Supreme Demon

Chapter 3346: Are you irritating?

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The void quavered.

A **** emperor was blasted down abruptly. Despite his strong strength, he is the **** emperor of Guandao, but in terms of talent and potential, he is not qualified to be called a tianjiao, so he is not qualified to enter the palace, let alone participate. Tianjiao event.

This is not limited to years, nor is it limited to strength.

Even if the **** emperor is thousands of years old, as long as he has enough talent and potential, he can still set foot in the Tianjiao event, but if the talent is not enough, even the super-grade and heavenly **** emperor are still not qualified.

This is harsh!


Suddenly, the heavenly palace trembled, a rain of light melted, and a figure stepped out and directly entered the heavenly palace.

"Some of the eight ancient forces have entered the Tianjiao event!"

People exclaimed that most people also want to have this kind of glory, but it is a pity that the Tianjiao Festival is only an event for a few people, and they do not have such qualifications.

"It seems to be a contemporary snow mountain spirit!"

People recognize that person, isn't it the Snow Mountain Spiritual God?

Yu Lingfeng fought many battles, and the Spiritual God of Snow Mountain was suppressed too miserably, but this also stimulated the potential of the Spiritual God of Snow Mountain, making it a success, and now it is even closer to the Intermediate Supreme.

Such potential is indeed eligible to enter the Tianjiao event.


A ray of light flew, broke through the light and rain, and set foot in the palace.

"Dongtian Spiritual God!"

People smiled and said, in the heaven and earth of the spiritual gods, if the spiritual gods of the eight ancient forces are not qualified to enter the Tianjiao event, it would be really pessimistic.


The eight ancient forces, the spirits and gods, are all qualified to enter the Tianjiao event, which is the recognition of their potential and talents by the sky domain.

"Now, the eight great spirit gods have all entered the Tianjiao event!"

"The last eight spirit gods have also entered!"

People are talking about it. Although it is a grand event for a few people, it is a carnival for the majority.

People of all major powers are proud of their power to enter the Tianjiao event.

"It is reported that the emperor of glory, the goddess, the little spirit king, and the goddess Xu Yue all stepped into it."

Shortly after.

Ling Feng heard this news, his eyes suddenly cold, these geniuses really have the courage, knowing what this will pay, even dared to enter the Tianjiao event.

Is he really not there?

"Are they here?"

Shen Lie's eyes exuded a strange cold light, and he didn't feel too strong for Xu Yue Tiannv and Little Spirit King, but Glory Tianzi and Tiannv were different.

He ended up in such a tragic end because of the glory of the ancestors, and now the glory of the emperor and the goddess actually sent it to him. What is the difference between this and the death?

Really think they are not angry anymore?


Tangjiu said with a cold face, "Just two little supreme, don't bother you, I will do it!"


Shen Lie turned his face on the spot and said, "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking about."


This is a very important event. Every time you suppress a person, you will get one point of Celestial record, and ten points can expand the ten-domain list. How can Shen Lie know?

Each point is very important.

After all, Lingshen Tianyu is just such a character.

"You are seriously injured, so don't do it?" Tang Jiugui said with a smile.

"It's okay!"

Shenlie has already begun to "protect food".

Because Ling Feng and the others were a little late, they didn't see the scene of the spiritual gods entering the heaven on a large scale, but they can still know from people's discussions.

The scene was quite spectacular and really exciting.

It is said that hundreds of people entered the palace at the same time, the light and rain were blooming and dazzling, and the Glory Son and Goddess entered with them.

"The Sea God Gate, Xutian Gate and other Tianjiao figures didn't come here, should they come from within their forces?"

This is understandable.

Characters like Ling Feng have different origins, and it is not safe to put them in Yuetian Pure Land, while Sea God Gate and Xutian Gate do not have these scruples. They are safer from within their forces.


If all the major forces start from the Cloud Tower, on the one hand, time, energy, consumption, etc., on the other hand, the energy and defense that Wu Yun and others need to spend will increase, which is really disadvantageous.


The Sea Moon God Emperor smiled and nodded.

"Well, if you want to try, then go ahead."

Ling Feng didn't want to come forward yet, but the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor were full of interest in the Tianjiao event, which was the best proof for them.

"it is good!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor suddenly laughed, their eyes full of wild vision, they flew out of lightning and directly rushed to the heavenly palace.


Their eyes are in full bloom, and their power gushes out, directly pressing against the light rain gate.


It is a pity that the two **** emperors were too confident in their talents and potential. The endless power and majesty were all overwhelmed by the rain, and the powerful might overturned them on the spot.

The Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor are all like this. After all, they have not been recognized by the sky domain, and they are not qualified to set foot in the Tianjiao event.

"I'm so angry with Master Hai!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor flew down and his face was full of discomfort. He felt that he was only one step away from the Tianjiao grand meeting, but it was this step that he was blasted down.

Are you angry?

"Hmph, it's not that the Tianjiao event is not good, but I don't want to participate in the war!"

Tianmo God Emperor said cheeky.

Anyway, he would not admit to being bombed down.

"Some things need to be done slowly."

Ling Feng smiled and shook his head, and said, "Natural talent and potential are not unchangeable. When you thoroughly practice that power, it will naturally be different."


The eyes of the God Emperor Sea Moon and the God Emperor Tianmo brightened, because they knew that the primordial qi of all things was extraordinary, and they could indeed change their physique.


When they are unhappy, the glory of the emperor, the goddess and other characters can be recognized by the sky domain, but they are not.

Isn't this a face slap?

Really slapped!

At this moment, two supreme beings flew out, broke the light rain, and entered the palace.


The faces of the Haiyue God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor were very dark. They were not qualified for the magnificent **** emperor, and others were the supreme ones. This was very shameless.

"The Tianjiao Grand Meeting has been around for two days, and most of the Wuxiu have already entered it. You have to hurry up, otherwise you will be embarrassed when you wait for the other heavens to launch the ten domain list and ban them from coming."

The Sea Moon God Emperor didn't want to talk more on this topic, even though no one asked too much, they still felt feverish.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng nodded, screaming at Fei Qian and Fang Can.


Fei Qian and Fang Can wanted to try it a long time ago, but now with Ling Feng's permission, they flew out in an instant and flew directly to the Tianjiao Gala.

They did not use their strength to defend, and walked with their hands on their backs.

The realm of the sky is a test of talent and potential, and strength is useless.


The endless rain did not suppress Fei Qian and Fang Can, but instead allowed them to break in.


Fei Qian and Fang Can were recognized.

There is no doubt that the most injured people on the scene are the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor. They feel that their small hearts are hurting.


Tangjiu gave a low laugh, flew to Tianjiao's event, and entered it on the spot without any hindrance.

Although Tangjiu doesn't appear to be a natural arrogance when it is in the Void Road, the most magical place of Guwu is here. It can transform a person's physique.


The soup and wine are broken and then lit up, just like a metamorphosis, with vastly different talents and potentials, otherwise it will be difficult to get the recognition of the sky domain.

Tianlan didn't say much, just smiled.

She also entered the Tianjiao event, and can enter with the aptitude to honor the emperor and the goddess. Tianlan is not a problem, but she is not as relaxed as Tangjiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can.

"Ling Feng, we wish you victory and push your limits!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor said solemnly: "The glory of the Spirit God Heaven has fallen. I hope you can ignite the Spirit God Heaven."

"I try my best!"

After speaking, Ling Feng waved his hand to forbid self-flying to the heavenly palace.

Suddenly, the heavenly palace was shining, and a little light rain swooped down from the void, before falling in front of Ling Feng, flattening out an ancient path of light and rain, supporting Ling Feng and flew to the heavenly palace.

When it was approaching the Tiangong, Guangyu split open automatically, Ling Feng's cast unimpeded, forbidden to be entrusted by the Guangyu Ancient Road into the Tianjiao Festival.

The sky is full of emotions.

But when people look at the characters on the Guangyu Ancient Road, they can’t help but praise them, because they are the first heavenly deity and the first supreme who scorns the sky. It can be said that their talents and potential are proud of history.

The advent of the Guangyu Ancient Road is a high praise and reward to Ling Feng.

Isn’t it possible that the first talent and potential in ancient times cannot be regarded as such a reward?

"Shop around, people have to die!"

The **** emperor Tianmo was full of sorrow, which was really shocking.

They tried their best to not break into the Tianjiao Festival, but Ling Feng was "invited" by the Tianjiao Festival, and there was still no restriction or threshold.

Are you irritating?

When people were amazed, they couldn't help sighing, if Ling Feng is not the supreme, but the **** emperor, what else is there in this Tianjiao event?

Even figures from the top domain and ancient domain must kneel down.

The glorious ancestors, the spirit king, the ancient super-grade **** emperor of Xu Yue, and others are full of complexities. Today's power and momentum have become established, and there is no force in the spirit **** heaven to dare to move the wind.

Although the celestial reincarnation had left, the five forces including the Sea God Gate and the Xutian Gate selected Ling Feng, who were fully qualified to fight against the eight ancient forces, and they also learned that the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor were promoted to the Super Grade God Emperor.

The two **** emperors have been in Guandao for many years, and it is not surprising that they are promoted at this moment, but what if two characters are promoted to super grade at the same time?

What if Ling Feng was there?

This question is not right. If there is no Ling Feng's shadow in it, no one would believe it.

So, what magic power does Ling Feng have?

This is the most taboo issue of the Glory Kingdom and other forces.

But at this moment, Ling Feng hadn't noticed the Honorable Ancestor and others at all. These things should be solved by the gods, and all he had to do was to make the gods crazy and the entire universe crazy.

When he stepped into the Tianjiao event, a brand flew down in the void, and he fell into Ling Feng's body, forming a jade virtual form. This is the sky jade virtual that Wu Yun said.

The light rain is hazy.

Although the Tiangong is extraordinary, it does not affect people's vision, because it is translucent, but there is a strange power in the depths of the Tiangong, which can distort space and time, making it difficult for people to see through.


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