Supreme Demon

Chapter 3217: loose the temper!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Yaotian Mission!

This corps has made too many merits for the Glory Nation, like a beacon illuminating the future of the Glory Nation, although there are only 10,000 people, it is extremely dazzling.

Even the King of Glory, King of Dao, King of Domain, etc. are extremely tolerant of this legion, and they are very pleasant.

The Yaotian regiment is the same as Xu Tiantian, Yu Tianwang, etc. They are the souls of the glory kingdom. In some respects, they are better than Xu Tiantian because their combat power is spread throughout the glory kingdom.

The mountains and rivers are all shining!

They are the loyal souls who guard the glorious kingdom!

It was precisely because of this that the King of Glory, the King of Domains, etc. urged Ling Feng. They could not let the loyal soul bleed and shed tears. Even if Ling Feng was the God of Glory, he didn't need to treat Yaotian Group kindly.

At this moment, Ling Feng stood in front of the Yaotian group, and through those sharp eyes, he was able to appreciate the wind and rain they had experienced, as well as their pride and strength.


It is precisely because of the Yaotian regiment that it makes him miss the **** of rebellion even more, the legions that have flowed the blood on behalf of the **** of rebellion, and the characters who have smashed strong enemies on behalf of the god.

That is the greatest legion in the world, and even the most proud loyal soul in the world.

Although the Yaotian regiment is very good, it really wants to face the Rebellious Legion, especially the Rebellious Legion, the Jade Demon Legion, which is the chicken and tile dog. It is vulnerable to life and death. Which legion is there in this world? Tied with the rebel army?

Who has such qualifications?

They have fought against the demons, slaughtered the starry sky, and they have stepped across the blue sky and confronted the immortals. This is an experience that no force has ever had.

Xiangu's fall, the eternal white head, only Nishen stepped on the war song, surging upward.

Thousands of years have passed, where is the **** of rebellion today?

The years are merciless, but for God against God, this is a refinement that spans thousands of years. Where are the Army of the Blood Rebellion and the Army of Demons?

What kind of ten thousand battle elite group will it be?

Although Ling Feng doesn't know where the **** of rebellion is, Ling Feng has full confidence that the current army of **** of rebellion can still look down upon the heavens of gods. There may be legions of **** rebellious in this world, but they are definitely not the Yaotian group.

For a while, Ling Feng was a little stupid. Not only did the Yaotian regiment’s aura didn’t startle Ling Feng, but it made him miss the Rebellious Legion even more. Although the Ten Thousand Battle Legion, which was not built by Ling Feng himself, appeared because of him. And personally give pointers, it is no different from Ling Feng's own creation.

But this scene fell in the eyes of everyone in the Yaotian regiment with endless contempt.

In the past few days, the leader doesn’t show up, and now I’m standing in front of them, seeing them as nothing, meditating alone, and not taking them seriously. This feels for the proud Yaotian group, It's really unbearable.

Their eyes grew colder, and if the King of Glory hadn't ordered them, they would have been crazy.

Because of Ling Feng's indifference, the momentum of the Yaotian regiment became stronger and stronger, and his eyes became colder and colder. The murderous aura that had been refined from the hundreds of battles was like a frightening weather.

The whole martial arts field was cold.

Ling Feng sensed the change in his aura in an instant. He recovered and looked at Yaotian Group.

He smiled.

He knew the mind of the Yaotian regiment, and wanted to convince this proud Heaven regiment. This alone was not enough. It needed a strong force to break through their defenses, so that the Yaotian regiment could not be proud in front of him.

"Yaotian Group?"

Ling Feng said loudly, "Do you know why this God of War has not come over these few days?"

Everyone in the Yaotian regiment was cold and stern, but they did not turn their eyes. Even a glance at Ling Feng is unnecessary. It is true that Ling Feng is the glory of the God of War, but the merits of the Yaotian regiment are far from the same. If Ling Feng is only the God of War, they Naturally, you need to bow your head, but now that Ling Feng is their leader of the war god, that's different.

Without the strength and the ability to lead soldiers, that means sending them to death. How could they be happy?

What's more, Ling Feng had previously ignored them too much, and they were even more reluctant to respond.


Then be proud to the end!

Ling Feng knew that the Yaotian regiment would not respond, he said to himself: " are too weak!"


There is a feeling that the entire martial arts field is about to blow up. The Yaotian regiment is the third legion of the Kingdom of Glory. It has been refined from the fierce battles of life and death. Even the King of Glory is extremely tolerant to them. Who dares to deny their weakness?

No, why have they been weak?

Undoubtedly, when Ling Feng's words fell, the entire martial arts field was filled with the killing momentum, and waves appeared in the sky, and the killing momentum was like materialization, stirring in the void.

The eyes of the headed three Tianzun shone coldly, and finally turned to look at Ling Feng.

"The God of War has led soldiers before?"

One of the figures spoke, with a cold voice questioning like a sharp knife.

"I never led soldiers!" Ling Feng replied "truthfully".

"Then dare to ask the **** of war why we are weak?"

The three Heavenly Lords are really furious. Perhaps their personal strength is far less than that of the God of War, but the leader is different from the individual, requiring strong wisdom and strategy, and courage and strength.

"You are really weak!"

Ling Feng smiled indifferently: "If it's not weak, why don't I want to come over? If it's not weak, it is you who should take away the Glory Son and Glory Goddess, not the two heavenly groups!"


The faces of the people in the Yaotian group changed suddenly, and they opened their mouths, but they were a little weak to refute, because they were indeed not as good as the bright one, but it was not that they were weak, but that they were not strong enough.

"The God of War has not led soldiers before, so why do you think we are weak?"

Yuan Qing sullenly wanted to be angry, but the other party was the God of Glory, and there were some things they could not say, and God of Glory had no scruples in this regard.

"Indeed, I haven't led soldiers, but I haven't eaten pork, haven't I seen pigs run?"

Ling Feng said with a smile, extremely unmodest, and what made Yaotian Group more angry was that Ling Feng compared them to pigs.

you are a pig.

Your whole family are pigs!

They cursed in their hearts.

These few days, they have been holding their breath in their hearts, no matter how strong they are, at least Ling Feng should give them enough attention, not insult and contempt.

Although they are not arrogant, this insult and contempt still makes them angry.

They really don't know why the King of Glory and the Son of Glory want this kind of people to lead the soldiers. This is to lead them to death.

Is the Yaotian group no longer important to the glory kingdom?

Such a terrible thought came to them.

"What does God of War mean?"

Yuan Qing looked embarrassed, and the entire Yaotian group was ashamed of Ling Feng's words.

"I mean it's simple!"

Ling Feng said word by word: "You are really weak!"


Even Yuan Qing couldn't help having such a good temper. On her delicate face, blue veins jumped, and some things she said were not as sharp as Ling Feng after all.

"I know you are not convinced!"

"I know you don't want me to lead the army. Your ideal person should be the Glory Son and the Glory Girl."

"Actually, you don't know that I am more unwilling to lead a heavenly group like you!"

"You are insulting the Yaotian group!"

Yuan Qing's eyes were full of evil, and even the God of Glory could not obliterate their contribution to the kingdom of glory, let alone insult their warrior spirit.

"But the king, the Taoist, and the domain kings persuaded you, they said you are the heavenly group, the real elite of the glory kingdom, so I came!"

Ling Feng sighed and said, "Although you are weak and pitiful, I will still do my best."

"No need to!"

Yuan Qing said coldly: "Even if there is no leader, the Yaotian regiment can still fight any heaven regiment!"

"it is good!"

Ling Feng applauded: "Then, now you go and explain to the king."


Yuan Qing suffocated. Although she was furious, how dare she refute the leader appointed by the King of Glory?

That is equivalent to hitting the king's face, and the end is predictable.

"Anyway, whether you live or fall is your own business!"

Ling Feng said frankly, "I came because of your pride and your glory and meritorious deeds, which anyone can see, but this can't change much. You are still weak!"

"What qualifications do you have to say such a thing?"

Zou Yuan's eyes were chilling, and he glared at Ling Feng and said, "The Yaoshi regiment and the Yaokong regiment are very powerful. They are the corps built by the Son of Glory and the Goddess of Glory, and we are second only to those two regiments. How weak are we? ?"

"Because I have seen a better army than you!" Ling Feng said lightly.

The whole scene fell silent.

The Yaotian regiment opened its mouth, but didn't know what to say. There are many ancient countries in this world, and the legions are endless, especially those ancient kingdoms, which are stronger than them.

Although they ask themselves to be excellent, they really want to be compared, I'm afraid they are really not opponents.

"Do you know why the Glory Goddess and the Glory Son are willing to personally create Yaokong and Yaoshi, not you?"


To be honest, Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan didn't want to know, because they knew what Ling Feng wanted to say.

"You see even you know it!"


"Know why I know you are weak, but are you still here?"

Ling Feng raised his head, looked at Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan and others with scorching eyes, and said with a heavy emphasis: "Because I am very strong, the kind of strong is strong!"

"Haha, does the God of War feel that he is better than the Glory Son and Goddess? Can he lead us to become stronger?" Yuan Qing sneered.


Ling Feng squinted his eyes, Shen Lie fell into the hands of Old Ancestor Glory, originally only aroused Ling Feng's fighting spirit, but just last night something happened that completely angered him.

Therefore, he doesn't mind showing it more!

Therefore, he doesn't mind making the Kingdom of Glory more embarrassing!

Before Shen Lie left, he branded his Dao Soul in a jade stone and left it to Ling Feng. Once the jade was burned, it meant it had fallen. But just last night, there was a crack in that jade stone, Shen Lie The soul of Tao was almost annihilated.

If it weren't for Ling Feng's use of the ancient charm of the tree of all things and various taboo heavenly powers to carve the strange door restriction in the soul of Shenlie, I am afraid that Shenlie has fallen now.

Obviously, the ancestor of glory did not heal Shen Lie, but wanted to pierce Shen Lie Dao Soul, just like he had dealt with Ling Feng.

So Ling Feng was angry!


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