Supreme Demon

Chapter 3330: Is this going to pierce the sky?

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A leaf, across the sky.

Ling Feng was sitting cross-legged on this leaf, with a clear expression and a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, which formed a sharp contrast with the celestial cycle that was also sitting on a leaf.

The eyes of the celestial cycle are red, the eye sockets are moist, the corners of the mouth are pressed tightly, and his face is full of resentment.

He looked directly at the back of Ling Feng's head, really wanting to make a hole in it.


After all, he didn't have a black mouth.

On that day, Ling Feng sacrificed a few scoops of the Beginning Qi of all things and made him quickly melt into his body. He did so, but the price was too heavy, so heavy that he had to grieve, and so heavy that he lost his face in front of everyone.

Is he shameless?

Today, his hands and feet are unsatisfactory, and he still trembles slightly. The beginning energy of all things is not fully integrated into his body. The strong is like a sharp blade, which makes his flesh and blood tremble slightly and makes his muscles hurt.

This is not a sequelae, it is caused by the initial Qi of all things not being integrated.


The beginning of all things is very different. It is estimated that it will take several years or even decades to completely melt away. If he hadn't gotten amazing benefits, he could feel the slow transformation of flesh and blood, he really wanted to choke Ling Feng alive.

This pit is a **** pit.

What made him even more angry was Ling Feng's attitude.

He originally wanted to rest for a few days in the Yuetian Pure Land, but in just one day, he was dragged out by Ling Feng, and he was called alchemy.

You are refining alchemy in Yuetian Pure Land, but Ling Feng disagrees, and doesn't want to refine it in Yuetian Pure Land, worrying about destroying Yuetian Pure Land.

With the strength of his reincarnation little brother, does it need to be so worried?

But Ling Feng just smiled and dismissed his opinion.

Just because of the fire and temper of the little brother Samsara, can you not be angry?

Get angry!


His opinion is not important, he is still dragged out by Ling Feng, which makes the little brother Samsara very hurt, is he a coolie against God?

At this moment, looking at the back of Ling Feng's head, he felt like there was a little monster in his body, always thinking of giving Ling Feng a few shots to let Ling Feng have a taste.


If he really did that, I'm afraid this guy will jump out and go shopping with him, right?

What's more important is that the little brother Samsara really knows the primordial qi of all things, and the huge amount of aura makes its changes amazing. If it can be nourished for a long time, it is estimated that he will be promoted to the ancient sage for hundreds of years.

Although his current power has massive resources and aura to provide, it is far from the beginning of all things, he wants to stay in Yuetian Pure Land.


For him, Qi Yun is only one aspect, Tian Gong, temper and so on are very important, and these inverse gods cannot provide him.

"However, Yuetian Pure Land is really a good place to raise."

The little brother Samsara sighed in his heart.

As the little brother Samsara thought deeply, that leaf had been flying tens of thousands of miles, appearing on the border of the Glory Kingdom, it seemed desolate and not popular.

The ancient city closest to the Kingdom of Glory is thousands of miles away. With the strength of the reincarnation brother and Ling Feng, before the Heavenly Soul becomes a pill, it should not alarm the Kingdom of Glory and other forces.


Xinglan had long known that Ling Feng was going to refine the Heavenly Soul, so he made a layout here early and set up eighteen Gucci Gates, each of which could defend against the Divine Emperor of the Micro Domain.

This is because Xinglan and others are limited by their strength and cannot achieve stronger defenses, but as long as Ling Feng and Samsara’s little brother sits in control, the eighteen strange gates will be different, saying that they can defend the heavenly **** emperor. , And even the ancient sages cannot be overstated.


Ling Feng and the celestial pole reincarnation appeared in front of a gorgeous mountain, which was completely filled with maple trees, and the mountain fell red, so it was not magnificent.

This is Hongfeng Mountain.

For the Kingdom of Glory and other forces, this mountain is not famous, but for the gods, it is the most beneficial mountain.

Because there are layers of mist around this mountain, stray power that can shield Wu Xiu's spirit is very difficult to be discovered.

Eighteen terrifying Gucci gates were set up around Hongfeng Mountain. The first nine Gucci gate masters were slaughtered. Any Wu Xiu who dared to set foot on this mountain would instantly become a dead body.

The last nine Gucci gates are the main defense. Once the first nine Gucci gates are disintegrated, it proves that the killing odd gates are not enough. If you can't kill the opponent, then try to defend.


In defense, the gods are better at it.

Originally, Xinglan had to personally lead the god-destroying crowds, especially the Zhan Demon battle group, this is a battle group that is invincible, even if it does not let the **** emperor fall, it was rejected by Ling Feng.

His alchemy is mainly for defense. If there is a strong enemy invading, then the Killing Demon Band will only increase casualties, so he let Xinglan keep his hands in the Yuetian Pure Land, and the Killing Demon Band also stayed in the Yuetian Pure Land.

Only he and Samsara's little brother came over, and if Samsara's little brother couldn't prevent it, no matter how many god-destroying people came, it would be useless.

of course.

Some **** emperors don't need it for nothing.

When the Cloud Tower was parted, Ling Feng had left the imprint of the God Stone with the God Emperor of Sea Moon and the God Emperor of Tianmo. When Ling Feng decided to refine the Heavenly Soul, he thought of these two God Emperors.

With Ling Feng's current "background", it was just a defense, and the little brother Samsara was here, and the two **** emperors were eager to come over.

Ling Feng just mentioned, the two **** emperors took the initiative to invite Ying.


They saw the two great **** emperors in front of Hongfeng Mountain. They were all smiles and doubts. This was just the location Ling Feng gave them, but they didn't know what it was for them.

But when they arrived here, they couldn't help being shocked, because there were eighteen Gucci gates here, which were extremely extraordinary, and it was extremely difficult for them to break into them.

How is this going?

Samsara's little brother was present, and he needed to use eighteen Gucci Gates, which really surprised the two **** emperors. They were playing drums in their hearts and were very disturbed.

"Thank you!"

Ling Feng flew over and said with a smile on his face.

"Haha, trivial matters are not enough." The Sea Moon God Emperor said generously.

"what's going on?"

God Emperor Tianmo asked.

"I want to do something in Hongfeng Mountain. I need something. I'm afraid of being disturbed, so I asked two **** emperors to come and **** me."

Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Do you want to use such a big battle?" The Sea Moon God Emperor was surprised.

"Don't worry, there should be no unsightly people in this world." Ling Feng comforted the two **** emperors and said, "Little brother Samsara is here, what can happen?"

The two **** emperors secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The strongest in the Spirit God Realm are the eight ancient forces, but since being slaughtered by the reincarnation brother a few people, these days are quite honest.

The Glory Nation side is even more fully defensive, preventing Ling Feng and others from attacking.

In this case, no one wants to die?

Between the four people talking and laughing, they entered the eighteen Gucci Gates.

"Haiyue, you are guarding behind the third Gucci Gate. If there is any movement, let us know as soon as possible. Don't be reckless."

Samsara little brother said solemnly.

"it is good!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor nodded. Although they didn't know the true intentions of Little Brother Samsara and Ling Feng, they really had such confidence. Few in this area of ​​Spirit God Heaven really dared to pick things up.

"Tian Mo, you are guarding behind the Ninth Dodge Gate. If there is any movement, please notify as soon as possible."


Tian Mo nodded.

"It is estimated that I did not come out so quickly, but what I promised you, I will definitely do it." Ling Feng promised.

"Not urgent!"

God Emperor Haiyue and God Emperor Tianmo all smiled. Although they were very impatient, they also knew that there were some things they couldn't rush.

Even if they get immortal power now, or the beginning of all things, but they want to sacrifice to become their own power, it takes a long time, not overnight.


The little brother Samsara flew out and completely strengthened the eighteen strange gates, causing them to send out the heavenly majesty that made the heavens and the earth tremble.

It should be noted that the little brother Samsara is the Heavenly Emperor, and the strange gate he strengthened can at least suppress the Heavenly Emperor. Unless it is an ancient sage, it is a farce to restrain the Gucci gate.

of course.

Even if the ancient sage broke in, it would be difficult to leave alive.

Both the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor were stunned. The current situation is really not right. With the strength of Samsara's little brother, he needs to strengthen his defenses. How much trouble will this make?

Pierce the sky?

"Just in case of accidents, don't worry too much!" Tianji Samsara said coldly, but he became awe-inspiring.

Because Nishen takes it too seriously.

Because Ling Feng took it too seriously.

Then, the level of this pill is very high, but to what extent, it is not possible to know the celestial reincarnation.

"If there is too much movement, you must stay away as soon as possible!"

When Ling Feng left, such a sentence was dropped, and the corners of the two **** emperors' mouths twitched in an instant.

What does it mean?

In fact, even the little brother Samsara feels hairy, is this girl really going to break the sky?

But at this time they have no room for regret.

Ling Feng flew into Hongfeng Mountain.

He landed on the top of the mountain, and his hands couldn't help becoming heavy.

This matter involves the life and death of Qiu Shuyi and Yu Lie, and even the life and death of the celestial pole reincarnation, him and the two great emperors.

Because what he wants to refine is the soul of heaven!


Ling Feng disappeared from Red Maple Mountain and entered the Spirit Devouring Orb.

There is an ancient temple in it. This is a small ancient temple built by Lingfeng and Tianji Reincarnation. It is only a thousand-square-meter square, and there are hundreds of Gucci doors inside. It is based on the handwriting of Tianji Reincarnation and borrows the resources of the gods. The purpose is to distort time and space.

To put it simply, it is the ancient temple for a hundred years, while the real world has only passed one year.

Distorted time and space a hundred times.

Otherwise, refining a Heavenly Soul doesn't know how long it will take, and everyone present is afraid that it won't take a hundred years, but one year can still be waited.

The next moment, Ling Feng entered the ancient temple.

When strains of ancient medicines, cans of juice, etc. were displayed, when unicorn magical medicine, ancient cosmic trees, etc. all flew out, when the anti-aging medicine fell in front of Ling Feng, Ling Feng's eyes became heavy and heavy. powerful.


A bottle of medicine cauldron fell in front of Ling Feng, made of ancient sage-class bronze, shining with a faint aura, flowing with ancient charm, as if it had come from ancient times.


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