Supreme Demon

Chapter 3377: Let's go!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Crush the Emperor Guandao! </p>

This is the strength Ling Feng demonstrated. </p>

Not to mention the super-grade **** emperor of Goshawk Gate, even Lu Shan and others were shocked. </p>

previously. </p>

They attributed Ling Feng to strong, but only strong, not to the level of enchanting invincibility, at best at the level of Shen Lie, able to be invincible in the micro domain. </p>

but. </p>

Ling Feng is not limited to the micro domain. The strength he showed can completely crush the Guandao God Emperor. Although people have not seen the field, it is precisely because of this that Ling Feng's horror is real. </p>

Only with a body of flesh and blood can look through the Taoist God Emperor, what level is this figure? </p>

Luoluo was dumbfounded, feeling unbelievable, only relying on Ling Feng's strength to crush Guandao Divine Emperor, if Yiyin's strength was against such a person, he would be looking for death. </p>

She Yuyan has a fever and feels cheated. </p>

Whether Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc., or Ling Feng were all liars, they had previously shown a weak side, but in a real decisive battle, they were invincible. </p>

Shen Lie and Tang Jiu can be proud of the Supreme, and Ling Feng is not just the Emperor of Weiyu, but the Emperor of Guandao. </p>

Since ancient times, characters who can be invincible at the same level are very terrifying. Being able to fight across levels and try their best to defeat opponents is a rare evil in the world. </p>

But how about Ling Feng? </p>

He is a cross-level crush! </p>

There is no doubt that if the Weiyu Divine Emperor is facing Lingfeng, it is like an ant facing an elephant, not one level. </p>

Luofan Pure Land is very cold. </p>

All beings feel that their bodies are chilling, and they look forward with an incredibly intuitive feeling. </p>

Boom! </p>

The scene was even colder, Ling Feng’s sharp fists were blasting down on Wang Xu’s face, beating his face into a sky full of energy, dissipating in the void, and even his head was blown up, turning into a flurry of energy. . </p>

however. </p>

Ling Feng didn't let Wang Xu go. The sharp fist still blasted out like a river. One punch knocked his dantian down, and another punch smashed his arm. </p>

The **** feeling of fist and fist is stronger and more detached. </p>

This is far more cruel and chilling than a slash. </p>

"Ling Feng, I remember you!"</p>

That Wang Xu expressed a cold hatred, and said, "My Goshawk Gate will kill you!"</p>

"This is exactly what I want to say."</p>

Ling Feng said coldly: "Unfortunately, you will never see that day!"</p>

Finished. </p>

The ancient blade flew down from the void, directly pierced Wang Xu's Dao Soul, and followed the Dao Soul, bursting out the bloodiest light in the world. </p>

"Uh, no!"</p>

Wang Xu finally changed his color, stern and hairy, because the ancient blade is like a soul-suppressing artifact, it can penetrate the virtual body and kill the main body. It is terrifying and unstoppable. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

He didn't have any counter-attack or defensive abilities at this moment, he could only watch his Dao Soul annihilate, his power disintegrated, and the main body suffered the most miserable end. </p>

"I said, one day, I will block the door!"</p>

Ling Feng stood up quietly, coldly staring at the sky full of energy, but this was what he said to the super-grade **** emperor. </p>

If the Goshawk Gate makes a mistake, it must bear the price of the mistake. </p>

of course. </p>

This sentence is also for Nishen. In the matter of blocking the door, only the butterfly and the hidden gods can make full efforts to succeed. </p>

The super-grade **** emperor at the Goshawk Gate coldly looked at Ling Feng. When Wang Xu made a mistake, although he frowned, he did not utter a word or actively dissuade him. </p>

That is connivance! </p>

When Wang Xu was suppressed and crushed, he didn't want to do anything. While Ling Feng was dealing with Wang Xu, it would be extremely beneficial to them if he could get rid of this evildoer. </p>

but. </p>

Several super-grade **** emperors in the Luofan Tianyu were looking forward to force them forward, as long as that super-grade **** emperor had any action, Lu Shan and others would immediately take action. </p>

By then, it will be an endless situation. </p>

This kind of sneak attack is already excessive, Wang Xu has already angered Luofan Tianyu, and now if he does it, then Lu Shan and others don't have to worry about any rules, and will get rid of it in a group fight. </p>

"Young man, are you too far?"</p>

Mo Yun said, "That is Wang Xu's personal problem, and does not represent the position of the Goshawk Gate. You have to block the door, and it is the gate of the Goshawk Gate. Is it too much?"</p>


Ling Feng squinted and said with a sneer: "When Wang Xu attacked, you didn't open your mouth to discourage you. When Wang Xu sacrificed the soul-suppressing artifact, you didn't discourage him. When Wang Xu almost killed her, you didn't open your mouth."</p>

"Don't speak at this time, right?"</p>


Mo Yun was a little speechless, and didn't know how to refute it, because Ling Feng's words were too sharp. </p>

"I want to block the door, you can punish me!"</p>

Ling Feng said very strongly: "Death without regrets!"</p>


Mo Yun was waiting for this sentence. He was able to get rid of the evil spirit of Ling Feng in the name of "justice", which was equivalent to getting rid of a major trouble for the Goshawk Gate. </p>

"Wait a minute!"</p>

Lu Shan stepped forward and said coldly and bluntly: "Previously, let's solve our problems first!"</p>

"Goshawk Gate King Xu attacked my Shendao Gate Tianjiao, should we calculate this account first?"</p>


Mo Yun's face changed slightly, because this character was very different, and his strength was unclear. </p>

"Do you want to liquidate together?"</p>

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and smiled: "I think he really wants to get rid of me, just because I want to get rid of him too!"</p>

"I think this is a good idea!"</p>

Lu Shan smiled unkindly. </p>


Mo Yun's complexion became even more ugly, just one Lu Shan was enough for him to drink a pot, and if Ling Feng started, the situation would be very unfavorable to him. </p>

Because Ling Feng is able to fight against super characters. </p>

"I would like to fight you!"</p>

Mo Yun had to speak, and said, "We can only fight with you when this battle is over!"</p>

Obviously. </p>

Mo Yun wanted to get rid of Ling Feng first, and then go to war with Lu Shan. </p>

"What you think is so beautiful!"</p>

Ling Feng curled his lips and said: "The Goshawk Gate makes mistakes, which is equivalent to ignoring the rules. Then you are not qualified to make demands and fight with us. It is not who you want to fight, but who is willing to fight with you!" < ;/p>

Ling Feng is not an idiot. </p>

With his current strength, it is indeed no problem to suppress the God Emperor Guandao, but it is difficult to defeat the opponent unless the tree of all things is used for the super grade. </p>

but. </p>

If he used the tree of all things, which is equivalent to exposing all his strength to people, the price would be too heavy. </p>

after all. </p>

The tree of all things is too sensitive and easily causes great trouble. </p>

"Good point!"</p>

Lu Shan laughed loudly and said, "Fighting with us is not to see what you have, but to see what we have!"</p>

Because of Ling Feng's strength and evildoers, Lu Shan was a little moved at this moment. If Ling Feng can advance to the ranks of Taoism, or even Super Grade, he will be more confident. </p>

If Ling Feng borrowed Tianjiao creatures to become an ancient sage character, that would be really crazy. </p>

At that time. </p>

It is not so easy to deal with Ling Feng. </p>

If some forces such as the Shinto Sect can stand behind Ling Feng, they can make Ling Feng go further. </p>


Mo Yun's lungs exploded. </p>

Wang Xu was shameless, so the entire Luofan universe was shameless. </p>

"Stop talking nonsense, fight one first!"</p>

Lu Shan flew out for the first time and directly blasted towards the magic cloud. </p>

Mo Yun had to passively challenge. </p>

however. </p>

Just as the two were fighting fiercely, Luofan Tianyu flew out and said, "If Lu Shan loses, I will face the magic cloud!"</p>

no doubt. </p>

This is another super character in Luofan Tianyu. They were all irritated by the Goshawk Gate. After attacking Yin, they even wanted to get rid of Ling Feng. If these super characters don’t stand up yet, then let Ling Feng and others are chilling. </p>

and. </p>

The Shinto Sect had already expressed its attitude and stood firmly on Ling Feng's side, and they naturally wanted to express their attitude. </p>


Mo Yun's mouth twitched in the decisive battle, almost to death. </p>

Dare to love even if he defeats Lu Shan, he will face other super characters, not Ling Feng. </p>

"Hehe, of course, if you don't mind, I am willing to fight with Senior Lu!"</p>

Ling Feng said with a smile. </p>


If it hadn't been for a good quality since childhood, Mo Yun would have cursed at this time. </p>

Can you still point your face? </p>

unfortunately. </p>

He was not qualified to refute, because Goshawk Gate King Xu made a mistake and made people grasp the handle. </p>

The current situation is pretty good. If this happened at the Goshawk Gate, I'm afraid that no one in the entire sect will rule with him, and there will be strong people who will personally suppress and kill on the spot. </p>

He can still fight Lu Shan decisively now, that is Luofan Tianyu gave face. </p>

He tried his best to fight, even if it was a tragedy today, he still had to show his strength, and at least one or two Luofan Super Grades had to be killed. If he could get rid of Ling Feng, it would be even more perfect. </p>

Then... he found tragically that he was thinking too much. </p>

Lu Shan's strength is extraordinary. Although it was not obvious in the early stage, he suddenly exerted force in the later stage and suppressed his life, and then killed him by lightning. </p>


Mo Yun let out a sigh, and finally ended. </p>

Although very unwilling, the Luofan Tianyu in this session is indeed too strong, and they are qualified to be the top ten of the hundred regions. </p>

Super product fell! </p>

This was not easy to happen in the past. The fall of every super-grade will alarm ten regions and hundreds of regions, but it is so simple now and now. </p>

This is the Tianjiao event! </p>

Cruel and full of opportunities! </p>

The Goshawk Gate came with arrogance, but it ended in this tragedy, which is somewhat embarrassing. </p>

But Luofan Tianyu didn't have a good impression of the Goshawk Gate, but rather hated it. </p>

"Take care of yourself!"</p>

Ling Feng patted Yin on the shoulder, and then stepped into the illusion with Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others. </p>

Let's go! </p>

"I will!"</p>

Faintly nodded, then disappeared from the Pure Land and returned to power. </p>

He didn't plan to fight again until the injury healed. </p>

Lu Shan and others wanted to say something grateful, but they opened their mouths but couldn't speak, because Ling Feng and others left so quickly. </p>

"Hope to see you when you are different!"</p>

Lu Shan said slowly, with a feeling in his heart. </p>


Ling Feng, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others did not return to the Lingshen universe, but flew to other universes and cross-domain. </p>


Shen Lie eagerly rushed, and seemed quite excited, because it Tangjiu, Fei Qian and others were so upset that they wanted to cross-domain to overtake. </p>


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