Supreme Demon

Chapter 3270: The first battle of Conferred God!

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Thousands of thunder are thundering.

The sharp blade is in the air, and the arrow rains in the sky.

The aura of the Yaotian regiment was in full bloom, and the glory space suddenly emerged, carrying endless heavenly powers, and blasted towards the heavenly legion. With a "drink", the sword soldiers of the Yaotian regiment came out in an all-round way. Dissipated, gathered a little, and the Magic Gate of the Devil Slayer also spurred and shot out at this time.

A butcher knife, slaughter the gods and demons!

If it's just the Gate of the Devil's Qi, the power is obviously not enough to surprise the Heavenly Dao Legion, but what if the Glory aura space merges with the Gate of the Demon's Qi, like one?

"Do your best, don't get lucky!"

The face of the emperor Gu Dao changed drastically. The Heavenly Dao Legion may be limited by his eyesight, and it is difficult to see the terrible Yaotian group, but the emperor Gu Dao is not blind, he can see the terrible space of the glory aura.

It is not surprising that a legion can play a strong combat power, but the terrifying place is that this legion can play a gas field!

The Legion is not a one-man corps. It is not easy for them to understand the rules and laws of space as one person?

Everyone has different thoughts, how to form space?

The Yaotian regiment took a different approach, using aura to form space. Three thousand people were like a single person, unimaginably tidy, even the emperor of the ancient Daoists were shocked.

This is going to make a monster!

It can be said that the Yaotian regiment does not have a deep enough understanding of the glory aura space. It did not dig too much. It is also limited by time and vision. But when they want to understand one day, the aura space can definitely sweep any legion. , The world is called respect.


The emperor Gu Dao didn't dare to take a chance, so he immediately let the Heavenly Dao Army do its best. His eyes were slightly red, and his palms were sweating. Now he knew why Yaotian Group dared to block the Wanshan Canyon.

Of course, there is a more terrible problem.

If the Yaotian group has such strength, how powerful is the Yaoshi group and the Yaokong group?

At this moment, the emperor Gu Dao didn't know about the fiasco of Yaoshi Tuan and Yaokong Tuan, and the scouts of the Heavenly Dao Legion obviously had difficulty in detecting the battle that took place hundreds of miles away.

"Sacrifice to the sky!"

The emperor of the ancient Dao yelled and took the lead. The dazzling ice-blue space flew out of his body, and the ice arrows gleamed in the ice-blue space. The ultimate heavenly aura suddenly appeared, causing the whole world to tremble. Naruto.


Five icy arrows shot and shot into the air, igniting the Wanshan Gorge and the Heavenly Legion.


The Heavenly Dao Legion gave a low cry, and the body released a huge amount of aura, like a whirlpool, the lightning hovered and roared, causing the chaos of the canyon to fly.

The members of the Heavenly Dao Legion flashed quickly and merged into the vortex, and they became part of the vortex, becoming the most fierce weapon in the vortex.


Taking the Heavenly Dao Legion as the sword and Qi Yun as the whirlpool, creating the fiercest storm.

And when the ancient Taoist emperor entered the center of the Lord, the whirlpool storm completely roared, and the fierce brilliance appeared, the cold and sharp blade crushed the void, and space fragments flew out.


Xu Hang yelled. Even though the opponent has the Ultimate Heavenly Sovereign and the God of War has not yet appeared, the Yaotian Group is not worried, they must use the strongest strength to overcome all difficulties.

Glory aura space blasted towards the Heavenly Dao Legion carrying the Magic Slayer.

A slaughter sword, a whirlwind storm.


The Demon Tu knife slashed on the swirling storm, igniting endless ripples, and the space was disintegrating, the atmosphere of heaven and earth was exhausted, and the audience was shocked.

Xu Hang is the blade of this Demon Slaying Sword. He tried his best to restrain everything with the glory and aura space, trying to suppress the momentum and power of the emperor of the ancient Dao, but it was still very difficult.

He is only a second-class Tianzun, and there is a huge gap between him and the ultimate Tianzun.


The Tianwei erupted by the Yaotian regiment was too strong, and it broke through the whirlpool storm forcefully, smashing out, causing several Wu Xiu to fly out on the spot and be strangled by the glory aura space on the spot.


At this time, the aura space was completely crushed down, like a heavy giant mountain, making the heavenly legion's face heavy. They had never encountered this kind of tactics.

Suppress with space and punish demons to slaughter gods.

"Hehe, the Yaotian group is indeed very shocking, the aura and the killing formation are blended, and it is almost going against the sky!"

The emperor Gu Dao smiled and said, "Unfortunately, you are too big. Is it so easy to deal with a first-class army?"

"If it's a 10,000-strong Yaotian group, we would have to be a little bit jealous, but for 3,000 people, you really overestimate yourself!"

"Is it?"

Xu Hang smiled because he already felt it.


The corner of Gu Dao's eyes tightened slightly, and he felt it too.

"not good!"

He shouted and couldn't help looking behind him. At some point, at the entrance of Wanshan Gorge, a legion in black armor was struck by lightning.

They are too fast.

Their breath is too low.

They seem to blend into the night.

When they entered the entrance of the canyon, the emperor Gu Dao felt it, which was really shocking.

To know.

Before entering the Wanshan Gorge, the emperor Gu Dao had ordered the scout to fully detect the news to prevent ambushes around, but the answer available was no.

There is nothing at all.

The emperor Gu Dao was relieved to bring the Heavenly Dao Legion into the Wanshan Canyon, but the scene before him subverted his cognition.


"How did they do that?"

The emperor Gu Dao would never doubt the scouts of the Heavenly Dao Legion, they didn't need to lie, let alone make fun of the life of the Heavenly Dao Legion.

Then, the problem is not with the Heavenly Dao Army.

The problem is with that black armour.

When the black armored legion flew, the corner of the eyes of the ancient Dao emperor was also twitching, because the black armored legion was really too low-key and dull, but the murderous and fierce tiger-like aura hidden in the body made it secretly surprised.


This is terrible.

"Yeblade of the Yaotian group, ordered to punish the enemy!"

Zou Yuan shouted loudly, making the lowest roar in the night sky.

It was also at that moment that Ye Blade's momentum completely changed, and the power hidden in his body spewed out in an all-round way, blasting through the heavens and the earth, and annihilating the ten thousand frenzy.


They are faster than the Yaotian regiment, their glory aura space is more refined, and the Devil's Qimen is more powerful. When they attack from the rear of the heavenly regiment, one can imagine how serious the consequences are.

"Yaotian Mission, Ye Blade, six thousand people..."

The emperor Gu Dao has a solemn face. He doesn't know why there are only 6,000 people here, but he must have a big problem with the Yaotian group. They have been pretending to be pigs and tigers.

"Are there four thousand people?"

The corners of the mouth of the emperor of ancient Dao twitched, and now Ye Jian and the Yaotian group are attacking together, causing them to suffer from the enemy. It is already very dangerous. If there is another army, it will be really terrible.

"I'm here to contain them, and you will deal with it with all your strength!"

The ancient Dao emperor had to fly out, only because Ye Blade’s lethality far surpassed the Yaotian regiment, it only took a moment to tear open the Heavenly Dao Legion’s defenses, causing the whirlpool storm to appear gaps, if Ye Blade was allowed to rush into the Heavenly Dao Legion Internally, he believed that with the defensive power of the Heavenly Dao Legion, it would be difficult to defend against Ye Blade.


The emperor of ancient Dao flew out with lightning and hit Ye Blade directly. He wanted to break through Ye Blade's defense with all his strength, and then contain Ye Blade, because in his opinion, Ye Blade was really more dangerous than Yaotian Group.


Just when he flew out, he stopped abruptly, because on the mountain wall not far away, there was a young man lying reclining, with a handsome face and a rich spirit like jade. He was obliquely looking at the emperor of the old way, the emperor of the old way. When he wanted to fly to Ye Blade, the man just opened his eyes and burst into a flash of light, but the emperor Gu Dao's heart trembled and he couldn't help stopping.

at the same time.

The eyes of Zou Yuan and Xu Hang also lit up and smiled, because the glory of the God of War was here.

"Glory to the God of War?"

The emperor of the ancient Taoist squinted his eyes and recognized the person.

At the time when Tianchen Tianzi questioned him, Gudao Tianzi had seen Ling Feng before, and he still had some impression of him.


Ling Feng nodded and said with a smile: "The wind and moon in the mountains are so beautiful, the emperor might as well come up and take a look!"


The emperor of ancient Dao was stunned. This is the moment of the decisive battle. What does this God of War want to do?

Appreciating the wind and moon?

Suddenly, the emperor Gu Dao calmed down again and said, "You are so sure?"

"This is the problem of the Yaotian group, I just want to enjoy the moon with the emperor!"

Ling Feng's intention is simple.

It is to keep the ancient Dao emperor, and other things are left to the Yaotian group and the Ye Blade.

"it is good!"

The emperor Gu Dao pondered for a moment, then nodded and agreed. With this person's strength, even if he is not as good as him, he can still do it if he wants to control it for a moment.

Therefore, the battle between the two legions is beyond his control.

However, this is not a "moon appreciation", as long as he can suppress the glory of the God of War, then the Heavenly Legion will still have a chance.

of course.

This is just what he thought.

When he set foot on the mountain wall, he was frozen since then, until the end of the battle, he did not dare to do anything.

The Heavenly Dao Legion is not weak and can definitely be ranked in the top four in the Five Kingdoms Battle, but they still fell, miserable, with more than 5,000 casualties. If Ling Feng hadn’t stopped Yaotian and Ye Jian, I’m afraid The Heavenly Legion is about to be removed.

This is a national struggle.

Although there is no emotion at all, Ling Feng does not want to do things that are infuriating between people and gods after all.

The emperor of the ancient Taoist sighed deeply, bowed his hand to Ling Feng, and then lit Xun Huo.

The Yaotian group is unbeatable!

This is the first battle of the Yaotian regiment's Conferred God!

But Ling Feng shook his head. Although the Heavenly Dao Legion suffered a fiasco, the Ye Blade and the Yaotian Regiment also suffered casualties. The two Legions each suffered hundreds of casualties, and the overall damage was nearly 1,000.

This is the price!

They could have done better, but under the rage, under the circumstances of being too proud and conceited, Yaotian and Ye Blade still had some problems.

This is why Ling Feng was disappointed.


Nishen can also be crazy, but it is extremely calm madness, and Nishen is refined step by step, and the mentality is firm. After all, the Yaotian group has no such experience. They rise in a short period of time, and they will inevitably breed some arrogance.

Yaoshi and Yaokong died because of it, and Yaotian group could not suppress the arrogance in his heart.

They are so eager for a blockbuster!


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