Supreme Demon

Chapter 3226: It's cloudy snake!

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Cloudy day!

This place can be called Ertu, but it is not just a sullen air, how can many martial artists fall and go crazy just because of this?

Obviously, the Sea Moon God Emperor knew more, and it was because of this that he became more taboo.


This is the essential problem of the cloudy sky. It is precisely because of the femininity that many martial artists have fallen and mad, and even the **** emperor has fallen in it, and its terrifying degree is beyond doubt.


Ling Feng is not an idiot, the Sea Moon God Emperor is too terrible, and now he hasn't tried his best, making Ling Feng a headache. If he really wants to do his best, God knows what the situation will be?

Moreover, Ling Feng didn't want to show his full strength, otherwise there would be endless troubles. Once the Sea Moon God Emperor knew, it was equivalent to his life in the hands of this person, how could Ling Feng dare to gamble?

Does Ling Feng know how terrible the cloudy sky is?

he knows!

He knew why he dared to enter?

This is exactly what he intended!

If the cloudy sky is scary enough, then the Sea Moon God Emperor will hesitate, I'm afraid that he will not go deep too much, and Ling Feng will break through the cloudy sky. It is not that he has never seen the Yin, coming from the blue sky and dying. The femininity in his hand is unknown, and even the celestial creatures lost their lives. Although the cyclone sickle was used at that time, Ling Feng did not have much taboo against femininity.

More importantly, in front of femininity, he can do his best to get rid of scruples and fear challenges.

"Ling Feng, come out, let's discuss how to regain the Qilin magical medicine from the Glory Ancestor!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor carefully persuaded him with a sincere face. If Ling Feng entered the cloudy desert like this, the Qilin magical medicine would be even more difficult to obtain, and the Tianwei Shentu would be buried in the cloudy desert.

How is he willing?

Obviously, in his opinion, Ling Feng was forced into the cloudy sky by his life, and the Heavenly Mighty God Tu and Qilin Magic Medicine were buried by his own hands. This feels even more uncomfortable.

"Huh, don't want to lie to me."

Ling Feng didn't believe in the Sea Moon God Emperor at all, and said, "Today, I will die in a cloudy sky with the God of Heavenly Might. I see if you have the courage to come in!"

He is like an angry child.

If you dare to force me, I dare to make you regret it.

"Calm down, Ling Feng, why are you like this?" The Sea Moon God Emperor painstakingly persuaded him, and said, "You are still young, we have time and energy. What a pity to die like this?"

"Think about your wife and children!"

"My wife ran away!"

Ling Feng said "sorrowfully": "I haven't found her until today!"


"Then you think about your friend brother."

"My friend brother and my wife ran away together." Ling Feng "worried to death."


The Sea Moon God Emperor couldn't continue. There were such people in the world who could always talk about topics easily, and the Sea Moon God Emperor felt that Ling Feng was such a person.

Although Ling Feng had an expression of grief and dying, he knew that it was not the case at all.

Is he really an idiot?

"Ling Feng..."

"Senior Haiyue, you don't need to say anything, I'm going to die now!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Feng broke into the depths of the cloudy sky without looking back.

"I wipe..."

The Sea Moon God Emperor was stunned for a while, and the corners of his mouth trembled. He wanted to dissuade him, but how did he become the "culprit"?

It felt more like he persuaded Ling Feng to step into a cloudy sky.

"Ling Feng, you just want to die, let's throw out the Heavenly Mighty God Map first, and then talk about the glory of the ancestors, can you die again?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was very aggrieved, and those who were aggrieved were about to cry.


Depths in a cloudy day.

Here is the center of the valley. It is extremely vast, and the dying air has become thick, falling like rain and mist, covering people's eyes and covering the sky, and a ray of fishy wind drifts between the sky and the earth.

The old trees are tall and the grasses are thick. This is a world of birds and flowers, but here is surprisingly quiet, quiet to a strange degree.

Ling Feng strode forward and his sense of consciousness drifted around. What made him a little relieved was that the Sea Moon God Emperor did not come in, otherwise it would be quite troublesome to do many things.

Soon, Ling Feng appeared in front of an ancient cave. The ancient cave was very quiet, and the endless yin and death energy spewed out from this ancient cave, flowing endless light and rain, exuding a cold aura.


Ling Feng's eyes flashed and his eyelids suddenly frowned, because he found that the Sea Moon God Emperor had followed him. Although the speed was not fast, it was easy to find him because Ling Feng's speed was also not fast.

"Really courageous!"

Ling Feng frowned. The cloudy sky was not terrifying at all. What was really terrifying was this ancient cave, which was filled with medicine and phantom flickering, just like an ancient temple, even Ling Feng felt heartbeat.

Obviously, the terrible femininity was in the ancient cave, and it was only because some people were too greedy or too confident that they fell down.

It is true that Ling Feng can directly pass through the cloudy sky and stay away from here, but it is not easy to get rid of the Sea Moon God Emperor. After all, he is only a supreme, and he has not set foot in the God Emperor domain, so many methods of the God Emperor are not clear.

"Hmph, then it depends on whether you dare!"

Ling Feng strode forward and directly entered the ancient cave. In an instant, the heavens and the earth reversed, and the sun and the moon reincarnate. He seemed to have crossed a long river of time, and the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers were all changing. When he landed, the surrounding scenery was very different.

This is indeed an ancient place where birds and flowers are fragrant. There is a medicine field in front, and there is a spring water rolling fifty miles apart. A temple can be vaguely seen further away, but it is very vague, like a flickering shadow, full of dreams.

"Completely isolated!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes, and his heart tightened. He did underestimate this place. He could feel the power of time change as if he was in the field, and he could feel the sense of order.

Obviously, this ancient land is very extraordinary. It is only the ancient sage-level creature sitting and watching the Pure Land, just like the Phoenix Forbidden Land.

Once it comes to ancient sage-level creatures, it is extremely terrifying, at least with Ling Feng's strength, once it touches nine deaths.

What made him even more shocked was that this ancient cave was completely isolated from the outside world, and he couldn't feel the gloom of the cloudy sky here, and he was in another world.

"An ancient temple is floating in the fragrance of birds and flowers?"

Ling Feng frowned deeper, because that ancient temple was incompatible with this world, which made him feel weird.

He walked slowly, using his senses, trying to figure out exactly what was going on in that ancient temple. As for the big medicine, he didn't pick it, because he felt that those were just illusions. Only to figure out the ancient temple. Can see through falsehood.

The big medicine is fragrant, flowing with resplendent colors, and the five-color radiance shines endlessly. Some are like horse training, and the arrogant medicine hangs down, showing extraordinary.

But Ling Feng walked along without squinting his eyes. Although his spiritual sense perceives that the great medicine is an entity, what he "sees" through the Tree of All Things is an incorporeal body, and there is a big problem in it.

The tree of all things really guides only the ancient temple.

Soon, Ling Feng appeared in various illusions, grotesque, all kinds of things and characters came together, in a daze, Ling Feng seemed to have seen Ye Witch, Ling Qing and others, but this was just the obsession in his soul sea. Besides, Ye Witch and Ling Qing couldn't be here.

"Illusions can affect Dao Soul!"

Ling Feng closed his eyes slightly, and came down completely ethereal. The Soul Sea was suppressed by the Tree of All Things, and the surrounding illusions immediately dissipated. Ling Feng's divine sense only sensed the empty and vague illusion.

After he walked out of the illusion, he stood in front of the ancient temple.

The ancient temple is no more than three miles long and horizontal. It is completely different from the vastness here. The years have changed. The ancient temple appears to be a bit dilapidated. The temple door has decayed and swayed in the wind. Through the swinging temple door, Ling Feng vaguely saw the worship in the ancient temple. Holding a statue.

The statue was covered with dust, and it was a little unclear for a while.

Ling Feng frowned slightly, pushed open the ancient temple door slowly, and was about to enter the ancient temple, but suddenly he stopped again, because at that moment the tree of all things trembled, which made Ling Feng startled.

It should be noted that this kind of tremor is rarely seen in the Tree of All Things, but it is always alert every time, which represents extreme danger ahead.

Ling Feng looked at the statue across the gate of the ancient temple, his eyes couldn't help getting chills, because at this moment he could see the statue clearly.

The statue has no piers, but a Taoist standing on the ground. Although the Taoist robe is decayed, it is lifelike, but there is a giant snake wrapped around the Taoist. The scales of the giant snake are black. The whole body is not thick, only the arm of an ordinary person. It's as thick and thin, but just such a giant snake has a huge mouth, and the mouth is facing the Taoist's head and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The Taoist stands, and the giant snake swallows its head.

This is the statue!

In this empty ancient temple, this statue is as weird as it is, inexplicably chilling and hairy, but Ling Feng feels more real. This statue is not an illusion, but an entity.

And it's lifelike, as if something like this had actually happened.

But Ling Feng could not figure out who would carve such a statue?

Put it in the ancient temple, which is a big disrespect to the Taoist gate.


Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes suddenly sharpened, and there was a chill in his heart, and Shenjue finally landed on the statue, feeling the majestic Yin and death.

something wrong!

He almost didn't hesitate to fly upside down, first away from the scope of the ancient temple, and then staring at the statue coldly.

When it uses the tree of all things, the sense of spirit penetrates all the ways and sees it more realistically.

That's not a statue!

It's a living body!

Although the flesh and blood of that human being was exhausted and almost petrified, there was still some essence and blood remaining, and a thin air current gushing out of the giant snake, it was not a dead thing.

"Tianyin snake!"

Ling Feng's eyes were cold, and finally remembered such a creature, a creature that didn't exist in the blue sky, but he didn't expect to see it here.

"No wonder the cloudy sky is so terrible, you made it all!"

Ling Feng is still going backwards, really unwilling to step up, even if he is extraordinary now, the Tianyin snake is even more weird, and this is still a **** emperor-level Tianyin snake, very difficult to deal with, even the **** emperor and Taoist have a tragic ending. How is he not vigilant? </p>


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