Supreme Demon

Chapter 3313: A city at an hour!

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Ling Feng is angry!

These characters in the Kingdom of Glory actually regarded him as an idiot, thinking he was too naive?

This made Ling Feng quite unhappy.

He is very smart, alright!

What is this nature?

Ling Feng felt that this was more serious than suppressing him, because it was already an insult to his personality and IQ.

In fact, the ancestor of glory did not heal Shen Lie's wounds, but was searching for his soul. Ling Feng could clearly capture this, and it was precisely because of this that Ling Feng was angry.


From the moment Shenlie fell into the hands of the glorious ancestor, Shenlie was tortured, and now it should be very miserable, right?

Is that his brother?

Shen Lie had to become a hostage for the immortality of the soul and to save Qiu Shuyi. Why did it do this?

Because it is Ling Feng's brother.

Because Ling Feng's debt is its debt!

Ling Feng can become a hostage, because Shen Lie does not have the resilience of Ling Feng, let alone such powerful strength. Therefore, only Shen Lie can become a hostage.

Shen Lie suffered so much, how could Ling Feng not feel the same?

That is his life and death brother.

Ling Feng clearly remembered that Shen Lie had endured twenty-eight tortures, and even Ling Feng remembered every time Shen Lie was tortured.

This is blood debt!

Blood debt should be cleaned with blood!

"In Tianxiang Mountain, I didn't want to get rid of you!"

"In the kingdom of glory, I don't even want to target you!"

"But you hurt me everywhere, hurt my brother!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly and said, "Do you really think we are the fish on the knife?"

"I just want to save it."

Ling Feng's voice became colder and colder, and said, "I know what you want. Peerless Dao Seed is here, and eight ancient chariots are also here. Is this your previous intention?"

"Before the Five Kingdoms Battle is over, you dare not act against me!"

"Five nations laurels, peerless Taoist species, eight ancient chariots, how about changing to my brother?"

Both the Glory Son and the Glory Daughter squinted.

This transaction is indeed very good. Generally speaking, Glory Nation is a stable profit and no loss, enough to satisfy their appetite, but how to satisfy the appetite of the ancestors?

To know.

In the battle in the sky domain, the ancestor of glory also watched the battle. Ling Feng's immortal power, as well as the power of suppressing the sea and moon **** emperor, and heavenly power all made the ancestor of glory covet.

Now, the ancestors of glory have pointed out that they want to take off Lingfeng's powers and heavenly powers, what should they do?

of course.

When there are greater interests in front of them, are they willing to let Ling Feng go?

The promise is no!

"I knew you didn't want it!"

Ling Feng smiled indifferently, and said, "This fat has already been taken in, why is there any reason to vomit it out?"

"Today, I will take my brother away!"

He said loudly, "Whether you want it or not, I will let you hand it over!"


The Goddess of Glory smiled indifferently: "Are you going to fight against the Glory Kingdom?"

"So what?"

"Only by your loneliness? Still think that there is no **** emperor in my ancient country to suppress you?" The emperor Glory sneered. Once he rips his face, there is really nothing to worry about.

Ling Feng did not respond.

There was a faint smile on his face. After a while, he put up a finger and said, "A city an hour!"


The Glory Son and Goddess glanced at each other, neither of them understood the meaning of Ling Feng's words.


Ling Feng didn't mean to talk to them anymore, just standing in the wind, cold and unrestrained, smiling at the wind and rain in the sky, cold at endless martial arts.

The Son of Glory and the Goddess squinted slightly. They wanted to capture Ling Feng alive so that they could obtain the secret of power such as immortal power, but the risk was really great, at least they did not expect Ling Feng to appear here.

After all, this is the restricted area of ​​the hatchet. It is extremely difficult to set a restriction and kill formation here, even the ancestor of glory dare not act rashly.

I have to say that Ling Feng chose a place that is most beneficial to him.


They knew how powerful Ling Feng was. The Son of Glory and the Goddess of Glory were scumbags in front of them. They were vulnerable, but it was not easy for Ling Feng to deal with them, because the emperors of the Kingdom of Glory in the dark were staring at them. , As long as Ling Feng dares to deal with the emperor of glory, they will immediately attack.


The Glory God Emperors did not take the initiative to attack, with Ling Feng's strength, once they fought hard, they would definitely be able to pull a God Emperor to death.


At the beginning, Ling Feng only fought with the supreme power in the sky domain, but at this moment it was fundamentally different from the supreme, and they had to be more cautious.

They are waiting.

Wait for the glory ancestors to appear, or wait for the glory of the king to order.

Of course, what they really taboo is still Ling Fengyu's death and breaking the net, dragging the glory of the emperor and others, then the consequences will be very serious.

They wanted to wait, and Ling Feng wanted to wait even more.

A city at an hour.

This is not empty talk!

He believes that the butterfly will be able to know that Nishen will be able to complete it.


An hour later, a piece of news spread to the Kingdom of Glory at the speed of light, causing the whole world to boil, and the Son of Glory and the Goddess of Glory were full of shock.

Just because, within this hour, an ancient border city in the Kingdom of Glory was slaughtered.

All figures of the Heavenly Dao level of the Glory Kingdom have fallen.


The battle situation far exceeded their expectations. Only a moment later, the other three pieces of news came over, which greatly shocked the ancient country, because the ancient city that was slaughtered in that hour was not one, but four!

To be honest, when Ling Feng got news from people talking and exclaiming, he couldn't help but be in a daze.

He just wanted a city at an hour, but he didn't expect that the gods rebelled over the quota.

Four cities in one hour!

"You guys are really good!"

Ling Feng squinted and smiled.

This is a strong expression of dissatisfaction from the gods against the gods, and it is to prove to him that the gods against the gods have never been weak.

Dare to insult the owner, that is a dead end.

"Hehe, I have changed my mind now, four cities in one hour!"

Ling Feng sneered. By this time, he was full of confidence, because he believed that the strength of the gods was enough to deal with the situation.

Although I don't know who the leading figure is now, I think I will make good use of the situation and background.

"Hehe, do you think this can scare us?"

The Son of Glory sneered and didn't believe that Ling Feng could do it. It was just a coincidence, because the Kingdom of Glory had invaded by mysterious power before.

"That's your problem!"

Ling Feng stopped talking nonsense, looked coldly, and waited for a result.

An hour later.

"Six ancient cities?"

When the news came again, the face of the son of glory turned blue.

In just two hours, the Kingdom of Glory had been slaughtered by ten ancient cities, which was unimaginable.

There is no doubt that this is a tragedy that can be recorded in the history of the glory kingdom.

Not to mention the people of the Kingdom of Glory, even Ling Feng was dumbfounded, can't these guys act according to his script?

Have you ever thought about how I feel?

I'm also a gentleman with a promise, OK?

"Are ten ancient cities enough?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and asked, "Can you let the birds go?"


The Goddess of Glory sneered and still didn't believe it.

"Then wait, wait for the entire ancient kingdom of glory to fall!"

"You... are looking for death!" The Goddess of Glory was furious.

"Hehe, don't mess with me, even if there are six **** emperors sitting in town, it is still easy for me to kill you!"

"Then see if you have this strength!"

Finally, a voice sounded, accompanied by a middle-aged man who flew down.

His eyes are sharp, like a poisonous snake.

He was burly in shape and dressed in black.

When it came slowly, the whole world was in full bloom because of it, and rain and light swept over it, forming an arch guard, making it radiant.

"Master, are you back?"

The Son of Glory was overjoyed. His master traveled all over the world and seldom came back. He was afraid that he came back for the sake of the kingdom of glory. This moved the Son of Glory very much.

"You, if I don't come back, I don't know that you stabbed such a big basket!"

God Emperor Leng Mo smiled and scolded, "But, did a small grasshopper make you scorched?"


The face of the emperor Glory was flushed. This was the first time in his life that he was ashamed in front of the master.

"Okay, I'm back, then this problem will be solved completely, you don't need to worry about it, just treat it as a sharpening."


Ling Feng watched coldly, secretly vigilant, because Divine Emperor Leng Mo was indeed very strong, and he should be a super grade divine emperor who was about to enter the category, even a super grade divine emperor.

It was indeed a trouble to deal with this **** emperor with his strength.

"Ling Feng, right?"

Divine Emperor Leng Mo turned to Ling Feng and said indifferently, "Are you going to catch it by yourself? Or do you want to be beaten by me?"

He is very strong, his words are sharp, and he can't be dismissed.

"Which one are you?"

Ling Feng squinted at the God Emperor Leng Mo: "If you want to suppress me, just let me go, don't talk!"

"Haha, have a backbone!"

God Emperor Leng Mo smiled and nodded: "I admire you as a young man with a backbone."

"But I don't appreciate you, a spineless old man who provokes the old by playing small!"


God Emperor Leng Mo was stunned.

The Glory Son, Goddess and others were completely stunned. For the first time in so many years, someone dared to talk to God Emperor Leng Mo like this.

That is a character who is about to enter the super grade **** emperor.

The emperor of glory felt that this time the master came back, he was afraid that he would really set foot on the super grade **** emperor.

Divine Emperor Leng Mo was not angry, he just sneered and said, "Enough flavor, otherwise the fight is not cool enough, kid, you successfully aroused my anger!"

"Senior, you upset me too!"

"I heard that you are the first supreme?"


Ling Feng said, "Is it better to fight this way?"


God Emperor Leng Mo strode forward, the field was flourishing, and an unprecedented force was crushing Ling Feng.

"I said... When will the death style of Glory Kingdom be changed?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

A character flew down from the void, his mouth was full of sneers, but his face was covered by a layer of light rain, even the **** emperor could not see through.

Two **** emperors flew with him.


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