Supreme Demon

Chapter 3205: Give a big medicine!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Thrilling Garden!

In the past few days, Ling Feng appeared, causing it to boil. Every day, there are people waiting at the door, wanting to pay homage to the **** of war, and even more want to witness a supreme battle.

After Ling Feng came back from a serious injury, the Jingfeng Garden became more lively. Dao Kings, Domain Kings, etc. would come to ask about Ling Feng’s situation, but Ling Feng did not show up, but used the excuse of healing to treat all these people. Turned away.

But this does not affect people's enthusiasm. The domain kings, Dao kings, and Xiangguo will come to ask questions every day, and give various drugs, hoping that these drugs can help Lingfeng and the overture of the immortal to establish a sense.

Even the Son of Glory had been here, but Ling Fengyi was in retreat, and refused to meet the guests.

Xu Tiantian, Wu Yu, etc. have been here, Tianlan, Xiaoyuwang, etc. have also come. Everyone carries a big medicine, and it takes a lot of effort. There are special big medicines and pill for sudden.

Unfortunately, they did not see Ling Feng, so they could only entrust Han Qing to hand over these great medicines to Ling Feng.

What made them breathe a sigh of relief was that after these great medicines were sent out, they were not sent back. Obviously, Ling Feng really wanted to have an epiphany and to have a sense of the Immortal Prelude.


Ling Feng did not send Han Qing back to Da Yao, proving that things were not as bad as they thought, and Ling Feng didn't do everything.

That alone made Dao Kings, Domain Kings, and others grateful. Although it would take a lot of energy and resources to collect these great medicines, they were still willing.

You know, the Immortal Overture is too involved. If this kind of thing happens to them, I'm afraid they will go crazy on the spot, but Ling Feng is not crazy, just glaring at him, and it has given them a face.

Otherwise, even if this incident did not alarm the forces behind Ling Feng, it would be enough for them to drink a pot just after the king investigated it.

Two days later.

Ling Feng was "going out", his injuries healed, his face was full of fatigue, no smile, his eyebrows frowned, and he sat alone in the courtyard in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

This appearance fell in Han Qing's eyes, but it was understandable. Any Tianjiao suffered from such a blow, I am afraid that he will be confused. Ling Feng is not paranoid or crazy, which proves that his heart is strong enough and there is a pattern inside.

"God of war, king of domain, king of Tao, please see."

Han Qing asked in a low voice, different from seeing Ling Feng for the first time, now Han Qing has become wary of this character.

A character who can be called a dog, is it scary, you say?

Nowadays, it is only because Ling Feng cannot sense the overture of the fairy, but once it senses it?

What if Ling Feng Wentian succeeded?

Even if he had the Son of Glory behind him, he would really offend the God of Glory, not to mention the Son of Glory, even the King of Glory could not protect him.


Ling Feng responded, but he didn't return for a long time. It was not until Han Qing asked again that Ling Feng raised his head, nodded and said, "Please come in."


Han Qing nodded, but at that moment, he felt a cold sweat soaking through his back. Unknowingly, the aura of the God of War actually made him feel heart trembling.

Soon after, King Yu, King Dao, and Xiangguo appeared in front of Ling Feng. They looked at Ling Feng's tired and sad expression, and their hearts were full of apologies.

They often urge Xiaoyu King and Xiaodao King not to cause trouble, but now it is them who cause trouble.

"Haha, God of War looks much better today, is his injury healed?" Dao Wang smiled heartily.

Ling Feng did not respond, still looking at an old tree ahead, in a dull state.

Dao Wang smiled awkwardly. He knew that Ling Feng was hating them. Anyone who did such a thing would be a taboo. Ling Feng was able to let them come to see him, and he still gave a lot of face.

Yu Wang and Xiangguo both had sad faces. As far as the current situation is concerned, Ling Feng should not have felt the Immortal Overture, otherwise it shouldn't be this expression.

"God of War, are those big medicines useful?"

Wang Yu lowered his voice and asked with concern.

Ling Feng should not.

"God of War, we brought some great medicines this time, which may be useful to God of War." Xiangguo said, and took out a jade bead. It has its own space and contains many great medicines, some of which are extremely precious, all belonging to treasures. .

But Ling Feng still should not.

The three of them just stood in front of Ling Feng, eloquently persuaded, full of apologies, Ling Feng's state, they understood it, it was commendable that Tianjiao like this did not collapse when he encountered such a thing.

After a long time, Ling Feng raised his head and looked at the three of them.

"I know where you came from."

Ling Feng said in a loud voice: "These days, I borrowed big medicines to heal injuries, and even used big medicines to sense the prelude of the immortal. After all, it belongs to my epiphany. Taking big medicines as the cornerstone is not impossible to retrieve."


The three of them looked at each other and saw each other's surprise, secretly relieved.

"However, this kind of epiphany and sentiment consumes too much energy and Dao soul. If you have herbs that specialize in Dao soul and energy, you might as well send some." Ling Feng sighed and said, "I don't feel that I owe you this time!"

"Where did the God of War say?"

The Domain King, Dao King, etc. immediately waved their hands and said, "It just consumes some herbs. If the God of War says these things again, it will hit us in the face."

"Well, if the overture of the fairy is retrieved, I will definitely come to thank you."

"Haha, we believe that God of War can definitely retrieve the overture of the fairy."

The three talked with Ling Feng for a while, and Ling Feng bluntly confessed that he was tired, and the three of them left with an interest.

After a while.

Han Qing picked up a few jade beads, which were full of great medicines. There were indeed herbs specializing in Dao soul and energy, and they were extremely high-level. There were only three god-emperor-level herbs, which were quite expensive.

Of course, they couldn't take out such gods as the Qilin Eternal Medicine.

Regarding this, Ling Feng nodded in satisfaction, Dao King, Yu King, and Xiangguo were not vague about this matter, they were quite diligent.

"God of War, the emperor is here."

At this time, Han Qing said.

"Please come in and see."

The emperor of Glory brought many precious potions, and he knew that Ling Feng needed medicinal herbs that specialize in Dao soul and energy, so he collected a lot of potions that could be delivered by the emperor himself, obviously extraordinary.

"Thanks to the emperor."

Ling Feng's forehead was slight, neither humble nor overbearing. He didn't look at him differently because of the emperor's identity. Just like in Tianxiang Mountain, he didn't deliberately lower his posture, let alone show an attitude of looking down because of his strong strength.

"How is Brother Dao's recovery?" asked the Emperor Honor.

"Not too optimistic."

Ling Feng sighed and said, "The Overture of the Immortal is a taboo among the taboos. Once used, blood will be splashed, otherwise it will be backlashed by the overture, and the consequences will be serious."

"When I came, I heard that Dao soul medicine and energy medicine are useful to Dao brother, so I collected more. I hope Dao brother can recover soon."

"it is good!"

Ling Feng nodded, and once again expressed his gratitude to the Son of Honor.

On this day, the Jingfeng Garden was quite lively. As soon as the Son of Glory left, Xu Tiantian, Wu Yu and others arrived, and they brought all kinds of medicines. They were not as well informed as the Son of Glory, so they brought them. There are not many who specialize in Dao Soul.

"God of War, please take care of it, we will collect some medicine for God of War." Xu Tiantian said with a smile.

Ling Feng's combat power is shocking, and if Wentian succeeds, his combat power is afraid to shake the world. Are these characters still not qualified to become the glorious God of War?

Obviously, they recognized Ling Feng and wanted to work hard to make friends.

"It's troublesome for a few people. When this happens, Ling Feng will come to thank you."

Ling Feng was not polite and didn't shirk. How could he be embarrassed to refuse other people's kindness?

Tianlan, Xiaoyuwang, Zhou Tian, ​​etc. are all here, although they were full of hostility to Ling Feng at the beginning, but there is no resentment at this moment, because Ling Feng has proved himself with strength.

He is qualified to suppress the Supreme!

He is qualified to be the God of Glory!

When Ling Feng is only a little stronger than them, they may be unhappy or dissatisfied, but when Ling Feng is too strong for them and completely overlooks them, they can only look up and worship.

What's more, this time I came here because of the request of my father's generation to make friends with the **** of war and eliminate grievances, otherwise it would be quite terrible to make the **** of war hate.

In this regard, Zhou Tian, ​​Xu Qing and others are not dissatisfied. God of War is indeed a person worthy of friendship. Regarding the matter of the king of the small domain, Ling Feng's magnanimity and courage really made their eyes bright. .

Ask yourself, if they are in the position of Ling Feng, they are afraid they don't have this kind of courage.

Tian Lan already admired Ling Feng, and when Ling Feng blocked the day's mighty blow for King Xiaoyu, her heart was shocked. A person would rather take the prelude even if the overture was destroyed. This kind of courage and strength is really admirable.

They brought many treasures, like Tianlan even brought a heavenly sword, it is said to be epiphany, useful for martial arts, extraordinary things, which makes Ling Feng look different, not everyone has this So bold.

You know, he is not familiar with Tianlan. Although there has been a battle, he still doesn't pay such attention to it.

Ling Feng accepted it with a smile, and thanked everyone. When he felt frank with the Immortal Prelude, he immediately notified them and came to thank them.

Saying goodbye to Tianlan and others, Ling Feng was lying on the roof with a sense of excitement, smiling at the stars.

Then, just when Ling Feng felt that everyone who should be watching had already seen it, Han Qing came again, and the news that brought Ling Feng was very surprised.

Han Qing said, "Please see the Glory Lady!"

"Glory Goddess?"

Ling Feng was stunned, stunned on the spot. He knew the Glory Son, but he had never heard of the Glory Son.

But she appeared out of thin air like this, which really surprised Ling Feng, but it was only a breath of time, and Ling Feng ended his surprise.

"Don't let Tian wait for a long time, then please invite the goddess in."

Ling Feng nodded.


Han Qing headed forehead, and then went out. When he came back again, he was already behind a beautiful woman, and there were two middle-aged people who came with him, both of whom were extraordinary and powerful.

Glory goddess!

At a glance, Ling Feng recognized the woman.


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