Supreme Demon

Chapter 3282: The supreme in the world kneels to me!

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Shengyang is slightly hot.

The cold wind is freezing.

Facing the sacred sun, facing the cold wind, he shouted a voice that trembles the sky: I am the Supreme!

Break through the sky.

Horrified the world.

I don't know how many eyes are watching, I don't know how many characters are trembling, he is like the scorching sun in the sky, where the scorching sun is, everyone wants to bow and sigh.

He is Ling Feng, he is Supreme!

The panic Tianwei rolls slowly, the supreme aura is rising forever, and the overture of the immortal shines with the most dazzling light, the petals are rustling, little by little, with a war song, and a war fairy song.

At this moment, much attention has been paid.

At this moment, the sky is in full swing.

The surroundings of Hanshan are so quiet that needles fall can be heard. Don’t say that other people like Tianzun and Zhizun, even Lanyumenting characters are dumbfounded. They know that Ling Feng is very strong, but only limited to Tianzun’s strength, who would have thought of Ling. Wind is the supreme?

Tianlan’s beautiful eyes are shining. She had thought about this result, but now Ling Feng’s shouting is still moving people’s hearts. Although it is not too aggressive or too strong, no one is more powerful than what he shouted at this moment. Shaking people's hearts.

"Is he finally promoted to supreme?"

Tian Lan smiled slightly, with Ling Feng's talent and strength, asking the Supreme is just a matter of time, is this just a breakthrough?

But the problem is that there is no vision in the sky, so Ling Feng might ask for success before entering the sky.

There is no doubt.

The Ling Feng who is promoted to the Supreme will be stronger, and he can suppress the Supreme when he is in the Supreme. Then how strong is Ling Feng after entering the Supreme?

No wonder he took it indifferently and didn't put the Five Supremes of the Sky in the eyes. With such strength, why should he be afraid?

"After all, I broke into the supreme!"

Some Wu Xiu sighed, and the most feared thing happened. Ling Feng at the time of Tianzun was nothing to worry about, but after entering the Supreme, Ling Feng's strength was not limited to Tianzun.

The Five Supremes of the Cave Sky are all tragedies, and this alone can tell the terrible Ling Feng.

It should be noted that among the Five Supremes of the Sky, the supreme figure headed by him is the top supreme. He is almost reaching the ultimate level. His strength cannot be underestimated. That's it, he is still not Lingfeng's opponent. He was suppressed by his force and killed on the spot.

How powerful is this?

Just asked Dao, does the supreme have such strength?

All the gods present were shocked, this kind of strength was rare in the world, and it was really too strong. Moreover, Ling Feng asked for success with the strength of the first day, then Ling Feng at this time was invincible of the same rank.

Fighting across levels is a natural moat for others, is it commonplace for Ling Feng, right?

"Huh, what about the advanced rank?"

A voice sounded, and the four supreme princes stepped forward and appeared on the cold mountain, with their eyes like knives and the wind blowing.

The head was an old woman, slightly squatting, her face wrinkled, triangular eyes with sharp edges, she came to Ling Feng in one step.

"But it's just the elementary supreme. Dare to be rampant?"

The old woman is holding a walking stick, carved from a skeleton. There is a ghost head on it, which looks extremely cold. There is a cold airflow in the ghost's eyes, and there is a cold ghost sound in the ghost's mouth.

"Snow Mountain Ghost Woman?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes slightly and stared at the old woman with a sneer flashing under his eyes.


The ghost woman in the Snow Mountain laughed, and the sound was like a knife chopping fresh bamboo, with a trembling and cold smell: "Boy, you picked me Snow Mountain Dojo. You should think about this moment, right?"


Ling Feng admitted calmly, and then asked: "However, I'm curious, the Five Supremes of the Heavenly Cave is tragedy, why do you dare to jump out?"

"Hehe, because you are going to die!"

"Do you think you are stronger than them?" Ling Feng asked, squinting.

"Be stronger!"

Xueshan Guiyu said with a smile: "Even if they are present, they must respectfully call this Guiyu Senior. If you want to instigate discord, I am afraid you are using the wrong place."

"No, I'm afraid you are weaker than them, and I'm boring to fight!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly.

"Boy, you are crazy!"

Xueshan ghost woman said with a cold smile: "However, I don't mind you being more mad, because I have no opinion on dead people!"

"It makes sense!"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, then nodded seriously and said, "If you are a dead person, I really have no objection!"

"Jie Jie..."

The ghosts of the Snow Mountain suddenly came to kill, and the three Supremes behind them were also killed together. The Snow Mountain is not as reasonable as the Five Supremes of the Sky, and they don't need rules.

The vast ocean-like force pushed towards Ling Feng across the board, the whole world was lit up, and a frenzy overturned the divine cloud of thousands of miles, and immediately came to Ling Feng.

The crutches in the hands of the old snow mountain plowed out a light in the void, and the momentum and strength of the top supreme, fully flourished, crushing Ling Feng.

Obviously, the old woman in Snow Mountain is stronger than the one headed by Dongtian Five Supreme.

And the overall strength of the four Supremes of Snow Mountain is not comparable to that of the Five Supremes of the Sky of Heaven. It is precisely because of this that they dare to come so arrogantly.

The sky was full of storms, rushing towards Ling Feng.

The sky filled the space, exploding in a flash.

This is the raging flames of the snowy mountains, this is the fighting spirit of the snowy mountains.

Ling Feng smiled slightly, and his hair was a little messy in the storm.

"Actually, you don't know what Ragnarok is!"

Whether in Tianxiang Mountain or in the Kingdom of Glory, Ling Feng did not try his best, especially on the heavenly majesty of the dusk of the gods, he did not show his full strength.


When its supreme strength burst out, this kind of scruples disappeared.

He doesn't need to hide anymore, because everyone who should know will know, because the characters of the glory kingdom will definitely come.

Then, the gods evening should show its due power.

of course.

At this time, no one will understand, and even many people don't know what "Rainbow of the Gods" is, but Tianlan knows that it is just that the "Twilight of the Gods" is only suppressing the heavenly power. What top Tianwei can it exert?

It should be noted that the Snow Mountain Ghost Woman is not stupid without the heavenly venerables of the Glory Kingdom at the beginning, and it is impossible to break into the range of the gods and dusk, so it will be difficult to play a role.

Just as she was contemplating and incomprehensible.

The old snow mountain woman and the three snow mountain supreme have already killed Ling Feng, a crutch hit nine days of light and rain, space and time double blasted, shooting out the supreme heavenly majesty, not to mention the elementary gods, even the top gods can hate.

Just then.

Ling Feng smiled elegantly, and slowly spit out the most classic four words: Twilight of the Gods!


The sky was trembling, and the roar sounded with a dull loud noise, like a tragedy trembling, like an ancient Buddha collapsing.

The Twilight of the Gods is still the Twilight of the Gods.

The pure land is still that pure land.

But when the gods fell at dusk, the unpredictable Tianwei came from all directions in the sky, crushing everything, the whole cold mountain was shaking, and all beings in the world were trembling.


The four Snow Mountain Supremes who were flying over fell from the void on the spot, fell on their knees, and knelt in front of Ling Feng, the light of the crutches dimmed, and the rain of the magic weapon shattered.

On the cold mountain, there were four people kneeling alone.

What is Ragnarok?

At the time of the gods, the heavenly majesty of the gods at dusk was far from being used. Only when the gods were the most comprehensive would the most comprehensive heavenly majesty be released. Unfortunately, these people don't understand.

All beings bow their heads!

The supreme world is tragedy!


This is the Twilight of the Gods!

The whole place was silent, and people were stunned by this scene. Including Tianlan, she knew that the Twilight of the Gods was very domineering and it was taboo, but she never expected that the Twilight of the Gods would be so terrible.

If it weren't for them to be far apart, I'm afraid they would have to kneel and kowtow at this moment.

That is the natural coercion buried deep in the flesh and bones. It is a man who is dedicated to overcoming the arrogant bones. He must kneel at this time.

The Snow Mountain Four Sovereigns are very strong, but they have no ability to play at all. Being suppressed by the gods at dusk, kneeling and kowtow, I am afraid that the feeling is more uncomfortable than killing them?

What is even more shocking is that the Snow Mountain Ghost Concubine is the top supreme, and the strength should not be underestimated. When it does its best, it is even more difficult. Not to mention the elementary supreme, even the top supreme must be extremely careful.

But why did she kneel?


The ghost woman in Snow Mountain stared wide, with a face of disbelief and embarrassment. The ghost woman was dignified and kneeling in front of her opponent without an image at this moment. Do you still want the face of Snow Mountain?

However, she was unable to stand up.

Ling Feng didn't respond, but sternly killed the Four Supremes of Snow Mountain, tyrannical and cold, which made many characters frown and jealous.

"Is the idol really just asking the Supreme?"

The little fat man opened his mouth, but there was only one sentence he asked.

To be honest, Tianlan and others have the same question, because since Ling Feng's shot until now, the strength he has shown has been unpredictable and profound, and it is really impossible to see what level he is in.

But if Ling Feng was only the elementary supreme, it would be really terrible.

"The eight ancient forces, if you really want to seek revenge, can you be more serious?" Ling Feng looked down at the audience and said with a smile: "I think the dojo of the eight ancient forces should be very serious, right?"


If the eight ancient forces are not serious enough, then he will single out each avenue and field, just as before.

"Ruthless, you are too arrogant!"

"Cruel, don't you know how early the genius died?"

"You ruthless person, don't think that if you succeed in asking, you will be invincible in the world if you are promoted to the Supreme!"

The crowd was raging, and the eight ancient power figures were angered by Ling Feng's words.

Ruthless people are too arrogant, this is underestimating the world.

The eight ancient forces have come from ancient times, how proud? Where can Ling Feng be underestimated and slandered?

"If your strength is the same as your mouth, so powerful, then that's fine!" Ling Feng smiled and said with excitement.

no doubt.

This sentence is like a drop of water falling into the boiling oil, and the sky is turned in an instant.

"Cruel, I'll kill you!"

"Cruel, I'll kill you!"

"God Tu, the sword of this deity is already hungry and thirsty!"


The eight ancient power figures are all on.

The surroundings of the cold mountain were all filled, and there were at least hundreds of people in a darkened area, and all of them were supreme, and the breath that only escaped was suffocating.

These are hundreds of supreme people, I am afraid they can drown Ling Feng alive with one spit. </p>


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