Supreme Demon

Chapter 3360: The cruel truth!


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Bangshuimen and Wanyumen are all tragedies!

This made the Tianjiao of Henggu Tianyu and Dry Moon Tianyu all tremble, and the characters such as Ling Feng and Shen Lie were so dazzling. If they were Tianjiao, then Ling Feng and others were the evildoers in Tianjiao.

The micro-domain **** emperors all bowed their heads, far less than Ling Feng, that is a great evildoer that can fight the **** emperor.

Supreme Tianjiao was suppressed by Shen Lie and others, and it was difficult to change the situation.

It can be said that the Spirit God Realm is invincible at the level of the Supreme, Micro Realm God Emperor, and Guandao God Emperor. Not to mention the Eternal Ancient Heaven Realm and the Withered Moon Heaven Realm. The surrounding ten realms are hard to beat.

The previous underestimation and contempt all fell apart at this moment.

The two heavenly micro-domain **** emperors looked at Ling Feng with fear, while the Supreme Tianjiao stared at Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others. In fact, they had already begun to retreat, because if the battle continues, they will have to The entire army was annihilated and completely withdrawn from the Tianjiao event.

Lingshen Tianyu is very taboo about the Hundred Regions list, while the two big Tianyu are very taboo about getting out.


Ling Feng flew in a stride, directly facing Xu Chenzong, the Dao Fa unfolded, and he looked down on sentient beings like a king.

The three major micro-domain **** emperors of Xu Chenzong were all awe-inspiring, and their expressions changed horribly. Once they met this enchanting figure, I was afraid that there would be no luck.

"Can Xu Chenzong dare to play?"

Ling Feng looked directly at the three micro-domain **** emperors of Xu Chenzong, and asked coldly.


The three big micro-domain **** emperors of Xu Chenzong are silent, who will die at this time.

at the same time.

The God Emperor called the name and asked a dozen supreme to come forward, all of them are the ultimate supreme. Although they may not be able to defeat those supreme, but with the pressure of Shen Lie, Tangjiu and other four people, these dozen supreme may be able to kill their opponents. .

His eyes were full of evil, extremely gloomy, because from the beginning to the end, no one from the eight ancient forces came forward, and several forces such as the Xutian Gate and the Sea God Gate have been working hard to deal with the situation.


The whole situation is still headed by the Yueqing Divine Emperor, and his Tianyu record is only 35 points. Even if the other two Guandao Divine Emperors are cut off, it will be difficult to reveal the Hundred Regions list.

of course.

Just because the Yueqing God Emperor wanted to suppress the two great Guandao God Emperors at the same time, it was like looking for death. Therefore, there was also a Guandao God Emperor in the Sea God Gate who flew to Henggu Tianyu for a decisive battle.

"Come on!"

The **** emperor led by Xu Chenzong is quite straightforward. This is an unavoidable battle, because he found that the illusion of light rain has been suppressed by the spiritual **** Tianyu super grade **** emperor and the Guandao **** emperor, and wants to return from the illusion light rain This Tianyu is extremely difficult.


This will be a deadly battle!


The Yueqing **** emperor flew out, and slammed into the head of Xu Chenzong strongly.


In an instant, wind and rain broke through the sky, a sharp knife split everything in the world, ripples surging from all directions, swallowing space and so on.


A crimson field suddenly condensed, turned into a sharp knife and smashed out, merged with the **** emperor sharp knife, and turned into the most enchanting weapon. With a single knife, the space was split open, making the space appear fragmented.


This is the strength of the God Emperor of Guandao, which can make the field change drastically, form the appearance they want, and then bloom with stronger power. The so-called Guandao is the way out of imagination. Although it can be illusory, it can only a kind.

And Xu Chenzong, the **** emperor of Guandao, condensed the field into a sharp knife, and then merged and unified, inspiring a stronger force to suppress all enemies.

The Yueqing God Emperor encountered the most powerful enemy, and he had to do his best.

At the same moment.

Ling Feng also sniped strongly, with extraordinary strength, swept all the micro-domain **** emperors, and in front of him, the micro-domain **** emperor was the fish on the sword, letting him kill.


He kicked a micro-domain **** emperor, kicked his life and exploded, turning it into pieces and dissipating.

Eighty-two o'clock Tianyu record!


Ling Feng punched a micro-domain **** emperor, causing him a **** tragedy.

Eighty-eight o'clock Tianyu record!


In the end, Ling Feng forcefully suppressed and swept the last micro-domain **** emperor of Xu Chenzong, causing it to collapse in the void and complete the sweep.

However, his celestial record has also reached ninety-two, only eight points of celestial record before unveiling the hundred domains list, which is quite dangerous.

"Fight again!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, and flew towards Henggu Tianyu. There were only two micro-domain **** emperors on that side. As long as they were properly controlled, it should not cause tragedy.

After a while.

Ling Feng killed a Weiyu Divine Emperor and had to stop, because his Tianyu record surpassed Shen Lie and ranked in the most dazzling position on the Ten Regions list.

Ninety-nine point Tianyu record!

To be honest, when he rushed to the micro-domain **** emperor of Henggu Tianyu, the **** emperor Huantian sweated for him. If he uncovered the hundred domains list, the consequences would be disastrous.

After all, Lingshen Tianyu is far from ready.


What is surprising is that Ling Feng still blasted towards the last micro-domain **** emperor, a strong mess. With just one punch, he completely annihilated the micro-domain **** emperor's defense, causing him to spurt blood and severely wound him.

"Ling Feng!"

The **** emperor was shocked. Once this **** emperor died, Ling Feng's celestial record was bound to break a hundred, and the situation could be out of control by then.

Tianlan, Sea Moon God Emperor and others were quite nervous with serious faces.

The most excited person in the arena was Shen Lie, his eyes brightened, his hands clenched fists, and he couldn't wait to step forward personally and beat the Weiyu Divine Emperor to death.

The Hundred Domains List is a huge pressure for others, but Shen Lie does not.

The sky is falling, naturally there will be a tall one.

It is not a **** emperor, who would have trouble with a bird?

of course.

It also knows that once the Hundred Domains list is launched, the situation will be unfavorable for them, but this guy has a restless heart.

"It's really boring, leave it to you!"

Ling Feng spread his hands, showing no interest in the Weiyu Divine Emperor, but in fact, he didn't dare to do it anymore.

"Ah, come and kill me!"

The micro-domain **** emperor was furious, and instantly saw Ling Feng's intentions, attacked actively, and died in Ling Feng's hands.

Because he could see that, Lingshen Tianyu currently dare not open the list of the hundred fields.

"Hmph, I'll kill you!"

A micro-domain **** emperor at Xutian Gate swooped over in an instant, succeeding Ling Feng, and wanted to cut off the badly injured micro-domain **** emperor.

"Shameless, how shameless can you be?"

That micro-field **** emperor was furious, how could he not know their intentions.

Before Ling Feng withdrew, he shook him strongly and severely injured him. At this time, the Xutianmen God Emperor appeared, it was completely cheap.

It's so dark.



The appearance of the **** emperor at Xutian Gate would not give his opponent any reaction time at all, let alone let him fly to Lingfeng, intercept him halfway, the field was fully expanded, and he was killed with one blow.


"Henggu Tianyu will never let you go!"

The **** emperor made an unwilling voice, and eventually annihilated.

At this point, the four heavenly micro-domain **** emperors have all been annihilated, and there is not a living mouth. This kind of tragedy is unimaginable by the four heavenly domains.

"Don't bother me!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes dazzled, and the **** emperor of Henggu Tianyu suddenly came, carrying the field, condensing it into a sharp knife, and suddenly killing him, killing Ling Feng.

Just because.

He knew that Ling Feng was an extremely dangerous person, and if he didn't get rid of it as soon as possible, it would be a blood disaster for Henggu Tianyu.


What Ling Feng did indeed angered him, so that he had to get rid of Ling Feng to distract him.


Ling Feng's performance was quite stiff, and he didn't put the Guandao God Emperor in his eyes at all. He sank his eyes, raised his head, and punched out suddenly. The Dao Fa of the Self suddenly appeared, making his fists like the same. The handle of a giant hammer blasted everything in the world.

Break away from space and destroy time.


This fist broke through the field of the Guandao **** emperor, knocking his sharp knives clang, and then annihilated. When his power further crushed and collapsed, the entire sky was darkened.


A powerful force exploded in front of the **** emperor, forming ripples of destruction, and breaking it apart.

At this time, the Yueqing God Emperor came in time, Li Beng, thousands of miles away from mountains and rivers, a field fell in the sky, carrying mountains and seas and heavenly prestige, annihilating the sky in all directions.


The Taoist **** emperor let out a mournful cry. He slammed his main force towards Ling Feng. He never thought that Ling Feng could counterattack strongly and annihilate his field. When he wanted to defend, Ling Feng's punch came out. Unmatched light, breaking through its defenses.

The appearance of the Yueqing Divine Emperor was also quite "timely". Before that Guandao Divine Emperor could offer his defenses, he directly suppressed and blasted him into a breath of fresh air.

Fall again!

This was the third Guandao Divine Emperor defeated by the Yueqing Divine Emperor since the Tianjiao Grand Meeting opened. His Tianyu record surged to 68 in an instant, which was a pretty good result.

The battle on the other side was even more fierce. The **** emperor of the Sea God Gate tried his best to fight another **** emperor extremely violently.


In the end, he was not a rival either, and fell into the void.

What was even more tragic was the supreme sent by forces such as the Xuchen Sect and the Sea God Sect. Under the strong pressure of the Xuchen Sect and Henggu Tianyu, more than a dozen supreme had lost eight of them, and the battle was not over yet.


The sky was blasting, and ripples shook the sky and the earth, forming a haze that dazzled everywhere.

The sages of Lingshen Tianyu tried their best, but still did not change a tragedy.

In half an hour of fierce battle, more than a dozen supreme were completely fallen, and none of them survived. Although eight supreme sects of Henggu Tianyu and Xuchenzong were killed, there were still more than 10 supreme alive.

Living is capital!

To live is to contempt!

"This is the Lingshen Tianyu?"

"Haha, only four supreme and one **** emperor can fight!"

"That's it!"

The two heavenly characters laughed wildly, and they were about to burst into tears.

Previously, they had despised the Spirit God Tianyu, but they were beaten miserably, but now the strength of the Spirit God Tianyu is fully displayed in front of them.

The only ones who can really fight are only those few people, except that they are just terracotta dogs, vulnerable.

"Which one is there to fight?"

Their smiles flashed away, they became cold and ruthless, and they scorned the spiritual world, shouting: "Who else dares to fight?"

People are full of sadness, and the supreme one withered, touching their minds.

This is the truth of Lingshen Tianyu.

The cruel truth!


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