Supreme Demon

Chapter 3372: Excessive!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

"You are looking for death!"</p>

Leng Ruchen's face became more and more gloomy, and his killing intent was like a river. </p>

From ancient times to the present, he has never been scorned like this, especially after entering the Goshawk Gate, people of the same rank do not respect him, even the **** emperor must pay attention to it. </p>

can. </p>

Since entering Luofan Tianyu, he has been underestimated, not only "Xiao Rufeng" did not put him in his eyes, "Zhan Xukong" and the other two supreme also despised him. </p>

no doubt. </p>

Leng Ruchen was angry, and the Goshawk Gate Supremes were also angry with him. Although Luofan Tianyu is not weak, it is not qualified to be included in the top ten of the hundred realms. What qualifications does this Tianyu have to despise them? </p>

and. </p>

"Xiao Rufeng", "Zhan Xukong" and others despised not only Leng Ruchen, but the entire Goshawk Gate, which violated a taboo. </p>

Then, "Xiao Rufeng", "Zhan Xukong" and others will pay the price. </p>

The worst price! </p>

Goshawk Gate is not to be humiliated! </p>


Leng Ruchen yelled, lightning rushed towards Shen Lie, his fists unfolded, like a giant dragon, swooping down, making the entire sky tremble, only sharp fists galloping. </p>

The ultimate supreme is full of strength, and there is not only space shining, but also time. </p>

And it was set off in the blue sky, causing the sky in all directions to sink and collapse. That punch instantly exploded the world, leaving a bright scene. </p>

With this punch alone, no ordinary supreme can match, and it can be seen that Leng Ruchen is extraordinary. </p>

"That's it?"</p>

Shen Lie curled his lips, he didn't understand, why are these arrogances so proud and confident? </p>

Think it can be suppressed with this punch? </p>

Or is it too weak? </p>

But Shen Lie is also proud. It doesn’t bother to use this punch to suppress Leng Ruchen. It shares the same viewpoint as Ling Feng, that is, when the opponent is most proud of the strongest moment, he will force his opponent under his feet. . </p>

When Leng Ruchen's punch came, Shen Lie squeezed his fist to meet him. There was no fancy and flashy aura, only a punch that was as simple as no light spots. </p>

can. </p>

It was this fist that pressed Leng Ruchen with all its strength, and its internal force exploded like a sharp knife. It exploded the Leng Ruchen fist on the spot, and its inner space and time were exhausted. All fell apart, and the punch drove straight forward, sending the cold back like a flower. </p>

Although it is only two steps backwards, it is a different interpretation in people's eyes. </p>

Although Luofan Tianjiao knew that Shen Lie was extraordinary, they were still somewhat worried. After this moment, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. This bird is indeed very enchanting, I am afraid that the Goshawk Gate will be really unlucky. </p>

But the Goshawk Gate became serious, looking straight at Shen Lie, feeling the pressure. </p>

Although Leng Ruchen did not do his best, Shen Lie did not do his best. As far as the strength of his strength is concerned, Leng Ruchen is afraid that he will not take advantage. This may really be a close battle. </p>

"Huh, there is indeed a bit of capital!"</p>

Leng Ruchen is very indifferent, looking directly at Shenlie and saying: "But it's just a little bit, you still don't see enough!"</p>


Shen Lie smiled indifferently, squinted at Leng Ruchen, and said, "I'm relieved if you say that."</p>

"Beat you like this, I won't feel guilty!"</p>

Finished. </p>

It sacrificed the iconic **** pot, and it was a flat pan, the bottom of the pot was still falling, as if it had just been copied from the flame, very ordinary and inconspicuous. </p>

If Ten Territory Tianjiao appeared here, it is estimated that the corners of the mouth of many characters will be distorted. </p>

Whoever dares to underestimate this scapegoat will be miserable. </p>

Obviously. </p>

That Leng Ruchen is one of them. </p>

When Shen Lie sacrificed the **** pot, Goshawk Gate didn't know how many people suffered internal injuries. This bird was a superb, and its weapons were superb. </p>

Even Luofan Tianyu has many characters smirking, this kind of weapon is rare in the world, it is simply weird. </p>

Ling Feng, Tang Jiu and others were also laughing, but they were laughable people in the world. </p>

"Your pot is very interesting!"</p>

Leng Ruchen sneered and said, "I'm a good match for you!"</p>


Shen Lie squinted and smiled: "Actually, I think the bottom of this pot matches your face!"</p>


Leng Ruchen had long seen Shen Lie not pleasing to his eyes. At this moment, he sacrificed a war spear. The whole body was gilded and pierced out suddenly. The entire sky was bursting, and the sky burst. A frenzy was forbidden to move towards Shen Lie. Pushed horizontally. </p>

bass! </p>

Space and time are all pierced, and the entire void is only the war spear. </p>

That violent vigor and crazy Dao Yun are crushing everything, its power can shake the **** emperor, it is unimaginable powerful. </p>

"A spear can kill the sky!"</p>

Leng Ruchen's eyes burned, his aura blended with the war spear, as if he was the war spear, and the war spear was him. </p>

This is a higher level of artistic conception than the unity of nature and man. </p>

Take the body as a spear! </p>

no doubt. </p>

That power also climbed to an unimaginable level. When the thorn fell, the wind filled the void, and even the people around felt the tingling. </p>

One can imagine how terrible this war spear is. </p>

The Goshawk Gate Supremes smiled, knowing that the bird was going to die, Leng Ruchen used the Goshawk Gate Supreme Heavenly Art to make a dramatic change in strength, which surged to a terrifying level. </p>

With this suppression, not to mention the mere supreme, even the **** emperor can fight. </p>

however. </p>

Shen Lie remained motionless, just glanced at the war spear, and when the war spear fell in front of the air, it used the pan to fight forward. </p>

Gushing power! </p>

Form a substantial Tianwei! </p>

The rhyme of Taoism flows, the rhyme of Qi strikes the sky! </p>


The soup wine flashed first, his face was full of shock: "This bird is crazy, everyone, run!"</p>

Others didn't know, but he knew very well that Shen Lie was also very angry, and the power he used was very different. It bloomed with Tao Yun, but in fact it was Wu Zhi Yun, that was Gu Wu's top power. </p>

Its strength is increasing five times, ten times! </p>

This means to kill in seconds. </p>


The four Luo Fans flashed for the first time, and they knew what level of power the Yun of Wu was. Once it burst out, the Leng Ruchen would be ashes. </p>

and. </p>

With Shen Lie's current strength, if he wants to fully control Wu Zhiyun, I am afraid that it will not be so easy, and it is estimated that he will lose control. </p>

Just because. </p>

They had already seen Shen Lie in the illusion light and rain, and they knew exactly what virtue this product was. </p>

This girl just wants to show the limelight. </p>

Fei Qian, Fang Can, etc. flashed. </p>

Even Ling Feng is retreating. Although he is not afraid of the ripples and storms with his strength, he does not want to show his strength, let alone make a face. </p>

The Luofan Tianjiao did not have such awareness, and the Goshawk Gate Tianjiao did not even have such a meaning. Instead, they were mocking. </p>

next moment. </p>


Shen Lie scorned the front and said three words slowly, very calm, but when the pan was shot down on the war spear, the entire sky fell silent. </p>

It's not quiet as a needle drop! </p>

It's the dead silence of time! </p>

Boom! </p>

Suddenly, the pan moved, and time did not freeze. </p>

It is like a sky, sweeping all space and power. Since it plowed out of the void, carrying a vast wave of air, its inner power really exploded at this moment, despising everything. </p>

The war spear let out a whine, its internal power was completely disintegrated, the might of the sky was annihilated, it was suppressed by the pan, and it was knocked off on the spot. </p>

then. </p>

The pan is like a broken bamboo, sweeping everything with the vast sea and sky, causing the void to burn and explode, and for a time the rain is like a shuttle. </p>

A black hole appeared in the void, not a black hole, but a "cavity" form, extending from the front of Shen Lie to Leng Ruchen, fast as lightning and cannot be dodged. </p>

"A spear can kill the sky" fiasco! </p>

Destroyed by a pan. </p>

However, the smile on Leng Ruchen's face, who used the Goshawk Gate Heavenly Art, became stiff, with a look of horror and incomprehension. He couldn't believe that the vastness of the sky, the invincible "one spear can kill the sky" was annihilated. </p>

why? </p>

What power is this? </p>

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to think about these issues. The pan flashed and the voltage dropped, like thunder, like a giant mountain, like a void, that is unstoppable Tianwei, that is an unshakable force. </p>

Leng Rufeng opened his mouth, trying hard to breathe, but in the end he could only let out a faint whine. </p>

The wind stops and the clouds disappear! </p>

The cold body is completely dissipated in the pure land, between annihilation and the dust. </p>

Boom! </p>

The world exploded, Wu Zhiyun ignited the pan, causing it to surge into the sky, completely out of control, exploding, turning into ripples in the sky, stirring up the void, setting off endless waves of dust, and causing Wu Xiu around him to scream and scream. Some of the supreme was overturned on the spot and injured. </p>

The first ones to bear the brunt were Goshawk Gate Supreme and others. They were relatively forward and wanted to watch the battle from close range, but now they all suffered some injuries. </p>

The smiles on their faces disintegrated, dumbfounded, and then turned into panic. </p>

What kind of power is this? </p>

Destroyed the dead, and beat Leng Ruchen to ashes. </p>

Although he was not exhausted, he still blasted into the void and the front, forming a large black hole, and then exploding, the scene was magnificent and vast, and its shock could not be added. </p>

this moment. </p>

Those jokes that were once turned into tragedies. </p>

A bird swept through everything with unparalleled majesty and cleared the audience. </p>

Don’t talk about the Goshawk Gate, even Luofan Tianyu’s side is hard to speak, because Shenlie has shown the power of crushing level. If Shenlie’s opponent is Luofan Ten, you can imagine how it will end. desolate. </p>

What life and death battle is this? </p>

This is a unilateral killing. </p>

"Now, is this seat qualified enough to challenge you?"</p>

Shen Lie squinted at the Xuan Yuan Goshawk, smiling proud of the audience. </p>

The Xuanyuan Goshawk Supremes can't laugh anymore, even if it is singled out against them, this is to slaughter them unilaterally. </p>

That pan will become their nightmare in this life. </p>

"Ahem, Brother Xiao is too strong, it's really boring, let's let us be weak!"</p>

The soup wine appeared at the right time, because Shen Lie started to destroy the dryness, which was too shocking, so that the Xuanyuan Goshawk Supreme looked at each other and did not dare to fight. This was not a good sign. </p>


Ling Feng shook his head helplessly. Shen Lie had exhausted the limelight, but he also frightened the Xuanyuan Goshawk. Where would they dare to fight? </p>

In fact. </p>

Shen Lie also knew that he had gone too far. Before, he only wanted to kill Leng Ruchen in seconds, because this guy dared to underestimate it, but the current situation is not optimistic. Those flies dare not fight. </p>


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