Supreme Demon

Chapter 3287: Immortal!

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Fairy blade!

This is a sharp weapon that Ling Feng got when he was weak. After years of tempering and tempering, this sharp weapon has long become a fairy weapon.

It is detached, not limited to the level of divine weapons, supreme divine weapons, etc. It can disintegrate all divine weapons and can be called the nemesis of various weapons.


The fairy blade and Ling Feng are in the same body. Once they are sacrificed, Ling Feng's strength will be completely different. Cross-level is not the limit.

Now, under the suppression of the Heavenly Might of the Sea Moon God Emperor, Ling Feng used the fairy blade.

In an instant.

Ling Feng's momentum changed suddenly, vast and majestic, making all the spaces tremble. When everything began to surge in, it made the fairy blade aura gush out, and every ray of light was pale white, completely substantive .

That is fairy light!

However, the fairy blade is not an entity, but a ray of fairy light, appearing in the form of a blade, which is the same as the evil blade.

The difference is that the evil blade is a kind of blade that grows from the tree of all things. Although it is tyrannical, there has never been an entity, while the fairy blade comes out of the entity and undergoes immortal power polishing and tempering. There is a fundamental difference.

It is stronger!

Of course, only relying on the strength of the fairy blade and Ling Feng, it is still not easy to deal with the Sea Moon God Emperor in its hey state, at least Ling Feng is not sure, but what if the fairy blade and the evil blade merge into a fairy?

Ling Feng thought so, and did so.

His opponent is the Sea Moon God Emperor. If he wants to hide at this time, there is really no need, and the gamble is really too big.

Ling Feng didn't want to lose, let alone lose.


The evil blade flew into the dantian and was nourished by the primordial qi galaxy of all things. When the light and rain were shining and fully bloomed, Ling Feng would sacrifice it, rushing into the sky, and directly blending into the fairy blade.

If he wants to be the strongest, then he can only be stronger!


When the evil blade merged into the fairy blade, the fairy light that filled the sky suddenly became much dim, and the evil light rain became much brighter, and the evil evil spirit and the fairy power formed a mellow whole.

The whole is not just as simple as fusion, but a transcendence-like transformation.

The yin and evil are integrated into the immortal force, and the immortal force is integrated into the yin and evil. When it is perfect, it means that the yin and yang are twins and the immortal is formed.

That is the evil spirit built on immortals.

That is the immortal built on the evil!

There was a dull and loud noise in the surrounding space, and the world was violently fluctuating and blasting, and the terrifying air wave was like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, rolling nine days of wind and clouds.


Before I knew it, the space was torn apart.


Suddenly, the space is destroyed.

Just the formation of the fairy, there was such a horrible upheaval, which really shocked all the gods present. You must know that at this time, the fairy is just a fairy power that has not been launched, but it still has this. How can the treacherous changes not be frightening?


The strength that Ling Feng showed was also quite terrifying.

He is not limited to the ultimate supreme, nor is the law of annihilation limited to the ultimate. Ling Feng has long been detached. Although he is not yet a **** emperor, he is similar to the **** emperor.


Extreme limit!

This is a realm that few people can set foot in ancient and modern times, but Ling Feng used various forces to break it. When it showed the ultimate supremacy, the terrifying world collapsed, and the majestic aura of the deep and deep sea abyss came surging. , The terrifying power that suffocated the supreme present, instantly burst the sky.

Immortal and Ling Feng!


The sky and the earth are thousands of miles away, and the space collapses in a destructive manner. When Ling Feng lifts the immortal evil spirit, the sky is faint, everything collapses, and the heaven and the earth scream.

This is the beginning of Ling Feng and Xian Sha.

Destroy everything, crush everything gorgeous.

Dare to ask who else in the world is more gorgeous than Ling Feng's opening at this moment?

Even the **** emperor didn't have such an opening, right?

At least, the Sea Moon God Emperor did not wait for Tianwei to start.

Many female martial artists who did not have much contradiction with Ling Feng, their eyes were shining, and the appearance of the fairy blade was shocking enough, but the shock did not last long before it was covered by the invincible aura and power of the fairy. .

That's Xianli!

That's a fairy blade!

A treasure that so many people dream of, and the fetters of a lifetime of fascination.

no doubt.

The scene sank for a while, there was no sound, no one dared to make a sound, everyone looked at Ling Feng, at the shining fairy in his hand.

Perhaps, Xian Sha did not have too dazzling or dazzling light rain, but at this moment, the whole world is no longer brighter and dazzling.

It is like a star in the sky, illuminating everything.

At this moment, the vast sea space of the Sea Moon God Emperor was covered by the radiance of the fairy.

In fact.

The Sea Moon God Emperor was also stunned by Ling Feng's immortal evil, even characters like him wanted to ask God whether there is an immortal in this world.

But now Ling Feng gave the strongest answer.


Fairy blade!


Is there anything more convincing than this?

But everyone who watched the battle was attracted by the immortal, and they were speechless. Immortal power was very attractive to the world martial artist, even if they were willing to let them fly to the fire.

no doubt.

When people's eyes gradually fell, Ling Feng became the focus of the audience, and everyone looked at Ling Feng with enthusiasm.

If you can get this person's celestial power, or get the secret of this person, or even temper the celestial power, then you can get the fairy power.

They have spent their entire lives hard to get the truth, and now the truth is in front of them, who is not crazy?

But madness is madness, but few people dared to rush to the battlefield, because neither the Sea Moon God Emperor nor Ling Feng are easy people, not to mention that this is the realm of the sky, not the realm of the gods.

Even if it can contain Ling Feng and suppress it, it is just a virtual body, and it is not easy to get what they want.

Once the grass is scared, it will be even more difficult to deal with Ling Feng later.

of course.

Not everyone thinks this way, people like Tianlan don't think so.


Tian Lan looked at Ling Feng blindly, stupidly stupid, feeling her little heart stabbed by a sharp blade.

Is this Ling Feng's true strength?

This dead liar!

If Ling Feng used these forces from the beginning, then the attitude of the entire Kingdom of Glory would be completely different from that of other characters.

Who dares to challenge?

I'm afraid that more people will come to ask for advice, right?

It's a pity that Ling Feng has never used it. If it weren't for the Sea Moon God Emperor, I'm afraid that people are still in the dark.

But, how did he cast Xianli?

How great is this?

The glory of the emperor, the glory of the goddess, the little spirit king, the Xuyue goddess, and even the eight spirit gods all felt a burning pain on their faces. Is this the master they want to challenge?

This is a challenge to death.

Who dares to fight this time?

The emperor will be shocked, the supreme is like a dog.

Is the gap between them and Ling Feng just a chasm?

They thought about it carefully, maybe they were just a joke in Ling Feng's eyes?

"This actor!"

The emperor of Glory gritted his teeth, with Ling Feng's current strength, I was afraid that he was all acting at the beginning.

"It's really a big show."

The Goddess of Glory said with a cold face, "Just, why does he want to act in this scene?"

"Is it really to save the bird? Or have no intentions?"

The Son of Glory was taken aback for a moment, and his face became more gloomy.

Ling Feng has been hiding, and it is very deep. If it is only to save Shen Lie, it is indeed a bit far-fetched. In terms of Xianli, it may not be impossible to make the bird heal.

"He is still in the glory kingdom!"

The emperor of glory said coldly.

"Yes, he is still in the Glory Kingdom, and there is a half-step ancient sage in our country!"


"It's just that there is a lot of wind and rain outside!"

"If no one covets it, doesn't it prove that he has no value?"

The Goddess of Glory is very relaxed, without much pressure.

There are half-step ancient sages in the Glory Kingdom, who can completely restrain Ling Feng, and all they want is Xian Li and so on. With the bird quality of Shen Lie, they believe that Ling Feng will submit.

"I hope the ancestors can withstand this pressure!"

Because of the advent of Immortal, the Kingdom of Glory is also full of pressure, at least the Spirit God Tianyu is about to change.

"The strength of the ancient country, even the eight ancient forces dare not easily take risks!"

The Goddess of Glory smiled, and then her face became gloomy, and said, "However, what I am worried about is what he intended to show the power at this moment."

"This is a double-edged sword, hurting others and hurting yourself!"


The battlefield turned from calm to boiling.

People were talking in low voices, looking at Ling Feng from time to time, and at the Son of Honor and others.

This situation can be quite unfavorable against the glory country.

In the past, people had to be more scrupulous because of ruthless people, but when Xianli came out, the situation was quite different. Some forces were afraid that they would rather take Ling Feng away.

Maybe they don't dare to do it on the face, but they will do it secretly.

Ling Feng had already known the attitude of these people, and he was not surprised, he was still calm.

"Now, you can fight!"

Ling Feng looked at the Sea Moon God Emperor and said.

"Can you still fight like this...?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor smiled bitterly, this guy is really ruthless, even the immortal blade and the immortal power have been sacrificed, the sky has changed, hasn't he noticed yet?

"What to do with me?" Ling Feng smiled elegantly.

They are enthusiastic.

Anyway, Xianli is not theirs.

They want Xianli?


Let's talk about the glory kingdom first.

And the kingdom of glory?

It is not so easy to get the power of immortality. If the external and internal pressures are applied at the same time, the days of the glory kingdom will be even more difficult, right?

"Really a crazy guy!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor laughed loudly and said: "There are not many people who dare to make the glory of the kingdom in the Spirit God Realm, but I admire you a little."

"With each other!" Ling Feng handed the Sea Moon God Emperor an expression that understood you.


"Want to fight?" Sea Moon God Emperor asked with a serious face.

"To fight!"

Ling Feng looked directly at the Sea Moon God Emperor, and said solemnly, "I haven't got what I need. After all, my pressure is not small!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was silent.

I'm afraid this battle won't be easy. Holding Immortal Sha, Ling Feng's strength has doubled, and he is indeed strong enough to make him jealous. At this time, he is afraid of losing the battle.


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