Supreme Demon

Chapter 3322: The eight ancient forces are going to heaven!

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Yaotian Mission!

This team, which was distracted by the Kingdom of Glory, came back against the Battle of the Demons.

A battle with the Jade Demon Group left them divinely wounded, and the fighting will and strength demonstrated by the opponent was invincible.

This battle defeated the invincible confidence of the Yaotian regiment.

The fierceness that ignores everything, the power of the sky and the sky, left a deep impression on the Yaotian group, and stepped their pride to the bottom.

Make them broaden their horizons.

Battle group, but the **** of war!

This is the uniqueness of the Jade Demon Battle Group, and it has made the Yaotian Group have endless expectations, hoping that they will one day be able to fight the God Emperor.

of course.

What they didn't know was that at the beginning, the Heavenly Slayer was mostly the gods, and the gods were headed, far less powerful than they are at this moment.


The Heavenly Slayer fought against the celestial creatures. It was the most tragic decisive battle in their life, but unfortunately they were all annihilated in that decisive battle.

Such bravery.

This record is unsurpassable.

You know, the Battle Group of Killing Demons is an effort made for them to step into the realm of God, this is no battle group, any record forged is unmatched.


The Killing Demon Battle Group is not the most powerful battle group in the gods, there is another battle group that is the most powerful, they are called the Blood Battle Group.

In the final battle, Wu Zhiyun did not fully flourish, otherwise, Nixue and the Jade Demon battle group would not be so miserable, but later generations would definitely be dazzling.


Ling Feng looked at the Yaotian group, as if he had seen the Heavenly Jade Group on this battle group, but he returned to reality in an instant, the Heavenly Jade Group had fallen, and he would never meet again in this life.

In fact, sooner or later, he will return to the Kingdom of Glory, but there are only two aspects that make him worry.

The first is Tianlan.

When Tianlan made his debut for him, it meant that it was difficult to integrate into the Kingdom of Glory. Based on the measurement of the Son of Glory and the Lady of Glory, as long as Tianlan was in the Kingdom of Glory, something would happen sooner or later.

He wanted to persuade Tianlan to leave the Kingdom of Glory. He thought it was quite troublesome. People usually have deep feelings for their homeland, and it is not easy to shake them.

However, Tianlan was not a person from the Kingdom of Glory, and there was no pressure to leave like this.

The second is the Yaotian group.

This battle group that Ling Feng personally reformed, I am afraid that it will be in an embarrassing situation from now on. Although the glory of the emperor and the goddess will not slaughter them, it is somewhat hateful.

It can be said that it is normal for the Yaotian regiment to kill and wound a few people.

In particular, the culprit Yuan Qing and others are very likely to be targeted by the Son of Glory, and deaths and injuries are certain.

But because the Yaotian group is too strong, it is the first battle group of the five kingdoms, and it has too much influence on the glory kingdom, even the glory king is afraid that they can't bear to move them.

What's more, the people of the entire kingdom are staring at it, and the glory kingdom can't do things that people and gods are angry with, unless they want to subdue the country.

If the King of Glory raises the butcher knife to the Yaotian regiment, it is estimated that other nations will laugh.

"Meet the God of War!"

Headed by Yuan Qing, everyone bowed down.

Knowing how strong the Jade Demon Band is, they respect Ling Feng even more. This person has forged one miracle after another.


The Kingdom of Glory did a stupid thing and wanted to kick the God of Glory out of the game. If the King of Glory showed enough sincerity, it would not necessarily keep Ling Feng, but it would not cause evil.

Ling Feng was still the God of War of the Glory Kingdom.

"Get up!"

Ling Feng sighed quietly and said, "You shouldn't come!"

"We should come!"

Yuan Qing's eyes burned. This was not a debt, but should, because they felt that God of War had done nothing wrong, wrong of the Kingdom of Glory.

Ling Feng sighed, and now the situation is like this, what can he say?

"How do you plan from now on?" he asked.

Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan and others' eyes dimmed slightly, and they could see the situation of Tianlan. They knew that as long as they spoke at this time, Ling Feng would definitely take them out of the Kingdom of Glory.

They knew even better that once Ling Feng helped them, they would not be what they used to be. They witnessed the terrifying horror of the Jade Demon War Group.


Their situation is different from that of Tianlan. They are natives of the Kingdom of Glory, and the water and soil of the Kingdom of Glory nurtured them. They have feelings for the Kingdom of Glory.

Their relatives and friends are all on this land, and they want them to leave their homeland and go abroad. How are they willing?

At least, they were unwilling to leave without completely giving up on the glory kingdom.

"Become stronger!"

Yuan Qing sank and said, "Strong enough to protect her home, strong enough to rival them!"

"I look forward to this day!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, if Yaotian Group decisively left with him, he would despise Yaotian Group instead.

Any battle group should be full of affection for the land under its feet.

Although the Kingdom of Glory has done many things that are infuriating between people and gods, they are extremely generous to Yaotian, and they have no reason to go back to the Kingdom of Glory.


Yuan Qing's eyes were slightly red.

"Does this sentence represent your position or the position of the glory kingdom?"

"What if there are both?"

"You can't represent the glory kingdom!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Goodbye!"


See you in this life!

Ling Feng strode away without looking back.

Han Ruyue squinted slightly, looked at Yaotian Group, then moved his eyes away, and left with Ling Feng.

Tianlan is here.

Her master is here.

This is a **** emperor, although not as powerful as the **** emperor Leng Mo, he is also a respectable figure. Not everyone can abide by the bottom line, even if the King of Glory invites him, he has not come forward.

Master Tianlan said nothing, but watched Tianlan leave.


Tianlan waved his hand vigorously, saying goodbye to the glory kingdom.

After that, she was no longer a person of the Kingdom of Glory.


A generation of Tianlan has also risen from this moment, smiling proud of God's universe, sweeping through the wilds, and achieving the legend of invincibility.

of course.

The Kingdom of Glory still doesn't know how badly they suffered.

Ling Feng and others were not eager to fly out of the realm of glory. With their current strength, unless the ancestor of glory wanted to die, they would not dare to disadvantage them.

With so many people coming for him, how could Ling Feng let them leave empty-handed?

I want to eat.

Drink the wine.

Favors cannot be lost.

Ling Feng originally wanted to find a big restaurant in the ancient city around Tiancheng to entertain the gods.


They had just flew out of the sky city, and they found that there was a sea of ​​people in front of them, and the momentum was like a rainbow, and that strong momentum would almost drown the entire sky.

"It's really lingering!" Ling Feng frowned and said.

"The enemy?" The little brother Samsara smiled.


Ling Feng nodded slightly, his voice was very cold: "The eight ancient forces in the Spirit God Heaven."

The eight ancient forces are here.

It's just that they didn't go straight to the Palace of Glory. There were restrictions in it and it was not easy to break through, but they felt that Ling Feng should not be so stupid. If it were them, he should escape immediately.

Therefore, they were laid out around the city of glory, and as long as Ling Feng flew out, they would plunge into their giant net.

This is a dead end.

They didn't believe that Ling Feng could escape to heaven.


When Ling Feng appeared, the eyes of the eight ancient power figures suddenly brightened, and their faces coveted. The power and treasures in Ling Feng's body made them crazy.


When Ling Feng and the others flew forward, the surrounding light and rain gushed out, and giant nets appeared, and one altar was in full bloom, fully pressing against Ling Feng and the others.

This is not to deal with Ling Feng alone, but to kill Ling Feng and many **** emperors in one go.

Ling Feng laughed!

"These naive idiots!"

"The eight ancient forces are going to go to the sky and the sun side by side."

"I can't stop it, even a real hero!"

It would be nothing if only dealing with him alone, but the eight ancient forces combined would be too strong, I felt that they could crush everything, my heart was too poisonous, and I wanted to kill them all.

What they know: Is it hard to commit anger?

Not to mention the anger of thirty **** emperors!

What's more, there is one invincible **** emperor among the thirty **** emperors.

How is this different from looking for death?

"Eight ancient forces?"

The little brother of Samsara suddenly had cold eyes, and he shouted: "Dare to deal with my little brother, it's almost dead."

The gods' eyes lit up.

They are actually waiting for the celestial reincarnation attitude, as long as the celestial reincarnation is unhappy, then they will have the motivation to do it.

This is a favor.

Let the celestial reincarnation owe a favor, let Han Ruyue, Bai Yuheng and others owe favor, how precious is this?

of course.

They didn't know how enchanting Ling Feng was. Naturally, Han Ruyue, Bai Yuheng and others would not point it out. If they knew that Ling Feng was the first heavenly respect and the first supreme, and now the emperor of the rank, it would be even crazier.

After all, that is a character who can become the first **** emperor.

Let them owe a great favor, not only for them, but also for the sect.

"court death!"

God Emperor Sea Moon and God Emperor Tianmo all smiled.

If it were before, they were afraid to die of horror, but at this moment, the eight ancient forces had kicked the iron plate.

"Dare to play black hands on us and kill you one by one!"

The old man behind Han Ruyue yelled, flew up in the air, holding a jade bracelet, and suddenly skyrocketed, and a bend of jade spring bloomed in the void. Although the jade spring did not have the vast expanse of the sea and moon **** emperor, it was more powerful. .

It is like condensing a vast sea into a curved jade spring.


The bend of Yuquan hit the giant net, and the giant net collapsed on the spot, withering every inch.

at the same time.

Thirty **** emperors all smashed their hands, and their power burst into the sky, so strong that they destroyed the world on the spot, the giant net was broken into fragments, and some people used ancient artifacts to destroy the altar and the prohibition.

"The eight ancient forces, do you want to undermine me to wait?"

The little brother Samsara stepped forward, facing the eight ancient power **** emperors.


The eight ancient power **** emperors are completely stupid, what's the situation?

Even if the three major forces of Glory Kingdom and Little Soul Land join forces, I am afraid that there are not so many **** emperors, right?

More than thirty **** emperors.

Although the eight ancient forces are very strong, there are not so many **** emperors in any one force, and even if they join hands, there are only more than 20 **** emperors.

Could this be the force behind Ling Feng?

its not right.

The eight ancient power **** emperors are all extraordinary. They have traveled around the world, and it is natural to see that the more than 30 **** emperors have different auras and origins.

This shows that they are not a force.

"The **** emperor invited by Ling Feng?"

Before you know it, all the eight ancient power figures are chilling, and a single supreme can invite so many **** emperors. Is it really a person of unknown origin?


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