Supreme Demon

Chapter 3211: Li Ting!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Zhao Yueguo.

This ancient country has a history that is not weaker than the glory country. There have been a few powerful characters who are extremely extraordinary and have a very strong background. Although Zhao Yueguo's momentum is not as good as before, but it can still be tied with the glory country.


Zhao Yueguo and the Glory Kingdom are neighboring countries, and there are often frictions between each other, but everyone is deliberately controlling them.

Zhao Yueguo has been inferior to the Kingdom of Glory in recent years. There are two reasons. One is that there are no figures such as the ancestor of glory. But there are not many emperors. It is really necessary to fight for the ancestor of glory. Not cheap.

Secondly, Zhao Yueguo did not have descendants such as the Glory Son and the Glory Goddess. Although there were several characters, they were a little worse after all.

But this does not mean that Zhao Yueguo is very weak. Although it is not as good as the Glory Kingdom in terms of the royal family, the domestic subjects have produced a few stunning arrogances. In this regard, the Glory Kingdom is weaker and has fallen behind.

Li Ting!

It was one of Zhao Yueguo's few arrogances. His father Li Wannian was the State Secretary of Zhao Yueguo. Although he was not as good as the Xiangguo, he was also an old man of Zhao Yueguo, similar to Xu Tiantian and Wu Yu.


The success of Li Ting Wentian a hundred years ago has made the State Secretary's Mansion flourish. There are not many people and families in Zhao Yueguo that can be shaken, and they can be on par with the Zhao Yue royal family.

Decades ago, Li Ting had seen the Glory Goddess, she was shocked and admired. Although there is a gap between the two countries, this does not affect Li Ting's relationship problems.

Since then, Li Ting will visit the Goddess of Glory every year to show his admiration, and all men who dare to be tempted with the Lady of Glory are suppressed by them, and more men feel embarrassed because of their appearance.

In many people's eyes, Li Ting and the glorious goddess Lieyan are talented women. Although the two countries are separated from each other, no one opposes this feeling. On the contrary, some people hope that they can come together.

However, Goddess of Glory didn't have a cold with Li Ting. Although she was not indifferent to Li Ting, she felt like she was a thousand miles away.

Li Ting was not discouraged, but rather high-spirited. The coldness of the Glory Goddess was very appetizing for him. Only conquering such a woman would be more exciting.

However, when he returned from experience, he received a message.

The goddess of Glory Lieyan was very close to a little white face in the kingdom of Glory, and she actually stayed in her house for dinner, chatting and laughing, which made Li Ting angry on the spot.

It should be noted that he did not know how many invitations he had invited in these years, but the Glory Goddess did not agree to have a meal. This little white face was successful?

Li Ting is an extremely sensitive person, and he naturally knows what this means. He has a strong sense of crisis, so in the evening he ordered his servants to enter the kingdom of glory and "please" Ling Feng to come and see him.

He thought very simple.

Isn't the Glory Lady very fond of this little white face?

Then, he stepped it under his feet, and let the Glory Goddess see if this person was worthy of her life.

She likes it, then destroy it!

Moreover, only with that little white face can it be more powerful.

Li Ting is willing to do this.

Of course, he knew very little about the things that happened during these days in the Kingdom of Glory, because the Kingdom of Glory had already blocked news, especially the Xiangguo Mansion and the Spirit Realm Palace.

Not to mention the prelude to the immortal, it is said that Ling Feng suppressed the Supreme with the posture of Tianzun. This kind of thing will spread, and it is not a good thing for Daowangfu and other mansions.

Knowing is the same thing. To what extent would people who don’t know arrange them?

These mansion characters are very shabby, OK?

What's more, the overture of the immortal is too dazzling. Once it spreads out, it will cause a sensation in the entire spiritual world, and it will be a big trouble for the kingdom of glory by then. Therefore, the king of glory personally ordered the news to close the news and not allow the overture of the fairy to leak.

Even if Li Ting wants to find out from these populations, it is not easy. Who dares to chew his tongue behind the spiritual realm palaces and Taoist palaces?

No one dared to talk more about the prelude to the immortal, they still understood the truth.

Because of this, the only news that Li Ting can get is that the glorious goddess Lieyan is very fond of that little white face, and he also got the news that Ling Feng is a god.


At that time, Li Ting was a little dazed. How could he say it was the Supreme? The Goddess of Glory didn't like him, but she fell in love with the Lord?

Is this insulting him?

Li Ting is very angry!

So he wanted someone to vent his anger!

When Li Shan returned from the Glory Nation, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the smile on his face blooming and it became gloomy.

He knew that Ling Feng was only Heavenly Sovereign, and if he knew that he was the Supreme Sovereign, he would have to use some vicious methods to force Ling Feng out in the form of insults.

The effect is very good!

At least Li Ting is satisfied, as long as that person dares to enter Zhao Yueguo, it will be unlucky.

Of course, some things he disdains to do, naturally someone will do it for him.

The next day.

Ling Feng really came, crossed an ancient country and appeared in Zhao Yue's country, with only Han Qing beside him.

Does Han Qing want to come?

Very reluctant.

But Ling Feng clearly asked him to come, and Han Qing had to come.

He didn't travel through the mountains and rivers, but went directly into the Heavenly City of Zhao Yueguo. With Han Qing as a guide, Ling Feng was very easy, as long as he suppressed the opponent.

For this, Ling Feng is convinced, because since ancient times, licking a dog has no good end.

Today, he is going to be the God of Dog Slaughter!

However, they had just entered Zhao Yueguo Tiancheng soon, and something happened. At the end of Tianhuang Street, a person walked slowly, holding a white paper fan, and handsome.

"Who are you waiting for?"

He smiled, but his eyes were cold, staring at Ling Feng and Han Qing just like that.

"Glory God of War Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Who are you?"

"Glory to the God of War?"

The man was slightly startled, and when he recovered, he said, "I haven't heard of it, what are you doing?"

"Town Li Ting!"

Ling Feng's eyes were very cold. He knew that this matter was not that easy. Then Li Ting didn't know his situation. If the supreme suppressed Tianzun, it would make people gossip.

Moreover, to deal with Tianzun, it is enough to use Tianzun, if he makes a move, he will fall short.

"Haha, do you want to protect Li Tingzhi?"

The man didn't feel astonished, he knew the truth a long time ago, and he was waiting for Ling Feng: "What qualifications does Tianzun have to challenge Li Tingzhi?"

"Then what do you think is qualified?" Ling Feng said with squinting eyes.

"I won't say it again!"

Yu Xiaowan said with a sneer, he is now a first-class Tianzun, ridiculously proud of his peers in the world, if Ling Feng is the Supreme, he would have to taboo, but Tianzun is really not in his eyes.

"Are you Li Ting's servant?" Ling Feng asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I am Yu's Xiaowan, but now I just can't see it." Yu Xiaowan said coldly.

"Oh, as long as you are not a servant, otherwise you are not qualified to fight fiercely with this God of War."

Now Ling Feng is very concerned about his identity, how can a dignified God of War fight with human servants? Even if he defeats his opponent, he is not so glamorous.

"court death!"

Yu Xiaowan's face turned cold, and he always felt that Ling Feng was insulting him, but he couldn't find evidence.

"Come and knock!" Ling Feng said with a hook.

"good very good!"

Yu Xiaowan's face turned blue. This person doesn't put himself in his eyes. Is he really a bully?

The next moment, he rushed towards Ling Feng, and the law of space burst out suddenly, forming a frenzy and swept towards Ling Feng.

It has to be said that Yu Xiaowan's strength is not weak, at least a Zhoushan-level figure, with profound knowledge in the laws of space, when a blow comes, the world is turbulent and everything is roaring.

"Qi is useless, you must have strength!"

Ling Feng despised the small bowl. When his Tianwei bombarded him, Ling Feng's wrist flashed, and an ancient chariot flew out on the spot, carrying the sky full of light and rain. It will break through the space of the small bowl.


In the next moment, Yu Xiaowan was like a broken stone, blasted far away, the ancient chariot Tianwei broke out, sweeping everything, and the Xiaowan would be suppressed under the chariot on the spot.

Ling Feng appeared in front of the ancient chariot, condescendingly looking down at the small bowl, it really felt like Yu Xiaowan was knocking his head.

Simple and rude.

To deal with the characters of Zhao Yueguo, Ling Feng chose different choices, using ancient chariots to suppress them, leaving no chance.

"With this strength, you still dare to speak wild words?"

"Who gave you the courage?"

Ling Feng stepped on the chest of the small bowl, causing his breastbone to break on the spot, and his internal organs were shattered. Fragments overflowed with blood from his mouth.


Yu Xiaowan opened his mouth, and finally passed out abruptly.

"The psychological quality is really bad!"

Ling Feng dropped a word, put away the ancient chariot, and moved on.

And the streets are already quiet. Yu Xiaowan is also a character in the Heavenly City of Zhao Yue Kingdom, and his family is even more unusual, just like Zhou Shan in the Kingdom of Glory.

However, Yu Xiaowan was suppressed on the spot by an ancient chariot, unable to move, and finally fainted.

This is an event that will shock the entire Sky City.

"Which family's ruthless man is this? Only a chariot suppressed Yu Jia Xiaowan."

"Yu Xiaowan is a first-class Tianzun, who was suppressed by a snap of his finger, so how strong is that person?" someone exclaimed.

More and more people gathered, and the long street was crowded. Everyone stared at Ling Feng and wanted to see it through.

Ling Feng didn't bother to pay attention, strode forward, his real goal was only Li Ting.

Li Ting dared to challenge his bottom line, then he picked the bottom line of the Li family and Zhao Yueguo.

Ling Feng felt that Zhao Yueguo should have a strong heart that could withstand the next huge blow.

But before Ling Feng got out of the street, one person stood out, dressed plainly, and had a fat body. He was just a bloated fat man.

He stood in front of Ling Feng and Han Qing, and said in a cold voice: "I am even one of the eight generals under the supreme commander. If you want to challenge the supreme, I will pass the level first."

"The subordinates will respect?"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "That is Li Ting's servant?"

Before the bloated fat man could speak, Ling Feng waved his hand: "You are just a servant, you are not equal to me, you are not qualified to fight with me!"


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