Supreme Demon

Chapter 3213: Invincible defense!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Secretary of State!

Li Ting’s face is as ugly as it is. Although he hates Ling Feng, he really didn’t take him seriously, so today he sent the five generals to contain him in Zhao Yueguo and make it difficult to get close to the palace of the state. .

Although the strength of the God of Glory is not weak, he is also the Celestial Lord, and he has strong confidence in the five generals, especially the second general, who is about to enter the ultimate Celestial Lord, which should not be underestimated.

However, the situation did not develop in the direction he wanted from the beginning, first in the Xiaowan tragedy, and then the five generals fell.

Resolute and spicy!

No future troubles!

He was able to guess Ling Feng's intentions, and the dignified God of War was actually insulted. He wanted to express his breath, and the five generals were the object of his vent.


The five generals all agreed to this duel. Even Li Ting wanted to pursue Ling Feng's responsibility and couldn't find a reason. Obviously, they all looked down on this God of War too much, and it was a little bit different for the Goddess of Glory to take a different look.

Of course, what makes them even more vigilant is the servant next to Ling Feng, who can easily slaughter the five generals. It is quite difficult for the same Tianzun to do this. It is that he only uses the strength of the Tianzun to want to kill. Five generals are not easy.

"But Tianzun is Tianzun!"

Li Ting said coldly, without asking the heavens, it would be nothing, and what really made him curious was that Ling Feng dared to break into Zhao Yueguo alone and slaughtered him without scruples. How would he leave?

Are you really deceiving Zhao Yueguo?

Just when Li Ting was in a dull daze, a servant came next to him, hesitantly and nervously, said: "Supreme, the Glory God of War has arrived at the door, and he will challenge you!"


Li Ting regained his senses in a daze, with a playful smile on his face. This is really a clever person. Although he slaughtered the five generals, he did not faint. If he broke in, it would be a death penalty.

Ling Feng is not an idiot, why should he break through?

After slaughtering the five generals, even if he wants to leave at this moment, I am afraid that Li Ting will not agree, and now he comes to the door, without saying more, Li Ting will naturally come out and see.

Now, Li Ting is afraid that he is more anxious than Ling Feng, right?

Ling Feng is not in a hurry!

He stood leisurely in front of the Secretary of State's Mansion and looked at this ancient mansion with a long history. As for the crowds gathered around, he was completely ignored.

If they want to watch, then let them watch as much as they want, as long as they don't cry.

Soon after, the gate of the Secretary of State's mansion opened wide, and a group of people filed out. They were all dressed in brocade clothes and wrapped in a cold face, headed by Li Ting.

Li Ting is very handsome, his face is not so handsome, but he has a deep and sophisticated sophistication. As far as his face is concerned, he is only more than 30 years old, and his temperament is transcendent, like a banished immortal.

At this moment, he had a sullen face, glaring forward, and naturally fell on Ling Feng, because this person has a different temperament. At first glance, the person's eyes are pure, such as a young man who is not familiar with the world. When I looked at it, I found that the man's eyes were ethereal, seemingly ignorant of world affairs, but actually ignored everything.


In this person's arrogant position, I am the protagonist. Even the blind can see clearly, right?

"You are the God of Glory?"

Li Ting glared at Ling Feng, the coldness on his face turned into suffocation. Five generals died in Han Qing's hands. That was all Li Ting's hard work. How could he not be angry?


Ling Feng smiled, then turned to respond.

"Are you here to challenge me?" Li Ting said with a sneer.

"No, I'm here to give you a chance to challenge me!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

He was extremely sincere and not modest at all, but it caused women around to laugh. If he said this from Li Ting, it would have some credibility, but he said it from Tianzun, how funny it is. What?

"Hehe, you really have the courage!"

Li Ting smiled coldly, obviously not paying attention to Ling Feng, only Tianzun, really thinking that becoming a glorious God of War can really challenge the Supreme?


Li Ting didn't mean to challenge Ling Feng, but someone walked out behind him, with a grinning smile on his face, staring at Ling Feng with a yin smile, and said, "You are not qualified. If you want to challenge, then I will accompany you. You play!"

"The first general!"

Someone in the crowd cried out and recognized the middle-aged man. It was because of Li Ting's first person. Although he hadn't been in the world for many years, some people still remembered it because the first general was really terrible.

"The first servant?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "This is a conversation between the masters. What qualifications do you have to interrupt?"

"Han Qing, this is your battle!"


Han Qing nodded. Anyway, the five generals have already been slaughtered. He doesn't mind slaying another general. Although it is the first general, he really doesn't care about it with Han Qing's strength.

He strode forward, came to the first general, and said, "Your opponent is me!"


The first general's face was cold, because Ling Feng called him the first servant, is he a servant?

Is this looking for death?

"I slaughtered the five generals!" Han Qing said lightly.

"Then slaughter you first!"

The first general finally paid attention to Han Qing, just because there was his brother among the five generals, it fell like this, how can he let go of the culprit?

He would slaughter Han Qing first, and then fight Lingfeng.

"bring it on!"


Suddenly, the wind and rain shocked the sky, and the strength of the first general was extraordinary, directly showing the five-fold space, blooming the most dazzling laws, and the power of the sky agitated, pushing it to the ultimate heaven.

He is holding a sharp knife, which can cut thousands of ways and is unmatched in strength. In a certain way, this character is stronger than Tianlan.

Han Qing is not afraid.

He is the supreme and has extremely high attainments. Although it is not easy to kill the first general in the realm of the heavenly respect, as long as he inspires a little supreme power, it is easy to kill the first general.

When the battle started, the first general was indeed shocking and hurt Han Qing, but Han Qing became more and more courageous and vigorous. He counter-pressured and slaughtered the first general.


With a loud noise, the first general was blasted out and almost lost, a blood hole was cut above the dantian, blood gurgled and gurgled, and the pain distorted his face.


The first general was furious and burst out with all his strength, but he was still not Han Qing's opponent and was firmly suppressed.


Li Ting was a little surprised, his face changed suddenly, and Han Qing's displayed strength really shocked him, as if the king looked down on sentient beings, he was looking down on the first general, and the consequences would really go on. The consequences would be disastrous.

The five generals fell, and he did not want the first general to fall again.

However, Han Qing was so cold to the end that he didn't put Li Ting in his eyes at all, and slaughtered the first general.

"I said stop, can't you hear?"

Li Ting was furious, released the terrible Tianwei, and enveloped Han Qing.

"Haha, Supreme, what a mighty prestige!"

Ling Feng's face was cold, and he said, "This is a battle between servants. You master has no reason to step in!"

After speaking, he directly sacrificed an ancient chariot and threw it over.


The ancient chariot sent light and rain to the sky, releasing the vast aura, which calmed the situation on the spot and disintegrated Li Ting's momentum.

"You are forcing me to kill!"

Li Ting's eyes shone, and his murderous intent was moving, staring at Ling Feng fiercely, as if looking at a corpse.

"As long as you have this ability, you can come and take it."

Ling Feng smiled indifferently, without paying attention to Li Ting's threat at all, and said, "But if you dare to get involved in this battle, I will kill you today!"

"Hehe, you forced me!"

Li Ting was completely angry. Since ancient times, no one has dared to talk to him like this, and no one has dared to slaughter his eight generals in front of him.


No matter who the other party is, don't even think about leaving alive today.

"Coming to fight!"

Ling Feng smiled more elegantly, and said, "I really want to see the Supreme Tianwei!"

"I'm afraid you will regret it!"

Li Ting came, and the Supreme Qi Yun was awakened again and again, the momentum was like a wave, time changed, and ten thousand ways were sympathetic.

A waterfall fell down from the nine heavens, making a sky-shaking roar. The flow was endless, but it was not a real flow, but the law of time.

That waterfall is the change of time!

In terms of momentum and strength, he was barely better than Xiaoyu Wang, but it was very limited.

"Regret it?"

Ling Feng smiled, extremely arrogant: "I hope you don't regret it!"


Li Ting yelled and was completely suppressed. A waterfall crossed the past and the present, bursting with unprecedented light, time changed, and the white head was instantly white, shocking people to fly backwards by lightning, unwilling to be contaminated with such cause and effect.


Ling Feng came out strongly, and eight ancient chariots appeared directly in the void, shining around it, forming the strongest defense. The vast rain on the ancient chariots, like an ancient altar, suppressed thousands of paths and faced the waterfall.


The world was in great turmoil, and the eight ancient chariots roared vigorously, facing the waterfall without falling wind. Although they would be baptized by the change of time, the ancient chariots were not affected.


Li Ting flew up into the sky, raised his hand and pointed out a finger, as if a star fell, directly slammed towards Ling Feng.

Ling Feng drove the ancient chariot directly to meet him, blocking the finger with a bang, and then he landed on an ancient chariot, offering endless flames, burning all directions clean.

There is no doubt that the front gate of the Secretary of State’s Mansion was destroyed and turned into a piece of rubble. That is, the gate of the Secretary of State’s Mansion was damaged and became scorched. Although it was not broken, it would take many years to burn. recovery.

Destroy the door!

After ruining glory, Zhao Yue was destroyed.

If the characters in the Kingdom of Glory saw this scene, I'm afraid that someone would have their mouths.


The heavens and the earth shattered, and the void formed a huge black hole, like a collapse, the waterfall is endless, but it is still difficult to help the eight ancient chariots, the chariots from the eight ancient forces, together suppressed, the defense is invincible.

Not to mention space, even time can be defended!

After all, these eight ancient chariots were once the treasures of the **** emperor, and the law of time shines in them. Although extremely weak, they are enough to deal with Li Ting.


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