Supreme Demon

Chapter 3235: Tianlan is in love!

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The realm of the sky.

This is a vast and magical territory, endless, even the **** emperor would never want to explore the limit in his entire life, but Lan Yu is just a small door in the corner of the sky.

A month ago, Lan Yu changed drastically.

Tianlan, Yumeng and others found a jade pond in the sky area. Although they moved the jade pond back to Lanyumen Court with extreme care and covertly, they were still discovered.

The dramatic change of Lan Yu is due to this jade pond.

All the gates, forces, etc., under the pretext of watching and observing, wanted to enter the Lanyu gate, and even the more powerful gates, bluntly said they would borrow the jade pond.

Originally, with the strength of Tianlan and Yumeng, it was still possible to calm the situation, but just a month ago, this situation changed. There were powerful characters involved, and Tianlan and others were inquiring about it before vaguely knowing the back of this situation. There are the shadows of eight ancient forces.

Obviously, the powerful figures in the eight ancient forces should not be able to deal with Lan Yu because of a pool of chalcedony, but the courts and figures of the same level have no such scruples.

For example, the Eight Spirits!

They are all Heavenly Sovereigns, of the same rank as Tianlan. Naturally, they don't have so much scruples, but Tianlan still can't figure it out. How can Lanyu and the sacred source alarm the Eight Spirits?

The cause of this incident is probably Tianxiang Mountain!

Tianlan guessed that the Eight Spiritual Gods did not take Lan Yu seriously. Their real goal was actually to glorify the emperor and the God of War, especially the God of War, who personally suppressed the powerful figures of the Eight Spiritual Gods and captured eight more cars. Ancient chariot.

Can the Eight Spirits swallow this breath?

They don't have the strength to force the glory of the kingdom, but they can force the glory of the God of War through Lan Yu and other gates.


Tianlan wanted to invite Ling Feng, the God of Glory, but Ling Feng didn't come forward in time because of something. Ling Feng didn't come back until a month later and invited Tianlan over, and Tianlan made an invitation.

Tianlan was very clever, only faintly mentioned the Eight Spiritual Gods, but did not mention the battle on Tianxiang Mountain, let alone force Ling Feng, but sincerely invited.

Ling Feng smiled and faced him.

Because he knew better that the eight spirit gods came because of him, it was just a sacred source, and it was not enough to make the eight spirit gods face Fu Lan Yumen Ting in disregard, then he was the only one.

Therefore, Ling Feng came.

On the one hand, he felt that Tianlan was indeed a good character, and on the other hand, he felt that things started because of him and ended up with him.

But the problem is that Ling Feng was delayed due to the fog, and did not appear in time at Lanyumenting. Although Tianlan and others wanted to wait, they were forced to come to the door today to "watch" and "borrow" Yuchi.

Only An Xiaoxiao stayed in the gate.

The altar roared and made waves, and An Xiaoxiao noticed it for the first time. Lightning flew, but she saw a handsome man instead of the people she knew.

When Lan Yu was restrained, An Xiaoxiao sent out a rescue message, hoping that the top ranks of Lan Yu would come back immediately, but until today there was no response, which made An Xiaoxiao a little depressed.

When the altar was shining, she felt that it was those people who had come, and they flew very excited, but they were poured cold water.

"Who are you?" An Xiaoxiao asked.

"Ling Feng!"

"Ling Feng? Don't know!"

An Xiaoxiao stared at Ling Feng more vigilantly, and the atmosphere of killing became more vigorous. Now it is the troubled autumn of Lan Yu. Any one move is enough to cause catastrophe, and Ling Feng is better to appear next to Yuchi, which is even more alarming. .

"I know Tianlan!" Ling Feng smiled and explained that he was not malicious.

"Huh, who doesn't know Sister Lan?" An Xiaoxiao shook his head.

"She invited me here."

Ling Feng said with a smile, not angry because of An Xiaoxiao's attitude, just imagine, if someone dared to go against God's forbidden land, I'm afraid they are not so optimistic now?

Of course, this was also because Tianlan didn't explain clearly, or Ling Feng came too late.

"Sister Lan invited you here?"

An Xiaoxiao frowned and asked, "Are you the God of Glory?"


Ling Feng nodded and explained: "Some things happened before, but I was a step late!"

"Are you just coming late?"

An Xiaoxiao said angrily, "You are two days late!"


Ling Feng didn't know what to say, this An Xiaoxiao was a bit straightforward.

"Something happened in Lan Yu. Someone forced her to come. You were invited by Sister Lan. Can you solve those people?" An Xiaoxiao looked at Ling Feng, very suspicious.

Ling Feng's aura is too flat now, without any strong aura, just like an ordinary martial artist.

Can this person turn the tide?

You know, the entire Lan Yu has been scorched by those characters in the past few days, even Tian Lan, Yu Meng, etc. have lost a lot of weight, and there are still eight spirits behind the scenes that have not come forward.

"Try it."

Ling Feng smiled iconically: "Tianlan invites me over, I have to do my best!"

"Well, then you go with me!"

An Xiaoxiao glanced at Ling Feng vigilantly. With just a few words, she could hardly determine Ling Feng's intentions. Even if it was the person invited by Tianlan, that sacred source was not trivial. What if he was moved?


Ling Feng was very indifferent, and didn't take a second look at the sacred source, as if the book was like clouds and smoke, because of this, An Xiaoxiao was even more worried.

That pool of sacred source is very extraordinary, even if the **** emperor sees it, I am afraid that he will be amazed. The person Tian Lan can invite should also be Tianzun, otherwise I am afraid that Lan Yu will encounter greater trouble.

Will Tianzun be unmoved?

It's like a normal man saw a beautiful beauty on the street, even if he is not tempted, I am afraid he will have to look at it more.

The beauty is seductive.

The sacred source is also eye-catching.

And such a "beauty" is right in front of him, and Ling Feng didn't even look at it. How could it not be alarming?

However, Ling Feng stayed away from Yuchi, but An Xiaoxiao was relieved.


Ling Feng, led by An Xiaoxiao, appeared in front of Lanyumenting, where the mountains and rivers collapsed, the world was turbulent, Tianlan and the five characters stood in front, their eyes were cold, and everyone was dying and breathing quickly. .

In addition to Tianlan, there is a beautiful woman standing side by side with Tianlan, dressed in white, like an elf in the rain.


At a glance, Ling Feng knew that this person was Yumeng, and only this woman in Lan Yumen Court was worthy of this name.


At this moment, Tianlan and Yumeng were both seriously injured. Jiao and Yumeng had several terrible scars on their bodies, almost cutting them off. The others in Lan Yumen Court were even more sad, sitting on the ground one by one with sad faces.

On the other hand, in front of them, more than a dozen Wu Xiu had strong energy and blood, their eyes were burning, and they were not tired at all.

"Tianlan, Yumeng, I just want to borrow that jade pond to observe it. Isn't it right for you to wait like this?"

Opposite, a middle-aged man said with a smile.

"You should know the mentality here better than us." Tian Lan sighed quietly, "You want that jade pond, but our attitude is also very clear. We don't want to borrow it!"

"Why bother?" The man sneered and said, "You can't keep that jade pond."

"Just try your best in everything!"

Yumeng's eyes were indifferent, and Qingping said: "Even if you can't hold it in the end, you will still cry for blood!"

"Laughing to the sky with anger and blood, Lan Yu Menting is very spine, but you still have to fall in the end!"

The man took a step forward, and lightning came.

"Hmph, we have already killed six waves of attacks, do you really think we can't kill you?"

Yumeng was murderous and scolded the opponent angrily.

This fierce battle is really unfavorable to them. In the past few days, six waves of characters have appeared one after another. Although Yumeng and Tianlan are extremely powerful, they are also at the end of the moment.


They can feel that the attack has become stronger, and the culprit behind the scenes is probably because their patience will be worn out.

Although the words are fierce, Yumeng’s eyes are chilling, because the dozens of characters in front of him are all top-level deity, some have advanced to the highest level, and their strength is extraordinary, even if there are her and Tianlan, I’m afraid that both The town can't help it.

"Hehe, then let go!"

The headed man sneered, and he really didn't put Tianlan and Yumeng in his eyes. If they were in their heyday, they would have been able to fight, but now they are really not enough.

After he finished speaking, he hurried forward, and the mighty Tianwei gushed out of his body, forming the most terrifying knife, and smashed into the sky.


Tian Lan exhausted all his strength to play out the aura space, using the law to force the opponent, but still not enough to see, he was knocked out.

She spurted blood on the spot, her face pale, as if she had been fished out of the water.


The man raised his hand and struck out a flash of lightning, and flew out Yumeng on the spot, causing him to vomit blood, his face a little uglier than Tianlan.

"The aura space is indeed not weak, but you still can't."

The man smiled negatively: "If you are smart, hand over the sacred source as soon as possible, otherwise you will be severely injured today, even if you can return to the main body, it will be difficult for you to heal!"

More than a dozen characters all came around and suppressed, and the situation is a critical matter. Tianlan and Yumeng are the strongest existence in the entire Lan Yumen Court, and even the two pillars. Once they fall, Lan Yumen Court will be vulnerable.

"If you act like this, aren't you afraid of retribution?" Tianlan's face was pale, but he was extremely angry.

"Hehe, it's a great gift to keep you guys out so far, so how can you get retribution?"

The man smiled and said, "Furthermore, this is the rule of the sky. The strong live forever, and the weak are sad. If there is no such strength and mentality, what about going into the sky?"


As soon as the man's voice fell, he heard one respond with a smile, and he stood out from the crowd. The smile on his face looked strange in this tense atmosphere.

But when Tianlan followed the sound, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, with a touch of joy on his face.

The person she was waiting for finally came!


Tianlan fell softly to the ground, looking at Ling Feng, his eyes were full of affection, it felt like a couple in love.

"Sister Lan is in love." An Xiaoxiao glanced at Ling Feng, then looked at Tianlan, and couldn't help sighing.


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