Supreme Demon

Chapter 3193: The setting sun, the gods at dusk!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Before Jingfeng Garden.

The light rain was like pouring rain, falling from the void, and the space collapsed, forming a picture that was too magnificent, with a radius of thousands of miles turned into an open space, and the ancient road paved with gravel turned into ashes.

If it weren't for Jingfeng Garden's supreme gate, it would collapse at this moment.

If it weren't for the other gardens to be far away from Jingfeng Garden, they would collapse at this moment.

Like when building a garden, the Kingdom of Glory considered this, so the empty field is very vast, like a vast sea.

A small sea in the distance dried up instantly and turned into a deep pit.

The whole world is collapsing, and ten thousand ways are burned. It is not as strong as the strength of more than 30 heavenly beings. In terms of the scene and overall strength, the Supreme will sigh, just because the light rain is too strong, the Supreme has the strength to deal with it, but the scene does not have this. So vast.

not to mention.

All kinds of light and rain are different, extremely numerous, especially the three figures of Zhou Shan, Xu Qing, and Tianlan. Their strength should not be underestimated. When Tianlan expands the aura space and suppresses it, the storm has soared to the extreme. .

Destroy the world!

It is precisely because of this that people are optimistic about this battle. Ling Feng is very strong, but if he wants to deal with so many Celestial Lords, even the Honorable Celestial Lord is very strenuous. In the end, he needs to overcome everything by speed and make various defeats.

If you want to be hard, the emperor will have to turn it over!

To be honest, it is not kind to do this, but when Ling Feng proposed, Tianlan still came in. I don't know why Tianlan felt that Ling Feng's strength was extremely strong, and perhaps he could really fight the supreme.

She wanted to know how strong Ling Feng was.

How strong is that woman!

Therefore, she did her best.

People couldn't think of how Ling Feng should deal with these scenes. Even Xu Tiantian and Wu Yu couldn't think of it. It would be unlucky to want to be tough.

"Although it is strong, it is still not enough."

In the distance, the Son of Glory was watching the battle. When the gods joined forces to fight Ling Feng, the Son of Glory did not look good at these characters.

Indeed, they are strong.

But as long as Ling Feng deploys eight ancient chariots and overcomes everything with its defensive power, he can still defeat them all.

"I just don't know if he wants to show his true strength."

"He can!"

An old man opened his mouth and said dullly: "If he uses the ancient chariot, he can use it before."

"Then, is he willing to use his true strength?" The Emperor Honor asked, squinting his eyes, in fact, he already had the answer in his heart.


The old man smiled and said, "Although this person is a little wary in my ancient country, he can't stand it for long because of his nature, and this is the king's decision. Sooner or later he will understand."

"Yes, although he is not a wickedly intelligent person, he is not a stupid person!" The eyes of the emperor of glory shone cold.

"Then we can see clearly!"


"If you want to see it, let's see it thoroughly."

Ling Feng's eyes flickered, and he said in his heart: "Just don't regret it!"

"Tianlan, I know what you want, if you want to see through, then try to open your eyes." Ling Feng became stronger.

Before the outbreak, he tolerated a low-key, always vigilant.

Before the outbreak, he hesitated, thinking about the past.

But at the moment when it really was about to explode, all the hesitations disappeared, and he became calm in space.

Fight if you want!

This is Ling Feng!

"Actually, I never wanted to use it!"

Ling Feng lowered his head, but when he raised his head, his dantian was frightened, and a beam of light gushed out and fell on his feet, slowly flying into the sky, with the majesty of covering the sky and the sun.

It is an illusory projection, like a pure land.

It only has a radius of fifty miles, with all the flowers in it, the space is ancient, peaceful and sacred.

A round of sunset is in a corner of space, and it is shining brightly.

The setting sun, the gods at dusk!

"Zhen God has fallen, do not regret it!"

Ling Feng pointed out that the entire Pure Land was burning. Since the advancement, the Twilight of the Gods has become different, blending with the Pure Land and becoming an invincible force.

It's just that Ling Feng deliberately ignored these powers in God's Horizons, didn't want to show, fearing to cause trouble, but now he doesn't have so much scruples.


Zhu Shen went forward at dusk, and Tianwei was low-key, not igniting it. When this pure land rushed into the space of the gods, a strange scene happened.

The gods are in front, and Tianlan is headed.

When she killed by lightning, the aura space and herself broke into the pure land, and the whole person was like a bird with broken wings, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Moreover, both knees fell on the ground, and the back was bent, as if knocking.



After Tianlan, Zhou Shan and Xu Qing were like moths to the fire, and like Tianlan, they plunged into the pure land, rolled down on the spot, kneeling in front of Ling Feng, their backs bent and it was difficult to lift them.



The whole scene fell silent. There was a world of difference between the pure land and the pure land outside. The pure land was quiet and scary, with only rapid breathing, and outside the pure land there was lightning and thunder, and the space was seated, and the rumbling sound burst into the sky.

But just for a moment, it was like laying dumplings, all of them fell into the pure land.

People knelt down completely, and their knees were broken.

After the space and power are in the Forbidden Land Pure Land, it is like a flame that meets extreme water, and it is annihilated in an instant, like bubbles, illusory and unreal.



In the Tea Light Kungfu, there were more than twenty Heavenly Lords kneeling down in front of Ling Feng, and they were all the strongest Heavenly Lords. They were quite neat and broke in from all directions, thus forming a circle.

It looks like a pilgrimage!

The whole world kneels, but I am independent!

To be more coquettish, so coquettish, so coquettish.

This scene made Xu Tiantian, Wu Yu and others who were full of pride and arrogance petrified on the spot, as if they were a ghost, their mouths opened so wide that they could squeeze a fist.

what's going on?

what happened?

What space is that?

Everyone was asking questions, but they didn't understand at all. The smile on the face of the glorious emperor who was in the distance became stiff, and then faded away.

He knew that Ling Feng was very strong, and he also knew that Ling Feng hadn't tried his best in Tianxiang Mountain, and some things he didn't know happened.


He never thought that Ling Feng could be so strong.

A space suppresses all characters in all spaces and makes them bow their heads and worship.

The kind of forcing the Son of Glory to be cold and sweaty, because he also couldn't understand what kind of space it was, why there is such a heavenly power, let alone other people.

In fact, even the Supreme is blinded and hard to understand.

咚, 咚...

Soon after, the remaining ten or so Heavenly Sovereigns fell into the pure land like moths fighting the fire. Although they had already seen that the situation had changed, it was not easy to change after they shot it.

They tried very hard to dodge, but they still fell into the pure land.

As a result, they knelt down in front of Ling Feng just like the previous figures, very pious.

Space is annihilated and power dissipates.

Heaven and Earth returned to Qingming, and a round of holy sun shed a little golden light on people, but the very scorching sunshine turned a lot colder at this moment.

Even if you are the Supreme, you have to be cold at this moment.

Ling Feng presented a kind of pure space that others don't understand, disintegrating everything and restraining everything. In front of that pure space, Tianlan's aura space is like bubbles, and other spaces are like flowers.

All withered!

what is this?

This is a nightmare!

Not to mention the heavenly figures, even the supreme figures felt sad, that person looked down on all beings like a demon king.

He just stood there, telling you that you are invincible!

"what is this?"

Tian Lan raised her head with difficulty, and she was shocked in her heart. What Ling Feng showed was something she could not imagine.

"Gods Twilight!"

Ling Feng said calmly.

"Zhu Shen... dusk..."

Each character is full of bitterness in these four words, the twilight of Zhu Shen, it is more like the end of Zhu Shen.

"I don't understand..." Tian Lan was full of grief. Although her posture was very inelegant and damaged her image, the one that hit her the most was still the dusk of the gods.

"Then kneel, as long as you can kneel, you can think more clearly."

Among the gods, Ling Feng had a good impression of Tianlan not because she was a woman, but because she was a beautiful woman, but because she was not hostile to herself.

She didn't want to embarrass herself.

If he was defeated in this battle, intuitively speaking, Tianlan would not embarrass him.

She is different from the emperor of glory and others.

She is obsessed with martial arts and rarely participates in the dirty things of the world.

She came because she felt that the God of Glory was a powerful person.

She came because God of Glory must be worthy of this title.

But the positions of her and Xu Tiantian and others are completely different.

This is also why Ling Feng is willing to help her.

"it is good!"

Tianlan's forehead, without any dissatisfaction, she could see sincerity in Ling Feng's eyes.

This is a kind of trust and respect!

But other people don't think like Tianlan, can they figure it out on their knees?


Who likes to kneel and think about problems?

Are you sick?

They don't want to kneel, but they have to kneel.

In the end, Ling Feng threw all these characters out. He had no intention of killing these characters. He was just a mere Tianzun. What was the purpose of killing?

The only thing that was not thrown out was Tian Lan, and Ling Feng was willing to let her perceive more.

More than 30 Heavenly Sovereigns landed, but they didn't attack Ling Feng again. As long as they had no problems with their brains, they wouldn't do it, or they wanted to kneel again.

However, Tianlan was very calm, closed his eyes and thought, before kneeling before Ling Feng.

It was just that the blood and essence overflowed from her flesh and blood, which was extremely miserable, and as time passed, more and more essence and blood poured out from her body, and finally Tianlan felt like she was about to faint.

At this time, Ling Feng threw Tianlan out.

"As much as you can figure it out, you can get as much." Ling Feng explained.

"Thank you!"

Tian Lan nodded, barely got up and bowed to Ling Feng, then staggered towards the distance.

People are still dull, no one wants to speak, and no one wants to speak.

"Why bother?"

Ling Feng sighed.

Just a word, it makes people face embarrassing, as if to say why force me?

Do you guys have been beaten?

"However, again, once the battle begins, don't stop."

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and said: "Guo Tianzun, I have already learned, but so, what next?"


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