Supreme Demon

Chapter 3220: Glory aura!

"Supreme God and Demon"


A space shines with a little rain, a stone table is placed inside, and two stone chairs are displayed on both sides. There are fine wines on the stone table, and the luminous cup shines endlessly, emitting a purple-blue glow.

The Domain King and Dao King are sitting at the stone table, pushing the cup and changing the cup. If you look through this space, you can find that the martial arts field is below, and the actions of Ling Feng and Yaotian group are in their eyes.

"It's a bit unfathomable."

Dao Wang said with a serious face, Ling Feng's previous seemingly chaotic words, if you think about it carefully, every sentence is directed at Yaotian Group, and from deliberately angering to accepting it calmly, every step is worthy of scrutiny.

This person is not empty.

It's just that when Ling Feng expressed that they were not as good as me, both Dao King and Yu King had a black face. Although this is the case, it is still hard to accept it. I am afraid that the king's side is not good. Confessed.

But what really shocked them was Ling Feng's sentence: I want the first soldier!

There is nothing wrong with this sentence. It is good to have a dream. What if it is realized?

The problem is that both the Glory Son and the Goddess are leading the heaven group. Ling Feng's words are fierce and rather cold. Is this going to surpass the Glory Son?

It's not a good thing to be able to do so.

If Ling Feng can't do it, that's all, if he can, the face of the Son of Glory will be really shattered.

In fact, the Son of Glory invited Ling Feng back, mainly to cooperate with him to attack other ancient countries and legions. He never thought that Ling Feng could attack other ancient countries, let alone bring the Yaotian regiment.


The problem of the Yaotian group, the emperor of glory has somewhat seen, but with the strength of Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan, Xu Hang and others, it is enough to be able to display such strength.

They are not interested in pointing to the Yaotian group, and more energy is in the martial arts and the Yaoshi group, and when Ling Feng is determined to lead the soldiers, the glory of the emperor and the goddess are even less interested in pointing this issue.

This is a test of Ling Feng.

At the same time, he could see that the Son of Glory and the Lady of Glory were quite confident. Even if Ling Feng led the army, they could defeat other ancient nations and legions by relying on Yaoshi and Yaokong.

Therefore, the Yaotian group is not important.

Can Ling Feng not see it?

The battle of the Five Kingdoms is very important to the Kingdom of Glory, and even more important to him. Before he finds the elixir of the Heavenly Soul, he still tries his best to show "sincerity." Turning into anger from shame, I am afraid that I will do something that is infuriating between man and God.

At least, Ling Feng did not dare to gamble in this regard.

Therefore, the Five Kingdoms battle is definitely to be won, as for how to win it is very particular.

Who wins is not victory?

And Ling Feng is going to make a fuss from this aspect. If he can lead the Yaotian team to defeat the four ancient kingdoms and make contributions to the glory kingdom, even if the glory of the emperor is angry and the glory of the king is extremely unhappy, but the general situation lies, what can they do?

They can only bear it!

Moreover, they did not dare to act on themselves and Shen Lie, which was tantamount to strangling the heroes. After that, who would dare to work for the glory kingdom?

As long as they are smart enough, they should show enough sincerity to praise and beautify him.

In this way, the position of the emperor of glory is quite embarrassing.

Personal strength and personal ability are not as good as the glory of the God of War. After a long time, I am afraid that he will shake his position as the emperor.

"Turning hands for the clouds and hands for the rain, we all underestimated him!" Yu Wang nodded and said, "Of course, it's just the surface now. What kind of strength the Yaotian regiment can exert, we have to wait until five. The magical battle after the month."


"Unexpectedly, it was solved like this."

The King of Glory listened to the report from his subjects, with a playful smile on his face, but he couldn't see the joy and anger: "Hehe, the emperor and the goddess have indeed been at ease these years, let them polish it."

Obviously, he wanted Ling Feng to be a sharpening stone.

It's just that who is sharpening whose knife?

"Take care of God of War when you have time!"

The King of Glory looked at an old man with deep eyes.


The emperor said to "take care", so he would "take care" more. After all, when it comes to the glory of the emperor, some things are better to be more cautious.

"The emperor's killing formation has a lot of flaws. It's not surprising to crack it this way, but I'm curious what he has?" King Glory laughed: "First soldier, this tone is still quite big."


Below, the old man echoed.

"Go, pass this to the emperor."


"What's going on in the other four countries?" The King of Glory asked after a moment of pondering.

"It's all in the experience, and I can't find the specific location." The old man said.

"this is normal."

The King of Glory nodded. Ancient country experience is very important. If someone secretly removes it, it will be worth the loss. Therefore, the place of experience is very secret, and it is not known to important figures in the ancient country.

Just like the Glory Son and the Glory Goddess took the two legions to experience, except for the Glory King and other people, no one knows, even the Dao King and the Domain King do not know the specific location.

"I hope we, the God of War, are really capable. The Five Kingdoms God War cannot tolerate any jokes!"

"King, please rest assured, the old slave will always stare at him."


It was another few days in a hurry.

Ling Feng did not lead the Yaotian regiment to experience it, because the Yaotian regiment was really too weak at this time. Only the emperor killed the formation, and the Yaotian regiment was enough to deal with the general army, but it was far from Ling Feng's requirements.

Therefore, the Yaotian group is still on the martial arts field, and there is only one thing to do every day, and that is to play the momentum with Ling Feng.

The first thing an excellent team must do is perseverance!

That was the strongest battle voice from the heart. There was no difficulty or situation that could make them discolored and shaken, and they had to have the courage to face death. At this point, the Yaotian group was far from enough.

The first thing the Yaotian regiment needs to do is to not change the color of the Taishan collapse.

The momentum is undoubtedly a test.

It was just these few days that gave Yaotian group a comprehensive understanding of this **** of war. When the mighty sky fell, their faces were as gray as death, a chill rushed from the dantian to the soul sea, cold sweat, and a double-stranded battle. War, really horrified.

Ling Feng did not deliberately, only maintained in this situation. He threatened to make the Yaotian regiment the first combat soldier. With the current strength of the Yaotian regiment, it was not enough to look at, so he decided to start from the momentum and let Yaotian The regiment completely transformed.

Although the aura is the most basic, it is the most powerful. Only when the will is firm and not afraid of life and death, even if they face more powerful characters, they can still fight with the aura. Otherwise, once the strong has the momentum, many characters will be there. Paralyzed into a lump, then such a heavenly group is useless.

For five days.

The Yaotian regiment is playing against Ling Feng's momentum, and even eating and drinking needs to be in Ling Feng's aura.

At the beginning, they were difficult to move, flesh and blood cramped, and internal injuries were suppressed, but now the situation is more optimistic, at least they can move and eat and drink, but this is still not what Ling Feng wants.

What Ling Feng wanted was that the Yaotian group could still attack in this kind of aura, and it was a rather fierce attack.

Of course, this kind of aura was very exhausting. On the sixth day, Ling Feng had to move out of Qimen and let Yaotian group to polish and persist in it.

Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan, etc. once asked how long they need to persist in this kind of duel, but Ling Feng gave a very vague statement: Persevere until you can be refined from the Five Kingdoms Battle.

Although the Yaotian regiment didn't understand it, they would understand it sooner or later, and they couldn't give birth to other thoughts at this time, because the Qimen Tianwei was so powerful that they would eat and drink as long as day and night.

A whole month.

For the Yaotian group, this month is like fifty years, which is heavy and unimaginable, but in this kind of aura, they have made a lot of progress. Now they can eat and drink freely and can attack, but still not enough.

The next day, Ling Feng invited Tianlan to use its aura space to completely suppress it. This time the Yaotian group was even more miserable. Many people screamed and shed blood, but Ling Feng Quan did not see it.

Tianlan suppressed it for fifteen days, and the consumption was huge. Ling Feng wanted to give some big medicine as a thank you, but Tianlan shook his head and said: "I don't need these things, but Tianlan does have something to trouble God of War. "

"What's the matter?" Ling Feng asked.

"This matter is still quite tricky. I'm afraid it won't be easy to solve for a while. Let's wait until the God of War returns."

"it is good!"

It has to be said that Tianlan has contributed a lot, and the Yaotian group has made great progress. There are dozens of characters who have used its aura space to advance, which really surprised Ling Feng.

What is even more surprising is that the Yaotian group is able to eat and drink freely in Tianlan’s aura space, and they finally condense their own aura, which can face the Tianlan aura, which is different from the previous one. .

In the past, the Yaotian group had momentum and shape as a whole, but after all, it was not a real aura field. Now they have their own aura field, and their auras are merged into a sharp knife, suppressing everything and dispelling everything, precisely because of this. Only when the aura space appears, the Yaotian group can eat and drink freely in Tianlan's aura space, otherwise it will already collapse into a lump.

"not bad!"

Ling Feng nodded and said, "It took just over a month to give birth to the aura space. I now admit that you are indeed very good, but you didn't realize that potential before."

The eyes of the Yaotian group were burning, and they had only come to understand until now, and they knew even more how powerful the aura space was. At this moment, they were fully qualified to kill the previous ones.

This is a transformation, more important and powerful than any experience.

If it was said that Yu Lingfeng was only dictated before, now he is convinced.

"This aura space belongs to you, how about calling it glory aura?" Ling Feng asked with a smile.


Yaotian group shouted loudly.

"But just the glory aura is not enough, you still need to do a lot."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Next, I will give you one month to master the aura space and let it condense into a real heavenly power. When that day, even if you don't use any killing formations, you will be alone."


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