Supreme Demon

Chapter 3199: Draw a circle to curse you!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The stars are endless, shining thousands of miles.

A star lay across the sky like a scorching sun, like falling into a battlefield, it was suppressed on the top of Xiaodao Wang Liezhu's head, releasing eternal charm, making Xiaodaowang's eyes crimson, with all his strength, but it was still difficult to break free.


When the star fell down bit by bit, the scorching rain could melt the flesh and blood of the Supreme, which was unimaginable.


Xiaodaowang refused, he was a real supreme, stronger than the ninth phase, and Lingfeng was just a heavenly sovereign. Why was he so strong?

He tried his best to use all kinds of treasures and secret powers, but he was still suppressed by the first star, and it was as heavy as the sky, crushing thousands of ways, suppressing the supreme, even he can only drink hate.

"The God of War really is the God of War, but the town is supreme!"

At this time, King Dao opened his mouth, unwilling to see this situation, because King Dao was obviously exhausted, and if it continued, it was estimated that King Dao would be destroyed.

This is obviously not what Dao Wang wants to see. He just wants Xiao Dao Wang to know that there are countless arrogances in this world, and there are not no characters who are qualified to fight across levels. Only in this way can Xiao Dao Wang be alert and become lower-key and restrained, not After asking the gods, it will be endless.

Ling Feng stopped at the right time, and did not target the Little Dao King, because the battle was over, the Little Dao King had to persevere, and he wanted to come back and die.

"Xiaodao King is not weak, if it weren't for using Taboo Stars, I would not be his opponent."

Ling Feng said modestly.

"Haha, God of War is too humble, and this is exactly what Xiaodao Wang wants to learn." Tao Wang didn't think so, because Ling Feng was too calm, although very tired, but still strong.

"I am telling the truth."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "The Time Rule of the King of Paths is not complete yet. When it completes the rule, like a long river of time, surging forward, then I will no longer be an opponent."

"The king has invited a talent back."

Tao Wang sighed.

This battle only took place in the battlefield, and not many people knew about it, but the gate of the Taoist Palace was still full of people. People like Xu Tiantian and Wu Yu wanted to know the result.

Can Xiaodao King suppress the Glory God of War?

At night, Ling Feng stepped out of the Dao Wang Mansion, calm and relaxed, Dao Wang personally sent it out with a smile on his face, making people unable to see the battle.

Although people don't know the outcome of the battle, it can be seen from Ling Feng's temperament and aura that he has fought fiercely in the Taoist Palace. In all likelihood, the Xiaodao King will be defeated. Otherwise, how could Ling Feng leave the Taoist Palace intact?

"The child is defeated, the glory of the God of War is shocking."

After Dao Wang threw a sentence, he disappeared in front of the door, and Ling Feng strode towards Jingfeng Garden.

God of War is still invincible!

With the Tianzun realm, the supremacy does not fall under the wind, and the sky is proud of the victory.

The entire Kingdom of Glory was uneasy, and people were horrified by Ling Feng's record. The defeat of Zhou Shan, Xu Qing and others was really nothing. The defeat of Xiaodao King and the Ninth Phase was the major event that caused a sensation in the ancient country.

"It's terrible, the God of War is incomprehensible, even the Supreme can suppress it."

"Xiaodao King and Ninth Phase are known as the arrogant, but they are still invincible in front of the God of War."

"How strong is God of War?"

Although there are stars and moons in the sky at night, people can't sleep. Today's battle is too sensational. From ancient times to the present, who has really seen Tianzun despise the Supreme?

Today, it happened in the kingdom of glory.



For Xiaodao Wang and the Ninth Phase, this is a nightmare. Since Wentian, few people of the same level can match them. Even the Son of Glory will respectfully ask them in front of them, but all of this suddenly vanishes.

How can that person... be so strong?


Xiaodaowang looked at the sky, completely sluggish, and the law of time was useless to him. That star could be used forever, but he couldn't understand what power it was.

"Because you are inferior to him."

Dao Wang looked at the front with deep eyes, even if he was a little surprised.

"What is that?" Xiaodao Wang asked.

"A kind of star that can be detached from the Supreme is a taboo."

The Dao King groaned for a moment, but still softly comforted: "He uses external force. If you really understand the Time Avenue and forge your own laws, what about the star?"

Xiaodaowang's eyes lit up and he groaned for a long time before exhaling a stale breath and said, "I understand!"

"Just get it!"

Dao Wang smiled on his forehead. He knew Xiao Dao Wang understood: "This is a strong enemy, and it is a nightmare for Tianzun. After all, the king is a little superficial."

"Zhu'er, don't make that person a nightmare."

Dao Wang said solemnly: "When you make a breakthrough, you can fight him again. You are the supreme one day, you will be full of wings, you can use him as a sharpening stone."

"What does the father mean?" Xiaodaowang looked at Taowang in astonishment.

"After you break through, challenge him!"

Dao Wang said coldly: "If you can't dig out this nightmare, then break the nightmare and get out of it."



Jingfeng Garden, with picturesque scenery.

Ling Feng stood in front of the window, his eyes dizzy, his eyes staring at the strong grass blown by the wind.

He had already let go of his consciousness, suppressed with the tree of all things, and concealed with nothingness. The lightning rushed to the surrounding, like invisible lightning, thousands of miles in an instant.

However, just for a moment, the sense of consciousness poured back like water waves.

"Can there be results?" Shen Lie asked expectantly.

"There is no big medicine in a hundred thousand miles." Ling Feng sighed.

In the past two days, he used his divine consciousness in the dead of night to covertly explore with the eerie and strangeness of the void, but he did not find the charm of the heavenly soul.

"Let Shi Pi over, so it's safer." Shen Lie said solemnly.

"It's not the time yet."

Ling Feng shook his head and said, "The palace is unfathomable. There are half-step ancient sages sitting in town, and I'm afraid I can't cope with it with the concealment ability of stone puffs."

"Then when will you wait?"

"Waiting for you to enter the urn."

Ling Feng's eyes were cold, but most of them were weak.

Only when God Lie entered the urn and was held hostage by the Kingdom of Glory could those characters feel more at ease. It was much easier for Ling Feng to do it at that time.

Of course, it is not enough to rely on stone puffs, they need to do it on both sides.

"I put my life on this gamble."

Shen Lie smiled bitterly: "Ling Feng, if you don't rescue me, I will curse you in circles after I die."

"rest assured!"

Ling Feng nodded solemnly and said, "It is not easy to rescue you with my strength, but it is not a problem to capture the Glory Son alive, and it is not a problem to cast a lot of blood in the Glory Kingdom."


At that point, Ling Feng didn't mind making a **** storm in the Glory Realm, forcing him to submit.

"Tomorrow, are you going to challenge Xiang Tianxiao, the Palace of Spirit Realm?"


Ling Fengyin smiled and said: "They made the abacus too loud. I was irritated when I heard it, so I wanted to break this abacus."

"Then let go!"

The next day.

Ling Feng had just left the house when he discovered that there were two figures standing in front of the gate of Jingfeng Garden. Their faces were foggy, as if they had been standing in front of the gate for a long time.

"You are?" Ling Feng asked, narrowing his eyes.

"The God of Glory is well-deserved!"

An old man stepped forward and bowed his hand to Ling Feng. He first praised him a few words, and then said: "I am Wu Guan from the Spirit Realm Palace. Today, I am specially ordered by the domain king to welcome the God of War."


With a playful smile on Ling Feng's face, he said, "Is this welcome to my door?"

"God of War, you should have such qualifications." Guan Shi said respectfully.

"So, Xiaoyu King is ready, isn't it?" Ling Feng asked.


Guanshi Wu responded with a smile: "Little Domain King is willing to accept your challenge, and now he is waiting for him in the Spirit Domain Palace."

"So, it's impossible for the battlefield to be placed in front of the Palace of the Spirit Realm, right?" Ling Feng squinted and smiled.


Guan Wu's mouth twitched beforehand. Who is not afraid of glorifying the God of War in the glorious kingdom today?

Who can stand it if you destroy the front door at every turn and hit people in the face at every turn?

Even the proud little domain king has to bow his head, unwilling to be blocked by Ling Feng, but put the battlefield in the battle domain of the mansion, otherwise, there is a big pit in front of your house, and this sentence must also be added to the spiritual domain The palace is now.

Those who don't know what a good thing, have compiled such a sentence for Ling Feng's purpose of blocking the door and blasting the opponent's door into ruins.

There is a big hole in front of your house!

And Xiangguo Mansion is listed.

It is said that when the ninth phase heard this sentence, he spurted blood and almost passed out, which shows how vicious and hurtful this sentence is.

The Dao King is a personal spirit, so he escaped this disaster.

Although the Spirit Realm King was a little more proud, especially the Little Realm King, he still didn't want to see someone blasted out of the big pit in front of the door.

They followed the example of the Dao King and personally invited Ling Feng to the door. Such a glorious God of War should be embarrassed to start the martial arts in front of them, right?

"Let's go, after this battle, maybe it will be more interesting later."

Guan Shi obviously didn't understand Ling Feng's meaning, but didn't ask much.

He personally invited Ling Feng into the chariot, and then drove to the Spirit Realm Palace.

But they had to stop before they arrived at the Palace of the Spiritual Realm, because hundreds of people galloped past on the ancient road leading to the Palace of the Spiritual Realm, and the road was congested.

"They are all acquaintances."

Ling Feng sighed, and among these characters, Tianlan, Zhou Shan, Xu Qing and others were found, including the Shangqing of the ancient country, as well as the figures from the Xiangguo Mansion and Daowang Mansion.

Because of the battle yesterday, people knew that Ling Feng would find King Xiaoyu today, so they set off early. If the time was delayed, they might have missed this wonderful battle.

"Can they enter the Spirit Realm Palace to watch the battle?" Ling Feng turned to look at Guan Shi Wu.


Guanshi Wu said with a smile: "This morning, the domain king announced that if the **** of war comes to challenge, the battle domain can be opened to the entire ancient country, but all martial arts can be watched."


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