Supreme Demon

Chapter 3318: Goodbye Hong Tian Gu Yun!

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The sky has changed dramatically!

The celestial hatchet once shocked the world, dazzling the universe, and caused a tragedy in the kingdom of glory and caused great injuries for hundreds of years. The ancestor of glory came from that time and almost fell in that wave.

Now, the celestial hatchet trembles, inciting great ripples, reminding the ancestor of glory of the tragedy once again, with fear in his heart as if the end is coming.

There is no doubt.

If Ling Feng shakes the hatchet again, it is bound to change the Kingdom of Glory, and even the entire God Realm.

By then, I don't know how many ancient sages will set foot in the glory kingdom.

At that time, I didn't know how many people would die in the Kingdom of Glory.

That is, I don’t know how riddled the glory kingdom is.

Ling Feng was alone and dared to be an enemy in the world, but the ancestor of glory was not alone, and there was a kingdom behind him.

In this case, the ancestor of glory did not dare to let go.

Of course, it is not easy for the ancestor of glory to compromise like this.

"You let them go, I let them go!"

The ancestor of glory said: "This is my bottom line!"


Ling Feng nodded slightly and agreed.

"You give my brother to him, and I will give them to one of your **** emperors!"

Ling Feng is not an idiot.

He is very alert.

In his current state, if the ancestor of glory threw Shenlie, and then suddenly attacked, then Ling Feng would be miserable. Therefore, he asked the ancestor of glory to give Shenlie to the emperor of sea and moon, at least this **** emperor is better than glory. The ancestors are more credible.

And he handed the Glory Son and Goddess to the God Emperor of Glory Kingdom.

This is a precaution.

The Sea Moon God Emperor had to beware of the Glory Ancestor, and Ling Feng had to beware of the Glory Ancestor. Of course, Ling Feng knew that if he handed the Glory Son and Goddess to a Supreme, the Glory Ancestor would not be at ease. , Only God Emperor can feel relieved.

"it is good!"

The ancestor of glory nodded slightly and said, "Then exchange the hostages!"

To be honest, the ancestor of glory is not afraid of Ling Feng, even without the hostage of Shen Lie, with the strength of Ling Feng and others, it will be difficult to fly today.

Ling Feng and Shen Lie, and even the **** emperors who appeared today, don't even want to leave alive.


The ancestor of Glory threw Shen Lie at the Sea Moon God Emperor, and the Sea Moon God Emperor flew out instantly to catch Shen Lie.

at the same time.

Ling Feng also threw out the Glory Son and Goddess, and threw them to a **** emperor in the Kingdom of Glory.

However, at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

The ancestor of glory flew out like a rainbow, and a sleeve arrow carrying endless smoke, went straight to Shen Lie.


He didn't want to just hand over Shen Lie to the Sea Moon God Emperor, but he wanted to shoot him directly, and what he threw to the Sea Moon God Emperor would be a corpse.


The Sea Moon God Emperor's face sank. If Shen Lie were to be beheaded by the Glory Ancestor, would the ghost know if Ling Feng would fulfill his promise?

You know, Ling Feng dares to do his best for Shen Lie, and dare to overturn the entire glory kingdom for it.

This is because Shen Lie is alive and really dying. God knows how crazy Ling Feng would be?


They need Ling Feng to live, and only by being alive can we get the beginning energy of all things. If they die, then their contributions are empty talk at this moment.

When his voice sounded, the Sea Moon God Emperor flashed suddenly, as if he had stepped through a wormhole, his speed surged, and he held Shen Lie in his arms in front of the sleeve arrow.


A sound of tearing flesh and blood sounded on the chest of the Haiyue God Emperor, making him muffled, his face instantly pale, and the big beads of sweat rolled down.

The Xiujian pierced the Sea Moon God Emperor’s chest and crushed all his internal organs. If it weren’t for the extraordinary armor of the Sea Moon God Emperor, it would weaken the power of that Xiujian. The internal organs are gone.


The Sea Moon God Emperor yelled and fled with lightning. After all, he rescued Shen Lie, but he was seriously injured and spurted blood. The most powerful part of that Xiujian is not only Xiujian Tianwei, but from Xiujian. The terrible laws of space and time that are excited and shot up.

If it wasn't for the Sea Moon God Emperor to be strong enough, I'm afraid it would really end in tragedy.

"Hmph, will the Seagod gate face my glory kingdom?"

The ancestor of Glory squinted his eyes slightly, ruthlessly, and didn't care about face at all.

He illuminated the Sea God Gate, which meant that he had seen the origin of the Sea Moon God Emperor.

The Sea Moon God Emperor was startled, and said with a sneer: "I don't know what you are talking about!"

"I know!"

"what do you know?"

"I know, this is not the attitude of the Seagod." Old Ancestor Honor said with a smile: "Kill, you are killed!"

From the attitude of the Sea Moon God Emperor, the Glory Ancestor could find that this was not the attitude of the Sea God Sect. Killing the Sea Moon God Emperor would not cause the Sea God Sect to fight against the Glory Kingdom.

"Is this half-step Gu Xian?"

Ling Feng's face was gloomy. He didn't undermine the Glory Goddess and Son, but the ancestors of Glory wanted to undermine, which really angered Ling Feng.

"The dignified ancestor, who actually did such a despicable thing, is really chilling!"

"Who knows?"

The ancestor of Glory smiled indifferently: "No one will know that it will die sooner or later, why is it not dead?"

Obviously, the ancestor of Glory knew what was wrong. Standing in the corner of morality, Ling Feng could blame him at will, but he had no reason to blame Ling Feng.

Then shameless!

What can others do to you when you are shameless?

"Really faceless and skinless!"

The God Emperor Tianmo sneered: "If the glory of the ancestor is so, the overall quality of the glory of the kingdom can be seen!"

"Do you want to die?"

Divine Emperor Leng Mo's eyes were suddenly cold, and if he dared to ridicule the Kingdom of Glory at this time, it would be death.

He had long seen Tianmo Divine Emperor displeased.

"Hehe, you are arrogant if you are not a super product."

The Emperor Tianmo is very powerful. He said: "After two thousand years of travel, you still haven't set foot in the super-grade realm. What can you be proud of?"

Divine Emperor Leng Mo's eyes froze.

"Hehe, if you feel strong enough, you can ignore the heroes of the world, you can let Ling Feng leave first. After two thousand years, I believe he will definitely come back."


The gods couldn't help suffocating, their faces changed drastically.

With Ling Feng's strength and talent, if he really gave him two thousand years, I am afraid that I would ask Gu Xian, not to say that it is the **** emperor Leng Mo, even the ancestor of glory will kneel.

"Are you reminding us?"

God Emperor Leng Mo smiled: "Remind us that we must do away with Ling Feng, otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

"You really are a pig teammate."

The Emperor Tianmo was very indifferent. He said, "Hehe, ridiculous, do you want to provoke?"

"I just want to tell you that the cause and effect planted today will be a blood debt in the future!"

"But you will all die today, don't even think of leaving alive!" God Emperor Leng Mo said coldly.

"I'm afraid it will disappoint you."

The God Emperor Tianmo smiled and said, "We will definitely leave alive, not one of us!"

"Only you?" God Emperor Leng Mo sneered and said, "Does a thing that hides its head and reveals its tail really feels like a human?"

"At least, I live more like a human than you!" Tianmo God Emperor retorted.

at the same time.

He and the Sea Moon God Emperor and Ling Feng Transmitted Sound, and now Shen Lie had rescued them, and all that was left was to kill them. They wanted to use their ultimate power to deceive the world and rush out of the battlefield.

"it is good!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor replied that now he is seriously injured, which is not conducive to the decisive battle, and that their goal has been achieved today, there is no need to die with the glory kingdom.

After all, they didn't have any deep hatred with the Kingdom of Glory. As for dealing with the Kingdom of Glory, after Ling Feng left alive, when he asked Gu Xian, he could deal with it calmly, not in a hurry.

"I'm afraid it's not easy!"

Ling Feng sighed, he and the Sea Moon God Emperor were both hurt, and the ancestors of Glory were even more eye-catching. How easy was it to rush out of the battlefield?

"You don't need to worry about this, we will naturally handle it!"

The **** emperor Tianmo said in a voice message: "We are here, but we have brought treasures that can travel hundreds of millions of miles in the void, even Gu Xian would never want to keep up."


Both the Sea Moon God Emperor and Ling Feng's eyes lit up.

The God Emperor Tianmo really lost his blood this time, and even used the treasures of ancient sages, as long as they were sacrificed, they would shatter the void, allowing them to stay away calmly.

Next, God Emperor Tianmo quickly talked with God Emperor Ling Feng and Haiyue and confirmed the escape.

"Kill them!"

The ancestor of Glory had cold eyes and waved his hand slightly, and then God Emperor Leng Mo flew towards God Emperor Tianmo, and wanted to get rid of this old thing himself.

"Come to fight!"

God Emperor Tianmo shouted and rushed towards God Emperor Lengmo.

at the same time.

Ling Feng, Haiyue and other three **** emperors flew out together and blasted towards the **** emperor Leng Mo. The two **** emperors beside the **** emperor Tianmo also took action. The power of the sky is endless, and the **** emperor Leng Mo was blown over .


The Tianmo God Emperor did not actually fight, but sacrificed a banner, on which the golden light rain collapsed across the world, and the terrifying light beams annihilated all the void.

That banner was like a holy sun. When it was lit, it would burn like a phoenix. When it opened its eyes, the sky covered the sky and flooded the entire square.


The **** emperor Tianmo speaks, and Tianhuo can restrain people's sight in a short time. Unless it is a person like the ancestor of glory, it is difficult to break through.

This is their only chance to leave.

Ling Feng, Sea Moon God Emperor and others stepped on the fire phoenix without hesitation. Although the flames were terrifying, they were not more terrifying than the sky fire, and they could suppress it with their strength.

Subsequently, the Emperor Tianmo swooped down and stepped onto the Fire Phoenix.


He snorted and directly drove the Fire Phoenix.


Just as they flew into the void and wanted to open the sky, a low and powerful force suddenly came so tyrannical that all the gods present changed their colors.


The expressions of the Sea Moon God Emperor and others changed drastically, and they couldn't help flying down from the Fire Phoenix.


With a huge explosion, the fire phoenix was torn apart by a terrifying force and turned into flames and flew everywhere.

"It's ridiculous, do you really think you can leave?"

A voice accompanied several Wu Xiu flying down from the void.

"Xu Yue Hongtian, You Gu Yun!"

When the Sea Moon God Emperor recognized these two people, his face suddenly turned pale.


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