Supreme Demon

Chapter 3195: Aimon Kusōzu!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The next day.

As soon as the day lighted up, the holy sun was still hiding in the light and rain, only the sun penetrated the light and rain, shining down on the world.

State House.

This solemn and solemn ancient mansion is five hundred miles in length and breadth, and is extremely vast. It is comparable to a small sea. The courtyard is tall, fifty feet tall, and the courtyard is deep. The entire wall is carved from ancient stones. Different, the carved patterns are different.

Moreover, the walls are still fascinated by a faint faint light, dotted with ancient trees, surrounded by stars shining, and grass paving, which outlines the beautiful scenery of the Xiangguo Mansion, like being in a painting.

The gate of Xiangguo Mansion is towering and tall, made of sturdy meteorite silver, and carved void ancient beasts inside, full of fantasy. The meteorite silver is not silvery white, but the color close to the starry sky.

Therefore, the door appeared on the wall, as if a piece of stars had been opened on the wall, especially the carvings of the ancient void beasts and stars, it was more real.

The most commendable thing in the Xiangguo Mansion is not this vast ancient mansion, but the old Xiangguo in the mansion who has made outstanding contributions to the Glory Kingdom. He is capable of literary and military skills and can be regarded as the mainstay of the Glory Kingdom.

Five hundred years ago, the old Xiangguo was deeply rooted in simplicity, not asking about world affairs, which made the Xiangguo Mansion more low-key and connotative, but it also cast a layer of ashes on the Xiangguo Mansion.

However, Xiangguo Mansion did not fade out of people's vision, because Xiangguo Mansion produced a talented arrogant who succeeded in Wentian at the age of only 1,500, causing a great sensation in the Kingdom of Glory.

This character is the Jiuxiang!

Now, for twenty-five years in a hurry, although the Ninth Xiang hasn't come forward, the Xiangfu is still talked about by people.

Obviously, the ninth meeting will become a figure like the Xiangguo, and the Xiangfu will be in full swing, and it will continue to flourish.

On this day, the servants of the ministers opened the door at sunrise in accordance with past practices.

But when he opened the heavy door of Xiangfu with sleepy eyes, he was shocked suddenly, because there was a person sitting in front of the door of Xiangfu, his eyes were slightly closed and he fell asleep, and the hair was covered with mist, obviously It was sitting in front of the Xiangfu gate for a long time.

However, what really surprised him was that this person didn't escape at all, as if he had blended into the space, he hadn't even noticed the gods of his heavenly realm.

"who are you?"

The servant looked at Ling Feng vigilantly, bending slightly, making a defensive posture.

As if awakened, the man opened his eyes and looked at the servant calmly: "Don't panic, I am the God of Glory, come to challenge Xiangfu Jiuxiang today."

"Glory to the God of War?"

The servant was startled, and looked at Ling Feng curiously, becoming more alert.

Yesterday, a great battle took place in Fengfeng Garden. Even if Xiangfu didn't participate in it, he knew the wind and the result more or less. He knew that the Glory God of War wanted to challenge the Ninth Phase.

But these servants really didn’t care too much. The ninth aspect looked down upon the sky, even those like the Son of Glory did not dare to come and challenge. Although Xu Tiantian and others mentioned the ninth aspect, they looked at the glory of God of War. It's not qualified enough, let alone dare not come.

However, the situation is different from what they thought.

The God of Glory appeared in front of the Xiangfu gate this morning, low-key and introverted, calmly interrogating each other, did not kill Tianwei at all, and did not seem to be a challenge.

"Jiuxiang hasn't gone out for a long time, let alone see outsiders."

Although the servant was shocked, he didn't panic. Now he is in front of the Xiangfu gate. Does this man dare to do anything to him?

"Then please let me know and say that God of War is here to challenge you!" Ling Feng said with a smile.


That servant was very cold, and didn't take Ling Feng seriously, even if he was honoring the God of War?

It's just a Celestial Venerable, dare to challenge the Ninth Phase with just such strength?

What qualifications does he have?


A faint smile filled the corner of Ling Feng's mouth and asked, "Don't you dare to go out?"

The servant had a cold face. Although Ling Feng was glorifying the God of War, Xiangfu was utterly proud in the kingdom of glory, and even the servants were more proud than other families.

"No outsiders in the ninth phase, please come back, please!"

"What if I don't reply?"

The smile on Ling Feng's face dissipated, and he said without a smile: "I'm just waiting here, waiting for him to go out!"


The servant's face was cold, and he didn't expect Ling Feng to be so difficult to deal with: "This is in front of the Xiangfu gate. If you have to wait, then trouble yourself."

Ling Feng stood in front of the door of the Xiang's Mansion, facing the servant far away, which seemed to block the door.

Ling Feng responded speechlessly to the servant's "please". He didn't ask to come to the door, but to call the door. Does he need to take into account the other's attitude at this time?

What's more, Ling Feng made people block the door. Naturally, he would block the door at this time.

Blocking you to panic!

"Are you challenging Xiangfu Tianwei?" The servant glared at him, extremely unhappy with Ling Feng.

"I will challenge!"

Ling Feng smiled slightly and said, "If you force me to leave, I will not dare to go out for the ninth aspect, and think I can't spread it all over the kingdom of glory."


How could that servant be Ling Feng's opponent?

The two are too far behind.

If Ling Fengzhen spread the ninth phase to him throughout the Glory Kingdom, although people would swear, it would still damage the interests of the Xiangfu and even damage the reputation of the ninth phase.

"If I were you, I wouldn't stand so stupidly!" Ling Feng said with contempt.

"You wait!"

The servant said viciously and ruthlessly, and then closed the palace gate.

"This Xiangfu is really proud!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes. A servant dared to speak to him like this, and he didn't put the glory of the God of War of the Glory Kingdom in his eyes. I don't know what kind of character the nine elements are?

"A person with strength wants to be low-key, but without strength, but sings a high-key with tiger skin." Shen Lie said with a smile.

Shortly after.

The door of Xiangfu opened again, and a graceful and noble woman walked out of it, with a beautiful outline, a faint fairy temperament, and a faint heavenly wave in her body.

After she walked out, she saw Ling Feng at a glance, her eyebrows frowned, but she still took a step forward and walked out of Xiangfu.

"You are the God of Glory?" the woman asked in a soft voice, but her voice was very clear, quite like everyone else.


"I have seen God of War."

The woman was a little thoughtful. Although she didn't have any respect, she was obviously stronger than the servant in this posture: "You want to challenge the nine aspects?"


Ling Feng's forehead, when the woman looked at him, he was also looking at the woman, taking her look and clothes in full view.

"Nine phases rarely see outsiders."

"That means we will meet again."

"Ten years ago, when the Nine Phases asked the sky ten years ago, someone came to the door to challenge and finally became disabled."

"Fifteen years ago, in the fifteen years since the Nine Xiangs asked the sky, the supreme figure came to the door, and finally returned with a feather.

The graceful woman looked at Ling Feng and said, "Does the God of War understand if I say that?"


Ling Feng nodded.

"Then God of War, please come back." The graceful woman said calmly.


Ling Feng smiled and said, "I know you are reminding me that Jiuxiang is very human and its strength is unfathomable. Even the supreme will end in tragedy, but what about it?"

"Do you still insist on challenging?" The woman frowned.

"You must fight!"

"Are you supreme?"

"I am Tianzun."

"Then why are you?" At this moment, the woman's eyes flashed sharply, scorching, and her words became sharp.

Tianzun dare to challenge the supreme?


What qualifications do you have?

"I can suppress Jiuxiang!"

Ling Feng said coldly, "I can dim the glory of Xiangfu!"

Ling Feng scorned the woman.


The woman laughed and said, "The Ninth Meeting is born, where does the God of War hope to fight?"

"Just here!"

The light and rain in the woman's eyes became even colder, and Xiangfu's face couldn't be challenged, but this God of War actually came strong, and threatened to crush Xiangfu's face.

Can this be tolerated?

What made her look even more ugly was that Ling Feng treated this place as a battlefield, which made her face even worse.

How is she not angry?

But she is not the supreme, let alone the nine elements, and is not qualified to make decisions.


"I think when the door opens again, don't do anything famous?" Ling Feng said behind him: "If the ninth phase does not dare to fight, I am willing to leave."

Force the palace!

We must force the palace!

The courtyard of the Xiangfu Palace is deep. It was a servant before, and then this woman. Who is next?

Want to wait until the ninth phase went out, don't know the year and month, Ling Feng had to force the palace.

The woman didn't speak, but she looked back and gave Ling Feng a fierce look.

When the door of Xiangfu was opened again, Ling Feng was about to fall asleep. These giants were just doing things, so how could they say that they would fight after war?

A man stepped forward, his figure sharp and firm.

His eyes are sharp, like two sharp blades, cutting through the void.

In terms of appearance, this person is not confused and does not appear old, just as if he has just crossed the threshold of youth.

The ninth phase!

The ninth son of the glorious state.

His aura was cold, and time seemed to fly by when he walked around, the entire sky was withering, the big star fell, and the holy sun rolled, just this appearance, I don't know how many times better than Ling Feng.

"Are you the God of Glory?" asked the Ninth Phase of Guozilian.

"Do I have to answer this question several times?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

The ninth was astonished. He didn't expect Ling Feng to answer yes or no, but he was just astonished.

"You want to challenge me?"

"This question seems to have been asked before."

"Then I won't ask."

The Ninth Prime Minister said, "You said you want to use my Xiangfu martial arts field as a battlefield. I have no opinion."

"it is good!"

"However, there will always be some casualties in battle. Did the God of War know that?"

Ling Feng challenged Xiangfu's bottom line several times, how can the Ninth Phase not be angry?

Although in the Kingdom of Glory, it is difficult for him to do anything extraordinary, he still dares to break Ling Feng's hands and feet.

"This is natural!"

Ling Feng nodded, as if he hadn't understood the threat of the ninth phase: "Skills are inferior to humans, and death and injury are inevitable."


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