Supreme Demon

Chapter 3339: Rich, shameless!

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Cast super products!

This is an unimaginable story.

Many emperor masters also had such a dream, casting a super-grade **** emperor with pill, but the reality is cruel, even with the help of pill, it is difficult to break through the limit.

Because the general **** emperor grade pill is useless for Guandao **** emperor, only the best **** emperor grade pill is useful.

But can the emperor master refine the best God Emperor Pill?

Not every emperor teacher is Ling Feng.

How long has it been since Lingshen Tianyu had a super-grade **** emperor born?

Both the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor can't remember it. It can be said that the Spirit God Tianyu is a half-step ancient sage as long as it reaches the superior grade. Although it is not easy to ask the ancient sage, there is still hope.


Once promoted to Super Grade, the pattern of the entire Spirit God Realm will change drastically.

Why are the eight ancient forces able to suppress many forces?

That's because there are two super-grade **** emperors in the eight ancient forces, and they are extremely strong super-grade **** emperors, like the Kingdom of Glory, there is only one half-step ancient sage, and the ancestors of glory are far from those of the eight ancient forces. The opponent of the God Emperor.

It can be said.

The number of ancient sages in half a step can determine the strength of a power.

There is only one super-grade **** emperor in the Sea God Gate, but today the Sea Moon God Emperor is all super-grade, so he has two super-grade gods.

Then, the Sea God Sect really has the qualifications to challenge the eight ancient forces.


The Tianmo God Emperor was successfully promoted. Because Ling Feng was in the middle, the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor were also friends of life and death. Once the Sea God Gate was killed, the Great Desert Palace could help.

Mutual aid alliance!

Although there are only four super-grade **** emperors, don’t ignore the **** of rebirth and reincarnation. Although Ling Feng is still a little struggling with the super-grade **** emperor, his promotion speed is much faster, and it will not take a few years. Ling Feng can then advance to the Guandao God Emperor.

At that time, he would be equivalent to a super grade **** emperor.

Five super **** emperors!

Want to shake such a force, unless the eight ancient forces join forces, but do they dare?

Samsara brother would not agree!


Nishen is stable in Lingshen Tianyu, and there shouldn't be any force that wants to die.

not to mention.

Ling Feng is planning to incorporate Wu Yun into it. This character is not simple, but a super-grade **** emperor. If he helps, Wu Yun can be a heavenly **** emperor.

At that time, even if there is no Samsara brother, Nishen can still walk sideways in the spiritual **** heaven.


Is Ling Feng willing to pay for this **** emperor?

of course.

Wu Yun also showed enough sincerity and took the initiative to vote. This is not just an invitation, but a gesture.

He stood firmly on Ling Feng's side.

Therefore, Ling Feng didn't mind letting him know more. The background was deterrence, but strength was the last word. What Wu Yun really valued was Ling Feng's evildoer.


The mountains and rivers are turbulent. Because of the successful advancement of the Haiyue God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor, their aura exploded in an all-round way. In such a small space, even the Qimen and the altar could not be suppressed.

After a loud noise, a crack appeared between the Qimen and the altar, and a thin aura escaped.

"I said two super-grade **** emperors, do you want to calm down?"

Ling Feng had a headache.

A crack appeared in Qimen, and with the aura of the super-grade **** emperor, I was afraid that it could not be concealed.

Although not many people dare to rush here, there is one exception.

"Ahem, sorry, we have just been promoted to Super Grade, and we are a bit too excited."

The Emperor Haiyue and God Emperor Tianmo looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

They were originally people with peace of mind, but because the promotion was too exciting, it was difficult for them to contain them for a while, which led to loss of control.

When his words sounded, the terrible aura disappeared.

"Thank you!"

The Emperor Haiyue and the Emperor Tianmo bowed solemnly, and now they asked about the promotion, but it was two hundred years ahead of schedule.

In fact.

Even two hundred years later, they don't know whether they can be promoted successfully.

How did Ling Feng's good fortune not make them crazy and excited?

It can be said that the birth of any super-grade **** emperor is a grand event for Lingshen Tianyu.

Today, however, the two characters have successfully advanced to the ranks at the same time, and there are few cases in history.


Ling Feng said with a smile.

To be honest, he was also very surprised. The effect of the beginning energy of all things was indeed extraordinary, but he didn't know how intense this transformation would come.


This also opened a door for Ling Feng.

If he borrows this example to transform Han Ruyue, Ling Qing, etc., can he cast Guandao God Emperor?

If he transforms for the reincarnation little brother, can he directly break the limit and advance him to the rank of ancient sage?

"Everything begins to breathe, born out of the small and powerful!"

Ling Feng shouted in his heart, perhaps this kind of aura could really change the entire God's universe.


The beginning of all things has its limitations, and that is the quantity.

Just relying on Ling Feng's strength, even if he exhausted everything, I was afraid that it would not be enough for the gods to consume, so it was not realistic to transform everyone.


Divine Emperor Sea Moon and God Emperor Tianmo were in different situations. They had been polished in this realm for hundreds of years, only one step away. The Beginning Qi of all things just ignited their potential.

In this way, if you want to use all things to advance to the ranks, you also need enough polishing and tempering.


Ling Feng was still quite satisfied to be able to cast two super-grade **** emperors. This was a miracle and a myth.

"Thank you!"

The two **** emperors were very moved. Compared with their efforts, this kind of gift is really crazy.

"The beginning of all things needs gradual progress. You must not rush."

Ling Feng said solemnly, "Now, you should have some experience, and you have to work harder!"



The gate of the eighty-ninth floor was pushed open, and a person rushed in.

"Super product!"

There is no doubt that only one person dared to break in at this time.

Wu Yun!

He had known that Ling Feng had not left, but entered the eighty-ninth floor, otherwise, how could he dare to break in?


When he came in, he was stunned by the scene before him.

Wu Yun knew the two characters standing in front of him, God Emperor Sea Moon and God Emperor Tianmo.

It was because of the acquaintance that I was shocked.

Because the Sea Moon God Emperor and Tianmo God Emperor he knows are only Guandao God Emperors, far from being promoted to Super Grade God Emperors, but how long has it passed?

Are the two Guandao **** emperors directly promoted to Super Grade?

what's going on?

"Have you been promoted to Super Grade?" Wu Yun's speech was not eloquent.

"It's just a fluke!"

Haiyue and Tianmo said modestly.

"Fuck by luck!"

Wu Yun directly curled his mouth and turned to look at Ling Feng, because he knew that the problem was not with the two **** emperors, but because of Ling Feng.

This intuition is strong and more accurate.

"It's you!"

"Old Wu, what does this have to do with me?" Ling Feng said with a hand.

"Because you are an alchemist!" Wu Yun said firmly.

"Old Wu, you think too much."

"A liar!"

Wu Yun doesn't believe Ling Feng's lines, this little thing is very cunning: "What kind of medicine is it?"

"What kind of medicine?" Ling Feng blinked.

"Don't pretend!"

Wu Yun gave Ling Feng a look of "I understand you": "They can be promoted successfully, should it be your credit?"

"Elder Wu, if you think so, I don't know how to refute you."

"Install, then install!"

"In that case, you should be an emperor, who can refine the emperor-level medicine to make them succeed in their promotion."

Wu Yun said with certainty: "Let's talk about it, what kind of pill is it?"

"There is no pill!"

"You little evildoer is very dishonest!"

"I am very honest!"

"Then name the pill!"

"There is no pill!"

Wu Yun gritted his teeth with anger, and shouted, "Without the pill, they can get to the ranks so quickly? Without the pill, can they ask easily?"

"Do you consider me an idiot?"


"Little evildoer!"

Wu Yun exploded, this little thing is really difficult, and he is reluctant to tell the truth.

"Ling Feng."

Suddenly, Wu Yun smiled and said, "Actually, I have been trapped by Super Products for many years, and have always wanted to advance. If you really have this kind of pill, you can say it, I am willing to buy it, and the price is easy to negotiate."



"Not really!"

God Emperor Haiyue and God Emperor Tianmo didn't want Wu Yun to argue again, and took the initiative to say, "Brother Wu, there really is no such medicine."

"What do you mean?" Wu Yun stared and said, "Don't think that I don't know your weight. It will take at least a hundred years for your strength."

The two **** emperors were dumb, not knowing how to explain.

They can't say that this is the credit of the beginning of all things, right?

This is Ling Feng's taboo!

Ling Feng was willing to help them because they had tried their best for Ling Feng, but Wu Yun was different.


The anger of all things is too enchanting, as long as the news leaks, then Ling Feng is the target of public criticism. Ling Feng can say that this kind of thing, they are determined not.

"It's really not a pill, but if Elder Wu wants it, it's not impossible to refine it."

Ling Feng explained seriously.

"Really not a pill?"

"really not!"

"What's that?" Wu Yun asked curiously. At this moment, he was sure that the two great **** emperors were successfully promoted. It was really not because of the pill.

Ling Feng smiled, and did not respond.

"Well, I'm not embarrassing you."

Wu Yun waved his hand and said, "It's really boring to chat with you, the enchanting evildoer."

"Goodbye, Mr. Wu!"


Wu Yun's mouth twitched and twitched, really wanting to beat Ling Feng alive.

"Come back, let's talk about alchemy."

"Don't talk!"

"Ling Yaoxia, let's talk about the promotion, the price is easy to negotiate."

Wu Yun's heart moved.

The promotion of the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor was really a stimulus, causing waves in his calm heart, and once such waves appeared, if they wanted to contain them, it would only cause even greater waves.

He itches!

"I am in a bad mood now." Ling Feng rolled his eyes.

"How can you feel bad?"

"Because some people enjoy it in the Yunlou, but they want me to pay."

"This person is really worthless. Don't worry, I will let him pay for it."

"He is very poor!"

"It's okay, I'm rich!"

Poor, he can be confident.

Rich, he can be said to be shameless.

Wu Yun refreshed the limit of human shame.


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