Supreme Demon

Chapter 3358: Punch the micro domain!


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This is a tragedy!

Wang Yu, who ranked third in Lingshen Tianyu, lost to Aoxun and was killed on the spot. Although Aoxun's strength was fully demonstrated, he could also see the weakness of Lingshen Tianyu.

Although Aoxun can come across domains, it remains a question of whether its strength is placed in the top three in the cold rain domain.

Although Lingshen Tianyu didn't try their best, they were only fighting against the forces of Wan Yumen, not the entire Cold Rain Tianyu, and the gap between them was conceivable.

If Wanyumen swept across the spiritual **** Tianyu Guandao **** emperor, that would be their tragedy.

The God Emperor and others were full of solemn and gloomy faces, and the strength displayed by Aoxun was indeed extraordinary, unless it was the strongest two, I was afraid that no one could suppress it.

So, what about the other three forces?

Is it stronger than Wanyumen?

There are only two people in Lingshen Tianyu who can control the battlefield, how do you face the four major forces?


The attention points of Aoxun and others are obviously different. They pay more attention to the record of Tianyu, because Wang Yu has no record of Tianyu, which is really contemptuous.

The dignified Taoist **** emperor has no track record in Tianyu?

This is simply a fantasy in other heavens.

The atmosphere of the Spiritual God Realm is a bit dull. People have always believed that the Spiritual God Realm is not weak, especially the eight ancient powers, which can be called the sun in the sky, with extraordinary strength, but now they have come to this end.

People couldn't help being full of disappointment with the eight ancient forces, and even more clearly recognized the strength and weakness of the Spirit God Tianyu.

The supreme level is not enough to see. If Shen Lie waited for the four to stand up, many people would be crying now.

But the event has just started, and their situation will be even less optimistic after that.

"Yueqing, I'm afraid you need to take action!"

The Emperor Huantian looked at a martial artist beside him, with a heavy face, and the situation was much more troublesome than he had imagined. The eight ancient forces did have a more powerful emperor, but the Emperor Huantian could not move.

And Yueqing is the strongest Guandao **** emperor in Xutianmen, and can be listed as the second Guandao in the Lingshen Tianyu.


Yueqing nodded, his face was solemn, that Aoxun was indeed difficult to deal with.


Ling Feng said, let Yueqing wait for a while.

"What's wrong?"

Yueqing and Xuantian Divine Emperor looked at Ling Feng at the same time, their eyes flickered, and felt that Ling Feng was about to make a move, but Aoxun was different from the previous Divine Emperor, with extraordinary strength, if Ling Feng had to be tough, he would suffer a loss.

"I have an idea!"

"You said."

"I would like to invite the super product **** emperor to hold the Quartet!"

Ling Feng lowered his voice and said with a smile: "The martial arts practitioners of the Quartet Heavenly Territory are here. It is really not good to leave like this."

"What are you going to do?"

The eyes of God Emperor Xuantian, Yueqing and the others brightened. They knew that Ling Feng was about to do it. They didn't want to let go of any Tianjiao in the Sifang Tianyu.

"Fighting, if some people run away, it will be bad!" Ling Feng sneered.


The Emperor Huantian nodded and said, "Although I dare not say that I can completely withstand the illusion of light and rain, it is not easy to leave here."


Ling Feng nodded and said, "Senior Yueqing is sure?"

"Aoxun is not easy to deal with, but it is not easy to beat this seat!"

Yueqing frowned slightly and couldn't help but sighed and said: "It should be between the two."

"We will do our best to build momentum for Yueqing seniors!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, without saying clearly, but also showing strong fighting spirit.


Yueqing smiled and said, "Then I will hold them for you!"

next moment.

Yueqing flew to Aoxun. This was the first battle of his Tianjiao event. It also involved the glory of Xutianmen. He was bound to have the most dazzling record.

"Huh, it's a waste, there is no Tianyu record!"

Ao Xun despised him, disdainful of Wang Yu, no wonder he was so weak that he did not dare to fight decisively.

"This is Yueqing, I will kill you today!"

"I hope you will not be like that person, without a Tianyu record!"

Ao Xun stared at Yueqing coldly, but didn't pay much attention, because he knew that Ling Feng and Shen Lie were the highest in the Lingshen Tianyu, and they had some Tianyu achievements. Even if others carried Tianyu achievements, there were not many.

"Don't worry, although there are not many, there are some after all!"

Yueqing smiled, he did not have a Tianyu record, but he would not let Aoxun despise it.

"That's good!"

With cold eyes in Aoxun's eyes, he suddenly slammed towards Yueqing, starting a battle of life and death.

Ling Feng spoke to Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc., and then flew out, before appearing in front of the Tianjiao of Wanyumen, and said with a smile: "I am Lingfeng, you should know that I am on the ten domain list!"

The eyes of the Tianjiao of Wanyumen were gloomy, especially the Supreme. They didn't think this was a good thing, and Ling Feng was a good person.

"I am the emperor of the micro domain, I will fight today!"

The Supreme Masters of Wan Yumen sighed in relief, they were really afraid that Ling Feng was the Supreme and would challenge them.

"Ling Feng?"

The Divine Emperor of Wanyumen Microdomain narrowed his eyes and smiled. He did know the name because it was currently on the Ten Domains list, shining brightly.

"Okay, I will fight!"

A micro-domain **** emperor flew out and directly blasted towards Ling Feng.


This is a great battle. The Divine Emperor of Wanyumen Microdomain is not weak, the field spreads, sweeps everything, and the world trembles. A battle battle splits the heavy shackles and the world's imprisonment and appears in front of Ling Feng.


At this moment, Ling Feng Lightning struck out, avoided the battle, went around behind the Wanyumen Weiyu Divine Emperor, and blasted out with a punch. There was no light rain, only a fist that was not visible.


It was this punch that blasted the field open, stopped the space trembling, and suppressed the battle with an unmatched posture. With a tremor of "dang", the micro-domain **** emperor was shaken back on the spot.

"Too weak, one is not enough!"

Ling Feng smiled, abandoning the Divine Emperor of the Micro Territory, and blasted at the Ten Thousand Yumen Tianjiao, forcing another Divine Emperor of the Micro Territory.

On this trip, Wanyumen came to a Guandao God Emperor and two Weiyu God Emperors.

Yueqing dragged Aoxun, while Ling Feng was in charge of the other two **** emperors.

"What a madness, facing the two micro-domain **** emperors, how is this different from looking for death?"

Someone sneered, not a figure in Lingshen Tianyu.

In fact.

Some people in Lingfeng Tianyu are also quite worried, but they are limited to those who can't see the situation clearly, and those who really understand Ling Feng's intention and strength will not think so.

Especially the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor, a **** emperor who can beat Guandao God Emperor into a dog, so far has not shown all the enchanting evildoer, not to mention the two micro-domain **** emperors, even if it is Aoxun, it is estimated that tragedy.

"It's time for us!"

Shen Lie squinted his eyes and gave out an evil smile.

They appeared around Wanyumen Zhongtianjiao, smiling, as if looking at the fish on the knife.

Encircle and suppress!

At this moment, people clearly perceive the intentions of the Four Supremes, and the two micro-domain **** emperors who appeared in Yueqing and Lingfengdi served them.

"Are we inviting you to fight, or are you going to break through?" Shen Lie Xiemei smiled.

"You guys!"

The Wanyumen supreme faces were pale, they knew the terrible things of Shen Lie and the others, and they completely swept the whole situation with one pan, and did not show their terrifying strength at all.

"Well, you should break through passively!"

The soup wine yelled, and directly blasted towards Wan Yumen Supreme.

"You dare!"

Aoxun's face changed drastically, he knew the meaning.

"Don't entangle, respond quickly!"

He was dragged by Yueqing at this time, unable to leave the battlefield at all, only let the two micro-domain **** emperors respond, and it was enough for one to drag Ling Feng.

"Actually, I think it would be more appropriate for you to ask for your own blessings!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and smiled. When the Weiyu Divine Emperor wanted to break through, he threw a fist with lightning, and this fist had a faint rain of light gushing out of his body.

It was shocking!

Just a light rain made the **** emperor Guan Dao scared.


This punch broke through the limit, blasting the field of the micro-domain **** emperor on the spot, shook the battle, and blasted the micro-domain **** emperor like a broken bamboo.

With a sudden explosion, the Weiyu Divine Emperor burst into pieces with regret and unwillingness.

One punch to blast the Weiyu God Emperor!

Everyone present was horrified, what kind of enchanting strength is this?

Is it invincible at the same level?


Another micro-domain **** emperor wanted to break out, but after witnessing this scene, his face changed drastically, and his breakout steps came to an abrupt end. When he wanted to break through again, Ling Feng had already appeared in front of him.

"This is a challenge. Are you not kind enough to run at this time?"

Ling Feng faintly stepped forward, squinting at the Weiyu Divine Emperor.


"Do you admit defeat or let me do it?"



Ling Feng smiled and nodded, strode forward and blasted away with a punch. No matter how hard the micro-domain **** emperor could defend, he was blown up on the spot.

Punch the micro domain!

What is this operation?

Don't say that the people in the Lingshen Tianyu were conquered by Ling Feng's overbearing method, but the other three heavens were horrified and trembling by Ling Feng's brutal fighting method.

With this invincible fighting posture, you can completely push all the micro-domain **** emperors horizontally.

at the same time.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others also ended the battle. Wan Yumen was not an opponent against God at the supreme level. Taking Tang Jiu and Shen Lie as examples, they did not try their best at all, and the ending can be imagined.

Except for Aoxun, Wan Yumen was completely wiped out.


Ao Xun let out a mournful cry. He did not expect this situation to be the case. The two micro-domain **** emperors are extremely not weak, and even the first and second micro-domain **** emperors of Wanyumen can be like chickens and dogs in front of Ling Feng. Vulnerable.

This broke him!

And at this time, Yueqing also found Aoxun's flaws, and directly forced him into desperation, killing him with a strong force. Only then did he understand what force Ling Feng wanted to create for him.

This is not a rush, it is driving the news to madness, and then exposes its flaws.

It was already evenly matched, with a slight flaw, with Yueqing's strength, Aoxun could be completely cut off.

At this point, the Wan Yumen in the cold rainy sky has been completely destroyed.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others took advantage of Wan Yumen Tianyu's record and directly broke into the top 50 of the ten domain list, that is, Fei Qian and Fang Can both entered the top 100.

Although Ling Feng cut off the two micro-domain **** emperors, he received far less records than Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others. After all, the micro-domain **** emperor belonged to the bottom at the **** emperor level and did not fight much.

However, Ling Feng also broke into the 300th place with the help of Wanyumen Tianyu record.


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