperor, forming a smashing force, so that the angry expression of the eight-level Wuhuang was completely stiffened.

The riot of the spirited master broke his soul and the spirit was completely killed.


An eight-level martial artist died in battle, so that the three forces were all sorrowful. The three forces came to dozens of people, and Mo Yunzong had more than a dozen people, but there were hundreds of people.

But now, there are only a few people left, and even then, they are scared to death, and Ling Feng is a demon in their eyes.

One strike killed seven emperors, including one eight-level martial artist!

This is a cruel record like a dream!

However, Ling Feng did this, which also made Xia Yun, the three elders, and Yunmeng three women surprised and happy. The fighting power of Ling Feng is really terrible, and the problems that come with it are also very serious.

Ling Feng has been seriously injured. Seeing that it looks like there is no trace of fighting power, and there are still a few people on the other side. Who will resist? !

The one-yang holy fire has stopped the semi-holy, who will save them? !

"How could this be?!"

There are only a few of the three empires in the three forces. They are ugly and appear to be dead gray. They have died too many people, even if the three major forces are strong, this is also a fatal blow.

Even the half-sacred has a moment of disappointment, and feels horrified from the depths of the heart. This is a kind of enchanting teenager. If he is allowed to live, it will take a few years, and all three forces will be completely destroyed.

"call out"

In the meantime, when they were embarrassed and horrified, a sacred flame was killed. On the spot, the eight-level martial artist was shrouded. The terrible flame was directly ignited without any hesitation.

"Cry, oh..."

The eight-level martial artist changed his face. When he reacted, he had turned into a flame. When he burned, he could clearly feel that the bones and flesh were turned into fly ash, but he was still alive.


The sacred flame of the sun was not lost, and it rushed to the two seven-level martial arts. The flame of terror was directly shrouded, so that both of them could only make a scream of savage and desperate.

It can be said that the yang flame has been tied for too long, and the suffocation in the heart can be imagined, but now these people are completely stunned for their venting objects.


The half-sacred anger, the pupil shrinks, and the three martial artists are killed in the blink of an eye, especially the eight-level martial arts, which is also the essence of the medicinal sect. Every dead one is more painful than cutting meat.

Just because of one of your own negligence!

Later, he smashed the past, and the Dan furnace in his hand smashed the past with a sacred fire. He wanted to cover the latter and slowly refine it. However, the sacred flame did not fight against him at all, and directly turned to the other two. Frightened six-level martial arts.


The two men were shaking with their feet, and they watched the flames rushing in, even the dodge could not be done.


In the fire, the three forces left only one and a half, and everyone died. This is a crazy fact. No one thought that the Lingwu Academy would be strong enough.


That half of the holy madness, red eyes, this is absolutely a heavy blow, not only Cao Jia, cold home can not explain, that is, the medicinal sect is not good, more than 30 Wu Emperor, almost one-fifth of the medicinal sect And who can think of breaking down at the Little Lingwu Academy? !


He roared and rushed to the sacred fire of a yang, and launched a lore. The Dan furnace in his hand was completely shining, and the horrific mansions broke out. Even the sacred flame was suppressed.

"It's all dead!" Xia Yun took a breath and looked a little better. Anyway, there is only one person left, although it is strong, but as long as they all recover, they can definitely kill the latter.

The premise is that a yang holy fire can persist until that time.

"Ling Feng!"


At this time, Du Gu Yuyue, Ling Qing three women have rushed over, they look very anxious, Ling Feng's injury is unprecedented, so that they are all frowning.

"do not worry."

Ling Feng gasped a little, his fingers flicked, and suddenly several bottles of medicine rolled out, with the fragrance of the best of the land, which is all prepared for the war, to prevent this scene.

"Everyone is coming back soon, let's join hands to kill the half-san!" Ling Feng, with the help of Ling Qing, swallowed three supernatural anodic blood.

As the liquid spreads out, his face also shows a trace of blood.

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