Supreme Demon

Chapter 3337: Because I am poor!

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Pluck the seeds, pluck the hope.

Three rooms are three seeds, and resurrection is hope.

Shen Lie's resurrection is not a problem, even if there is no Beginning Qi Heavenly Soul, Ling Feng can resurrect him, at most it is a consumption of time and energy.

But Yu Lie and Qiu Shuyi are different.

Ling Feng has never resurrected Wu Xiu, especially Qiu Shuyi. Dao Soul is too weak, just like the residual candle in a hurricane, it will be extinguished in an instant. Although the beginning of all things and the beginning of Qi are very gentle, Not weak, he didn't know whether Qiu Shuyi could survive.

When the seeds were picked, Ling Feng could not control other things. If drastic changes occurred in it, it would be difficult for Ling Feng to rescue Qiu Shuyi.

Nishen naturally knows how serious the problem is.

They set a ban here, and there are eighteen Gucci gates, just to prevent Wu Xiu from disturbing Qiu Shuyi, and a slight mistake will fail.

By then, Ling Feng was afraid of going crazy.

"Shuyi, you have to come back alive!"

Ling Feng leaned over in front of the small pond and said quietly, he didn't know if Qiu Shuyi's ray of soul could be heard, but he just wanted to say.

This is a debt!

"I am waiting for you to come back alive!"

Ling Feng's eyes were wet, he owed this woman too much, and he even felt that this was a woman who dared to love and hate.

When the gods were in trouble, although the heavens and districts did not stand on their side, Qiu Shuyi had such courage.

When Ling Feng was about to suffer tragedy, Qiu Shuyi stepped forward.

This woman is not strong, but she has covered the wind and rain for Ling Feng, the madness for the gods, and the wind and rain for the entire starry sky.

Without Qiu Shuyi, there would be no strong Ling Feng.

Without Ling Feng, there would be no overall victory for the starry sky.

Without getting rid of the reflection of the immortal, there would be no God Heaven.

Anyone who enters the realm of God should be thankful to this woman, even if it is Po Meng, the reincarnation of the sky and others.

"Shuyi, you must live!"

Ling Feng said sadly: "Only when I live can I be beaten!"

He stayed with Qiu Shuyi by the small pond for five days. During these five days, he was talking alone, while Qiu Shuyi's ray of Taoist spirit listened quietly.

"Shuyi, this is Yuetian Pure Land, and it is the most important area of ​​rebellion. No one can hurt you, and you can resurrect with peace of mind."

The next day, Ling Feng got up.

His face was heavy, with a sense of sadness and determination.

"We have entered the realm of Gods, and the gods need to open up the situation. I am afraid it will be difficult to wait for your resurrection here!"

Ling Feng sighed and said, "But we are all waiting for you to come back!"

"I hope I can see you with a lively smile when I come back."

Ling Feng took a deep look at Qiu Shuyi, and then walked out of the room.


He wants to work hard for the resurrection of Qiu Shuyi, he has to go deep into the glory kingdom, and he does not hesitate to take God Lie as a hostage, but after that, he has to live for himself as a god.

He wants to find the whereabouts of every **** against the gods.

He retrieved Ling Qing and Ye Xinran.

He will do his best for the fierce battle of the immortals!

This is the obsession of God!

Every character who fell in the small universe was watching and waiting in the sky. This was a blood debt from ancient times.

Destroying the immortals is the essence and blood flowing in the body of every **** against gods!

God Tianyu, fight again!

This life will fight!

When Ling Feng pushed open the door, Xinglan, Tang Jiu and other figures were standing neatly in front of the door. They were covered with frost, but their eyes were so sharp.

Ling Feng was not surprised, because Xinglan could think of this step.

He turned his back to Sheng Yang, and his face was covered with divine light.

"I am back!"

Ling Feng looked at the gods against the gods and said, "Thanks for your hard work these years!"

The eyes of Xinglan and others were burning, and they had no words, because they didn't need words.

They have indeed worked very hard these years. It is quite difficult for them to maintain the situation with Xinglan's strength. Even if they find Tangjiu, their strength is still weak.

Although the situation of Nishen in the Lingshen Tianyu has not fully developed yet, the penetration is quite good.

This is the credit of Xinglan and the gods.


They also know that it is not easy for them to lead. If they could, they would have come here long ago. Why should they wait until this time?

The host didn't say, they didn't ask, because they already knew what should be known.

"Now, I'm in charge of this place, you can do it freely without being restrained."


"But there are several things that are very important at the moment."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and said, "First, find the whereabouts of other god-defying congregations as soon as possible; second, open up the situation of the spiritual **** heaven as soon as possible; third, become stronger!"


"Try not to use the Tsutenkaku side!"

Ling Feng sighed and said, "The situation was very serious at the beginning, and I had to use the Tongtian Pavilion, but that was a super power after all, and it will be your competitor from now on. This is a good thing and a bad thing."


Xinglan nodded, and with the butterfly's current strength, once they reached the tower, the moths would fight the fire, but the tower would be their imaginary enemy.

"Create our own news channel as soon as possible!"


"It's up to you to do this, and I feel relieved."

Ling Feng looked at Xinglan with relief, this woman was indeed enough to make people feel relieved.

In the Battle of Glory Kingdom, Han Ruyue, Qiu Shuyi, Yin and others all came, but in the end they didn't say anything because they were very relieved of Xinglan.

In fact, there are still some things that Xinglan needs to do, but Ling Feng didn't want to put too much pressure on them, so he didn't say.

"What happened in the past few months?"

"nothing now!"

Xinglan smiled sweetly and said, "However, that old Wu is looking crazy for the host."


Ling Feng's mouth twitched, his old face flushed.

He had promised Wu Yun, but who ever thought that it took eight months to refine the Beginning Qi Heavenly Soul, guessing that the old man thought he was cheated?

"Now, where is that old man?" Ling Feng asked.

"The Cloud Tower squatted guard!"

Ling Feng almost laughed, Xinglan used the little word too sharply.

"This old man is quite interesting." Xinglan said with a weird smile: "He stayed in the Yunlou for eight months, and his sense of smell was very sensitive."

"The consumption of Yunlou is not low, this old man is really willing." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled.

Xinglan's smile was even more strange.

"What's your expression?" Ling Feng suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Consumption is not low, and quite high."

Xinglan smiled and said, "That is a **** emperor after all."

"So... he's looking for the Yunlou host?" Ling Feng's eyes flickered, his heart twitching.


"So, all his consumption in Yunlou is mine?"


Ling Feng almost wanted to spray blood.

He really respected the character of this old man before, what an old man who cherishes his talent.

But at this moment, Ling Feng wanted to drag the old man out and beat him up.

Xinglan made it clear enough.

This old man is a **** emperor, so his level in the Yunlou is not low, it is estimated to be ninety floors. Isn't the consumption on this floor low enough to describe it?

It can be said that the sunrise fights gold.


If the Yunlou is not against the gods, it is estimated that Ling Feng can live to death.

This prodigal old man is too poisonous.

"Let's go see him early!"

Ling Feng twitched the corners of his mouth, and finally squeezed out these words.

"In addition, the little brother Samsara is waiting for you!"

"He got the herbs?"

"It is said that it is almost done!"

"Let him wait a few days first!"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, and said, "Take care of the old man first."

"it is good!"

Xinglan turned his face away, and couldn't help laughing.


Ling Feng really saw Wu Yun here, but it was different from what Ling Feng had imagined.

Before, Ling Feng was thinking that Wu Yun, an old man, was going to be crazy.

But now that he really saw it, Ling Feng didn't have such idiotic thoughts.

The old man was lying in the hot spring with a satisfied face, waiting for Ling Feng with a gesture of enjoyment.

To know.

This hot spring is the hot spring of Yunlou. It is located on the ninetieth floor and is dotted with various herbs. Ghosts know how expensive it is, and this old man dares to enjoy it.

The problem is that you just enjoy it when you enjoy it, and you even keep the account on Ling Feng.

This is very immoral!

Can we bully people when we grow old?

"Brother Lingfeng, are you here?"

Wu Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, as if trying to open them: "Together."


Ling Feng really wanted to hold this hot spring on Wu Yun's face.

But think about it, he actually agreed.

The hot spring water nourished his flesh and bones, washed his tired body, and made Ling Feng feel drowsy.

"Finally are you willing to come out?" Wu Yun asked lazily.

"Before, I had to do it because of something urgent."

"What's the urgent matter?"



Wu Yun directly pressed his face in the hot spring, and when he raised his head, he was completely embarrassed, but more shocked.

"You can make alchemy?" Wu Yun asked in amazement.


"Are you an alchemist?"


"What level?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but smiled.

Just point out some things, don't explain them too clearly.


For Wu Yun, this was very attractive and confusing, because he had reached a bottleneck and needed a pill to help him break through, but this pill was hard to find.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng did not intend to tell him.

People like Wu Yun naturally knew that Ling Feng was unwilling to tell each other. This involved another level.

"As far as I know, the Tianjiao event should have one month left?"

"Why is Mr. Wu so anxious?"

"You knew already?"

Wu Yun sighed and said: "I originally invited you, not just for the Tianjiao event, you can go to sharpen it before, it is a pretty good place, but unfortunately you are late."

"So, did you stay in the Yunlou?"


"So, you can justify your consumption and let me pay the bill?"

"My old man has worked so hard for a long time to get a place for you to grind there, but you are nowhere to be seen. My old man is very injured and needs spiritual comfort."


What is shame?

This is!

"Then you have found me now. I will arrive as expected in a month. Should your old man leave?"

"No hurry, I think Yunlou is a good place."

"Then don't let me pay the bill!"

"That won't work!"


"Because I am poor!"

What a justified reason!

He was so embarrassed to say righteous words!


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