Supreme Demon

Chapter 3241: First day respect!

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At this moment, it was completely quiet, and there were only Ling Feng and Fatty Tianzun in the entire cave, as well as the rustling dust.

The beautiful scenery in the cave is now reduced to ashes, and the picture is fragmented.

It can be seen how fierce this battle is.

Ling Feng was breathing fast. The battle just now was indeed very fierce. At the same time, he dealt with the three supreme, and the supreme surpassed the Dongtian Spirit God, which really made it very difficult, otherwise he would not have to use the fairy blade.

of course.

The realm of the sky is different from that of the small universe. Whether the fairy blade can kill the two supreme main bodies is still unknown, but what Ling Feng wants is this effect.

If the fairy blade can kill the main bodies of the two supreme figures, it would be best.

If Xianbian didn't kill the main bodies of the two supreme figures, it would be good for him.

As long as the two supreme beings are alive, Dongtian will know that there are treasures of this level in his body, and they will definitely not let him go. If they know that it is a fairy blade, even if it is the glory kingdom, dare to venture into it?

I just don't know if the ancestor of glory is not wonderful against the ancient forces of Shangdongtian.



Within the cave, the two Supremes opened their eyes and their eyes became distracted. Although they worked very hard, the Dao Soul was still found by the fairy blade and completely defeated.

Both form and spirit are destroyed!

However, the sky domain is too extraordinary after all, even if the fairy blade defeated their Dao soul, it still did not annihilate it instantly.


The Dongtian Spiritual God flew in for the first time, full of horror. He didn't know what had happened, and why the two supreme beings ended up in this end.

"Be careful."

The eyes of the two supreme figures were gloomy, and they tried to squeeze out a few words: "Don't..."

Unfortunately, before they finished speaking, the Taoist soul was completely annihilated and turned into ashes.


The Dongtian Spirit God was shocked. He knew that Ling Feng was very strong, but no one thought that Ling Feng would be so strong. Through the sky domain, he directly killed the two supreme main bodies.

Is this special still Tianzun?

This is a pervert, evil evildoer, right?

"Be careful, don't... Senior, what are you going to say?"

The spirit **** of Dongtian was in grief, and his eyes were blushing. It was the humiliation of Dongtian before, but now it has changed its taste, because someone in the cave has fallen and he is still a supreme figure.

Although Dongtian Lingshen didn't know what the two supreme figures were going to say, he was able to understand part of the truth.

This is a reminder!

This is even more a warning!

Remind and warned him that he should not be annoying people, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"I know Senior is persuading me."

The Dongtian Spiritual God shed tears, and said emotionally: "But if I really did that, what qualifications do I have to be the Spiritual God of Dongtian, and what face do I have to face the senior brothers of Dongtian?"

"From today, I will never die with Ruthless People!"

"This is not your fight alone!"

A person appeared behind the Dongtian Spiritual God, and said coldly and gloomily: "From today onwards, Dongtian will go to war against Ruthless People!"


The ancient cave sky was overturned, but the sacred source of that pool was not damaged and remained intact.

Ling Feng left Gudongtian with the stunned Fatty Tianzun, and of course the resources that could be picked and moved did not fall.

Anyway, Yu Dongtian has been endlessly dying, and he doesn't mind making them more heartbroken.

"Where is the Snow Mountain Dojo?" Ling Feng looked ahead and asked the Fatty Tianzun.

"Idol, you still have to challenge?"

Fatty Tianzun completely returned to his senses, and asked in a bit of horror.

It was unthinkable to overturn the ancient cave sky. The cost was beyond the reach of ordinary people, but Ling Feng didn't adjust his interest rate, but wanted to continue to challenge.

How evil is this?

"As soon as possible, otherwise, I'm afraid they will react!"

Ling Feng sighed and said, "At this moment, the Dongtian side should have received news. It is estimated that a war will be launched against me soon. Naturally, other Dongtian characters will come by then, so we have to fight quickly."

"This...really want to challenge?" Fatty Tianzun was a little dazed, and his heart was chilling.

Looking at Ling Feng means to single out the eight ancient power dojos.

If this is really done, it is estimated that the realm of the sky on the side of the spiritual gods will be sky-shaking.

"The cause of the matter is clear, but I want them to remember forever!"

Ling Feng said coldly.

"Say quickly, don't waste time!"

"This... alright!"

Therefore, Ling Feng appeared on a snowy mountain, the white snow, indeed matched the spirit of the snow mountain, but at this moment, the news of Gudongtian being overturned had not spread, Ling Feng boarded the snow mountain.


With just tea light effort, an avalanche occurred on that snow-capped mountain, and the world was covered with a layer of snow mist, and the snow mist was also mixed with blood mist.

The world is in turmoil.

A small part of the entire snow-capped mountain was cut off, the body of the mountain collapsed, and magma gushed from the ground, staining the snow-capped mountain red.


The sorrowful screams agitated over the snow-capped mountains. Some were tragedy and some were cold.

This is a human battlefield!


The slaughter is the eight spirit gods.

There is no doubt that the Snow Mountain Spiritual God is tragedy, but Ling Feng did not use the fairy blade. Although there was a festival, he still could not kill him, but the Snow Mountain Supreme who wanted to get rid of him was killed by Ling Feng.

There are not many Snow Mountain Supreme, only two of them, one of which is the Snow Mountain Spiritual God.

When Ling Feng flew down from the snow mountain, the blood mist over the snow mountain became more intense.

Snow Mountain Dojo was overturned!


Ling Feng strode forward, and Fatty Tianzun was a little trembling.

Ruthless is really terrible, even from the perspective of a bystander, he couldn't help but tremble, and it was Ling Feng who had to challenge Fatty Tianzun even more.

To be honest, Fatty Tianzun was a little scared.

Obviously, after Ruthless people's battle, Ruthless people can no longer stay in the realm of the sky, so will the eight crazy ancient forces turn their anger into the rain?

Are these characters going to be unlucky?

At this time, he regretted a little, and he really shouldn't have brought Ling Feng over. If this were to let the eight ancient forces know, God knew if he would be killed directly.

"Don't be afraid, just stay away from the limelight these days!"

Ling Feng patted Fatty Tianzun's shoulder and said, "If you don't want to, just tell me the next few dojos, and I can go there myself!"


"Don't force it!" Ling Feng comforted.

"It's a big deal not to enter the sky in this life."

In the end, Fatty Tianzun gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Grandma's, she has been crushed by the eight ancient forces all day, and now she should exhale!"

"It's a short-term bravery, but it's quite a loss!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Hey, idol, don't lie to me!"

The fat man Tianzun suddenly smiled slyly and said, "Given your relationship with Sister Lan, shouldn't you sit back and watch Lan Yu be bullied?"



In just half an hour, they appeared in another dojo.


This was a one-sided slaughter. Ling Feng displayed a violent suppressive aura, completely bombarding his opponents, and overturning the dojo in just a cup of tea.

There is no doubt that another spirit **** was crushed by suppression.


"Idol, you are so violent!"

"Don't call me an idol!" Ling Feng said, shaking his head.

"Then what do I call you?"

Fatty Tianzun asked in amazement.

"Call me a strong and handsome idol!"


Fatty Tianzun is petrified, feeling you are such an idol!

The fourth dojo!

Ling Feng came to a trough, and he didn't bother to say anything at this moment, and he rushed directly to knock over the entire dojo.

The fourth spiritual **** has ended in tragedy!

Undoubtedly, when Ling Feng appeared, the spirit **** almost flew away, and this nightmare returned.

However, when Ling Feng showed the strength of Tianzun, he flew over again, trying to rub Ling Feng on the ground, but it was him who was rubbed.

"The next dojo!"


This is a tragedy!

The tragedy belongs solely to the eight ancient forces.

In just one day, all the dojo belonging to the Eight Spiritual Gods was overturned, and the Eight Spiritual Gods were rubbed even more brutally, and their skins were worn out, until now they did not enter the sky.

What was even more sensational was that the eight great ancient forces were killed.

When the news spread, that was the beginning of the sensation in the Sky Realm, because Ling Feng was using the posture of Heavenly Sovereign to defeat the Supreme, which was a miracle.

Its record is more like that of God!

It can be said that Ling Feng has achieved mythological record by stepping on the characters of the eight ancient forces.

In the evening, the news came back to Lanyumenting. When Tianlan and Yumeng disappeared, everyone was dumbfounded and demented.

What did he do?

One person singled out the eight ancient power dojos?

One person slaughtered hundreds of people?

One person killed more than ten Supreme?

"A ruthless man, he turned out to be a ruthless man!"

An Xiaoxiao exclaimed, unable to connect with the handsome young man who was smiling and harmless, and the fierce Slaughter God.

"Tianlan, you already knew?" Yumeng asked.

"I know he is a ruthless person, but I don't know what he is going to do." Tian Lan returned to his senses from the stunned state, also very deceived.

He didn't know how much this made.

It is estimated that the entire Spirit God Realm will explode, and the eight ancient forces will go crazy.

"I'm afraid Lan Yu won't be able to stay. Everyone will clean up and have to rest for several years." Someone said, touching his forehead.

Indeed, this has achieved the reputation of Ruthless Man, but it also forced Lan Yu to a dead end.

"Not really."

Tian Lan shook his head and said, "He dared to do this. There must be a later move. He won't let people deal with Lan Yu."

In the chat room.

The entire sky domain suddenly fluctuated, violently, as if the whole world was about to turn upside down.

The ancient rhyme is boiling, and all things return to the original.

Four ancient characters are formed between heaven and earth.

First day respect!

This is the high praise of the Sky Realm. Only the strongest combat power that shakes the ancient, modern and future and casts a miraculous record will be highly praised and rewarded by the Sky Realm.

And the first Tianzun is the sky domain’s praise of Ling Feng!

There is no ancient and modern, because there is no need for ancient and modern!

No name, because no name is needed!

He is a ruthless person, a unique ruthless person!


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