Supreme Demon

Chapter 3374: Battle of Micro Domain!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Blinded! </p>

The audience is blinded! </p>

The three strongest Supremes of the Goshawk Gate, their strength is not comparable to the previous Supremes, they are the trump cards against Luofan Ten. </p>

previously. </p>

"Zhan Xukong" and other three people are seriously injured, bleeding, their strength is vain, and their feet are unstable, as if they will fall in a pool of blood next moment. </p>

can. </p>

When the strongest trio left at the Goshawk Gate was born, the battle situation changed drastically. </p>

The almost tragic "Zhan Xukong" and the others turned out to be like lightning and thunderous. Before they could react, they held them down and put them in a sack. </p>

What is going on here? </p>

Are they weak anymore? </p>

They stop crying blood? </p>

Where did that sack come from? </p>

People have many questions in their hearts, because since ancient times, they have never seen this way of fighting, and its abruptness is not weaker than Jinglei Dadao. </p>

In fact. </p>

The super-grade **** emperor at Goshawk Gate was blinded, and the drastic changes in the battle situation took place so quickly that he couldn't even react. </p>

Lu Shan and others did not react. They knew that Tangjiu, Fei Qian and others were not so simple, but they did not expect them to be so good. </p>

Excellent people caught off guard! </p>

Only Ling Feng and Shen Lie know the ending. Although Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can are not as good as Shen Lie, they are not much different. If they only have that strength, how can the situation be controlled to the smallest extent? </p>

however. </p>

They also did not expect that Tangjiu and others would sacrifice a sack and "pack up" the Three Supreme Goshawk Gate. </p>

Put into the bag and tie the mouth. </p>

Skilled and quick. </p>

It's like exercises many times. </p>

People fully doubt what these three guys did before. </p>

"It's just a fly, what's arrogant?"</p>

Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can threw three sacks on the ground, and said with contempt: "Without a strength and arrogance, can the Xuyuan fly be able to underestimate the Luofan universe?"</p>

Finished. </p>

He hit the sack with a punch. </p>

"The most annoying is yours!"</p>

Fei Qian and Fang Can used violent sack, not like Supreme, but thugs, punching and kicking sack. </p>

no doubt. </p>

The three sacks screamed sternly and sorrowfully, and the Flies Gate Three Supreme was so miserable that they were beaten with blue eyes and swollen noses. However, they tried their best to escape. </p>

"Call again, believe it or not, I will Shen Jiang!"</p>

Tangjiu sneered, and shouted: "People like you, this seat will sink hundreds of people every year. Without strength, you are arrogant!"</p>

Finished. </p>

The sack was kicked over, and the three nobles were kicked. </p>

The corners of people's mouths are drawn straight, and they are all dumbfounded by the soup, wine and others. What kind of mastery is there? </p>

It feels like a social person no matter how dark it is. </p>

Every time Tangjiu and the others kicked the sacks, people shuddered, and if they provoke these guys, their fate was worse than a miserable defeat. </p>

no doubt. </p>

Flygate is a tragedy at the moment. </p>


The Flies Gate Super Grade God Emperor has an ugly face, and he can't wait to choke Tangjiu and others alive, these three shameless are not a thing. </p>

If he can't see through at this time, he is really an idiot. </p>

This is a big show! </p>

Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can completely regarded them as idiots, pretending to be injured, deceiving them into the game, and when the supreme fully entered the game, they did not need to pretend to be violent on the spot. </p>

They are miserable. </p>

Because the supreme can't see through, these three are all acting schools, three points into the woods, lifelike, every time a little bit can be tragedy, but they persisted until now. </p>

These three scammers! </p>

They are worse than "Xiao Rufeng"! </p>

Although "Xiao Rufeng" is powerful and insults them a hundredfold, it also makes them alert in advance, like a hard dagger, while Tangjiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can are like a soft knife. </p>

It hurts to cut the meat with a soft knife! </p>

of course. </p>

Because Shen Lie suppressed too hard, the Goshawk Gate Supreme was embarrassed. He wanted to find some face on the side of Luo Fan Supreme, and he wanted to make Luo Fan Supreme tragedy. Only then did he do his best to easily enter the game. </p>

Otherwise, the Goshawk Gate should be a little alert in advance. </p>

"Too miserable!"</p>

"I can't bear to look straight!"</p>

"Goshawk Gate, it's really flies!"</p>

Some characters in Luofan Tianyu sneered and said: "Flies, you have to work hard!"</p>


There were only three **** emperors left at the Goshawk Gate, with ugly expressions, and they wished to suppress all of them and insult them to death. </p>

"I said before, let you go together, but I didn't listen."</p>

Shen Lie sighed and said, "These three actors are for nothing!"</p>

Obviously. </p>

It is extremely unhappy with Tang Jiu and others, because these three guys have too many records in the universe, with more than 300 records in the universe, surpassing it, and become the top four hundred Tianjiao on the list of 100 areas. </p>


Tangjiu grinned. </p>

"Well, this is great!"</p>

Shen Lie's eyes flickered, and he muttered: "Wait for your Tianyu record to exceed 10,000, this seat will suppress you..."</p>

"Dead bird, don't even think about it!"</p>

Tangjiu almost jumped his feet. This bird is really shameless. It is raising a few characters by his side. Once he makes the list, he will kill a few first? </p>

"Yes, the dead bird is too shameless!"</p>

Fei Qian and Fang Can are also far away from Shen Lie. This bird is a mad bird and can do anything for the sake of the heavenly record. </p>

finally. </p>

With the fall of the Three Supremes of the Goshawk Gate, this drama was completely ended. </p>

"Really cruel!"</p>

Lu Shan rolled his eyes and sighed secretly. Many people were in cold sweat. Fortunately, they had not confronted these four evildoers before. Otherwise, Luofan Tianyu's end would be worse than that of Goshawk Gate. </p>

No wonder, the arrogant Yin has escaped. </p>

Don't you run away and wait for death? </p>

Not to mention the four evildoers, even if any one of them comes forward, it is estimated that it is enough to drink a pot. </p>

The Goshawk Gate Supreme is not weaker than the Luofan Ten. It is very powerful, but it is still not enough for these "actors" to beat the evil spirits that dared to stuff the Goshawk Three Supremes into a sack to violently. Can Luofan Ten Can deal with it? </p>


The three **** emperors of the Goshawk Gate looked more and more ugly, they coldly looked at Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc., with killing intent. </p>

"The battle of the supreme is over!"</p>

A **** emperor flew out, staring coldly ahead, and said, "This seat is the **** emperor of the Goshawk micro domain. Today we will fight the Luofan micro domain **** emperor!"</p>

"You said before that you can fight across levels?" Tang Jiu squinted and said with a smile: "Would you like to fight Luofan Guandao God Emperor?"</p>


The corner of the Weiyu Divine Emperor's mouth twitched and he almost collapsed. </p>

Why are they so embarrassed to make this request? </p>

To be honest, the situation is not optimistic. It takes great courage for him to stand up. </p>

The ghost knows if there are these evildoers in Luofan Tianyu Microdomain God Emperor? </p>

"You see you are scared, I just made a little joke with you!" Tang Jiu said immediately. </p>


The corner of the Weiyu Divine Emperor's mouth twitched again. </p>

Open your uncle! </p>

"According to reports, Flygate came to challenge?"</p>

At this time, a voice came from afar, and a figure flashed into the pure land. </p>

Hidden here. </p>

Luo Luo also came with him. </p>

"Healed from the injury?"</p>

Shenlie was the first to jump out: "Come on, let's continue the battle that was not completed before!"</p>

"Playing in the mud!"</p>

He rolled his eyes, completely treating Shenlie as air, and said, "We are here to do my part in the battle of the micro domain!"</p>

"Go thick!"</p>

Shen Lie turned his face on the spot, and said uncomfortably: "Do you need you in the battle of the micro domain?"</p>

He turned his lip, ignoring Shen Lie at all, turned his eyes to Ling Feng, smiled and said: "Ling Shao, let me do these little things, lest your hands get dirty!"</p>

"Furthermore, you also know that after I was promoted, life and death battles were rare. Since the opening of the Tianjiao event, my Tianyu record has been quite ugly, which is detrimental to the power's prestige."</p>

At this time, he glanced at Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, and said, "I am so far away from them!"</p>


Shenlie really wanted to pat his five-inch paw on Yin's face. </p>

This person is really shameless! </p>

He knew that Shen Lie and others were not **** emperors, and that the battle between the micro domains belonged to Ling Feng, so he took the initiative to find Ling Feng to speak. </p>

Even the "damaging power's prestige" has been moved out. </p>

Others may think that it is the sect of the gods, but they know that it is not the sect of the gods, but the gods. </p>

The most important thing is that Hidden Ji has a big killer. </p>

"I am so far away from them!"</p>

What do you mean? </p>

Luofan Tianjiao were shocked. </p>

It should be noted that hiding in Luofan Tianyu can be honored as the ten emperors, and he is the most enchanting guy among the **** emperors of the micro domain. Someone once thought that he could be called the first emperor, even if he was facing the virtual element micro domain, he was not afraid. </p>

can. </p>

This character unexpectedly "consulted" with Ling Feng, and he was very pleading. </p>

Luo Luo frowned, surprisingly did not speak. </p>

Because she and Yin did not return to the power before, but watched the battle in the sky, knowing who Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others are, they can completely crush the supreme, it is really bad for Yin to fight. One side. </p>

However, Yin called Ling Feng "Ling Shao" and pleaded for a battle, which really surprised Luo Luo. She didn't know what happened in the illusion light and rain, so Yin had such an attitude. </p>

But she knows what kind of character Yin is, and someone who can make him called Ling Shao must be a monster. </p>

thus. </p>

She didn't say anything, it was up to Yin to decide. </p>


Ling Feng smiled and nodded. He wasn't worried about Tianyu's record. Now it was just a list of hundred fields, and dozens of Tianyu did not appear. What he had was time and energy. </p>

and. </p>

Xuanyuan Microdomain is indeed a very good alchemy stone, allowing Yin to grow quickly and advance to the Guandao God Emperor as soon as possible. </p>

His opponent is different. </p>

The general micro-domain **** emperor is useless, and only the Guandao **** emperor can make him feel pressured and can polish himself. </p>

"Hey, thanks!"</p>

Yin's eyes lit up, and he smiled instantly, her proud look really made her angry. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

It is not the Divine Emperor of Micro Domain, otherwise it really has to compete with Yin. </p>

of course. </p>

It is not impossible to fight against the microdomain with the supreme, but it is too risky. If you lose, you will lose the Tianjiao event, and even reward, which is quite detrimental to it. </p>

"Is it a flies?"</p>

He stepped forward with a big grin, and said with a smile: "Come and fight!"</p>

The faces of the three **** emperors of Xuyuan Flies were ugly, because the two characters, Ling Feng and Yin, had just treated them as swords and fish, and divided them at will, as if they were destined to lose, which made them quite angry. </p>


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