Supreme Demon

Chapter 3296: I am Ling Feng!

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Contempt the crescent moon.

Ling Feng displayed a terrifying and terrifying strength. The divine acupoints in his body glowed, causing the flesh and bones to form a whole, and then inspiring the treasures of the human body.

Time and space cast a stronger original Qi, and he is unmatched. Although he has not yet been promoted to the Divine Emperor, he is no different from the Divine Emperor.

He is like the elementary **** emperor who can fight across levels, and the Sea Moon God Emperor happens to be in his cross level category.

in fact.

The Hanhai Crescent Moon is very strong, and it is considered strong among the medium **** emperors, but Ling Feng cuts off the immortal power, and then the original origin energy that is born, creates the original Tao law, is immune to all laws and rules, and despise the field of vision , The strength has taken an amazing step, not a **** emperor, but better than a **** emperor.

Sea Moon God Emperor wants to defeat Ling Feng, how easy is it to say?

To be honest, today's Ling Feng's perception of the Divine Emperor's level is more than Haiyue.

When Ling Feng evolved, the whole situation was a foregone conclusion. The Sea Moon God Emperor wanted to defeat Ling Feng unless he could go against the sky.

"Senior is cool?"

Ling Feng asked with a smile.


At this time, the Sea Moon God Emperor really wanted to swear in spite of his image, this person is too bad, and his heart is very dark.

"I know this is just an appetizer for Senior, how can Senior be satisfied?"

Ling Fengxiemei smiled, strode forward, and appeared in front of the Sea Moon God Emperor.

He didn't know when there was a pan in his hand, it was as dark as ink, and the bottom of the pan was still falling.

The Sea Moon God Emperor's face was shocked, and a rather unpleasant feeling was born in his heart, but before he could figure out Ling Feng's intentions, the black pot appeared in front of him.

The black pot grew bigger and clearer, but then it became blurred.


The Sea Moon God Emperor flew.

His face was dark, just like the bottom of a black pot, and the pain came from that black pot. He felt that his face might be broken, and his flesh and blood might be blurred.

Because the blood is mingling with the bottom **** of the black pot, dripping down his face.

"Ling Feng, you have enough!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was furious, this person was too poisonous.

As the saying goes, hitting people don't hit the face, but today his face has been knocked down.

Do you want to be so vicious?

What kind of hatred?

"Not enough!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "This greeting is for the younger generation to honor the senior. It should be, and the senior shouldn't refuse it."


Ling Feng carried the pan and banged it down, flattening the Sea Moon God Emperor to the ground in pain, causing his face to collapse, his entire face was distorted, and his speech was not as sharp as before.

"Ling Feng, don't force this seat!"


Holding the pan, Ling Feng flattened the Sea Moon God Emperor to the ground. The pan fell down without hesitation, and the mother of the Sea Moon God Emperor didn't even recognize it.

People can't bear to watch it anymore.

The Sea Moon God Emperor was really miserable.

Now, the Sea Moon God Emperor is more than just a face, many fragile places have been slapped by Ling Feng, and the Sea Moon God Emperor is screaming miserably and almost crying with a headache.

This gave people a new understanding of Ling Feng.

This person is a poisonous snake.

"Enough, Ling Feng, you... how do you feel so familiar with that pan?" The Sea Moon God Emperor was about to get mad, suddenly felt that the black pot was very familiar.

The next moment, he reacted.

Wasn't that black pot the "weapons" that stunned him to death?

Before, the pain in the back of his head dissipated, and he didn't want to remember, but now Ling Feng has awakened his memory.

"Ling Feng, I am going to die with you today!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was furious. The pain that used to be a thorn, pierced in the heart, used to endure the Qilin magical medicine, and forced to forget the black pot, but now he was beaten badly and didn't want to bear it anymore.

In fact.

When Ling Feng's black pot appeared, the face of a person in the distance also became dark and gloomy, almost dripping with water.

Because he had also been attacked by Ling Feng, and that **** pot was a "kill weapon."


His treasure was also looted by Ling Feng, and his misery was no less than that of the Sea Moon God Emperor, but he was more calm than the Sea Moon God Emperor.

"I really want to knock him to death!"

He gritted his teeth.

However, he did not pay for it. The Sea Moon God Emperor was so miserable. He asked himself that he was not weaker than the Sea Moon God Emperor, but he also asked himself that he was not stronger than the Sea Moon God Emperor.

Facing Lingfeng, there is no stronger strength, I'm afraid that few **** emperors dare to take a tough shot?


At present, Ling Feng's strength is only the tip of the iceberg, and only using war fists has made the Sea Moon God Emperor miserable. One can imagine how amazing his strength is.

Unless he didn't want to face up and dealt with Ling Feng with the Sea Moon God Emperor, he wouldn't dare to fight.

of course.

Secretly cursing Ling Feng a few words, he can still do it.


That crescent moon issued a vast sky, and the vast sea field fully awakened, erupting endless light and rain, fully crushing to Lingfeng, and the power of mountains and seas instantly submerged Lingfeng.

The Sea Moon God Emperor became angry, and the whole world changed color.

There is no doubt.

This force is stronger than before, and its power shocked the world.

"Senior, you are getting older, don't be so angry!"

Ling Feng smiled slightly, with a touch of evil charm.

The next moment, he flew up into the air, opening and closing his fists, like a mountain, and his power was hidden in the fist, but the law of the self was fully released. The wind provides endless energy.


Ling Feng's double fists burst out with unprecedented light, and pierced the vast sea on the spot, and then blasted the crescent moon, making its light dim, and then being knocked off by that tyrannical force.


The Sea Moon God Emperor flew.

This time he flew farther, he opened his mouth and spewed blood, forming a blood arrow, which was extremely dazzling in the void.


Ling Feng didn't just let the Sea Moon God Emperor go in this way. He flew a kick and kicked the Sea Moon God Emperor's chest, kicking him directly onto the surface from the void.


The sorrowful cry of the Sea Moon God Emperor made everyone present chill.

This ruthless person Ling Feng is really tough.

He wouldn't give the Sea Moon God Emperor a way to survive at all.

"Senior, is it cool?" Ling Feng asked with a smile.



Ling Feng carried the **** pot and smashed it down, causing the Sea Moon God Emperor to scream with sorrow and a black mark on his face.

"Senior, is it cool?" Ling Feng asked again.



"Senior, is it cool?"



"Senior, is it cool?"

"It's cool...!"

Looking at Ling Feng's **** pot, the Sea Moon God Emperor was almost crying. Is there such a bully?

Does this make him cool?

This is so cool that Ling Feng hasn't beaten him?

Does he dare to be upset?

In the end, the Sea Moon God Emperor was convinced, and did not dare to confront Ling Feng again, otherwise he still didn't know what he was going to be beaten.

"Cool?" Ling Feng asked.


As soon as the Sea Moon God Emperor wanted to hesitate, Ling Feng's **** pot was raised, and the evil spirit made people want to choke him alive.

But I'm not happy.

The ghost knows how dark-hearted this stuff is, and I'm afraid it will be completely crippled and its main body will be greatly injured, right?

"That's good!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Senior is getting older and his anger is gone. That's a good thing."


Ling Feng stepped forward and patted the Sea Moon God Emperor on the shoulder, and the soul said: "Promise seniors, juniors should do it by themselves, then please come to the main city of glory in three days."

"it is good!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor pondered for a moment, then nodded.

Ling Feng smiled with satisfaction.

He will not hand over the Qilin Magic Medicine, but it needs to be discussed slowly, rather than a stick to death. He believes that even if there is no Qilin Magic Medicine, there is no immortal power, but there is a strong enough Qi for all things, that is enough. Satisfied the Emperor Sea Moon.

This is a good time to make friends.

He had no friends in Lingshen Tianyu, only enemies, and now Ling Feng was also pondering this issue.

"Who else wants to fight?" Ling Feng raised his eyes and asked, "Divine Emperor level can be battled, but there needs to be a limit!"


People are speechless, who dares to fight?

"Then it's over!"

Ling Feng sighed and was very satisfied with the current situation. If anyone dared to fight at this time, it would be dead.

Ling Feng flew down from the void, forbidden to appear before the gods of Lanyumen Court.

With his current strength, even if someone wanted to deal with Lan Yu Menting, they would have to weigh it.


He didn't mind contact with the gods of Lan Yumen Court.

"I have a question!" Ling Feng looked at the little fat man kindly.

"Idol, what's the problem with you?"

The little fat man reacted, smiling everywhere.

"Is there any way I can let the entire Spirit God Realm and even more of them know? Maybe it's to deliver the message I want to deliver?" Ling Feng asked.


The little fat man was slightly stunned, and then quickly responded: "It can be passed through the Tsutenkaku!"

"However, this requires a high price."


Ling Feng nodded secretly, then looked around, and said, "Are there any characters from Tsutenkaku?"


Tianlan made no out of his mouth and signaled Ling Feng to look to the right, where several people were watching.

"Hehe, I'm from the Tsutenkaku Tower. I wonder why you are looking for me?"

Three people walked out of the Tongtian Pavilion. The leader was an old man with a childlike face. They had no contradiction with Ling Feng, so there was no enmity.

It's just that they were pointed out by Ling Feng at this time, which made them very vigilant.

However, the Tsutenkaku is only responsible for the news, and has no grudges with other forces. Even if it is a ruthless person, I am afraid that there is no reason to trouble them.

"If I want to send a message to the entire God Realm, how many resources do I need to pay?" Ling Feng asked.


Not to mention the gods present, even the three figures in Tsutenkaku were shocked.

Is this evildoer going to send news to the entire God Realm?

"This...I'm afraid that the ability of the Tsutenkaku Pavilion can't do it." The old man headed shook his head and said, "Moreover, the resources are quite expensive, even the **** emperor is not enough."


"I don't know what message you need to send?" the old man from Tongtian Pavilion asked.

"Four words, better if they can be projected!"

"I don't know which four words?"

"I am Ling Feng!"


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