Supreme Demon

Chapter 3258: Hatchet!

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A cluster of Xun fire ignited the void!

Wanshan boiled again, and the major legions looked in the direction of the Xun Huo, all surprised.

Because this is not the first time they have seen Xun Huo, but the second time, only a few days away from the previous one, which means that the second legion has also returned in disastrous defeat and will leave Wanshan.

This is simply unthinkable.

Throughout the ages, things like this have never happened today, and to this day, they don't know what happened, they don't know which two legions have failed miserably, and they don't know which legion that caused them miserable defeat.

"In terms of distance, it should not be done by the same legion."

The emperor Tianchen squinted his eyes and said, because the two legions are too far apart, it is not easy for even the top legions to span such a distance, not to mention the top legions are in front.

"It should be two armies fighting each other."

"The direction just now is not far from Tianchen Yufeng, so let the scout find out, don't Xu Dong have a problem."


Tianchen Yufeng was only a few hundred miles away from the Tianchen Legion, it was much easier to inquire, but the problem was that the scout sent by Tianchen Emperor never came back.

"This five-nation war is more exciting than in previous years."

The Son of Glory smiled and said that there were two legions out of the game, which was harmless to them, unless they could know whether the two legions were Yaokong and Yaotian.

Based on his understanding of his sister, the Glory Goddess shouldn't do such a thing. Only Ling Feng is an uncertain figure. No one knows what he is thinking. What changes are happening in the Yaotian regiment now, and the Glory Son is also No way to know.

But this year is really exciting.

It was not halfway through Wanshan, and two legions were out. God knows how many legions will be out when they come out.

The other emperors of the Three Kingdoms also have this question, but at present no one knows the situation of the battle and can only wait for the news.

at the same time.

There was a boil everywhere in Wanshan, and the **** emperors of all countries were shocked, especially the Tianchen Empire. They didn't expect Xu Dong and Tianchen Yufeng to be the second out.

This is a corps that can fight the second-tier corps.

Why did you lose?

"Xu Dong, who did it?"

The eyes of the **** emperors of the Tianchen Empire are red. Xu Dong is the number one warrior of the Tianchen Emperor. His strength is not trivial. How easy is it for ordinary people to shake?


They know Tianchen Yufeng very well, knowing how powerful this army is, but they didn't expect this army to return in a disastrous defeat.

"do not know!"

Xu Dong's eyes are gloomy, and his pessimism may be more serious than Wei Dao. Wei Dao at least knows who defeated him and knows which legion caused them to return in a disastrous defeat, but Xu Dong knows nothing.

That army has no banner.

That person doesn't even know his name.

"What do you mean? You don't know who defeated?" Several **** emperors almost went crazy on the spot.

"They were dressed in black armor, without a banner, without shouting, just came like that..."

Xu Dong's voice is full of sadness.

This was the most miserable defeat in his life. The other party didn't even leave his name and flag. What does it mean?

Xu Dong is very clear.

This is contempt!

This is they are not qualified!

Only three thousand people beat them to the ground, and it was miserable, but the opponent was not injured, but Tianchen Yufeng lost more than six thousand gods. How miserable is this?

How powerful is this?

Several **** emperors of the Tianchen Empire were stunned, looking at the pessimistic Xu Dong, could not help sighing, and finally did not ask anything.

They could see that this battle hit Xu Dong too much.

A Tianjiao swept across the Tianchen Empire. No one except Tianchen could suppress him, but now he was beaten all over in the Five Kingdoms Battle, and the face of a generation of Tianjiao was even more crushed. I am afraid that this feeling is more than pessimistic?

of course.

Xu Dong and Wei Dao are not talkative people, and they are even more discouraged by the fiasco, otherwise only a detailed analysis will be able to know which legion belongs to the same legion.

Although the **** emperors of the Tianchen Empire did not ask Xu Dong any more, they looked at the **** emperors of other countries, and wanted to find some clues from their faces, at least to know which legion did it.


All the **** emperors present are also very blinded, which legion will do this kind of thing?

This is Yang Wei's time to play the flag and explode his reputation. Although they will know it, this is a very faceless thing.

Wei Dao was also in a daze. He knew that the Tianchen Jade Wind led by Xu Dong was very strong, at least it was not comparable to that of the Ancient Dao Legion. It was such a disastrous defeat. The first thing he thought of was the Yaotian regiment.

But the Yaotian regiment was under the banner, and the Yaotian regiment was wearing blood armor.

This is obviously different.

In the next few days, Na Wanshan was much quieter, and the Ye Blade and the Yaotian Group were digesting the results of their battle. This was their first battle, and it was of great significance to them.

To know.

Tianchen Jade Wind is very powerful. Even if the Yaokong regiment encounters it, I am afraid that both will suffer. If the previous Yaotian regiment is really going to die, they now have very few casualties, and they have formed a unilateral massacre with only 3,000 people. .

How powerful is this?

At least, they didn't dare to imagine before, but now they really did it.

This is powerful!

At this moment, Yaotian Group and Ye Blade were more determined, and they were more convinced and admired for Ling Feng. Such a God of War is really a blessing for the glory of the kingdom.

Although Ling Feng disappeared after solving Xu Dong, Ye Jian did not complain at all.

Because this is the God of War's trust in them.


The kingdom of glory, the city of heaven.

Ling Feng sat up from the Jingfeng Garden, with a deep smile on his face.

of course.

The Ling Feng here is not the main body of Ling Feng, but the vacant body he left before he left. At the beginning, in order to worry about being discovered by the Glory Ancestor, he suppressed it with the emptiness, and it was only solved today.

The trees of all things, stone ruffians, ancient trees of the universe, and thunder yin and yang fish were also left behind.

Even the fairy blade was left behind.

"The main body is in Wanshan, and now it can be determined that the ancestor of glory is indeed in Wanshan."

Ling Fengxu muttered, "And all we have to do is to open up the Kingdom of Glory and find the whereabouts of the Heavenly Soul Eternal Medicine."


The stone ruffian, the ancient tree of the universe, and the fish of thunder yin and yang all nodded. This was Ling Feng's intention to leave them behind.

"Sneak into the main heaven first and wait for the opportunity to move!"


Ling Fengxu got up, still suppressing himself with nothingness, and quietly left the Fengfeng Garden with the three creatures and walked directly into the main heaven.

At this time, you can see that the Void Land is extraordinary, it is completely integrated into the void, and there has not been a slight fluctuation, even if it is facing the Supreme, the Supreme is difficult to find.

As a result, they quickly stepped into the main heavenly palace, and the strange access control of the main heavenly palace had no effect on them, let alone ripples.

At first.

Ling Feng did not go to the hatchet immediately, but wanted to step into the Shen Lie first, and wanted to see the current situation of Shen Lie, but unfortunately there are restrictions in the Shen Lie, even if there is a place of nothingness, once touched, I am afraid There will be waves.

Ling Feng didn't take any risks. After a sigh, he sneaked into the main heavenly palace, trying to find out the whereabouts of the Heavenly Soul Eternal Medicine.

As Shi Pi said, he had searched some hidden and important areas in the Kingdom of Glory, but he could not find the whereabouts of the heavenly soul, which made Ling Feng frown.

"The Heavenly Soul is too important. Even in the Kingdom of Glory, not many people know it."

"Unless you can pry the King of Glory's mouth open, it is unrealistic to find the Heavenly Soul."

"Then you can only try that hatchet."

Ling Feng frowned.

To be honest, he was not too willing to kick that hatchet, it was too dangerous, but now he has to kick it.

Not long.

Ling Feng came to the hatchet, five hundred feet apart, even so, he could still feel the scorching air wave and the suffocating aura.

How many creatures need to be killed to form this evil spirit?

Ling Feng asked himself that even the evil blade was far from being able to match this hatchet. The soaring evil spirit was not limited to the level, let alone absorbing the evil spirit, it was completely contaminated with blood.

Five hundred feet apart, but the hatchet was still very big, stuck in the ground, like a huge mountain.

of course.

This five hundred zhang is also a limit distance, and further forward is the ancient prohibition. The Kingdom of Glory uses this to suppress the evil spirit of the hatchet, prevent the evil spirit from leaking, and destroy the entire heavenly palace.


The ancient prohibition can prevent all characters from prying, and annihilate the breath of the hatchet, so many people don't worry about it.

"Ling Feng, you have to be careful!"

Shi Pi exhorted, it was worried that Ling Feng would be desperate, and that hatchet was too weird.

Once the danger is committed, the fate can be foreseen.

You know, that hatchet made the ancient sages cast a rat avoidance, can it be done by Ling Feng alone?


Ling Feng nodded and said, "I know you are worried, but this is an opportunity. I have to try it."

"I will send you out of here first, and now I am not in charge. Some things are really troublesome to do."

Ling Feng Xu body said.

If it is the main body, it is entirely possible to bring them in together, but it is still very risky, and now it is even more impossible for the virtual body to bring them in, and it must be left outside.

But there is no place to hide in nothingness, then these three creatures are equivalent to being exposed to people.

"it is good!"

The three creatures nodded, knowing that there was nothing to stop them, and they would be a drag if they did not leave at this time, so they answered simply.

"If you can't do anything, don't try your best, we still have a chance!"

After Ling Feng returned to Jingfeng Garden, the ancient tree of the universe warned like this.

"Although I am only in a humble body, there are many treasures. I will not let the treasures fall under the hatchet and rest assured that I will not be too risky."

Ling Fengxu nodded, and then entered the main palace alone, came to the hatchet, forbidden to step forward, and the fairy blade in his hand exudes a little fairy light, which complements the hatchet and emits light. The rain is getting more and more brilliant.

"I hope I can stand it!"

Ling Fengxu squinted his eyes, used fairy blades and various defensive treasures to wrap himself up in an airtight manner, and then slowly merged into the ancient prohibition.


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